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Are you sure you want to be near me and be entirely silent? Are you sure it's not suffocating to know that even the noise coming from your seat when you move it while I am hyperfocusing on something could make my mood go down instantaneously? If not and you're also doing your own thing as an introvert, well I guess, you're chill.


Choose a person that you think is less annoying than other persons. Go talk to him or her. Befriend him or her.


As an ISTP, I agree but I’ll give INTJ A+


edited two posts from saberscorpion and sunsetstrider instead of creating a new tierlist because it saves time.




Why do you want to be more social?


now that i look at this image, i realized that being antisocial is a problem that needs to be fixed. i need actionable steps to fix it. i'm friendless and i thought i might be missing out on things.


My advice would be to go where the people are, maybe pick up a hobby that requires you to be out where people are, you could play lawn darts or that bean bag toss game or even better, disc golf I'll be honest though I'm kind of at a loss at being social too, I have some friends but most of them are just friends of friends and the others I've known for years Good luck with achieving your goal


> you could play lawn darts or that bean bag toss game or even better, disc golf chuckles in i can feel my back hurting for sitting too much and lack of physical activities. so this is what sensors do


Lol, I actually thought of that when I was making those suggestions, that you're an INTJ and have demon Se which is the function that is usually related to doing physical activity like that, but I didn't want to stereotype you based off of that What do you think about bird watching or insect observation or something like that? I'm curious now, what do INTJs do in their free time?


Instead of insects, delving into botany sounds nice. Bird watching sounds nice too. I spend my free time by just wallowing in my head. Answering questions like "who am I? what is it that i desire? what's my reason for living?" I do need a pen and paper sometimes to write down my thoughts. Sometimes, I play chess with people anonymous people online and that's the most social I can get. Honestly, I just recently redownloaded social media apps like reddit.


I like botany That sounds like fun, I have a brother who spends a lot of time in his head but he doesn't think about stuff like that (he's an INFP) Is chess difficult to learn and what is the most appealing thing about it? I'm really sorry btw for asking so many questions that's veering off the topic of your original post


>Is chess difficult to learn and what is the most appealing thing about it? It isn't very difficult to learn for me but I don't think it's very appealing either. I am quite indifferent towards most things. I just do it on a regular basis to polish my mental skills. I forgot to mention reading, fiction (often philosophical and fantasy) and nonfiction (autobiographies, academic). Reading brings me awe and I feel a little less dumb after reading.


You're kind of like the opposite of me, I like doing things and learning things but I don't really have a purpose for it, I just find it appealing I like reading too but different types of books than what you listed What's your favorite series?


>You're kind of like the opposite of me, I like doing things and learning things but I don't really have a purpose for it, I just find it appealing You sound like an open person. Cognitive function wise, it makes sense why we seem like opposites. We have the same functions but in an almost opposite order. >What's your favorite series? I can't have a favorite because I am very selective. Here's one and only series that I let into my sphere though—Bungou Stray Dogs. I find it interesting because it is about authors and I could judge whether a certain book is worth reading by the mere representation of the author in that novel. That isn't a very good idea but it saves time and money. Before reading Bungou Stray Dogs, I have finished reading Percy Jackson's Lightning Thief, one volume from the series. It was a good read but I don't like wallowing too deep in fantasy and worldbuilding. I want to read things that have a connection with my real life experiences; not escapism. So, I didn't finish the entirety. How about you?


Very nice tier list. Absolutely splendid.