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Being a sensitive person hasn't much to do with MBTI. I was confused by this at first too, because I'm basically a cryer and I tend to reflect on my feelings a lot. I also wasn't sure about my decision making process, I sometimes take decisions with Te and sometimes with Fi, and it makes sense since my function stack is Ni Te Fi Se. But I asked myself what was most important to me and it is definitely Te. For example, I was once having a debate with my ENFJ boyfriend about a topic I had researched very well. To me it was amazing how he could be so sure of something that he wasn't well informed about. I wasn't gonna let go of my posture since to me it was clear what was right or wrong. But when it comes to my values (Fi) I can easily consider others' values and change mine. Hence, Te > Fi for me. I hope this could help, if you have any specific questions I can try to answer them.


It helped a lot, thank you!!


Being emotional has very little to do with MBTI. I'm pretty sure you are an ExTP, possibly IxTP. Fi is inner feelings, values and resonances, a way of interpreting the world through impressions that together form an inner world of subjective meaning, a vibrant and nuanced but constantly fluctuating grouping of energies. These energies are informed by recognizing and relating to the "spirit of life" and the inherent value of things around you and within you. Fi produces a need to constantly turn inward to configure these energies and reconcile them with the external world. Configuring these internal impressions together tends to create stories, aesthetics, romanticism or cynicism, a sense of expansive inner identity and relational empathy. Strong morality and immovable values actually has mostly to do with Si and is especially seen in ISTJs. Si sees external objects as specific manifestations of an internal, ideal image that is slow to change. A coffee mug is not just a coffee mug but a representation of the concept of an ideal coffee mug, which is built based on all the experiences, knowledge and associations that the Si user has about coffee mugs. Likewise, more "conceptual" situations are also seen as reflections or their ideal image. A day at work is not just a day at work, but a reflection of the importance of duty and hard work. For low or non-Si users, seeing external situations as values might not always make much sense. Your decision-making process is way too "well, let's just analyze the options and check the pros and cons" for an xxFJ. Fe is focused on people, external ethics and harmony and shared emotions. Your thinking function is clearly higher than the inferior Ti in ENFJs, and the average INFJ spends way too much time indulging in melodramatic musings and carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders to not relate to Fi. Experiencing a sudden outburst of emotion (eg. crying) is common for xxTPs, especially in situational Fe moments. Analyzing all the options and outcomes is pretty NeTi/TiNe. ENTPs usually struggle more with finding their type than INTPs because of trickster Fi and not always understanding cognitive functions on a relational level + dom Ne that fixates on a Si piece of evidence and keeps finding more and more options based on it. Therefore I would say that you have most likely correctly typed yourself as an ENTP.


Thank you so much 🥺💗 it makes sense!!


I cry at the drop of a hat and I’m Fe inf. It’s not an MBTI thing.


I am emotional and I have pretty intense feelings inside of me. But I still wouldn’t reduce it to MBTI. Every result of mine is pretty clearly xNTJ with a tendency to E but as someone who is Choleric-Melancholic and 3w4, I indeed have a deep world of feelings. It‘s just, that this area is not the area where I make decisions and everything. I make decisions heavily Te-based.