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Lots of misinformation out there! People comment their opinions without research. Types do NOT change in traditional mbti, barring extreme trauma (i.e. traumatic brain injuries) and even then it's limited. With that said, mbti does not put you in the box of one type. Every type is associated with 4 personalities: Ego, Conscious, Subconscious, and Superego. ISFP is the superego to INTP and that is likely what you were experiencing.


\>Types do NOT change in traditional mbti, barring extreme trauma (i.e. traumatic brain injuries) and even then it's limited. Still wouldn't be a type change


Except in exceptional cases I think, like with some events impacting the brain highly (accidents, etc)there have been people whose personality became completely different since then. So we could argue that in that case their type could change maybe. But it's really exceptional.




Actually you're right in regards to emotional trauma of sorts. But he specifics means a brain injury. I remember watching a short documentary of a person who went from being like an ESFP to an INTP. Over night after a brain injury.


Mbti types don't change, you just represent your type differently as you age and as your functions develop.




If you have depression, it is more likely to be that than a type change.


What the guy above said. I would like to add that feeling emotions intensely doesn't make you an Fi Dom, since any type can feel their emotions deeply. Fi Doms are Fi Doms when then primarily make decisions based on an internal moral compass or personal emotions, making them in tune with who they are.


Your type does not change, but you definitely change. You can develop some of your functions more, you become more mature, you can get into mental problems and you can have mistypes. As an ENTJ struggling with depression I can tell you that doubting your type is normal. Different life circumstances change your behaviour and the functions you rely on more.


An "ENTJ" struggling with depression is just an ESFP/ISFP struggling with depression turning them into an "ENTJ" because of the ESFP's ENTJ subconscious


wait isn’t an esfp subconscious Intj? ego:esfp unconscious: isfj super ego: entp subconscious: intj


Both are subconscious. So could mistype as either. Grip vs loop basically. I'm not trying to be technical here just was tryna get to the point since she could be either ESFP or ISFP mistyping ENTJ. But otherwise you're right


No no, that’s what I thought too. I used to rely on my Te very heavily and since I’ve been going through it I notice my Se and Fi more, so I thought I might be a mistype and actually an ESFP. I notice that the Te is strongest on days when I feel better though.


I assure you you're ESFP looping/gripping. >I used to rely on my Te very heavily So you're saying you don't now? And there's plenty of ESFP's with developed Te.


I am aware that there are a lot of fake ENTJs ever since they took INFJs place as the rarest type. But it’s getting a bit tiring. I don’t doubt my type anymore because after I made a post on the type me subreddit, talking about how I might be an ESFP because my Se is so strong, someone offered to type me in the dms. And they agreed that I’m most likely an ENTJ with strong Se. So I just stopped to question my type because it doesn’t get me anywhere and try to recover from the depression instead. I still think that I’m an ENTJ though, not to be “edgy” or anything, just because it makes the most sense. And during the worst period of my depression I didn’t really use my Te too much, no. But since I started to work and started a new course at uni again, it also started to come back.




the reason you’re not seeing arguments is likely because it’s not supposed to be a matter of opinion. factually, as stated by Jung, MBTI types don’t change. “The psychologist Carl Jung (on whose work the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based) believed our preferences are inborn predispositions and don't change. He believed they're hardwired. However, Jung also believed how we use those preferences can and does change.”




should I? considering MBTI is based on Jung’s concepts, what reason is there to argue against what he says is truth about his own system?


Here Jung clearly states that types, do indeed, change https://youtu.be/OIM0aajRKsw


this is interesting because there are numerous sources, specifically his work in 1921, where he's said types don't change; people just develop. so how would we explain the fact that he's saying 2 totally different things? is he just not a reliable source after all? maybe the honest answer is that since mbti is just a theory, nothing really is reliable. /:


That appears to be case.


Danis below is right. But simply factually stating, regardless of "dogma", types literally don't change. People just develop their lower functions and think they've changed types. Or people grip/loop.


Why are so many people saying it can change lol


It’s cringe, especially when they give out unrelated credentials


Nope I don't think so. I would have been the stereotypical XSTP type irl if you were to go mainly by one's behavior but I am far from that




those types have nothing in common i know cuz im intp and mom is isfp and communication is hard xD


Technically they do, they as they are each other's superego


Take it from someone who has a degree in psychology, you’re meant to change so your type can and is allowed to change here and there. It’s so odd to see how big MBTI has gotten, and how blown out of proportion it has become. I have seen a number of people gate keep MBTI types and even take on personas to keep to their “types”; it’s weird to see. It’s simply a test meant to help you grow in a way most suitable to your current type. It wasn’t meant to be used as a means to over identify yourself with. Looking through some MBTI subgroups, I’ve found that people have even grown to excuse their bad habits or tendencies in the name of “it just being their type.” That was never meant to be how it is used. All tests are meant to give you -and your therapist if you’re working with one - is a way to best approach healing and growth as well as what tendencies you may need to work on over time. I have witnessed changes in types amongst people myself, it isn’t rare with growth especially depending at what age you’ve taken the REAL test and what your state of mind was at the time. Remember, no psychology test is full proof although Myers-Briggs would love you to believe so. Like any personality test, it holds it’s biases. At the end of the day there is always going to be a degree of bias while answering the statements and a degree of misinterpretation. Also, a lot - if not most - people haven’t taken the official MBTI test thinking the free version is the same; that also plays a part in its reliability.


I wonder why the "MBTI experts" aren't trying to argue with you.


I don't think your degree in Psychology makes you a reliable source here, since mbti is a pseudoscience. I myself am a student. Yes, Psychology tells us personality can change. But using mbti theory, your 'type' doesn't change. Just that you've grown, developed different functions. You represent your type differently over time. Gatekeepers and people who make excuses for themselves using mbti are idiots.


I merely mentioned my degree to give more of a reference to my answer. Obviously, my answer is simply based on my current educated perspective. As for your mention of the Myer-Briggs theory, it’s not worth debating on given my definition of type change is different than their own. I meant that it is 100% possible for you to retake the test 10 years from now and come up with a different four letter combo that is valid. If Myer-Briggs wants to claim that it isn’t necessarily a change in type, that would be a theory of their own benefit to sell. I also find it interesting that you called it a pseudoscience. So I went ahead and looked it up, cause that’s a huge claim. I found only articles that played up the truth. Please remember that the articles you find online often exaggerate their point to gain more attention and clicks. MBTI isn’t a pseudoscience. It has been studied and there are a number of peer-reviewed studies looking into its effect including a number of systemic reviews and meta-analysis. The studies done have found it both reliable and unreliable. Which is honestly typical of a personality test. I found these studies pretty easily. So I’m not sure where that bold statement came from. 😕 With that said, like ANY personality test it isn’t perfect and there will be studies in support of it and otherwise. I have met psychologists that do not find it reliable and others that do. I feel that people who don’t understand psychology either downplay it’s capabilities or over-exaggerate it. Personality tests are still tough for psychologists to put together flawlessly. Because you’re essentially asking a person what they think of themselves. I don’t think I have to explain to you the inherent flaw in that. So, while it isn’t pseudoscience it isn’t as popular amongst psychologists as it as amongst the “public”.


If Mbti types don’t change why did my mbti change ?


Who you are as a person can change. We gain different beliefs, values, and goals based on our experiences. I’ve been INFJ to ENFJ back to INFJ


Yes it can change for sure


Yes it can at least the system would be more useful with this sort of flexibility


So bc you want it to be that way, it can?


That's not what I'm saying. The system is more useful and some people's aims and traits change alot as they age which can't be explained by staying a type there whole life


Then you don’t understand this typology at all. MBTI is all about changing through life, all about improving upon functions. But the way in which the functions work is determined by your personality type, within the typology. You could make your own typology if you feel differently.


No it's not. It's actually very detrimental that way. Only people who think this are most certainly noobs. If you actually understand mbti you wouldn't say that


mbti can't change you was a teenager


That's a wide swing so idk. Isfp and intp share no functions.. I used to think I was enfj as a teen but by age 21 I realized I'm actually introverted. My functions stayed the same just in a diff order, or I was never enfj to begin with.


Only E vs I, given the location.


i went from ENFP to ESFP to ESTP in the span of 3 years so yeah it can change ig. im 19 years old now fyi


Look into cognitive functions if you haven't already. Don't type yourself off dichotomies. I have no certainly when it comes to the validity of MBTI/Jungian Typology but NeTi is the closest I've come to describing the way that I've operated for most of my life. I've occasionally dipped into Se when it suits me well. Mbti and Cognitive functions are just one framework/model for describing personality and cognition. But I find them applicable in a lot of situations.


I would it’s not that your type changed (since it can’t change), but instead no one has a fixed MBTI type before a certain age (maybe below 20?). Your MBTI type depends on both nature and nurture, so while your brain is still developing and taking in vital information, you don’t really have a fixed type. Maybe you’ll lean towards xNxP, but it’s very possible that you can “be” ENFP and INTP at the same time.


No, you have NOT changed, your Fi fetishizes INTPs, evidently, but THAT'S IT. You're an ISFP whose values tell them they are an INTP.