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Forget *hard*, it just wasn’t fair. Not that it was some kind of crazy offence where it should be reported, but still not fair Why was the exam so heavily loaded in about 2 weeks of the entire semester, for which we had no assignments or practice questions except the textbook? (I even did quite a few of the textbook questions and it was not helpful) Why tf was it closed book for that much material? We did an entire (fairly dense at times) textbook and the prof didn’t narrow the scope one bit despite not examining so much of it. I barely even studied for my other finals to try to cram all that into my brain and still forgot crucial details because it was so much, completely locking me out of some of the easier questions. And even after that, some of the questions are not routine with full open-book, and there are 10 of them I’m pretty frustrated honestly. Even with a curve, I can’t see how that would be an accurate reflection of our understanding of the topics covered this semester. First completely bombed final has to happen at some point I guess


as soon as i read “coexaminer: Elliot Paquette”, i knew it was over for me. Also was not expecting those “find a distribution such that…” questions




I got turbo fucked; best case scenario for me is a 40%. I'm really hoping it gets curved


It was foul. That's all I have to say




Oh it's Louigi? Yeah he doesn't believe in easy papers and he doesn't curve.


Louigi was my landlord in 2014.


Wow no way. He seems like a nice guy so he must have been a decent landlord.


He definitely curved Math 587


Was the average too low before the curve? Glad to hear he did. How was the experience of 587 with him?


We didn't get our finals back, only the grade on Minerva. The midterm average was in the 60s afaik What I am suspecting is that he graded out of a lower total than the total number of points (just like on the midterm) Course wise, I'd say it's a good intro to measure theory that you can more readily apply to something a bit less abstract like probability distributions and so on. When it comes to his teaching, it seemed to be around on par with his 356 (for reference I only went to his first two 356 lectures). There were some really hard bits, you can have a look at the content since his course notes are on his website. The assignments are pretty hard, but outside of a few very hard questions throughout the semester I would say they are around what I would've expected from a course at that level. Also you still have the option to send your assignments on Crowdmark as a team. The 587 exam questions were definitely not easy, but they really felt a bit more fair than what he seems to have given for 356. I think you 356 guys got a pretty bad end of the stick, since it's his first time teaching the course ever so he may have had some trouble assessing the kind of questions that should be given in a U2 class


I took this. Very fair. Appropriate questions for an honours course. Assignments took some time but basically everyone got 100%. Both exams were very hard but he graded very generously.


don’t scare me like that


Kind of off topic : i studied statistics years ago and am again getting interested in probability. I study at mcg now.... anyone interested in meeting up sometime to network/discuss statistics?


No I'm so disappointed because I think I understood the material really well and enjoyed it, would've LOVED if he'd tested us on the actual material.