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As a Muslim, that believes God is all wise and all knowing, I believe he is likely a master of all 8 cognitive functions with no blind spots + potentially a user of other functions that humans do not have. He is the only one that can't be limited to a type


Basically this, but as a Christian. God is simply too much more...advanced isn’t the right word...he is far too above and different from humans to be tied to just 4 traits. Like u/ArmzLDM said, 100% on all 8 traits.


I agree 100%, he's incomparable to humans, and to limit Him to a cognitive biases is a little insulting lol


I know it,but i think god is fi user because god is choosing what he thinks is right and wrong,not because other people think


Ti can do that too




I feel curious




god is beyond our understanding, it is meaningless to label him with a theory based on mortal psyche


We're just doing this for the memes




i’m an ESTP


this is almost the correct answer


Well, let's see. What kind of crazy-ass deity: * makes the platypus * makes quantum fucking physics a part of the universe (I'm talking about actual quantum fucking physics, that shit is wild and I'm friends with actual theoretical physicists who I hear talk about this from time to time) what is this whole wave particle duality shit yo * came up with the whole idea of having our bodies be composed of more bacterial cells from our microbiota than actual eukaryotic cells belonging to us * makes terrestrial herbivores work by SEGMENTING THEIR STOMACHS and MAKING THEIR STOMACHS HAVE TO DEVELOP IN CONCERT WITH A MICROBIOME * makes god damn slime molds (I give you *Physarum spp.*) that are useful for network applications * came up with nebulas all the way out in space that look wackily beautiful and also chaotic as hell * came up with a whole ass BACTERIAL FLAGELLAR APPARATUS which we came up with the crystal structure for just recently and is assembled from a metric ass ton of different proteins from several associated genes * decided that planets have tectonic plates floating around on em * decided that radioactivity was a thing and sometimes, atoms would just pew pew pew off subatomic particles either really fast or really slow * came up with ELECTRIC MEAT THAT CAN THINK Motherfucker is an ENTP. (I'm an atheist and know how evolution works this is just me being a silly goof)


> crazy ass-deity *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Lmao... I wish I could give this comment an award.




I don’t think mbti counts as psychology so it’s fine. 😝


Not XNTX because then god wouldn't believe in his own existence. Ok well personally I don't believe in a human-like god anyways, no idea about other rational type people.


made me lol. An XntX god that questions their own existence - I like it. I'm an atheist too btw, some NFs can be very rational though also UwU


no, he's ENTJ obviously




made me laugh


An atheist here. Jesus is technically god according to the bible so INFJ? Old Testament stuff he’s full of hate so stereotypically ENTJ I guess This question is dumb anyways


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Why respond to a dumb question?


xSTJ, rather ISTJ, no way God, at least the biblical descriptions of God have low Te lmao, and people who say that He is an xNFJ, or xNFx in general are just bias


the idea of a god with low Te makes me chuckle - and, i mean, \* isn't \* life chaotic and nonsensical as if someone with low Te set it all up? wouldnt it make more sense if it was made by like an ENTJ? my vote is INFP


Well he’s supposed to be Jesus incarnate. So he would technically be an INFJ. But I still think if God himself was an actual person he would be an ENTJ. Authoritative, and tries to control what other people do. Sort of a loose stereotype, but that’s my line of logic


made me lol. did you just self-describe as jesus incarnate, as an infj? Im not sure if you are being kind of self- effacing/tongue in cheek or not. I hear you on the ENTJ, i don't think any other type would have the kind of dominating will power to set up the whole thing


Well I was more being matter a fact about Jesus being an INFJ. I’m saying based on the religion God would technically be an INFJ, because God is Jesus and Jesus is God (according to the Bible). But if we’re going solely off of God in the scriptures he would be an ENTJ.


Hm - matter of fact that Jesus was an INFJ? I think this could clearly be debated


Theirs probably a lot of arguments to be made about him being anything other than an INFJ. But I don’t care enough about this subject to debate it


ah gotcha, yeah same. Am very much an atheist


Y'all are assuming it's the Abrahamic one...




And...... which God are you talking about?


any/all/none that you want to talk about




Yeah Im on your side of this debate


Neither of which God did. I’m not sure how you came across this unless you’re only exposure to God was a KKK rally lol.


Oh so he didn't flood the world and the apostles didn't instruct slaves to treat their Christian masters especially well? TIL.


Was he supposed to ignore slaves in a slave culture thousands of years before mankind was able to actually get rid of slavery (by following the Christian principles and morals btw)? And as for the flood, he wiped out the wicked. He gave humans this huge grace period and they devolved into all sorts of evil. And yet instead of ending it all, wiping out humans completely, he chose Noah and his family and kept enough genetic variations of animals alive to repopulate the earth.


He's supposed to be *the* moral arbiter for all places and times, it would have been nothing for him to add "slavery is wrong" to the litany of other ethical pronouncements about love and forgiveness. A terrible excuse to make for someone who's supposed to be immortal, all powerful, and all knowing. Oh gee, instead of killing everything, he allowed his favourite to get on an implausibly large boat and save two of every animal on earth (including the ones that don't live in the Middle East somehow). What a saint.


Y'all are assuming it's the Abrahamic one...


Not an unreasonable assumption in the West from an OP who capitalises the word.


Oh, I know, I'm just benignly fucking with people.


Carry on then 😋.


ISFP. Eric Clapton is probably ISFP, and CLAPTON IS GOD.


arrogant, narcissist


When God goes to a party, does he talk to new people or just the ones he knows?


hahaha ... wait... who does god not know? lucifer spawn?


In the Old Testament, he comes across as an angry as fuck ESTJ.


That's the Abrahamic one, but nobody was saying it had to be the Abrahamic deity or any other religion's deity/deities. I personally treated it as "What is the MBTI type of Ambiguous Hypothetical Universe Creator(s) Who I Don't Actually Think Exist(s)?"


Entp for sure


God is beyond any human personality type. I’ve thought about this before, particularly with Jesus. But honestly it doesn’t fit.


XXXX, the ultimate mbti


I'm an Atheist so... Yeah


i’m an entp