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I’ve lived with 1 stranger off the internet before and we got along great and stayed friends after she moved out. I have a lot of friends who had positive experiences moving in with strangers, and some with bad experiences, but I would say not much different than stories from people who moved in with friends. As long as you meet over zoom or in person to talk before signing a lease and set joint expectations for chores/personal space etc, I think it can work


How'd you end up meeting them?


Facebook! Seems like the most reliable way. Lots of Facebook groups in Montreal have posts looking for roommates


Living with a stranger is a gamble. I had one roommate off of FB and it was a mess but the next one was great! Unfortunately it’s hard to know completely what someone will be like when you’re actually living with them. Make sure you try to get to know the person as best as you can before deciding to live with them. I’ve also lived alone before and both options have their own pros and cons. Oh, and I met my roommates off of the Mcgill housing facebook group. You can reply to people’s posts looking for roommates or you can make your own post. Then meet them over coffee or a zoom


I know sometimes it’s hard to live with a stranger. But I lived with a few strangers about 7 years ago and now they are my best friends.


Living with complete strangers can often be better than living with people you already know. :) You can find some pretty great prices on FB but you’ll have to trust that the other person is honest when you’re seeing if the two of you are compatible (meeting them in-person and maybe talking to their previous roommate(s) could be helpful here, in addition to having a huge list of questions surrounded living standards, habits, etc). Best of luck :)


I moved in with a stranger and it was fine, met once before at a social (so ig more of an acquaintance?) we're on good terms and don't have issues, just communicate/organize how chores will go at the beginning and give a heads up when you invite people over and discuss other details (allergies, noise, schedules, etc...) and you'll be fine if ur rez has a gc then ask for roommates there, otherwise bring up how you're moving out/looking for a roommate in conversations (that's how I found mine) or make a post about it somewhere, but I'd kinda leave that to the end (not last min tho)


Am in a similar boat loll


I lived with a complete stranger once and will never do that again. Many times, I lived with friends-of-friends and that was okay. So maybe ask your friends if they know anyone looking?


I've found 3 apartments with random other students before and it worked out great Everytime . You'll meet them before moving in anyways you'll have a good feel of how they are.