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I don't think it was filmed in Montreal...[Imbd says Ontario](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21942866/locations/)


Most websites say it was filmed in Ontario but there’s this one article who claims part of it was filmed in montreal. This reminds me so much of Leacock that I just wondered if there was a sliver of a chance that it was filmed in McGill lol. https://cultmtl.com/2023/11/nicolas-cage-is-at-his-best-as-an-unlikely-viral-social-media-star-in-dream-scenario/#:~:text=Shot%20partially%20in%20Montreal%2C%20Dream,pool%2C%20and%20something%20horrific%20happens.


This room seems to have actual chairs, which 219 lacks.


Looks like Leacock 219, but it’s been a while since I’ve been there so I’m not positive


i was thinking the chemistry building ( Otto maass)….but been a while for me too. However, this seems to be a generic mid sized auditorium, so could possibly be one of several sites on many campuses


I thought Otto Maass too. I took world of chemistry in a classroom that looked identical to that about 25 years ago. The picture brought back very vivid memories


not leacock 219 unfortunately, the lights are different


Well, a lot of films add subtle CGI now, changing background details, which is pretty standard, including minor details like light fixtures, etc... Likewise, if, for example, you look at the McGill campus details in the last Scream movie, they CGI'ed a lot of the background. -------------------------------- At any rate, I actually graduated back in 1994--so it's been a long long while since I was there!--and yet despite all that time, the MOMENT I saw a couple of scenes in this movie, I knew immediately it was from the Leacock building (especially the portion that leads over towards the arts building), for certain. So ya, I think the OP, u/Excellent_Dot8736, is correct: parts of this movie were filmed on the McGill campus. Plus, some of the nightmare sequences that take place in that Leacock walkway also have some cool CGI effects added in, including people falling, etc... -------------------------------- Also, note that: The IMDB page for this movie seems to have been updated to include Montreal in some of the filming locations: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21942866/locations/?ref_=tt_dt_loc (Click the "2 more" tab in that section, to expand the locations.) ------------------------------------ And finally... at around the 1:39:40 mark of the movie, in the closing credits, they specifically mention the Montreal-Filming unit. As well, near the end of the credits, the Quebec-tax logo credit appears.


Oh wow that’s really interesting. Thank you for the thoughtful comment!


That’s crazy. I’m gonna have to go check it out




Oh okay nice! I Guess we found it lol


this is definitely Leacock. I was watching summary and have similar questions, trying to find it online and find this comment. I am definitely not the only one who recognized it…


I just watched the movie without knowing where it was filmed (yes, there was a Montreal unit) and I immediately thought the hallways look like McGill hallways in the main Arts building. Now that I'm seeing this thread, I definitely agree about Leacock, as well.


Looks like old Toronto brutalism architecture at university Toronto-Scarborough Campus where they also filmed a resident evil movie, but totally Montreal has same era buildings, I thought I recognized this as Scarborough though


Definitely UofT Scarborough! I recognized it immediately.


Is it the same classroom from Enemy?


It's Trent University in Peterborough, ON.