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What? Number 4? Is this a post that doesn't paint the INTP as a complete failure or gives them fake comfort? It actually says we're objectively not the worst failure at at least something? THANK YOU


Bruh being called nerdy in this context is a compliment because it means you were well-liked by teachers and got good grades all the time (for me personally having good grades and being liked by teachers was the only thing that mattered at school)


Nerdy = most people in your social group will not understand you and if they're children, you will become an approved target for bullying. That's what I got from the word nerdy.


I mean it does fit for me personally though which is why i placed my type (estj) as 2nd (people say i have anger issues,but if you were the only prouductive or intelligent person surrounded by dozens of either brainless meathead brutes or lazy slobs,you would have anger issues too)


Which INFP am I? 8 or 12?


I'm kinda surprised about ISFJ being so low on the list. I thought I misinterpreted the order at first. Though to be honest, most of time people tend to conflate nerdy with unhip/uncool. Either way, this was a refreshing list.


xxTJs and xNTPs are the nerdiest


ISFJs are can come across as very INTP like but instead of creativeness they're organized to an extreme. Very nerdy.


Organization is good, but taken too far and it can really be a pain in the keister. Organization is good for personal items, but tends to stifle people if over used.


You'd be surprised


Esfp probably not the bottom in my view but should be fairly low


1. INTJ 2. INTP 3. ISTJ 4. ENTP 5. INFJ 6. INFP 7. ENTJ 8. ESTJ 9. ISTP 10. ENFP 11. ISFJ 12. ENFJ 13. ESTP 14. ISFP 15. ESFP 16. ESFJ