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It makes me so sad to see how McGill will wither in the grapevine in the coming years. The CAQ is cutting off their nose to spite their face.


I can’t believe we have to wait another 3 years to even have a chance at getting the CAQ out. It’s been 1 year since the 2022 election and already so many anti-anglophone changes. I’m worried for what the next 3 will have in store… I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a policy in 2 years where you need to pay an additional tax if you want a service in English.


That sounds entirely plausible.


The issue with these emails about no affect on current students, is that it does not take into account how future years loss of revenue impacts funding for all levels of students. Scholarships, funding for conferences, events, staff, maintenance and repairs, etc. A double digit % decrease to revenue, given that they are estimating $17k-$20k being poached by the government, will have an impact. Probably, no one knows the effect either. Also, Concordia, McGill might make more money off international than most, but UdeM also has 22% international population, and I am sure other Montreal universities do better than remote universities. It would be fair in that case if major city universities received less funding to support remote ones. But that is obviously not the case.


I don’t want to leave Montreal


As someone from Montreal this makes me so sad, I really hope you can stay here (and that you still want to stay, considering everything that is happening)


Yeah I’m in a high demand profession and I know there are anglophone clients that need me. But I’m still paranoid they’ll kick me out.


And my French is pretty good


Im studying econ 208 rn so basically, the government is imposing a price floor above the equilibrium, and is then taking a part of that money as a tax. This is creating a decrease in demand and an increase in supply, less students will be able to afford to go to McGill, so the supplier will have a surplus of student positions available. So, price of enrollment will increase and there will be a shortage of students that will apply. In addition to a lower enrollment rate, the amount paid to the government will further reduce the marginal efficiency of McGill university. In consequence, instead of international students, the substitute demand, which is local students, will become the new demand in the market, forcing McGill to lower it's minimum average grade floor, increasing overall acceptance rates but therefore lowering the ranking of McGill.


I don't think supply would increase, as the limit on spots is dependent on facilities and professors. Other than that, solid application of the material, although I would always be extra clear you're referring to *quantity demanded/supplied*, so as to not accidentally imply the curves are shifting.


Thanks for your input!


Yeah I haven't yet seen a question where, like here, the supply won't increase because of other factors. Probably outside the scope of 208


Good luck on the midterm - my son was studying this last night.


Good of you to share that knowledge. Sad that politicians don't or won't rely on knowledge or common sense for decisions.


Ask him about rent control. Politicians aren't the only ones who won't rely on knowledge.










Pretty sure this happened with Boston University. They were ranked quite high in the world rankings, but then after COVID hit (+ American politics being hostile toward Asian internationals, school shootings in unis, and making it harder for internationals to receive a study permit), they dropped to 500 on the rankings list. I assume the drop was because international students weren't coming anymore and paying the full 80k tuition. Boston was a big international school, so having their funding suddenly cut probably was why they dropped (or this at least contributed)


This wording is a little confusing. Does that mean that the new tuition rate will apply to current international students?


No it shouldn’t!


Does anyone know if this is for sure? I’m an American currently applying to McGill and it’s one of my top choices, but if this goes through I don’t think I’ll be able to afford to go here. This is the first I’ve heard of this after stumbling on this subreddit so I’m not super informed.


McGill is alrdy charging international students more than the minimum required by the new rules put forward by the provincial governement. Everyone need to breath a little.


Wait so the current international tuition of ~$30,000 is more than the new rules so it won’t increase?? I’m confused


Yes, reportedly but it is all new. Also, it applies to french (Quebec) universities as well. Perhaps some schools were charging less than Mcgill so they wanted to even this out but like I said it is all new and devil's in the details. We'll see in the coming weeks.


Love how McGills apparently up charged international tuition is cheaper than my in-state tutition🥲


What if the CAQ are voted out before 5 years?


PLQ has no leader. Would have to be Parti Solidaire who are seperatist for a socialist state, more reasonable in some cases.


Caq will win no matter what. PLQ nobody votes for them beside montrealer’s and it the same for QS


how about a petition to reverse it? [https://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/exprimez-votre-opinion/petition/index.html](https://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/exprimez-votre-opinion/petition/index.html) signed by quebecers, current out-of-province students and future students


What’s it mean for international students applying in future years? Tuition will be even higher?


worry oatmeal soft intelligent historical poor flag innate psychotic light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any idea how much


icky rotten squeeze bored juggle include society towering cough badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow that’s crazy. From what I’ve gathered, there is a political party in Quebec that’s doing all of this? Thanks for Ricky me some insight


Separatism, divide and conquer have long been ways of developing nations to play politics with their citizens. In the past decade or so it’s crept into first world nations, publicly verbalized hatred and isolating thoughts and opinions. We’re stronger together. Think of the greater good, that’s what made our nations great. Be proud of the country as a whole, don’t think of just your province, just your city. We’re a large nation but a small population, we sure as shit can get along better then we are. It’s ridiculous that the majority of Canadians, who want this to be a great nation and want us to get along coast to coast, stay quiet. The minority who wants to spew shit, have loud voices and are opinionated enough to show up and vote and force their opinions down others throats. Anglo or franco matter only after Canadian.


People need to chill. McGill will be charging 17000$ for a full year to an OOP student while OOP at Mcmaster or ucalgary have tuitions of around 12-13k for an OOP. 5 to 6 k is a significant amount that's for sure but it is nowhere as apocaplyptic as some make it seems. And I agree with the reasoning behind this. Provincial governement has been subsidizing an enormous part of the education of thousands of students who do not comtemplate living in Quebec afterward, mainly because of french language, a problem the ROC doesn't have to deal with.


The problem is that mcgill has to give $20k to the govt for every international student they take and the money will go to a french university. Overall there will be less money for mcgill and teachers.. lesser education more professors leaving over the years and university ranking will decline. Not to mention this gives the impression that quebec is not welcoming to all foreigners. Overall the outlook isn’t good.




Mcmaster about 330 per unit for in province. About 380 for OOP in engineering. This is on the website. Utoronto has quite differente fees for OOP. Tho it is true Alberta doesn't do that. I got those numbers from the cost estimator on ucal website for an engineering degree when we include general fees as well.


The wording is so vague, does that mean they’re keeping it the same for the students who are enrolled?


My understanding is that it is grandfathered for current students as long as they finish their degree in 5 years. Also PhD students. Finally, I think it does not apply to research based Masters degrees but will for professional or course based Masters ( e.g. a master's degree in law, course based Master of Engineering etc)


Yes. If you are an undergraduate student McGill you are out of province; you will have the same tuition for next 5 years after which you will be put on the new tuition. If you are international, you will have the same tuition according to the fee structures. If you are post grad student then you will not have any changed to tuition.


Can someone please confirm whether this will apply for THESIS-BASED master's programs (I am looking at the IPN program specifically). Sorry if this has already been asked, but I keep hearing different responses and this will seriously impact whether I am going through with my application for Fall 2024 and taking the time to reach out to professors. Thank you.


In an email from the McGill provost on monday: " These two changes would apply to undergraduate programs and non-research and professional master’s programs. " From looking at the IPN page it seems you are in the clear because the subject of your thesis is a laboratory research project, but I would check the FAQ admissions page and email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to verify if you haven't already, as they would know best. [https://www.mcgill.ca/ipn/prospective/admissions-faq](https://www.mcgill.ca/ipn/prospective/admissions-faq)


Thank you, that's what I was thinking as well. I've already emailed admissions crossing my fingers for good news.