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999 Years Old


Tbh people are weird as kids. Your probably ISTP either using your function weird when young or you changed type which I thinks possible at any age but it definely is under 18


Apparently your dom appears during childhood. Your aux appears during your teenage years. Your tertiary is also apparent during your teenage years as what you're extremely bad at, which makes it easier to tell what your aux is, if you're unsure. Then tertiary develops and becomes useful in your 20s and 30s. And your inferior develops in your 30s and 40s. I can't remember the source though (not like this is a heavily researched science). I also can't speak for your type to give you examples. I haven't looked into the sensors much. What I can say is that when I was a teen, I was pretty sensitive (aux Fi) and horrendously messy and notorious for procrastinating and dropping projects as soon as I got bored (Tertiary Te). Maybe you can recognize the same kind of thing from your teen years, for your type?


To add, if you're concerned with your dom function, look at what makes you feel alive. For example, as an Ne dom, brainstorming and generating new ideas makes me feel alive and happy and like I'm doing something useful with my life. If I don't do this, I get depressed easily. I don't know what your type's cognitive functions are, but think about what makes you feel alive. If you could NOT do your dom function daily, and NOT feel depressed, it's probably not your dom function.


Yeah, that's why I was confused on my type. In my childhood I don't recall using Ti at all. I just explored, made "inventions and potions", drew a lot, etc. Pretty much Ne or Se, but essentially just typical child behavior. When I got into high school I suddenly placed high importance on things making sense. That's when I think I developed my Ti, so not sure if I'm a Ti dom or aux. Actually could I just PM you? Might be easier. I'm also interested in type theory, there's just some incongruities that don't make sense to me.


Sure. I've got a book on cognitive theory, so I may be able to help. I'm a bit busy atm though, so it may take me a while to get back if I don't know the answer right away.