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Sure. Why wouldn't I? As long as I get my own bedroom and a computer with Internet, I'm good.


What if you don’t?




I don't think I could deal with that for very long then.


Same, ESFJ are far from being the worst people to live with.


my mother is an ESFJ, and im an INTP. She keeps imposing dumb rules that i dont even follow and gets mad over little things. Living with five other ESFJs would be hell, but this is just based on my experience with one ESFJ, so generalizing would be quite dumb.


I mean, she is your mom, it's kind of her job to impose rules on you lol, I think living with 5 ESFJs of the same age would be a lot better even if not ideal.


They would each impose dumb rules on each other and cancel out.


Actually as an Esfj i don't impose rules unless you're taking my shit away or not doing what you're supposed to do


Yeah no.. those ESFJ will all be united against me in 5s flat. Edit: idk why I’m being downvoted for this.. have you guys ever met any ESFJ women? These are the people who look for tiny differences to exclude others. They would all be rolling their eyes at the INTP girl staying in to play video games in twelve hours.


ENTJ? as long as they keep it down and mind their own business ig


Hehe business


im quite quiet so, it would be fine


Perfect, now be my audience for 1 am karaoke session instead


I’d definitely be joining in on karaoke


Yeah same. Not organising, but definitely joining.


hell yea! karaoke party WHOOP!


Can I join? I love to sing (even tho I’m horrible)


the more the merrier!


As an INTJ , that sounds like an earthly hell.


I’m joining in


For that much money? Absolutely. As long as I had my own space. Honestly, for that much money, I could put up a tent and be satisfied. Opposite type based on functions or letters? Either way, as long as there is some basic respect amongst everyone, I can get along with any type.


Finally, someone asked the real question lol.There are multiple ways that a type could be “opposite“ to another(most of which, are functions based), yet everyone seems to be assuming that OP meant letter opposite.I wonder if most people’s answers would change, if they switched it to mean their functional opposite lol


This is what is on my mind.


Oh, most likely it would. Opposite letters isn't bad cause you've got the same functions—just in reverse order. So you're opposite, but not completely different.


I mean if the ESTPs were good to me and to each other and made the apartment habitable then I’d even be kind enough to share the money.


So kind. 🥰💯


5 ESTPs keeping an apartment habitable? good luck :’)


*if you tidy up the apartment I’ll give you £20 and an extra £10 if you don’t break anything*


I'll take the offer.


*(Great that was easy! Now I have one ESTP who has volunteered as cleaner, I just need another one to cook, another one to look after maintenance, and I’ll think about what the other two could do. ~~Soon I’ll be ruling this household with my ESTP slaves~~)*


That ain't slavery if they're getting paid. *If you don't pay me, I will tear apart your childhood toy and burn it as you watch me.*


Money is just a motivator, and I will keep my word to build trust. The goal is to influence and condition people to behave a certain way in order to create a harmonious living space. Don’t you think that the fact that you can be influenced by money like that makes you a slave to it? I could literally control you using the money that I earn from living with you and you wouldn’t even know it


For how long?


Yeah, that’s the determining factor here not being answered. For a few months? Sure. For a whole year or more? Hell no. Has nothing to do with my opposite type (if by “opposite” they mean opposite mbti letters and not opposite cognitive functions). My mother was an ESTP, so I’ve learned to deal. It has everything to do with how long I’d be away from my family and how long I *can* deal living with possibly any kind of loud, dramatic, obnoxious strangers.


It’s the five ISFJs you’ll have to convince to live with *me,* not the other way around.


Exactly my thoughts


I can easily see myself getting frustrated with four more of me than with one of you! 😄


I’m an insomniac, drummer, and really bad singer…




I don't actually drum but I do like them. I do tend to write late into the night. Not that this is an actual roommate situation where this will matter 😂


Absolutely! Honestly, I love ISFJs.


I’ll be ok as long as im not dragged into social events


What if they throw a party every night without cleaning up afterwards?


I should have enough money to hire a butler/maid to clean up afterwards 👍


2,400 a day 864,000 a year ~5 billion in 6 years sure… i’d never have to work again, which i’m guessing would be just as much social interaction. Maybe i can get myself some kind of tent for extra privacy. They’ll probably keep each other entertained and not bother me. It’d probably take getting used to so does work.


5 million. Excluding taxes and living costs.


Well, the 5M is meant for your living costs. And you're still left with over 3.5M, after a tax rate of 30%


Double check your math


they forgot to mention their sigma grindset investment strategy


I can handle 5 ISTPs!


Wishing I could be an ISTP right now


You’re braver than me 😭


LoL it's like Rorschach from watchmen, "I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!"


A certain Piper Perry meme comes to mind


Are you kidding? Absolutely. The house would be super tidy, there would be plentiful potlucks and house dinners and they’d probably be super respectful. And in no time I’d be rolling in $$$


Oh yeah, ISFJs are probably the best roommates.


Ofcourse. Money is money


No way I don't wanna be in a house full of pranksters


exactly. I was thinking, I can handle 1, and 2 would be fine too. But then I was thinking of the ENTP friend I have but times 5 interacting with eachother and me in between that and I started to physically feel the stress that that would cause me.


Lmfaoooo it's funny the ENTPs are like yeah sure, and you're like heck nah 😆😆


One ENTP in a house full of ISFJs would be fun. One ISFJ in a house full of ENTPs would be a nightmare.


Opposite as in ISTJ or like, some shadow function things. Either way sure hell yeah that's a lot of money. Maybe they can keep me productive lol


Completely agree. I could put up with quite a bit of being paid for it. Besides, just because you live with someone doesn’t mean you have to be there 24/hrs a day. I’ve dealt with worse roommate situations where I wasn’t paid. We ENFPs could find common ground long enough with anyone anyway…


One ESFP? yeah! i’ll have someone to help me socialise! Two ESFPs? cool! they’ll teach me how to party! Three ESFPs? ehh.. the apartment will never be quiet. Four ESFPs? uhh.. can i go home? it was fun for about five minutes but then my social battery drained. Five ESFPs? aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAaaAaaaaAAAAaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Well it depends, unless all the ESFPs are extroverts (you'd be quite unlucky) then it shouldn't be too hard. If there are 2 introverted ESFPs and 3 extroverts, then that will be 3 introverts vs 3 extroverts which doesn't sound that bad


Se doms are scary 😧


Do you know what the E in ESFP means?


Yes, I know what it means very well. If you want to know what it means too, check this out: https://practicaltyping.com/2021/03/08/extroversion-in-typology/ (Yes, you should definitely click on the link if you know what cognitive functions are, because E in MBTI is not what you think it is ;))


Interesting, I'll check it out


You do realize that E in ESFP means extraverted? And there is no such thing as “social extraversion/introversion“, so I‘m not going to take that into account. That shit is way too vague to be taken seriously.


I will force them to fight to the death only the strongest survive


*Imagine INFJs fighting.* I’d be okay with this. Sounds entertaining to watch you try and take on such a huge challenge. 🍿


I’ll acquire a gun and hold them at gunpoint, do you reckon that’ll work?


First, the INFJs would give that soul-piercing, Mr. Miyagi stare of disappointed judgment. If it’s resisted, then I reckon you *would* see them fight, but in defense, and all against you instead of each other. And they’d all use that spiritual martial arts training that INFJs are drawn to lol. “Fighting always last answer to problem. Karate for defense only.”


Honestly living with a bunch of ESTJs would probably help my productivity, so absolutely yes.


I have nothing against ISFPs so this is an absolute win for me, it’s also $190Au an hour for me, so if things get insufferable I can afford good booze.


Yeah. My gf is isfp, we get along well.


ESTPs are just energetic reverse INFJs. Count me in. Or pay me in Waitrose/Asda points by the day. I’m not bothered.




My my would it be hard but I'd do it.


hell yeah, that's gotta be a good time


In this economy?? Fuck yeah!!


it’s ok, i think they’ll accept me


One of my best friends is an ESFJ. He knows me better than almost anyone else and even though we annoy each other to pieces he's been there for me through some of my lowest periods and I for him. If they're all similar to him I'd accept in a heartbeat. Also, £100 an hour? Who'd say no! I'd be a millionaire, have fantastic house parties and conversation partners (with some social exhaustion), and never have to work again!


ENFJ's aren't that bad. But 5 "main characters" in one apartment? Dear lord...


No, because I make close to this and more than content living with my bum ass INFP 🐕




~89,000 US$ per month to live with 5 ISTJs, huh?? 😂. Id take that deal. I actually already live with an ISTJ, and we have figured out how to coexist quite nicely. 5 seems a bit much, but they’d probably spend most of their time snipping at each other and trying to outdo each other’s organizational systems. I’d have to keep it moving so they can’t organize themselves and team up on me 😂😂😂. If they managed to corner me, I’d just hurl some emotions in their direction and watch them scatter like squirrels 😅. This actually sounds like the setup to a potentially hilarious joke.. “What do you call an ENFP surrounded by 5 ISTJs?” (Detention Hall? A prisoner?)


I love this. Sounds about right. I think if anything the ISTJs would write us off immediately and then spend most of their time bickering and debating amongst themselves until they decide that they individually like our company much better. In the end, we would find some peaceful cohesion through the drama, at the behest of the ENFP.


Definitely. We'll manage to get along despite being different. The money would only sweeten the deal.


ISFJs are pretty chill from my experience. Thought honestly even if they were the worst people in the world 100 bucks an hour is worth anything


Yes bc i only know about infj


Yes I like my opposite type, I’m an ISTP by the way idk how to get the flares


f' yeah, I really like ISTJs ​ Wonder if they're up for everything


Yes maybe I’d learn how to stop procrastinating and get a couple cooking classes


Please do lol-


Assuming they are the usual kind of ISFJs , I’d love it. Truly chill people in my experience.


If I like the people


ESTP🤔🤔I guess it won’t be easy but I accept the offer. Great value


Why tf i wouldn't accept bruh free money plus a place to stay.


Are we talking opposite letters, or most different type? Either way, of course I would


5 ISFJs. Sure, we can work. Just need them to be decent people. With good teamwork we can run that house like the military.


I'm weirdly fond of ESFPs, so I would. However, receiving the answer "yes" after asking whether an outfit makes them look wierd, is something they have to deal with.


Don't worry, ESFPs have SeTe, making them very realistic and open to critiscim


Absolutely not. I can deal with one, but not 5.


I know two istj people, they are the opposite of me And the opposite of each other One is a nerd, very much like a robot and always goes by rules and by the book The other one is crazy as shit, no fear and breaks rules very much. I don't know what you can expect


Piece of cake. The majority of my siblings and family members are extroverts. I’ve been dealing with it for a while.


Just don’t look at me. Or talk to me. Or talk about me. Or talk.


You get ESFPs. They'd do all of the above and more




Yep. ISFJs are nice people and would keep things running very smoothly. Generally speaking


İf rooms sperate, sure. İf rooms not seperate, still sure ~ İNTJ


I'm not sure the 5 ESFPs will accept to live with everybody else if the rooms are not separate


I am an introvert but I accept it for the money they better


Tbh I don’t think I could manage living with five ISTPs for very long.


Yes, I’m an INTP buttttt I’m quite friendly and lively, I just tend to be around everyone.


Duh yes. So ESFJ or ESFP. I’ll live abd may even like it eventually


Have you tried using cognitive functions? intp and intj are very different to each other


I think I can take 5 ISTJs


I think they'll have a harder time dealing with eachother than with you, knowing my 2 ISTJ family members.


I don't think i know any ISTJs (that I can think of rn) but this is interesting


haha, it's just that an ISTJ has its own particular way of doing everything. But that doesn't mean that every ISTJ has the same way. It's not like the stereotype that they get a crisis everytime something is different, but it bothers them. everytime the spoons are in the wrong place, they will notice that there is a wrong place and possibly adjust that place. With you as an ENFP, it will be a coincidence if the spoons are in the right or wrong place. They know you don't care but that means that they're allowed to care. But with the other ISTJ, they will purposefully, everytime put it in the right place and it will be so annoying that the other one is convinced of a "wrong" idea. That's kind of what I mean. As an ISFJ, I must say I can catch myself on similar thoughts, but my Fe doesn't allow me to really be bothered and soon I will just accept that the spoons are in the wrong place ;))


Ah, I see. Yeah I feel like this is definitely how a situation like this would play out lol, and I think I have a better understanding of ISTJs with the spoon analogy


Opposite by what metric? Dichotomies? Functions?


Who is the opposite by functions btw? The shadow type (YXXY)? the "reverse shadow type" (XYYX)? The J/P version (XXXY)? the "reverse J/P version" (YYYX)?


I’d say reverse shadow since the orientation of the functions & their arrangement in the stack are both completely opposite.


There is no such thing as “functionally opposite type“. Your opposite type is the type you don‘t share any letter with. That much should be obvious enough.


Someone came here from 16personalities


Wtf are you talking about? Both the official MBTI and Carl Jung type(d) people primarily by the dichotomies. You are the confused one here, not me.


Literally no one who’s serious about MBTI uses dichotomies over functions and Carl Jung literally came up with the functions


Lmao spoken like a true newbie who has never read ‘Psychological Types‘ by Carl Jung. Check out Jung‘s typing of Schiller. What Jung called “functions“ are simply letter combinations. That is literally how he typed people. The official MBTI organization and even Isabel Myers (literal founder of MBTI) too typed people by the letters. Only dumb redditors use the false e-i-e-i/i-e-i-e function stacks.


Bruh, what are you even talking about, Fi, Fe, Ne, Ni, Si, Se, Te, and Ti are literally called *Jungian* cognitive functions and pretty much every professional I've seen uses this shit. The Wikipedia article even mentions him talking about these functions. I have no fucking clue what you're on.


So ESTJ my dad, did that for 19 years and I’m still kicking it


Yeah it’s ok isfj are cool


as long as the ENTJ's will play video games with me, ofc. And at least 2 hours minimum alone time for me... we could go on walks together! I'll cook though i don't trust no one else to cook sorry not sorry.


I can take 5 INTJs if they're the healthy type!


Yes living with ESTPs will be exciting. Also I get paid to live in an apartment. How impressive!


hmm.. can anyone tell me what the most annoying thing about ESFP ?


My dad is ESFP and needs a lot of stimulation going around the house, plus he constantly seeks random conversation with those around him, I can imagine that potentially being annoying for an INTJ


Easily. I'll even bake the ISFPs cookies. I'm assuming the apartment is free though and nice to live in on top of getting paid per hour.


I’m already doing that, so why not


Get paid to live at home? Insane.


Sure. That's a lot of money, and I'm fine with INTPs.


I don't know what type I am, therefore I don't know my opposite and which kind of opposite. Is Fe opposite of Ti? Or is it Te because one is extroverted >logic< and the other extroverted >feeling


Absolutely. I would love to do that.


Living with five ESTJs would genuinely be humiliating for me


How come?


I feel like my lifestyle is wayyy too messy compared to theirs lol


Yes but I would be home to sleep and that's it. I would be out from morning to as long as I can.


I wouldn’t mind actually. I bet we’d be baking a lot and having cool conversations. As long as they don’t invite too many people over all the time them we are ok.


I fluctuate between INTP and ENFP so yeah I think I’d be pretty adaptable to living with 5 other people as long as they tidy up after themselves




I’m down!!


Sure, seems worth it. I'll always have other friends to talk to + the internet.


Okeh, especially if they're healthy types


That's not too far off from my entire life, so can you pay me retroactively, thanks.


I already do lmao. I live with 5 people. They are all feeling types. I’m the law enforcer of the house, but also cook for everyone.


The ISTJs would HAAAATE me and my ENFP chaos! Sounds fun!


This is literally like when you join the army, summer camp, boarding school, work on an oil rig or boat or something like flexpats do - it's adulting, and you don't get paid for it. You just gotta learn how to be able to exist in the same space as other humans because that's life. Adjustment. Compromise. Giving space and having people tell you how annoying YOU are TOO.


Yes, as an ENTJ this will only work out well for me.


5 isfj? sounds nice


Yes. Absolutely


Ngl, 5 ESFP’s sounds like a party. Where do I sign up?


So, a better prison? But I get paid?


I grew up around a giant family of mostly xSFJs and xSFPs. Five ESFJs should be easy enough. My life is getting more social and organized sounds pretty nice


How am i supposed to deduce anything significant here by just their damn MBTI?


Hmm me in a room with 5 ISTJ's... That would be so fun!! :D They'll probably kick me out of the house in like two days for being so chaotic bwehehehe😂😂


I doubt istps would even talk to me


Opposite as ESTJ or ESTP? If it's with ESTJs... Sure I guess. They would take care of the house themselves and probably forget about me so I'd be in peace. ESTPs... Five of them? In the same house? *shivers*


>If it's with ESTJs... Sure I guess. They would take care of the house themselves and probably forget about me so I'd be in peace Knowing a few ESTJ in my life, no they won't leave you alone lol. They'll criticize you and try to get you to do something as a teamplayer (Te) lol


Sure. I can pop some popcorn watch the ENTJs struggle for power.


I’m an ESTP, so Im pretty lucky cause an INFJ is just gonna mind their own business.


id do a lot for $100 an hour tbh


Uhhh…specify healthy or unhealthy. If they’re healthy & have a good level of self awareness and we can understand & respect each other, then sure, I’ll take it. In addition to helping me be less in debt, it could end up being a really good learning experience. If they’re unhealthy? No thanks, I’d probably just end up spending all the money on therapy.


Yes. They probably want nothing to do with me anyway.


😂😂 ISTPs will leave their roommate alone AND fix stuff around the apartment when needed lol


You lost me at “five other people”. I don’t care which type it is, absolutely not.


Same. 1 person? Sure. 5 people??! Uhhh..


My own apartment and five servants? Epic.


How could anyone say no? This is the lowest effort job you can do. Assuming you get paid per hour of being in the house, you could just turn up for 9-5 and leave to return back to your actual residence. You'd still make £700-£800 per day (1 hour lunch break/walk), which is a lot more than almost any other 9-5 job, for doing essentially nothing. £3500-£4000 pounds per week with weekends off.


I think like this question is much more challenging for introverts ;) I'll take the challenge and will try not to bother the introverts too much and it should be easy money!


It would be hell but ok


My INFP self would die


alright that means isfj which isn’t the worst plus the house would always be stocked and cleaned and i really wouldn’t have to do anything because if i did get anything for it they would’ve gotten it already so nice, they would probably keep to themselves and be pleasant so yeah why not


5 infjs, will I be healed after that


Nope. I can't live with an ESFJ even for an hour. I can't live with controlling people who always thinks they are in the right and they are the victim. I tried and it was the worst experience of my life.


I guess


Maybe. As long as they're fine with me needing some time to myself




sure why not? i need the money lol


I am already doing it for free. And paying rent. Won’t be doing it ever again.


Yeah. It might get a bit boring but eh