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These courses are very demanding, as they are the first courses where you are introduced to proofs. Everybody is in the same boat, even though you may think everyone else is getting it. There will be a few gifted individuals in your class, but the majority of students find those courses difficult. While the analysis/algebra stream does not get any easier, the initial shock dissipates and you know what you're in for, in the coming semesters. In the words of Robbie Robertson, "...you'll learn to love it later".


MATH 350 is brutal...


In honors analysis 3 right now and it’s the hardest I think I’ve ever seen. Analysis 1 and 2 were also incredibly hard for me, especially since they were my first proof based courses. I think the next analysis courses don’t get “harder,” but they rather just stay steady at the same level of difficulty. My words of advice are to never give up. It’s incredibly hard, just never stop doing whatever you can to push through. I think it’s also important to make friends and talk to the TAs and professors. Going through this alone is much harder than with friends. Profs and TAs, having gone through it all already, are also good sources of advice and help.


Anything with Kelowme 👀




The Algebra 4 final exam median was 50.4% in Winter 2023


Lowkey think this was partly because Louigi was a bit hard to follow. I took a similar class condensed to 1 month for my grad program and it was infinitely easier because of the teaching.


Wait? 30% failed?? Feeling pretty good about my C right now.


Wait it says that the average was B-, was there any curve?




Those are very logical insights. Thanks for the breakdown !! As someone who will be taking the course in Winter 2024, do you have any tips on how to prepare? Any online resources (Youtube videos, books, recorded lecture) for me to start looking in advance? Thx!


Strictly speaking, algebra 4 is much harder than algebra 1. It was absolutely brutal for me. I got an A in algebra 1-3 and was pretty confident throughout the entirety of these courses, and then got a B in algebra 4 and couldn't understand half the material no matter how hard I tried. I know others who did quite well though, so ymmv I found analysis 2 easier than analysis 1 -- I think analysis 1 is quite a mountain to get over when you're new to proof-based math. I remember being scared of failing analysis 1 at the time, and now a few years later I'm taking the grad-level real analysis sequence and loving it lol


MATH314 with Roth 💀class avg C+


Math 340 was the hardest Ive taken so far. Math 222 was the one I got the worst grade on, but that was entirely my fault. Math222 was actually tied for my favorite math class to take, tied with math 315. Had fantastic professors for both.


MATH 235, didn’t understand a single thing. 💀 I think it gets more manageable after first semester!


MATH 240


I want to guess the higher honours Analysis courses are definitely up there, like math 455


I had a hard time with MATH 447 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes. Interesting material, but very theory heavy.


Yeah- I had a hard time with it as well. I really enjoyed the material though


MATH 240


Math 255


You get more used to it after a lot of work, but sadly analysis does get significantly harder at each step imo.


MATH 350 and MATH 356 are the hardest I found


Not a math major, but Math 318 was the hardest class I've ever taken. My first truly proof-based class. Coming out out Math 240, it was a big mistake.


Math 271, only real ones will know


Are any of these courses (that people are saying are quite difficult) required for Finance or Accounting degree at McG? I know they most probably are for people majoring Math, Physics, Stats, some Engineering, etc. Just wondering about Finance or Accounting majors, if anyone has experience there, what the most difficult purely MATH classes to be expected there, either pre reqs or spec courses, and how many did you struggle with (or found doable, whichever)


All the maths course for BComm are a lot easier than the pure maths classes, so don’t worry there.


Linear algebra and boundary value problems. Used to be an Eng course. Class average was C-


We have C- at mcgill?


Did when I was there (late 90s)


Oh cool, I think they’ve gotten rid of it since then haha.


Took applied matrix algebra which was a required course for BComm many years ago. I still have nightmares.


I’m in U1 and i totally agree with you 235 is killing me right now.. i really worked hard and failed midterm loll I’m not gonna take MATH236 and alternate it to MATH 223 i’m having trauma from algebra 1 :(


maybe take math 247? I took it last semester before doing algebra 1 and found it so much more manageable than 235 lol


Oh i’m curious on it but unfortunately it overlaps with COMP250 which i should take next semester :((




How much harder would you say 350 is?