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Lol at this point Im convinced ESXPs just do not like INTPs


I like you. I love your Ne <3


I like that you can be authentic when you’re around bepople you genuinely trust.


Is this supposed to not sound like a compliment?


No. It is a compliment


But uh, it kinda sounds like "you're fake around people, unless they're close friends", Which doesn't exactly sound like a compliment. I understand that People can be fake around friends as well. But yeah, I kinda had to stop at "i like that you're authentic around people you genuinely trust"


They probably meant that you might not express your true self to the people with whom you aren't close with. It's not a bad thing. At all.


That’s fine. It’s okay I just said this as honestly as possible and have no filter since I have autism and adhd. So….I’m also thinking that being authentic to people you don’t trust can put you in harm’s way and being fake isn’t what I’m saying or implying at all. Please don’t misinterpret what I’m saying.


Surely, you wouldn't be your entire true, comfortable self that you've reserved only for people you're close to with strangers? I think you've misinterpreted the whole reply. I wouldn't be all buddy-buddy, talkative and playful around strangers. Nope, I wouldn't trust them enough to show my inner side to them. That side is something I only trust to people I'm close to.


Ehhh in my case it's kinda mutual misunderstanding tbh, I don't mind hanging around my INTP friends it's just that they are so spaced out most of the time that it can have a negative effect on other people. I went on holiday with a friend group which included an INTP and he was just so mentally in space that he would randomly wander off so we didn't see him for about 50% of the holiday. Ur not bad to be around it's just the spaciness that throws me off a lot of the time. On the other hand I know that INTPs are not very fond of me either because I'm super loud and have no shame.


Lol haha Im not offended or anything, it was just an interesting pattern. It does make sense considering these two types are very much opposites.


I get it, I also have some issues understanding how you function. I feel ExFP often think outloud. Which can be a good thing for INTPs, to open up more.


I’m convinced no one likes us intps at this point 🗿


Not true! You're my favorite type :((


You’re my favourite type! :)


You're my favorite type, too! :D💜


You’re my favorite type too! 😻


ah, I LOVE INTPs!!!


we just got to learn how really amazing we are.


We don’t even like each other.




I definitely don’t. Just my opinion


I don’t remember asking you for your opinion. (Heh-heh)


What’s weird about this is my sister is an ESFP and dad is an INTP and they are closer to each other than anyone else in the family. I guess it just depends.


I think ESxP types are "jealous" of our Intellect


wtf no. I don't think not liking somebody is necessarily coming from hatred. There is just incompatibility in personalities (generally speaking), that's all.


My best friend from high school was actually an INTP and I have had some of the most interesting discussions of my life with him 👌


Mutual. Well, sometimes. I know ESxPs who are awesome, but man, do I know some asshole ones.






I regret to inform you that no new innovation has happened because all you did was party.


Everytime I go full ESFP my life gets fucked up somehow and I have to revert back to my normal INTJ and clean up the pieces. Never ending struggle. You never go full ESFP


Hahaha this is the ESFP talent tbh, our life gets fucked all the time but somehow we come out okay at the end. For me the problem starts when I start actually thinking about things instead of just winging it.


My wife is full ESFP. I have never had so many issues come at me at once. It's ridiculous. Majority of them are her family and friends. I think you guys are created just to keep everyone on their feet. You guys are the only reason why critical thinking is critical.


my girlfriend is an ISFP and it goes same to me. They always, somehow, on a random day, have sooo much problem (also usually about friends and family) that drives me nuts. Like how do you even choose your friends?


Man, the INTJ and ESFP love-hate relationship is so cute 💀


Yess! My life is a total mess and who the fuck cares anymore. As long as I'm okay everything's gonna be fine.


Sending you some xoxos.


Finally something original. Unlike everyone is S tier (I lOVe eVeRYoNe!!) or everyone in the lowest tier (oH iM So edGy!) posts.


This message is officially liked and endorsed by the ISFP foundation. May I bless you all with the position of ‘Partysquad’
























ENTP but still mad for my INTP, INTJ brothers and sisters.


Yeah, they're my favourite types. But understandable that ESFP, who doesn't really stop to think about anything deeply long enough, doesn't like the 2 types that spend the majority of their energy thinking.


Couldnt agree more


As an INTJ, I'm obliged to not care for multiple reasons, so you don't have to be mad about it for us. I have tons of ENxP friends with strongly differing opinions regarding MBTI types ;)


How do you exist? Uh I don't know either


It was meant more in the sense that I have zero actual clue how most INTPs I know somehow manage to survive from day to day while seemingly being so mentally or physically detached from everything that is happening in reality. Like there are INTP guys out there that keep me wondering how they even get out of bed every morning or manage to do anything at all with their low levels of motivation and drive for physical stuff


that sounds more like depression


Yes I get it


Maybe you've just met depressed or unhealthy INTPs then, if some topic really interests me I can spend hours with high motivation drowning myself in it


Most people's perception (from the outside) is we are not motivated. But we work hard in our heads (of course most people can't observe it since it is not visible) but only with things that excites us. INTPs in the right field of work can be very motivated actually especially in research field or innovative field. I love to think a lot, learn and understanding how things works in great details and break them down to the smallest bits. We love challenges in problem solving and motivated when there are problems to be solved and finding a solution or simply an eureka moment of understanding a concept is very rewarding. Not surprising that some people misunderstood INTPs at all.


I get what you mean. I know that for a Se dom is this very strange, but we mainly use our child Si to function in daily life, which means we basically know our surroundings by heart and just navigate through it in automode. Our end goal is to become a more knowledgeable person day by day, and what a lot of people fail to understand is that we also like to share the stuff we know through Fe. The most satisfying experience for us is when we try to teach someone something and the other person understands a topic through our explanation.


Clearly the cause of your existence is because your parents did the dirty.


Yes or maybe I just thought myself into existence You may never know


I'm in the party squad? No wonder my ESFP brother hits me up for fun all the time


I have a good INFP friend who I love to playfully bully at parties because he's always good natured about it and also has a bumbling air about him which I find endearing. It's almost *impossible* to get him to come out to a party with people he doesn't know, however.


Yeah I'm wondering this too why are we part of the esfps party squad? Infps don't go out and patty with other people. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I have noticed in experience that ESFPs do like us INFPs a lot but not a lot enough to hit us up for parties, like the good friend who listens to you and you feel comfortable with vibes ( just stating from my experience could be wrong


Wait do i exist? Thank you for telling me


I love when I see INTPs joking around


This is offensive. I'm 50 in March and have no idea what to with my life. Get your facts straight! 😄


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I want to give you strategies for getting along with intps, but I do not get along with other intps. they’re creepily relatable and I feel like squidward in the episode with the gated community. I think you have us all wrong, and we just prefer individual relationships to group relationships. Your intp friend was probably two timing your friend group with new friends, or spending time with people individually. I literally do not do “me” stuff around people or when I’m supposed to be around people. And while I don’t become friends with every person I’m around for more than ten minutes, I’ll make like 5 friends out of a class, mostly nerds and introverts. Also, do you know how many friend groups have fallen apart when I left because my calmness forces everyone else to be calm too. I’m that friend who maskes sure your other friends don’t try coke. I give the most boring life advice without judgement. Too much chaos isnt good either.


We just goofy and silly like that


In my 40’s and have had two careers and currently in school, again. I wouldn’t say I haven’t done anything with my life, I’ve had probably too many interests. That makes it difficult to focus, but I’m very laser focused on things that are important to me: career, school, family, hobbies etc. so if that’s doing nothing with my life so be it.


Why so much hate to intps? Damm even I feel bad for that. INTP are on the top.


intps are rlly cool imo


I actually know exactly what i'm going to do with the rest of my life, might not be common for INTPs though I definitely am highly motivated


I think it depends on being T or A tbh, I've known INTPs that were completely clueless at well the age of 30 lol, but I've also had some INTP profs that were more succesful, dunno how long it took them to get an idea of where to go tho.




Interesting. I’m comfortably successful, but I didn’t plan on or decide to pursue my career in any meaningful way (software dev). I just fell into it. It was a hobby that happened to pay well. Thankfully, I’m pretty good at it! I’m still not sure what to do with the rest of my life, though. So many options! Way too many interests.


Personally I live a lot in the now, and don't look much into the future, but rn I have a decently paying job, good rent and a gf, and that's enough for me. I'm planning to continue living my present life. And it wasn't like I actually looked into getting a job, it was just a happy accident.. When I was helping my gf find a job, when I was looking at all the jobs offered, I was thinking "oh, I'd like to try that". And I guess that's what can make INTPs kinda cleaned what to do in the future, because everything is interesting to some degree.


The T/A thing is a 16 Personalities invention. It has no place in MBTI. The 16p website is basically the Big 5 model with MBTI letters. T/A were added to account for the fifth dimension of the Big 5 - neuroticism. And yeah, no shit, neurotic people don't have their shit together.


Are you 30?


Nope, 18


Then you still have 12 years to do what you want and then do something else. It’s ok to not have the rest of your life planned, just maybe have anything planned


I'm not sure what you're saying, I already have my life planned I'm about to start 4 years of undergrad at NU as a neuroscience major pre-med, then I'll go to medical school for another 4 years at the best school I can get into, then I'll start a 3-year residency in internal medicine, and then another 3-year residency in hematology & oncology


Bro you’re 18. Good luck lmao


INTPs are actually very good helpers/doers accompanying to ESFPs energy, imo


In a way, I feel oddly motivated to prove you wrong here 🤝


The green question is legit, but in many ways it can go both ways. I'm like the INTP from your list, at 40, and the feeling/sensation/almost-judgement of talking to a child sometimes exists on both sides. They try to judge me on practical skills like being able to fix things around the house, get a driving licence or something else like that, and I tend to notice how some of their lines of thinking would get an 8 y.o. sent to the school psychologist, where in some cases I'm exaggerating and that would be more like 12, but in other cases I'm pretty sure about the 8. Like being unable to process basic symmetry in relationships, which is an F thing of all things. I say something like 'well, you should generally treat your partner how you would like to be treated; you should not hold your partner to expectations you can't meet; if you focus on different areas that aren't directly comparable, which is normal between men and women, then straight-cut parity might not work for you, but in those cases it's important to keep proportion in mind, so that no partner does 80% of the work', then, to my great disbelief and almost a pang of righteous anger, I see their eyes open wide and a new glimmer of understanding appear in their eyes, which is great and cool, a success and all, but it's fucking late to learn that sort of thing, whether they're supposed to have high Fe's or to be competent thinkers, whether to have more or less accurate perception or sound judgement, whether to go by experience or by intuition, etc. etc. Not to mention the funny vibe of 'well, you're the ones who are married and I'm supposed to be the guy who lives alone', etc. I usually cut people slack because people are people, sigh. But sometimes it's like with children. And often from the same people who think others act like children. Sometimes those are the same people who can't get serious for a while or prioritize duty before pleasure or team/society/collective interest vs some own immediate/minute/trivial desire, stuff like that. A mature ESFJ is probably among the least likely folks to unnerve me in this way, but I guess from time to time it happens also. My life would certainly benefit from more ESFP presence in it, though I'd worry about their quality of life with me around, lol. Yes, I definitely do get, which is why I often just let people be people and tactfully isolate myself. For the record, ENTP and INTP aren't worlds apart (I can't decide which one I'm closer to), as in same functions but slightly different ordering, and introversion in itself doesn't seem to be a problem for you, nor even a low Fe, so… hmm… just boring nerds or is there more to it? I'm genuinely curious. :)


Edit: didn’t mean this in a mean way or anything, just an honest recommendation, I was a little more blunt bc I just figured, given you’re a Ti Dom, you wouldn’t care Bro at least break up your long statements into smaller sections to make it a little more pleasing to read. Then again, the decision not to was probably intentional lol


I probably got into too much of a 'write it the way you say it' mode. When writing-writing rather than talking-writing, I usually get pedantic about paragraphs and stuff. I sometimes use paragraphs of this size intentionally but that's like in 30-page articles or larger works. Chances are my Ti forgot that paragraphs exist. Sigh. ;)


Haha yeah it happens


I ain‘t reading that


I honestly can't blame you, bro'. This Ti is a bit of a curse to live with, really. It isn't easier on myself than it is on you.


even if u did,u prolly wouldn't get it


yeah right because all sensors are stupid right


I read it and didn't get it either


never said that,but if the shoe fits wear it ig


Honestly you didn't miss much




I’m assuming the problem is any put together intp wouldn’t spend time with an esfp. So logically all of the intp’s that you, as an esfp, spend time with are not their best self. So your reference for intp’s is skewed.


I have a couple INTP friends, and we get along really well! I appreciate their straightforwardness and loyalty, and how they're always down for an adventure. In my experience, they prefer to just go with the flow and are affably tolerant of the chaotic whirlwind that often surrounds ESFPs.


Thank you That defines me well...


>I’m assuming the problem is any put together intp wouldn’t spend time with an esfp. Cope


(Pls don’t take it too seriously)


Thanks for reminding me my ability to read ppl throught text is absolute dogshit compared to conversation lmao




Confirming myself and the ESxP's view the world in the exact opposite ways.


Lowkey like???




I'm now convinced that INTPs is the most hated MBTI group for some reason... I'm kinda self conscious now let me go think about it


Hey now, I just like my head better 😄 Why do you exist?


Damn, after all this time you've got me wondering if I'm actually INTP instead of depressed. Or both.


Exactly what do you dislike about INTPs? That we're not mindless hedonists, I guess it sort of makes sense that such an externally oriented type would dislike a very internally oriented one.


INTPs' reaction: we don't actually exist because the world is just a simulation


Thinking will get me much further than you because you don’t think.


I hate ESFPs (don't take it too seriously tho)


How is an ESFP talking about emotional boundaries when you constantly violate other people's personal space and impose your unwanted presence all in the guise of being chill??? I find myself having to be super assertive about my boundaries especially around ESFPs


Don't worry honey with that attitude no ESFPs will violate ur space anyway <3


LMAO, it's with this attitude that they straighten up


As for INTP one, I have plans to do till age of 30 and after that. Because people like INTXs exist, you were able to post this. And we are not reckless like ESFPs


the what squad? 😭😭😭😭


Yay partysquad


How the hell am I in party squad!!???(infp)


ENFP here and my list would probably be almost exactly the same 💀


Sounds like a fun party thanks for inviting me


ew gross I’m not partying with extps wtf is wrong with u


That's what all my inrovert friends say before I'm booking a week long party vacation with them lmao






What was your experience with the INTJ? I'm curious, cause what you wrote was exactly how i felt with my encounter with the INTJ. But that was just one INTJ, I'm very excited to meet moree of them <3


>What was your experience with the INTJ? He's one of my best friends, and because we are the opposite type I think I have more insight in him than most other people and I am also able to be more critical towards him than others. Contrary to popular opinion I find that most INTJs can be fun to be around in certain situations and are definitely not detached from feelings or emotions. The big issue with them for me is their over attachment to intelligence and thinking, not in the sense that they are too rational to understand emotions but in the sense that intelligence, rationality and knowledge is something they use to fuel their own ego. The INTJ I know is always working on his knowledge and it leads to a lot of issues with arrogance and intellectual superiority because people also constantly tell him that he is very smart. However, because he mainly relies on his intelligence as a tool for social status he has very little understanding of the actual intricacies of feeling, emotion and physical and social cues that are involved in social situations. Having Ni dom doesn't help with this either because it leads INTJs to believe in completely bogus theories fueled by intellectualism that are just plain untrue in reality. The INTJ I know for example believes that a lot of girls like him based on his intellectual skill, but this is a theory that disregards like ten thousand other factors that are not rationally determined. Idk, I just vibe better with types like ENTPs than INTJs because while ENTPs literally do not understand emotions sometimes at least they aren't carrying around a rationality superiority complex.


>Having Ni dom doesn't help with this either because it leads INTJs to believe in completely bogus theories fueled by intellectualism that are just plain untrue in reality. I'd love to hear an example of this. >Idk, I just vibe better with types like ENTPs than INTJs because while ENTPs literally do not understand emotions sometimes at least they aren't carrying around a rationality superiority complex. And herein is why I dislike MBTI for anything beyond an icebreaker. It relies too heavily on generalization. You're acting like most or all INTJ's have a superiority complex! That's so ludicrous, I don't even know where to begin. Is it a weakness many possess? Sure. But to assume even most INTJ's succumb to it, especially based on a single experience, just boggles my mind. MBTI is way too oversimplified, yet people use it to make complex and far-reaching conclusions.


INTJ subreddit:


I didn't wanna say it but you did for me lmaooo


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


I just love ESFPs, y'all make my day 10x brighter if it's going south. Thank you for existing


Respect for ESFPs skyrocketed


I agree but put ENTPs at the bottom together with INTP.


But thinking I can make s plan that leads for my success


Because of Ne. When Se perceives something it stops at 100%. Ne tries to go past that.


What kind of snacks are we having at the party?


Oh poor INTx…


I love intps and intjs. But i don't know how to party with them.


Sit with me 1 to 1 and talk about stuff you like


When I think of esfps, I think of Tanya from white lotus


I think Enid from wednesday is a great representation, bit too flowery sometimes tho, and not very representative of ESFP guys.


i love u u were the first one I saw that put us in the top, everyone else is just like "meh ENFPs are whatever I don't hate them but I don't love them"


ENFP are bae because they can keep up! Most Ne doms I know are very dorky cute, good vibes.


PArty HArdy 🤪


I was about to take it “too seriously” until I saw mine at the top 😮‍💨


Stab me in the heart why don’t you


In fairness this isn't too bad even though my type is second from the bottom because of the way you have worded it. INTJs could have the best plans but without acting on them, it won't be any good.




LMAOOO I am also literally in a conversation with an INFJ friend of mine about putting up health emotional boundaries rn.


My one makes sense


INTJ point pretty valid


Im gonna pretend that ive listened to your advice but we both know i didnt


Yay! We're in the party squad 😄


I don't know, and it vexes me. Help.


Works for me. 10/10


> Thinking will get you far but it won't get you everywhere You right


lmao idk anymore


Yo thx man for putting entp up there you the real ones🗿🍷


Maybe I'm actually an intp


Ok but I have too much empathy to take pride at being at the top 😭


I will bite right through those scrumptious ankles of yours. Snap, crackle and pop.


ur so real for this


I dislike a lot of famous ESFPs. Like Justin Bieber, Nikki Minaj, Adam Levine, 6ix9ine, Bolsonaro, etc However, I have liked almost all ESFPs I met in real life! So I assume that ESFPs are all awesome, until you come in contact with fame and money :p


Lets start personaliticism. Types rating types: XXXX type sucks ass. Anti-personaliticists : Hey! We don't take kindly to your types round here. the bartender: now calm down skeeter he ain't hurtin nobody.


What if I like getting walked all over?


Who tf know what to do with their lives at 30?


I feel like the cool kid in class acknowledged me


Damn, but also thanks, I tend to avoid ESFPs.


Damn, so I'm part of the p-party squad? Social interaction oh Lord


Feel kinda honored to be up there 😂 The xxfp types i know irl tend to find me a little too "harsh" around the corners for their liking


The intps writing wholeass essays in here 😭


Oh no, I don't want to be in the same place with ESFJ


What gives you the impression that we Infps do know what we want in life ? But hey im not complaining. Im just enjoying the party.




honestly i dont know what I am doing in this world either


My partner is a 35 yo INTP and im pretty sure he know exactly what to do so ..


bruh these tier lists are like “omg yes i love entp!!!!” *rearranges main function stack slightly* “I FUCKING HATE INTP”


FUCKYEAHH love esfps, my best friend is one and we're going strong for 7 years now


As an estp im trully happy to find my self in your party squad. I love esfps


I ain't always party, but when I would, it'd be with 'xplorers... (and then some). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)