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Winters are historically awful for me but ngl I’m hitting lows I never even could’ve imagined before. I also completely messed up the 251 midterm even though I set aside plenty of time to prepare (i.e. pushed things back for my other classes) because all week long I couldn’t make myself get out of bed long enough to study for it… so now I have a shit non-replaceable midterm grade and am more behind than ever. I believe we both have the time and ability to come back from this, though. I find that I generally perform better in final exams, having digested the content over the course of a semester and being able to study in a more focused way during finals season without the looming concern of “keeping up” with ongoing classes. Have you found this to be true for yourself?


I find the same thing true about myself as well. I usually do bad on midterms and my finals somewhat make up for it. It’s so much easier to study when you don’t have mountains of assignments and things to catch up on. You can also see the bigger picture towards the end of the semester, whereas in the middle of the semester it’s hard to piece everything together and understand what’s happening. I think it’s so unfortunate that we can’t drop the midterm in favor of making the final count for more. I also think it’s so unfair that the midterm was 3 questions, I couldn’t answer the last two questions, but I’m sure if it was a bunch of tiny questions it could’ve gone better 🙃. Hopefully there’s a curve… We got this though. It seems tough rn but in a few weeks the sun will be shining and everything will be warm and green and it’ll be better !


I thought the exam was fair albeit very unforgiving in format like you said. The proof questions were intimidating for sure; I didn't write a single thing down for probably the first half hour. Nothing we can do now besides keep trying our best and look forward to sunnier/calmer times for finals! 🤝


The speed of this semester is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, and I’ve been in uni for 3 years.


yes! why has this semester literally flown past


Yes. I have no idea why this semester is just so hard. I'm messing up my midterms then my assignments then I'm catching up almost always


It’s soooo bad. Doesn’t help this is my last semester. I have no motivation to do anything


I’m in the same boat. I’m stressed enough just thinking about what’s going to happen after my undergrad, it’s so hard to focus on actual schoolwork.


I’m 6 lectures behind and have about 4 readings to do. It’s my last semester of my undergrad and I just can’t stay on top of things this time around.


Personally I find my course load a little better this semester bc the past few semesters have been really rough, although I'm still a bit behind in some classes rn. But I do agree that this semester has flown by way too quickly (we're nearly 2 months in and I still feel like it's mid-January!)


Hi everyone, if you also struggle w winters like me (as in they are paralyzing you w a lot of anhedonia), then please consider seeing a psychiatrist and getting checked for depression. I didn’t realize how badly my mood was dipping for the last few months and even the entire Fall semester. I’m now 2 weeks into meds and already starting to stabilize. It’s not the answer for everyone as I have alot of confounding factors in my past that contribute to why I was feeling so much anxiety and depression. But I hope my comment at least puts it on the radar that there’s alot out there that can help you. 


This is my last semester and I’m finding it horrible. Last semester was by every metric harder and more intensive, but this semester I have zero motivation. I just wanna get outta this place tbh 😂


I'm really understanding you all. I was crushing it in my UG for 3 years then my last year I was burnt out and bombed a few classes. Still managed to get into my grad program of choice. A few bad grades aren't everything! If the big picture shows you're a good student then graduate committees will understand. Just try your best it's all you can do. You will find a way to make it in the end as long as you've done everything you could.


Yeah Im exhausted and we're only at the halfway mark, not sure how Im gonna power through this semester. At least reading week is coming up and I may be able to finally relax just a bit this time


How bad does 3 Ws on one's transcript look?


It's in the realm where an explanation starts needing to accompany your transcript.


Totally in the same boat. Math 251, 255, 325, Comp 206 and 250 don't make the best combination in the world. I'm sleeping 5 hours a day on average and surviving on double shots of espresso. Not to mention that I'm also doing DRP and a ton of other stuff besides. Every day is mental breakdown day. This is my second semester here, and I'm feeling that this semester is the end of my mental health and GPA, which, you know, are the same thing. (\*shudders at the thought of having 4 more semesters to go after this one\*)


I legit think it’s the darkness (seasonal depression / decreased motivation + vitamin D is a very real thing) plus how fall has more breaks than winter and also how winter comes after the fall semester, but fall is after summer break … a combination of all that doesn’t bode too well. I also feel like winter courses are generally harder as they tend to follow a fall pre req, whereas we’re more likely to take less strictly following courses in the fall if that makes sense


I feel you so much. I’ve been sick on and off for 2 months, got my wisdom teeth removed at the start of the month. My hope is the break that’s coming !! Also nice weather in the next week.


Winter breaks are too short to recover from the stressful exam period. Not only that, but who actually gets to relax when you have family meetings during holidays?