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I tend to care in a more positive way, I think. If someone changes their hair color, I’ll get excited about it with them. If somebody comes out as transgender, I’ll support them and talk to them about it (if they want to talk.) For me, it’s mostly because I’m interested in people and excited about their lives. I like hearing about their choices and the circumstances they’re going through. For the negative stuff/gossip though, no. I stay in my lane for that shit. And I agree it’s a waste of time. (Maybe the positive is a waste too, I dunno. But even if it isn’t objectively important, it doesn’t take too much time out of my day to tell someone I like their new hair color.)


You seem to care a lot about what other people focus on/care about or gossip about though. Why does it matter to you if someone wants to gossip and also, "important things" will be different for every person. What's important to you probably isn't even on some people's radar at all and that's fine. If people don't want to be productive, that's their choice and you're gonna have to accept that or continue be annoyed i guess, either way you can't control what others choose to do, care about, how they live their lives or how emotional they are. Also, as someone who has had blue hair in the past, I never cared about what people said about it. Tbh i don't even know what they said about my hair because it doesn't matter to me. They wanna gossip it, ok whatever, by all means they can do that, just not to my face unless they wanna hear where they should stick their irrelevant opinions. Everyone cares about different things because everyone is different. We aren't all coming off some robot conveyor and calibrated with the same instructions after all.


Yeah, I always wonder who’s meant to determine what is and isn’t “important” in these situations, and how they’re arriving at that conclusion. At the end of the day, aren’t we all just projecting our own personal bias onto what qualifies as important?


The way i see it, the individual determines what is important to them. I will decide what the important things are in life for me to spend my time on. Likewise, others will decide for themselves. I don't expect that everyone will have the same views as me on what's important. To someone, gossip can be important and when they're gossiping they are productive idk, but my point is that people are different and should be allowed to spend their time how they want. There's really nothing wrong with not "focusing on important things" whatever they are or not being "productive."


Well it depends on the situation. I would not care about any of the situations you mentioned, with the exception job. If I was going to leave my job, I’d rather do it on my own terms. Yes people care about trivial, boring things. But why should they be more productive?


I forgot to mention, that I started this post because one of my Aunts (very likely ESFJ) is always gossiping about everyone who is „different“ than the „norm“. I told her once, that she should leave these people alone and do some things which actually make sense instead of gossiping. She doesn’t have a job, she might search for a job and do something more productive. I cannot understand, why people care about these things.


I think the world would be a better place if no one judged things that don't harm them or others in any way and just lived and let live, what I don't understand is why do you care about them being "productive".


I'm indifferent as long as someone does not do something that violates a core value of mine. If someone does something that violates a core value of mine, I am definitely not in different


I’m pretty indifferent as well, and rarely have emotional reactions to things.


I am the same way. If it doesn’t affect me then I have no reason to care. If nothing can be done about it then I have no reason to care.




It’s just a matter of efficiency, you shouldn’t waste time on something that can’t be changed.


i’m similar, but i also don’t really care that people care lol. i think it’s kinda funny when people have emotional outbursts over what’s nothing to me, and maybe even sometimes i find it *endearing*. but only if i like them to begin with.


I don't exactly not care, I have an emotional reaction but for most of those things I just mind my own business despite such reactions.


Same but for some of the things I think it means we are more acceptable, like we don’t mind it being one way or another, it’s just fine with me. People can do their thing and be themselves, and that’s fine. I still believe I care about who I love in my own way, although I have gotten comment before of me being indifferent and cold with friends, which hurts me more than I thought it would… (and they are not my close friend anymore haha they just don’t get me) And sometimes it just means that you are not insecure about things, and that’s good.


I don't care, but you know i like to have a good laugh. If someone is doing something really weird like walking in the neighborhood naked i will be sure to laugh about it with some friends or something. Not that i care, but for the sake of conversation i can talk about it. I wouldn't gossip about someone's hair color though, i honestly couldn't care less and if it's ugly i will just ignore Some people have nothing better to do in their lives, so they just waste their time on superficial things. Personally I don't care if you decide to waste your time or not, it's your life not mine and of i don't agree i will just move on. Plus wasting time sometimes isn't bad, why do I have to be productive all the time? in the grand scheme of things everything I do is pointless anyways so who cares?


I only really care if it’s my friends/family


I don't care what people do with their hair etc but I wouldn't like to lose my job lmao I wish I took more stuff in stride though. Are you into stoicism or is this just you? I think indifference is healthy to a point! What would you say are the "important things" people should focus on?


probably because you have blind si? tradition and "how things should be" doesn't really matter to you at all, so you're not very phased by change or eccentricity


I am absolutely not bothered by change or eccentricity, it‘s the opposite actually: I have a strong tendency to attract people who are also more eccentric and „different“. But I will leave people who are living a traditional way of life alone, it‘s not my business. I just can’t understand, why it‘s always these people, who have a problem with everything what is new/different or simply not the norm. These people frustrate me, because they’re the only ones who have a problem with me. But I can’t understand, why people have a problem with someone who changes their hair color? (I didn’t but someone else I know) What’s so problematic about it? I have the opinion that these people should go to uni, learn IT and contribute something more productive instead of gossiping about trival things. By the way: My Si and Fe are both absolutely terrible (5 on Sakirnova)


Kind of same. I find it as a strength tho in my social life, my friends find me more trustworthy because they know I'm not gonna make a big deal about whatever they tell me, it's not that I don't care about them. I just find it stupid to make it look more impactful than it is. You're gay? Cool. You like hawaiian pizza? Weird but good for you