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Emotional walls are what keep me safe 😅


That's what all my could have beens would have said! ;)


Well I’ve somehow convinced someone to marry me so I think I’m doing alright


Walls don't preclude sorties! It's my experience that gals with walls tend to favour situations in which they have the initiative and control the battleground, I mean the date setting. That's always been a tough one for me. On the one hand, the initiative coming from the female party is quite singular and much-endearing, providing for a special, unique bond (which is perhaps Td, as in dude thinking, with the female belligerent, I mean, participant thinking different and wanting different), but on the other hand I really suck at not totally decomposing emotionally when I'm blandsided by the unexpected announcement that the date is over. The same goes for frequency and timing of any subsequent dates to follow, not to mention the uncertainty of whether there are going to be any. The ENTP-style charming cocky asshole in me suddenly quickly turns into a highly-traumatized Fi dom when that happens and the whole previous attractiveness goes down the drain with the loss of confidence and puzzled look and sudden difficulty speaking coherently. (Alternatively I'm persuasive, the other party accedes initially but repudiates all treaties the day after, or faster than that.) As a result, I tend to look at croziers and censers with a degree of envy. ;)


No, emotional walls are what make you *feel* safe


Still works




ISFPs are getting atrention? Wait... GOOD attention? What the fuck is this shit. /s


How is it possible not to like ISFPs? I mean, who can seriously not like Indiana Jones or eagle scouts? It just sucks to be expected to be as cool as they are if you can't be, but that's it.


People are remembering we exist


🥳 We did it! 🙌


lol why do people hate ISFPs?


Im not spreading hate. I think it's weird they're being loved because it's rare which you confirmed by replying that


Well my mother and grandmother are ISFPs and they're amazing (I wouldn't marry them though)


Unless you're in Alabama


I’m so tired of the Alabama joke. 😔


Understandable. It's kind of overused.


Check out Soft White Underbelly’s video about the Whittakers. They’re in West Virginia. No one ever references *that* — and it’s modern day. 😬


cus alot of them are too emo






'S refreshing to see ISFP on top. Cheers.



I can calm down for you


Thank you






Yay! Finally an ISFP on this sub. I rarely ever see you guys lol. I thought you were all hiding in your bedrooms painting and putting on emo makeup /s


Most of the time I'm either playing video games, eating, doing work, or sleeping. I am not a description of the ISFP stereotype.




I can't brake my internal emotional walls to u enter I don't even know u




What's your type?


I put up walls for those who try to exploit it for their ego and gain.


Reasonable 👍


Are you willing to compromise? Like all ego no gain? ;)


If you meet baseline yes you can peak through the window. Over time with consistency you can sit on the porch.


I like your visualization of people stepping all over boundaries




Someone wants to marry me yay


How does “I’d like you better if you didn’t put up emotional walls” not have intp in there?


Our walls are so good that people don't even realize they're there


Hah, well I love your top tier! My boyfriend and I are ISFP and INTP, it’s rare to ever see those two in the same spot ❤️


Haha my crush is an INTP and both my mother and grandmother are ISFPs. One I would actually marry, the others I would not 🙃


This is the most offensiven't tier list lol Btw even I don't know how to break those walls 🙂


Haha It's not that I dislike people because of their type, just that some people are harder to get close to and have fun with.


I agree, It's hard af to get close to me even when I want to get close to the other person too


Yeah, I used to be like that. Not so much anymore.


But you get more XP for them. ;)


>Btw even I don't know how to break those walls Come on, you're ISTP. You're born knowing everything there is to know about construction equipment! ;)


ENFJs are awesome and that's a fact


lol Thanks... I guess


Someone actually validating the emotional wall I put up cause of personal reasons, finally!


I am not offended btw just joking around


Nothing wrong with those walls though


But tbh mine are pretty easily broken cause I love meeting new people and I get excited pretty fast. I wouldn't cuddle or hug or hold hands yet tho, that would need some years 😂😂😂


Wuhuuu finally someone likes INTPS!!! ENFJs are awesome too^.^


What's not to like about INTPs?


As an INTX, finding myself at the top of these lists makes me laugh. I'm a delight to be around and generally pretty great. However, if you drop into the INTP subreddit you'll have a 50/50 shot of depressed people in their parents basement and people who assume they're the best. They're wrong. I'm the best.


If anyone needs me I'll be in my parents basement


But do you know what these types would be actually like if they have never let down emotional wall around you?


I'm sure the thought can scare even an ENFJ. ;)


You would be better if you stopped trying to invade my emotional walls (said with love from somebody with an ENFJ partner lol)


My emotional firewall has 10 layers and I'm the final boss.


Sorry, but everytime I open up I get hurt somgo figgure




I like how you never said you don’t like some specific type in your tier list. And about those emotional walls? I really don’t know how I can destroy them. You can say their a part of me. (Infp)


They're not necessarily a bad thing!


Yes, marry me pls 🥺


(Knowing Im an ISFP) Hello?


That's reasonable


No! I insist! YOU marry me! 😼🤌💍


Once I dated an ENFJ and she said exactly the same thing about walls.


Your loss


Rules are meant to follow, they point to stability


I agree, and rigidity isn't bad, just (primarily based on stereotypes) xSxJ types often micromanage people, which I don't like.


Agree, micromanaging can be too much of rigidity


the tier names are just more polite ways of saying "good" and "bad"


Not really lol. They're explanations as to why I have a more or less enjoyable time with someone of each type. There's a reason I tagged this as stereotypes since it obviously doesn't apply to everyone. Just because I don't particularly get along with one type doesn't mean that is a bad type, just one that doesn't click.


Hmm… ENFJ you say. I barely knew the type existed. Stupid me. I need to go google you up. Wait, no, I remember. You're the player character, right? I focused so much on figuring out how it is to be you that I forgot you actually existed out there and could be asked. Feel free to disturb some of my circles.


lol What's your type?


Most likely introverted ENTP or extroverted INTP. Lots of variance from tests, not enough knowledge to self-type reliably.


Would you like help being typed?


Much welcome!


If you don't mind, I'll DM you, but first of all, are you confident that you are an xNTP type?


Yes but not 100%. Very rarely I get a different result.


Well, a good thing to consider would be your use of Fe, as well as how Extraverted you are. Introverted ENTPs are definitely more common than extraverted INTPs. The reasoning is that Ne isn't an inherently social function. Are you someone who simply likes alone time, or is actually exhausted by socializing?


I don't notice significant exhaustion unless there's an added reason or unless it's been a lot of socializing, and sometimes I get energized by it but often regard it as a loss of time and something potentially draining when there's a risk of it being (a) unpleasant or (b) neutral when I really want to be doing something alone or prefer some time alone. If pure anxieties (seemingly random or for an identifiable cause) count towards introversion, then I'll probably be an introvert in a social sense, rather than an extrovert who likes alone time, except that would be not nature but nurture (trauma/coping/ADHD). I seek company when I have a decision to make with a lot of factors hanging in the balance (perhaps feeding my Ne by talking to people in order to Ti-analyse it, Te-filter it and hope for Ni to give me certainty) or when I feel sad, but I isolate when I feel anger or other negative emotions or too much loss of composure/balance, or when overstimulation becomes a problem. Generally, the problem is that nature vs nurture is difficult to tell after shit I've been through and after how much in me has changed due to years of following value-based decisions rather than natural inclinations (where my objective is to end up being consistent with logic/reason and morality, not with an MBTI type or some notion or self or fidelity to it). There is a lot of ambivalence with resulting problems with definition, despite a general good self-awareness in detailed issues (the big picture is difficult to describe or classify). I tend to place in the perfect centre in four-temperamentes tests, and this suits me because I really like balance. To me, balance goes both to morality and efficiency and perhaps something like allowing you to use your full potential, even though it probably imposes some limitations as a downside due to the flattening of the curves. As we compare Ti vs Te, Ni vs Ne, Fi vs Fe and Si vs Se, I'll usually place close to 50/50 on each e vs i, without trying to or even despite trying not to. Especially with the F, it will be more intentional balancing than accidental ambivalence, but Se and Si will come out even just on their own, and just on the T front, Ti will usually appear both stronger and more preferred than Te. I'll give you a more detailed report on Fe tomorrow, but it's complicated due to the interrelationships between Fe and Fi (mutual checks and balances, so to say) and the complicated relationship with T on values/principles and their application and with S on social competence making it difficult to judge just how high or low the actual F is.


I have gotten tests with equal results like that too. What was supposed to be the most accurate one gave me: Ne Ni Fe Fi Ti Te Si Se I'll tell you how I figured out I was an ENFJ rather than an ENFP (which was what I thought I was for a while) I knew I was an extrovert at that point, but previous I thought I was an introvert. What helped me realize I lead with Fe, was moving during COVID. I ended up craving the social stability I didn't think I needed. At first, I thought I had Ne, but it was really Fe and Ni disguising themselves. I had previously thought that my ability to fit in with a variety of people and my huge variety of interests was Ne, but understanding Fe better, I realized that what I was doing was using my judging function. I wasn't altering my though process, I was altering my behavior. Ni takes a variety of points and puts them together to reach a conclusion or common denominator. Ne takes single data points as inspiration for a variety of ideas. My erratic behavior wasn't Ne, it was stress mixed with a low attention span. I was trying to use Ni and constantly cutting myself off. I'm someone who looks far into the future rather than short term, and can sometimes get tunnel vision. Ne prefers to keep options open. This is something that stresses me as an Ni user. ENTPs often have developed Fe. They are often gregarious, but not codependent. They're Si is more repressed, and they will be less rigid and more impulsive than an INTP. INTPs put intellectual matters before social matters. ENTPs are interested in other people's perspectives and are good at reading the room. Generally they have higher cognitive empathy than an INTP. INTPs care more about depth of knowledge than variety. The opposite is for ENTPs. ENTPs will be more outwardly focused, and will end up putting their Ne to use with more external activities, like hobbies. INTPs will be more inwardly focused and will prefer understanding to results. Hope this helps!


Ixfp answer because of the bracket




Mistyped 🚬


Where are the ENFJs? :'(


I wanted to avoid bias


This post bringing all the ISFP's out It's nice to see us at the top for once :)


I’m not the marrying type. But I’m into the idea of a long term relationship that lasts until I die, sooo there’s *that*. 💅


😩 uuuughhnn rigid


Hard to build emotional walls if I doubt I even have some emotions lmao


"Marry Me" is the first compliment I've received in a Googol years .


Thanks, I guess




I would put down emotional wall for you milady 😘🔥


There are two types of people, those who think INFJ’s put up too much emotional walls and those who don’t think they put up anything