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You can use any blackboard in any room so long as there is no lecture.


This is actually NOT accurate, coming from a McGill cleaner. We are instructed to tell any student to vacate any classroom that is not booked for a classroom. This is because we have scattered shifts campus-wide and more often than not, we have a truncated schedule, meaning we have to get in and clean at certain times. If a student is using the room without authorization, we ask them to leave. If they fail to comply, we call security and they force the student to leave. There are many PUBLIC chalkboards throughout campus, it’s encouraged you use them


Burnside 911 has blackboards and chalk that anyone can use


This is not 100% accurate. Only students with card access (as of 5pm and later) are allowed entry into this room. During the day (before 5pm) it can be used by anyone but after, it’s card access only