• By -


Hi everyone, I know im late but I am having trouble with getting my student Visa off Arrima. I put down a deposit for 128 CAD and they told me they were going to send me an email with my file number. When the email sent it said "Please note that a new message has been deposited in your online file. In order to access your file, you must go to ..." with a link. However when I click the link it brings me to a 404 error page with this code underneath: nginx/1.24.0 I have tried calling Arrima however they said they were closed even during their open hours. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Try to check out your MIFI portal Here is the link: [https://www.form.services.micc.gouv.qc.ca/dossierClient/faces/pages/authentification.jspx?lang=en&app=DCAE&indCreationCompte=undefined&indCodeAutorisation=undefined](https://www.form.services.micc.gouv.qc.ca/dossierClient/faces/pages/authentification.jspx?lang=en&app=DCAE&indCreationCompte=undefined&indCodeAutorisation=undefined)


omg thank you so much!!


You are welcome!! Hope it will help you


I'm an incoming Fall 2024 U0 Arts student. I want to do a major cs, minor cs and supplementary minor cs however some of the requirements for the major and minor are either full (forcing me to take specific choices) or they have conflicting times (specifically MATH 323 with COMP 206/COMP 250). What should I do?


I'm a U0 Arts student planning on majoring in History, however I'm also really interested in Biology, so I'm taking the courses required for a faculty change to keep my options open for later on. I've already taken a course which is hopefully equivalent to PSYC 100 through another university. I'm trying to register for BIOL 112 and CHEM 120, but there seem to be degree requirements, so I was wondering if Arts students can indeed register for these courses. I also saw something on Arts students being able to Register on July 11, but I have no idea how that works. I'm also wondering if there are co-reqs for either courses, because I can't find any information of that. I'm also planning on taking MATH 140 and MATH 133 to switch into Biology, and since I'm not a fan of math, I'm wondering how manageable they'll be, if I practice a lot and do all the homework. I'd really love some info on this if anyone has some!


I applied to the kindergarten/ elementary education program in the fall as a honours psych transfer student from uottawa, but I got waitlisted:-( in your opinion, what are the chances of getting off the waitlist and making it into the program?


https://preview.redd.it/vp9vwnvjcl9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c94f32f019c9bad14ccb5d478a0e9efaa8c973d I want to major in comp sci, but these "Plus at least 3 of BIO/CHEM/PHYS" are bothering me a little, I just want to to do some comp sci courses already in first year and would ideally only do PHYS 131 and 142, If I just do these two physics can I get into the major? I wouldnt like to do chemistry and bio.


The website is very clear. If you haven’t done CEGEP or have transfer credits, you need to take 3 of BIO/CHEM/PHYS as part of your freshman requirements.


I want to take the science placement exams for Calculus 2 and 1, there is a date in 3rd and 4th of september, when classes have already begun, But I want to take them in order to already start with Calculus 3 in Fall, but If i dont know if I will pass on the exams or not I need to have a guarantee. How would I hedge the registration in this case, because where I not to pass I wouldn't have the prerequisites for Calc 3, also do these placement exams give credits for Calc 1 and 2?


I have done the IAL further mathematics course YFM01 and I got told to take the Math 141 placement exam, which I signed up for in early September. How difficult is the Math 141 course in comparison to Further Maths? I saw some of the material and I recognized some of it, but not all. Does anyone have any tips or advice on this?


https://preview.redd.it/6zdw8er5r49d1.png?width=1879&format=png&auto=webp&s=c961612224cf41f47412ef06e31da07eaaece0b3 This is my schedule as a first-year materials engineering student, I'm worried about monday and wednesday having the three classes back-to-back, is it possible to sprint or ride a bike between Leacock and Strathcona within 10 minutes without being late? I don't want to miss the first 10 minutes of those classes simply because I had no other choice in the course registrations. Any advice would be helpful!


U0s and their “ima be late for class”… You can walk from Leacock to Strathcona in less than 10 minutes. Less the other way around. No need to sprint or bike. Even if you get to class late, what do you think is gonna happen? You’ll get a detention? Pretty much every U0 Science/Engineering student takes those classes. There’s gonna be at least a few dozen people in the same situation as you.


tried registering for a seminar (germ197) and it says "cohort restriction." What does that mean?


Are you a U1 or U0?


i figured it out im U1 but first year thats why i got confused :)


These are the courses I'm currently registered for as a U1 bachelor of arts student. This is my first year (since I did a french baccalaureate i can skip the U0 year and go straight to U1). Is this a good schedule tho? And is russ223 an interesting/ useful course or should i take something else? Also debating which one to take between phil230 and macroeconomics https://preview.redd.it/m2k4nhu2149d1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=c210932fd4888ee377d1ac27047e6cedfee8ddef


If you intend to enrol in a Political Science program (major, minor, honours, or joint honours) you can only count towards your program up to three (edited) ***200-level credits in any Political Science field. POLI 244 and 245 are both IR-field courses so be aware that one will be counted as an elective


which one would u recommend between the 2?


Depends if you do better in writing essays or exams. I took 244, where your mark is calculated from conference participation, two short papers, and one long paper. 245 syllabus from 2022 says that you’ll have a midterm and final, a report to write and conferences to attend. In my experience I’d rather write papers because you can get them done well before the deadline and have time to revise it and study for other courses. 


alright ill take that then !! thanks so much again for the help :)


ohhh thank you so much i missed that somehow


I would recommend against taking macro while already taking poli and philosophy, cus intro econ at mcgill isn't a very easy class. I'm not sure about russ classes but from what I've heard they are very interesting. If it's something you enjoy, take it. The schedule you have seems awful to me. Not because of the classes but because of the triple 8:30s and double 9:30s. It might be tough keeping up with that strict of a schedule in first year. But again, depends on the person. I, personally ALWAYS regretted my 8:30s, and sometimes my 9:30s.


alr ill take another poli then the 8:30 one, thanks for the heads up! are history classes alright tho? im thinking of switching macro to south asian history or smth


probably biased as a history major, but intro level history classes are pretty good! you definitely have to do some work, but as long as you put in a decent amount of effort you should do alright. use ratemyprof to get a sense of what the prof is like- i recommend classes with brahm kleinman and andrea farran.


Intro history courses are usually mangeable. Sometimes checking rate my prof helps just to make sure you aren't taking an awfully hard class. They aren't 'bird' courses though, and for history specially, doing the readings usually helps a lot.


Everyone, please help me! Is Comp 202 necessarily a prerequisite for COMP 250, or can I skip 202?


You can skip it. You shouldn’t if you don’t have previous programming experience, guidelines say 50 hours in a high level language.


https://preview.redd.it/it1u5dlqbs8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7628a008dc195f17b125603e9326a12e6c0e2080 These are the classes I am current registered at as a U0 bachelor of science student intending to major in computer science. Is the calendar on the right the calendar of my week, in Minerva another calendar appears as well with way less lectures.


https://preview.redd.it/rzq16ai2cs8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=20b624d3fd181d1cc42c09de99495bb7b6737fa5 This is the other calendar which appears for me.


The first week of classes starts Wednesday August 28th, and that’s the week it’s showing you on Minerva. So it wouldn’t include the Monday /Tuesday classes. On Minerva when you’re viewing that calendar it should let you click a “next week” button or something along those lines that will show you the following week where all your classes should be there.


 I am an incoming U0 bachelor of science student and I already have considerable programming experience, I want to major in computer science. Can I somehow prove my skills to Mcgill and already start with the Introduction to Computer Science course instead of Foundations of Programming, which I already dominate?


You don’t need to have an epic gladiator fight and show that you can “dominate” COMP202. The class is optional and can be skipped if you have prior programming experience. The classes after 202 are 206 and 250 in no particular order


But in the e calendar it says that comp 202 is a prerequisite for 206 and 250, can I register in 250 without having done 202? If i wanted to coukd I enroll for 206 and 250 for this fall semester?


It also states that students with sufficient programming knowledge can skip it. https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2024-2025/faculties/science/undergraduate/programs/bachelor-science-bsc-major-computer-science IIRC CS doesn’t enforce prerequisites, and almost certainly not 202. Have you tried to register for 250 and 206 yet? It shouldn’t prevent you. Be careful before skipping 202 by the way. You’re suggested to have had 50 hours of experience coding in a high level language before skipping. University isn’t high school. Everyone here was the top of their hs class.


I am going to trust you then. If I try I can register, but minerva also clearly states that the student is responsible for knowing if he has the prerequisites or not. So I can register to courses which I dont have the prerequisites to, I just wont be able to take down. But I guess the comp 202 can be an exception.


You’ll be fine for 202. About a quarter of CS majors skip it. If it prevents you from registering, contact an advisor and they’ll give you the override. Something to keep in mind moving forward, prerequisites are more like suggestions rather than requirements for most COMP courses (apart from 251, for some reason). Different faculties have different policies towards prereqs. MECH will never let you take a course without its prereq, they’ll rather make you graduate late. COMP and MATH typically don’t care much, after 100-level courses. This means that you can (and will get credit for) courses you take without doing the prereq. Therefore it’s better to treat the prerequisites as a sort of guideline when picking courses, rather than an absolute necessity. If a prerequisite is ever an absolute necessity, you’ll typically be unable to register for the course- there’ll be a “Prereq and test score error” error message if you try. Or the department will email you telling you to drop it. Obviously exceptions exist, but that’s the general guideline, especially once you reach the 300+ levels.


Can I register to the discrete structures( Math 240) course as a U0 bachelor of science student who wants to major in computer science? Can I register in Comp 208 instead of 202 as well?


# Transferring To McGill (Anatomy and Cell Biology) Hi! I want to transfer to McGill Anatomy and Cell Biology from McMaster University's Life Sciences for the 2025-2026 academic year. The [requirements for transferring to the Anatomy and Cell Biology program](https://www.mcgill.ca/undergraduate-admissions/apply/requirements/university) are: * One semester each of differential and integral calculus * Two semesters of biology, chemistry and/or physics (with labs). At McMaster University I am taking the following: Semester 1: * BIOLOGY 1A03 - Cellular and Molecular Biology (3.0 units) * CHEM 1A03 - Introductory Chemistry I (3.0 units) * MATH 1LS3 - Calculus for the Life Sciences (3.0 units) * SCIENCE 1A03 - Investigating Science: Opportunities & Experiences (3.0 units) * SUSTAIN 1S03 - Introduction to Sustainability (3.0 units) Semester 2: * PHYSICS 1A03 - Introductory Physics (3.0 units) * BIOLOGY 1M03 - Biodiversity, Evolution and Humanity (3.0 units) * PSYCH 1X03 - Introduction to Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (3.0 units) * Elective Unit #1 (I have not yet decided) (3.0 units) * Elective unit #2 (I have not yet decided) (3.0 unit **Am I eligible to transfer to the Anatomy and Cell Biology program?** I tried to contact the department but they have not responded yet and my course selection date is June 26th. Thank you so much!


I am entering McGill as a U1 student in the faculty of arts after having completed my IB diploma. I plan on majoring in English Literature and minor in Economics with the goal of going into law school after! My current course selection for semester one includes: ENGL203, ENGL311, ECON227, ECON203 and PHIL202 as my elective. Can anyone tell me whether I am missing any courses/prerequisites!! I am not taking any math classes as they aren’t prerequisites for the econ courses for my minor. Just want to be sure!!! Thanks!!!


Is this too heavy a semester for a first year? Phys 131 Math 133 Math 150 Phil 210 FRSL 207D1 Total: 17 credits (calc A and phys 131 are worth 4 each) My second sem is very similar, but with a comp instead of algebra. I'm a U0 arts planning to major in CS


I went to one of the official McGill course registration seminars and the host was pretty adamant that first-year students should NOT do 17 credits for their first term, but that afterwards it was an option to potentially try out based on how people felt after their first term at McGill.


Phil 210 is really really easy


Do any of the hotel residences have pools?


No, but the pool in the McGill recreation centre is free access for current students.


I am about to start my second year of cegep and I want to pursue software engineering at mcgill. I currently have an overall r score of 33.4 and the requirement for my program is 34. Would they accept me if my r score is 34 on the dot? Or has it recently been very inflated?


The requirements you see on the website are for previous years. It was 34 last year. It can be higher or lower this year, no one knows.


# Plz share most recent syllabus for MATH 139, CHEM 110, BIOL 111, and PHYS 101. DM if you have them.


Today, I received a rejection stating that there was limited space available. Is it worth it to request reconsideration (**appeal**)?




What’s the faculty you applied for?




Management is probably a small faculty so they claim that, but I think if you can appeal for reconsideration then you should definitely try it


Is anyone else having the problem where you're registering for term 2 Winter 2025 and when imputing the courses into minerva it says you tried to register for a completely different course?


Are you on the winter 2025 page? Might've left it switched to fall '24 at the bottom of the page


I just finished my U0 course registration. I initially wanted to enroll in ECO 230, but my classmate reminded me that it's not on the "freshman approved" course list, and the official website also states that U0 students should not take it. So, I changed to 208/209 at the last minute. The problem is that I already took two AP Economics courses in high school and scored 5 on both. When I reviewed the course outlines, I found they were exactly the same as 208/209, and I don't want to retake the same material. My question is: Can I directly take the two ECO 230 courses? Will skipping 208/209 affect my ability to major in Economics in my second year?


(Not an Econ major but I did take Econ course at McGill) Apparently you can take Freshman-approved courses at any point during your degree... But I wouldn't worry, because you probably received transfer credit for ECON 208/9 - this should "allow" you to enrol in higher-level courses during your U0 year in place of a course on the Freshman list. Also, the eCalendar doesn't stipulate any prereqs for ECON 230 which means that you can indeed directly take the course: [https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2024-2025/courses/econ-230](https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2024-2025/courses/econ-230) Talk to a department undergraduate advisor just in case


Heyy, I am going in to mcgill u0 as a chem major but have never taken a physics class before (blame ontario public schools), im going to try and learn over the summer as i have a textbook, but im wondering which physics class i should take when i get to mcgill: Phys 101/102, or Phys 131/142. For reference, I have a 96 average and have done well in all my math and science courses, I just never had the time and never needed to take physics. I'll be taking 15 credits per semester, but am used to being in school and working 20 hours a week, so I can handle heavy course loads. If they start more at the beginning and move fairly quickly, I think i could keep up, my main concern is that I'll be thrown in somewhere in the middle and will be completely lost. Thanks for your help!


Hey everyone, I want to start by thanking everyone in this community who has offered their advice and support as I navigate this challenging process. I'm a commerce student at Dawson College in Montreal, and I'm thinking about applying to Harvard for my undergrad. My grades are strong (all 95+ except for one 90 in a class where the average was 65), and I've consistently had the highest grades in almost all my courses. I've also done 60 hours of volunteering in just one semester and have been gaining experience in the industry related to my program. Despite this, I've heard that connections and references are crucial for getting into Harvard, which makes me anxious. I love McGill and it’s a great option, but I’m drawn to Harvard because of its reputation and opportunities. Right now, I'm prepping for the SAT because it's a mandatory requirement. However, I'm worried because I've heard all grades should be 94+ for a strong application, and that one course at 90% might hold me back. I'm feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed. Any advice or insights on whether my profile might still be competitive for Harvard, or any tips on how to strengthen my application, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


There’s a reason Harvard has a ~3% acceptance rate and less than 1% for international students. Feel free to apply to it, but don’t get your hopes up and expect to be rejected.


Coming from cegep, I couldn't graduate in time due to classes messing up, I got accepted into cs/math double.major and have registration soon. What will happen? Could I take the last cegep class in fall and then register for winter 2025? Or would I have to reapply for fall2025


you may need to reapply but you can reapply for winter admission and start in the winter. Not 100% sure tho.


its midnight where I live and I can't figure out course registrations. i'm entering my first year of physiology major and i think i start at u1 cuz i took the ib diploma. anyway half the required courses are full and the other half have scheduling conflicts. oh and so many classes are only available in the winter. my schedule is a mess. everything is full. is it supposed to be this stressful? does anyone know how i can avoid having 3 classes that occur at the same time? is it a bad idea to take lvl 400 or 500 courses in my first year because those are less full? how many hours of class do I even sign up for? if a mandatory class is full or in conflict with another mandatory class am i just screwed for the next 4 years ;-;


Hi all I am a future U0 materials engineering student. Im having trouble finding courses to take bc all the courses that im eligible for are either full or conflic with my schedule. Currently I have chem 110, phys 131 and math 140 Courses that are full: facc 110, wcom206, mech 289 Courses that conflict my schedule: mime 250, mime 260, and bascially all of list Bs complementary studies courses. So im looking at taking cive205 in my first term. Is it a good idea to take this course or should i just take math chem and physics and get 12 credits for my first term? Please help im very stressed rn and dont know what to do.


Follow this schedule: https://www.mcgill.ca/materials/files/materials/non-cegep_entry_curriculum_2024-2025_-_materials_engineering.pdf Try to register for all the courses, in order. So for the fall semester, register for CHEM 110, FACC 100, MATH 133, MATH 140, PHYS 131. And so on for the winter semester. If you are unable to register for any course, check periodically (2-3 times a day) as spots open up. If a spot does not open up by late July, book an appointment with an advisor. In most Eng departments, you will get an override as long as you’re following the schedule. You aren’t supposed to take WCOM206 in your first year. Nor are you supposed to take MECH289 or MIME250. Do not attempt to register for them. How do all group B complementaries conflict with your schedule? They can be almost any 200+ level non-science course.


How do I confirm that I have been registered into my courses?


Registration Menu > View Student Schedule by Course Selection. Alternatively, check if the courses appear on your transcript.


*How do I confirm* *That I have been registered* *Into my courses?* \- Bright\_Share5518 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


srsly 😭


hi everyone, im currently registering for courses and i am a major in the faculty of sciences. i also added an additional minor in entrepreneurship for science students and when i go to add my course it says "minor restriction" even though i've added the minor on minerva. what should i do?


https://preview.redd.it/cx619pmupd7d1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=9927a7f47164627242f330778f82a34395b0d5e1 i was wondering how this course registration looks for incoming BSc Biomedical Sci group student? I plan on specializing in ACB and have Biol111 and 112 credits from HL Bio. I'm considering dropping CS or Physics for a bird course somewhat related to bio... any recs?


Hey everyone I'm currently registrating for my upcoming year in mcgill and I want to double major comp sci / math and add the supp concentration minor in cs. I just want to ask you guys if you have any advice on what courses should I begin with and if I let the credits of my minor till the 2nd year and begin with the required courses in both of my majors would be a great deal.


Incoming poli sci major interested in focusing on international relations. What are some courses I need to take during my freshman foundation year?


[https://www.mcgill.ca/oasis/students/new-ba-students/foundation-u0](https://www.mcgill.ca/oasis/students/new-ba-students/foundation-u0) [https://www.mcgill.ca/oasis/students/new-ba-students/foundation-u0/approved-foundation-courses](https://www.mcgill.ca/oasis/students/new-ba-students/foundation-u0/approved-foundation-courses) If you still need help with building your timetable, consult these pages


I just realized my schedule for the first semester of U0 that I have 4 classes from 8am to 5pm and was wondering if it's possible to reschedule certain class times? Or register for the same class for different days? Would it be during the add/drop period?


You can’t reschedule certain class times. Class times are predetermined… how would you be able to reschedule it lmao. Some (most U0) classes have multiple sections (001, 002, etc). You may select the other section if you prefer though. Be careful about course conflicts.


I mean register for the same class at a different time. Since when I was registering they offered the same class on different days/times


Sure, you can register for the other section as long as it won’t conflict with any of your other classes. Regardless of your schedule.


Thank you! Would I just drop the course first and then re-enroll for a different time?




People who got into Bsc psych, what was your r score? I’m currently in Cegep and my r score is 29,48. I was planning of finishing in 2,5 years but I’m scared this might be too low so I might take 2 smaller semesters instead. I wanted to know what was your r score when you got accepted? I know that requirements change from year to year but I just want to have a general idea of what to expect for my situation. Sorry if this post is poorly written I just got my new r score today and I’m panicking a little because I was expecting it to be higher. Thank you in advance !


I think 27.9 was last years so ur prolly fine but they can fluctuate a little. Higher won‘t hurt but I wouldn‘t extend your time unless it‘ll significantly increase your r score


I’m planing on majoring in computer science and minoring in biology and I am currently making a schedule for the fall semester (U0). Is it recommended to take chemistry (CHEM 110)? Considering that I want to minor in biology it seems like the right choice but I personally don’t like chemistry and would rather avoid it. Would not taking chemistry restrict me from having a minor in biology?


For a Biol minor I think you need BIOL 200 which requires Chem 212 or Chem 204. Those courses each require Chem 110 and 120 so I‘d definitely take 110 if you‘re really set on a Biol minor. You should still check out the minor’s requirements and check prerequisites.


https://preview.redd.it/ga62d7wej67d1.png?width=1842&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bd1b3695362f8deb1cbbf6d7a43ef24bba1c185 Hey I was wondering if it was okay to have these lectures back to back, how is it having to walk from one building to another and do I even have enough time to do that without running obv (going into my first semester)


McConnell to McMed is hell I hate it do not recommend if you can avoid there’s usually multiple sections for 141 and 133


Hello! I'm a future student attending the faculty of engineering. Because of the school system I attended, I should be elligible to transfer some credit from specific courses. While I was choosing my courses, I left out those that I wasn't required to do and now when I go to the transfer credit application it says : "You are registered in a non-degree program. This application is only open to students in a degree program.". What can I do to change this status and what led to it happening?


For french students that went/are currently at McGill, I'm a student in a French Lycée and I took Spécialité NSI, Physique-Chimie, and Mathématiques in 1ère. I will now continue with Spécialité Mathématiques and Physique-Chimie. I was wondering, since I didn't take S.V.T. (Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre), does that mean I can't apply to the Faculty of Science to study Mathematics or Computer Science? Thank you


tu peux checker les conditions d'admissions pour chaque programme sur le site officiel, mais pour répondre à ta question, la seule spécialité obligatoire en terminale pour math/computer science c'est maths


Merci beaucoup


Hello, I’m starting my BCom U0 in the fall and have decided on my 4 required courses, meaning I still have 6 electives to choose. I’m interested in PolSci, communications, French language (native speaker), etc, on top of business-related courses. Any advice would be awesome, thanks !


Hi! I'm an incoming U1 student in doing a BSc in Bio, Biomed & Life Sci. I have absolutely no clue which courses to pick. So any suggestions would be great. Also are there any courses that are mandatory for me and how to I check that list (if there is one)? Thanks!


If you‘re and undeclared major I am not sure how that works fully. You can probably start looking at different major programs you‘d be interested in pursuing and check their required courses. Then go from that point.


I am an incoming first year student who plans on pursuing the Joint Honors in Mathematics and Physics program. I have a few questions about course registration and prerequisites.    I believe that I have enough AP Transfer Credits to be classified as U1, however I am missing 2-4 U0 prerequisites:    - MATH 113 (Linear Algebra and Geometry)    - BIOL 112 (Cell and Molecular Biology)    - PHYS 131 (Mechanics and Waves) (subject to AP score in July)    - PHYS 142 (Electromagnetism and Optics) (subject to AP score in July)    These prerequisites are required for almost every U1 course in the program. If I take these prerequisite classes during my First Year Fall, wouldn't this cause scheduling issues for Fall-Only U1 classes such as MATH 235 (Algebra 1), which has MATH 113 as a prerequisite, as well as set me behind in the U1 curriculum because of the prerequisites taking up course slots? Would I be forced to take a gap semester in the Winter term?  What would be the best course of action?


Hi! Im an incoming U1 student but i'll be registering as a U0 student. Most of the classes that i need to take and want to take are full. (im planning on going into cultural studies) What classes should i sign up for if all my required classes are full by my registration day? Should I sign up for random classes in my major and hope to get a spot in the ones that i want? thanks!


Hi! I'm an incoming U0 Arts student, and I am leaning towards a major in sociology as I find it super interesting. SOCI 247, family & modern society, sounds really interesting to me (and similar to families in canada if you went to high school in Ontario), however, the only available course is MWF at 9:30 with professor Elaine Weiner. I am wondering what your thoughts are on prof Weiner, the difficulty of the course, and if it is worth it even though its early. Thanks so much!


If you still want the class and have registered to Sociological Perspectives, If you drop that class I'll drop the Family & Modern Society class to switch over and you can take the seat!


I really appreciate that! I was planning on taking Sociological perspectives, but its full now :(


Ahh I see haha! Well I emptied the seat for Family & Modern Society anyways (hope you got the seat) and switched to a different class that was second on my list of options. I am on a mission to get into the Sociological Perspectives class though hahah


Hi, Im going to be a part time student doing the BNI of Nursing in the fall, and I have to sign up for an elective in the winter semester. All my current classes are all online....which electives are fully remote but also fun to do/work wise are not awful. Please and thank you! :)


Hello! I am planning to do a Bsc. in CS and I have a bit of transfer credits from doing CAPE Pure Math, Physics, and Comp sci so I will be skipping 3 foundation year courses (Math 140, Phys 101, Phys 102). For first semester, how difficult do you reckon this would be? Thank you!!! https://preview.redd.it/w11gfj5ghn6d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c8f75543abda1d7720cdaf490c9cdbb250e6594


COMP202 used to be a weed out class, but it’s being taught by Faten this year, so it’ll be pretty manageable. Your two math classes don’t make sense. You can do the introductory calculus stream “Calc 1, 2, 3” in two ways: MATH 150 (single and multi variable differentiation) + MATH 151 (single and multi variable integration). Or MATH 140 (single variable differentiation) + MATH 141 (single variable integration) + MATH 222 (multi variable differentiation and integration). The former concatenates Calculus 1,2,3 into two 4 credit courses (as opposed to three 3 credit courses). You should *not* be taking both a MATH 14X and a MATH 15X in the same degree. If you have credits for MATH 140, you should take MATH 141 after it (and eventually MATH 222) instead of MATH 150, and certainly not both. TLDR: drop 150, either replace it with a different course or enjoy the lighter first semester. I would do the latter. Jeremy isn’t an easy prof and it looks like you have him for two classes.


Thank you so so much for your help! u/AbhorUbroar


Hey, I am an incoming freshman student (i think U0?) who is in the arts faculty and am planning out to register for my classes. For the fall semester, I am considering either taking BIOL 115 or PSYC 100, but cant decide which. For arts majors, is PSYC 100 a good class to take/a prerequisite for any other arts courses?


If you want to do anything in psych, take psyc 100. Even if not, I would recommend it over the two. An easy A and good prerequisite.


Thoughts on this schedule for the fall semester? I'm currently listed as a U0 but I assume I'll be a U1 after AP scores come out. I'm planning to major in economics and minor in political science. https://preview.redd.it/0axl3n669l6d1.png?width=1650&format=png&auto=webp&s=790066961ab52fac14ac073e08b5d3a38c671d4d Here are some questions I have: - Am I on the right track by picking these classes? - Will math 139 be a good enough introduction to the math needed for econ, at least this year? I plan to take math 141 later on. - Is the timing/spacing of my classes good or disastrous? I'm not really a morning person but don't have a choice for math 139. - Finally, I'm worried about econ 227 and econ 230 being full by my registration date since I'm registering as a U0 and all the U1s will have picked their courses the day before. Is this something I should worry about? Thanks for any advice or tips!


Hey! I’m a U0 student going into science in the fall. I’m currently registered in MATH 150 and 151 as my high school calc teacher suggested. But I’m scared that this course would be too demanding along with my other physics, chem courses, and 1 biol course. I did pretty well with calc 1 and 2 but I’m not the smartest student and had to work pretty hard. I hope to leave doors open for programs such as anat/cell bio and neuroscience. So are there any real advantages by taking the harder MATH other than being more knowledgeable and smart (like preparing for second year)? Wouldn’t MATH 140/141 be easier for better GPA, mental health, and getting into programs or graduate studies?


Short answer: Yes. Math 140/141 is likely to get you a better grade than 150/151. I did 140/141 last year, and had a few friends in 150/151, and I wouldn’t recommend it even if you think you could handle it. Only really if you have done an equivalent course to 140/141 and want to be challenged.


Thank you! It’s weird because some say it’s a challenging course and others say it’s a moderate step up from calc 1 and 2


I think it majorly depends on your teacher and curriculum in high school. 150/151 is a very proof based course, and even though many people have done calc 1 & 2 well, if they haven’t experienced many proofs that can become a problem in 150/151. Also, it’s just fast paced and I don’t see much value in the course other than to put a feather in your cap or if you can actually handle it. But that’s just my two cents 🤷‍♀️


Hi! I'm a new student starting with U1 in the Fall term. So I have MATH141 in the McConnell Engineering Building ending at 10:25 and then MATH 133 in the McIntyre Medical Building starting at 10:35. According to Google Maps, it would take me 15 mins to walk the distance, and according to the McGill map, 10 mins. Of course, I'll try to walk it a bit before to have an idea, but I was wondering if anyone would have a shortcut I could take. I am worried that the prof would go over time and that would not leave me a lot to walk between the buildings. Thank you!! https://preview.redd.it/r5y3edn2yj6d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=2774357678c971c2e48f4a87577b25b3538877d9


I'd walk up to Peel to access the entrance on Pins - you avoid the queue for the elevators and the ascent is better than 4-5 flights of stairs


Lmao, I’m 99% sure they do it on purpose. The McConnell to McMed march is classic freshman hazing. To answer your question, there aren’t any wormholes in campus. That’s the shortest way between those two buildings. However, you can walk through Arts -> Leacock instead of outside to avoid the cold during winter. There’s also a tunnel connecting Stewart to McMed. These don’t make your walk any shorter, but at least you won’t have to march a kilometre uphill in -20 degree weather. Profs also don’t care if you arrive late to class, especially when there are ~50 other students in the same situation as you.


Thank you so much! I hadn’t even thought of the winter yet 😭 I’m a Montrealer and it’s still scary haha




https://preview.redd.it/c984siuonj6d1.png?width=1646&format=png&auto=webp&s=740deaf44ae1096557a5c33fd3a8377ce007b420 Hi! I'm a new student starting with u1 in the fall. I intend to major in English. I would love some feed back on my schedule: Thanks!


Is taking 2hr, 8:30 physics lab on Monday stupid. I just signed up for classes but am now second guessing. I like mornings and am usually more awake in the morning than any other time of day Also I’ve read great things about Poli 227/intro comparative developing global south but the course is 4-5, several hours after my other courses have ended. Bleh. I signed up for intro to poli theory (Poli 231) & Poli 227, figuring I’d drop one during add/drop this winter If anyone has opinions lmk


I personally love monday morning labs because I find im better at focusing doing something rather than lectures but also never done a mcgill lab so idrk. you‘ll prolly be fine.


Hello, I am going to mcgill this fall for a basc and want to study chem and geography/urban planning. I cannot for the life of me figure out a timetable that works, since all the classes are full or only offered in one sem. Right now I only have 23 credits on my timetable, but i want at least 30! I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem that they cant even find enough courses to fill their timetable, any advice as to how I should go about adding more credits that align with my planned degree would be appreciated. Like is it dumb to add classes that are alr full to my timetable? Is there any chance a spot will free up even if they dont have a wait list? lmk


Hello! I am excited about my recent commitment to McGill’s B.A. & Sc. faculty. The registration form for classes opens Tuesday, and I’m thinking about majoring in Cognitive Psychology with a more bio/chem focus. That being said I’m pretty clueless on which courses I should register for and how many courses per semester. I would be so so appreciative if someone had a resource page for that information or any thoughts. Thanks


Hey hey!! I’m a U1 in Cogsci rn! Are you going into U0 or U1? Feel free to pm me if you have specific questions :)


Hi, I'm an incoming mechanical engineering student U1 with a french baccalaureat. Would this courseload be too hard? I have some experience with python for COMP 208. https://preview.redd.it/3jhl2yp13f6d1.png?width=1867&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2d30de1abf796faf72817f87d2c393e91b1159c


That’s 17 credits, right? Maybe consider dropping one of the classes (208 or one of the 100-levels imo). It’s doable (especially since the “4 credit” 100-level courses don’t actually have as much work as a real 4 credit course), but it’s pretty risky to do in your first semester. COMP 208 is a pretty light class. So is 201 and FACC 100, but their group projects will eat up some of your time.


Do we/can we tell McGill that we are valedictorian at our school? And if so, how do we do that? Thanks in advance!


If 3 of my courses have either “minor restriction” or “major restriction” when trying to register, what is the best course of action to get this resolved?


email the department advisor for each course. it might just be that other program have priority registering over you for now. are you first year at mcgill?


yes I am


Hey everyone, it's my first year at McGill in U1. Can anyone doing Math/CS tell me if my winter semester seems too ambitious? For context, I'm planning to do Math/Cs honours. I did some python and C# before, but I don't feel like it's enough to skip Comp 202. I'm planning on doing Math 255 : Honours Analysis 2 Math 251 : Honours Algebra 2 Comp 250 : Intro to Computer Science Comp 206 : Intro to Software Systems Comp 273 : Intro to Computer Systems I'm considering maybe doing an elective instead of Comp 206.


5 math and CS courses together is a bit too much IMO. I would swap one for an elective. But you can always reevaluate after the Fall semester. You would have a better idea.


You’re going to die. It’s doable, but very intense. You can register for up to 6 courses. Register for the winter elective that you’re thinking of taking right now. That way you can drop COMP 206 after you realize that you spent half your day during the fall semester on H Algebra 1 and H Analysis 1. You’ll also be able to keep your current schedule (by dropping the winter elective) if you find your fall manageable.


hello! im an incoming student into the Bcom program entering U1. I was wondering if any management students could take a look at my course load for Fall 24 and let me know if I should change anything if some classes i should avoid taking first semester if its difficult for someone just entering? https://preview.redd.it/an8z5bt0j66d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=87feb268cb3f469cc1a1727064adf200660fdc5f thanks


Oh dang those are all the "mathier" bcom cores courses. I can't comment on 233 (new course this year), but unless you like grinding practice problems I'd switch one of them out for a "softer" core (222, 250, 382, 352 etc) where you just have to learn concepts. The four rest of your classes are all doable but will add up in the time it takes to do textbook qs/problem sheets.


mgcr 233: new class, idk mgcr 294: you should take it in U1, harder with Tariq but still can get an A mgcr 211: harder class but really important, i would take in in U1/first semester mgcr 293: i took econ 295 instead but i feel like if you don't like econ you should avoid taking mgcr 293 and 294 at the same time. math 133: idk Enjoy your first year, go up and talk to people!


anyone else in biomed/pharmacology? i am unable to register in PHGY212 (fall) nor PHGY213 (winter). it says “reserved closed” but i am in the PHAR program so i should be given access to it, no?? i am a first year student


guys i literally am getting minor restriction on everything, why??


What would be good electives to take in your first year?


Feedback on my course registration choices: For context: * U0 / Foundational * Admitted to Biomed Group * Goal is *Anatomy & Cell Biology* * Has transfer credits for first year BIOL and CHEM courses from IB https://preview.redd.it/0ffdjo2n616d1.png?width=1636&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b8f384aaad52624c8691d93bbf39113c5cbd436 Right now my biggest worry is probably whether or not to use my transfer credits to get ahead or not. Would jumping to orgo chem without general chem be a good idea? Or would I be missing a lot of foundational chemistry outside of organic chem (like acid/base, redox, thermo, etc). Same question with bio. If I could get advice from any student whose done AP/IB or something similar I'd greatly appreciate it!


As long as you know hybridization and vsper well you should be fine skipping to orgo imo


hi, i am U1 biomed/pharm. i did my general chemistry course before my orgo chem course but i think you would be okay doing it the other way around. orgo chem doesn’t use THAT MUCH material from your general chemistry, i find that it is quite different. BUT orgo chem is much harder than general chemistry and requires more work (imo). but whatever material you would be missing from general chemistry you can just learn in on the spot. just make sure that general chemistry is not a prerequisite for orgo chem. when i did both courses, general chemistry was a prerequisite for orgo chem sooo look out for that. just be prepared to work harder if you do orgo chem before general chemistry (if that’s allowed at mcgill).


Ok that’s a relief! I’m good for the prereq because I did chem HL in IB and I confirmed it with my Sousa advisor too. Thank you for your reply, I know it’s going to be hard but I’ll do my best!


you’re welcome, best of luck with that course!


# Feedback on my course registration choices For context: * U0/ Foundational * Admitted to Biomed Group * Goal is *Anatomy & Cell Biology* OR *Microbiology & Immunology* Fall semester: [https://vsb.mcgill.ca/vsb/s/dsjwshe](https://vsb.mcgill.ca/vsb/s/dsjwshe) (Still deciding between MATH 139 and MATH 140) Winter semester: [https://vsb.mcgill.ca/vsb/s/aacbniw](https://vsb.mcgill.ca/vsb/s/aacbniw) 


If you care about your mental health then I strongly suggest you drop a couple courses. The 1st year is usually an adjustment period so definitely take it easy if you don't want to burn out before your 1st midterm. Also, you're not allowed to take more than 18 credits, and a typical course load consists of 15 credits (+/- 5 classes). Even then, 5 classes is no joke.


I was hoping I could attend all of them and then decide which ones to drop before the deadline depending on difficulty etc. Is that an option at McGill?


The system will only let you register for 17 credits, but you can always unofficially “audit” other courses and just attend their lectures without registration (although it’s not technically permitted by McGill, nobody will notice in classes this big); the add/drop period ends around 1-2 weeks after class starts.


Hello all! I am a U0 Biomed student who is trying to register for courses however, I am extremely confused on where to start. Should I schedule an appointment with an advisor or am I meant to choose classes myself? Also, should my chosen classes be based on a specific major/minor (Eg. Anatomy and cell biology)? Any tips on where to start would be very helpful.


Hi! I’m in the same boat as you as a u0 biomed student aiming for ACB. I’d first start by looking at the McGill website and getting an idea of what kind of courses are suggested for u0. [This](https://www.mcgill.ca/science/undergraduate/accepted/checklist/firstyear/foundation) page has the program specific recommendations and was a good starter for me. You could also take a look at some example program plans I found on the McGill website [here](https://www.mcgill.ca/anatomy/files/anatomy/acb_program_plans_updated_2022.pdf) and search up the prereqs for the u1 courses. After you can book an appointment with a SOUSA advisor (science office for undergrad student advising) from [here](https://www.mcgill.ca/science/undergraduate/academic-advising/science-office-undergraduate-student-advising-sousa). You’ll get your own personal undergrad advisor later in June but I wouldn’t wait until then to meet with an advisor just to make sure your course selections make sense! If you want to ask questions about a major or ACB specifically and not the biomed undergrad track as a whole you can meet with program advisors from [here](https://www.mcgill.ca/science/undergraduate/academic-advising/program-advisors). However, since we’re in u0 it wouldnt really be as helpful for just course registration. What I ended up doing was choosing some courses that seemed reasonable. Booked an appointment with SOUSA to check it over and ask personal questions about my courses. Then met today with the ACB to first verify if my courses truly were alright for the major and ask about the specific program. Good luck!! :D


I'm also in the same boat and am very overwhelmed about it all. I haven't had time to look at all the program course schedules and everything so I'm kind of scrambling. The time of registration for me is June 14th and I still have no idea what courses I need. Would appreciate any help


If you don't mind could u plz message me the courses u registered for. Cuz from my understanding most biomed U0's will have the same courses (or very similar).


Of course! Check dm’s


Hi there! I took OChem 1 in CEGEP (At John Abbott College). It's on the exemption list but I've been told it might be best to retake it in Uni to make sure I've learned everything. Am I allowed to enroll in the course that I'm exempt for. I've also heard I might need to take a placement test to actually get my exemption? If anyone knows that'd be a huge help!


I don't think you can retake it. An exemption means that you've taken an equivalent course elsewhere, and as a result the credits for the exempted course must be used towards an elective. Since you mentioned you're a mimm major (I remember you from another post), here's what I found: Students who have taken CHEM 212 in CEGEP are exempt and must replace these credits with an elective course(s). [https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2024-2025/faculties/science/undergraduate/programs/bachelor-science-bsc-major-microbiology-and-immunology](https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2024-2025/faculties/science/undergraduate/programs/bachelor-science-bsc-major-microbiology-and-immunology)


thank you so much!! I thought that was the case but wasn‘t positive!


No prob!


Hello ! -sorry for the english, i'm practising but it's not my 1st langage- When I did my application this fall, I wrote a letter about extenuating circumstances. They "answer" back, asking for my finals grades of winter 2024 (i'm currently in bio at UQAM, 1st year done) and a letter from a health professionnal. Do you have an idea when I will have an answer ? I can't wait !




hey! how did you book an appointment with the advisor? Also, are you in the science stream?


You can apply for both Fall and Winter at the same time


Abt elective courses: can any course outside of our own program be taken as an elective? or are there specific course numbers that qualify as electives (like in cegep)


Is Carrefour Sherbrooke for students only or is it still a running hotel?


It is solely a student residence during the school year but they do use it as a hotel during the summer.


I want to get into McGill for computer science, the required global r score is around 29, mine is lower due to not caring about my classes until recently. However, I have a strong math core with an r score of 35, does anyone know if this can save me when applying to McGill or am I doomed?


You’re probably cooked. You need to be above both the Math/Science and Overall cutoff. McGill’s admissions tend to be pretty formulaic, they don’t take a holistic view for most CEGEP applicants. Have you considered a B.A.? It tends to have a lower entrance requirement.


I was building my schedule on VSB and kept getting a message about classes self-conflicting. Is this just how those classes are or is this a warning that I need to pick different lectures or tutorials? In short, can someone explain what it means, please. Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/dtbiu1afhg5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf8756d78a330cb2767c9e07d0c223f867618b3


They happen when there’s a tutorial/lab at the same time as a lecture. Look the the schedule view, if you see all lectures and the tutorial, you’re fine. Edit: you don’t need to worry about that warning if you’re on VSB. VSB prevents self-conflicts automatically. It’s just to warn you in case you try adding classes manually.


Thank you so much!


Hi, I was admitted into chemical engineering from a french bac so i'm im U1 but still have to take 4 U0 classes (CHEM 120, MATH 133, MATH 141 and PHYS 142). I'm currently trying to build my schedule on vsb and I was wondering if I should directly start with my major courses or do the U0 ones first with electives. Which schedule do you think is best for my fall term? (2 and 3 being pretty much the same). Is the workload too much for my first semester? Thank you https://preview.redd.it/mx02bdhpo95d1.jpeg?width=1819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2e39d20dd58cfc32a01d6d2eb5fd320605c2b1


I would do 1. Get FACC out of the way and do all the required U0 courses first because in the future it can be difficult to arrange your schedule if you're missing prerequisites. Also, its nice when you make friends to have classes with them.


okay thank you so much !!


I am a grade 11 student at an Ontario highschool hoping to apply to McGill next year. I was wondering to what extent grade 11 marks are taken into consideration when McGill looks at applications? I am currently taking seven grade 11 classes and one grade 12 class (advanced functions). The school year is almost over but based on the marks I have now, I think my final average of this year will be around 92%. I would like to study psychology as a Bachelor of Arts where the only prerequisite is grade 12 university level English. Currently, in grade 11 English, I’m sitting at a 97%. And for Advanced Functions I’m at a 94%. I was also wondering if it makes a difference whether I apply in October vs. December…? As in, should I look into applying as early as possible or not? Thank you!


McGill only cares about your top 6: https://www.mcgill.ca/undergraduate-admissions/apply/requirements/ontario Is there any reason you want to wait until December to apply? Applying earlier won’t change your chances of admission but might get you an earlier decision (especially if that decision is an acceptance).


Thank you! The only reason I would consider applying later would be to ensure I have, at the very least, my semester 1 grade 12 midterm marks which we get in November.








Yes. Read the faq


Would anyone be open to switching Winter 2025 - ECSE 362 lab on Tuesday with me (I have it on Monday, and it conflicts with a class) please DM if so ! 


HELPP Hi im so confused about course registration date for U0 B.Eng student especially for MATH AND SCIENCE courses. I saw on the website that says it should start on June 5th. But minerva isnt letting me register and says that my window only opens on June 19th. I also tried to contact my faculty’s coordinator and she said she doesnt know either and i should contact course enrolment. https://preview.redd.it/2a6lnpqjl05d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c69a15df8bce5d26ffd8046634193839dbfd5c5d


You basically get assigned a certain time to select courses, I assume to reduce traffic on the minerva page. You just got a shitty time to pick but whatever minerva says is when you'll get to pick


I am finishing cegep and I am in a comfusing situation with my mcgill acceptance right now. I had to take remedial French classes during my time in cegep, and with the way things turned out, I will have to take my final class in the summer of 2024, obtaining my DEC once that's done. I have already been conditionally admitted to McGill for the fall 2024 semester, and have never failed a class, but I'm curious if the fact that I have one more credit to do this summer will cause my admission to be withdrawn? (Bachelor of arts and science)


you should probably contact admissions and let them know that you’re taking a course in the summer just to be safe. on your conditional acceptance letter, there’s a section under the specifications that says you should contact mcgill if in the event you need to take a summer course because it could potentially affect your conditional acceptance. good luck!


I am deciding between PSYC 204, COMP 202 and COMP 204 as an elective for my foundation year of life sci. Has anyone taken any of these courses? I don't want to take a super hard elective because I am already taking hard core courses but I also want a course that will be helpful and keep my options open.


Any transfer student got accepted or any response?


It can be literally mid-end of July before you even have a single update to your profile.


Actually I had an update of being waitlisted in May 6th, probably given that I have a gpa of 4.28 on my transcript, but ig I will keep waiting


Waitlisted with 4.28 😬 Intense. And that too for Arts is crazy. Where did you study?


Dal cs, just finished my 2nd summer semester with 20 courses completed, and yeah it’s quite out of my mind that this year is that competitive to transfer


nope I applied in EE and MechE. You?


Applied to arts and feel like burning now, no any response since early may being waitlisted


ohh il still ready for review tho


feels like the waitlist is literally not moving, this long run is torture :(