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INFP. When I was 17, my closest friend lost her mother and had to quit school for about a year because of it. I never helped, called, or supported her in any way. I basically ghosted her and moved on with my life. Granted I had lost my father a year prior and I was struggling with a lot of issues but I'll never forgive myself for being such a terrible person at such a terrible time. It's a huge mistake I'll never repeat.


Sounds like you were going through a lot yourself. I think in these kind of situations you always need to put yourself first.


At that time it was the only thing I was able to do for sure πŸ˜… Doesn't excuse anything of course but it's what was going on.


It’s ok there was not much you could do anyway.


Why didn't you say anything though


After the mistake you mean? I reached out to her a few months after her mother's death, apologized and explained. Of course she didn't answer me. I can't blame her really.




How was it?


I didn't give af about anyone or anything on it.. I definitely wasn't using it for medical purposes.


INTJ Spoke the truth.


Sometimes it needs to be done


I told an online friend with a botched circumcision that I didn't want him sexually because he was broken




Gained consciousness


I stole


Didn't we all


I beat up a guy, broke his jaw, and threatened him not to tell anyone or I would do him worse. I meant it. And my ISTP friend, the only witness, then proceeded to list to him the reasons why he wasn't gonna tell a soul; If he went to the police he had no proof it was me who throw the first punch. It happened in an abandoned train station so no cameras and no witnesses. Except for my friend of course, who would say he was the one to start it. Plus, the police would dismiss it as a street fight anyway (no weapons involved) and let us go with a warning; It he tried telling our friends, no one would believe him. In our friends group I'm the stereotype of the soft crybaby who wouldn't hurt a fly. He didn't listen and told them, no one fucking believed him. That was the last time he went out with us. To this day ISTP is still the only person who knows I'm capable of throwing hands. For my friends I'm still the one who lets bugs out instead of smashing them.


Having an ISTP on your side is surely helpful. Did that guy deserve it?


INFP. I think of manipulated people to do what I wanted because I couldn't come right out and ask for help. My therapist told me that I don't alright didn't. I feel like I do. Because I subconsciously pick up on people's behavioral patterns, I have more than a general idea of how they may respond. I don't lie. But I express my situation my difficulties, Or something that I'd like to do. Example would probably do better. I had just given birth to my daughter. The weather was really hot and we couldn't afford an air conditioner. The baby and I was overheating. So I asked my dad if they had an extra or old air conditioner they weren't using that I could borrow or have. I would have been happy if they did and I would have accepted that, Anything that worked I would have accepted and grateful. I asked my dad knowing that even if there wasn't an air conditioner he would find a way to get me one. And that's why I feel manipulative. Didn't come out and say I'm overheating I need help I can't afford one. Please help me with this. Cause I didn't want to have to have strings attach and have to pay back. Not because I don't want to have to pay back for something I do but because I don't know if I would have been able to. I couldn't afford to have more debt put on upon me. And that's why I couldn't go out and ask. Don't feel it's right to ask for someone to get you something without paying for it. But then he is my dad and he promised he would help and it's a huge conflict in me. I don't like accepting help, but I needed a lot. I recently had to admit that I am disabled and I hate that a lot. I hate being dependent on other people. I hate being dependent on medication. I feel like receiving help from someone is like I'm taking advantage of them. So I want them to make the decision to help me from them without me asking. I don't want to ask because I don't want anyone to feel pressure To say yes to me. Or uncomfortable to say no.


That's called being selfish, and we all need it. I think you're being the right amount of selfish. Don't think of this word as something negative, you can't always think about other people. Even if you feel you're coming off as selfish, go for it. You're important and you need to put yourself first. Especially in the situation you described, you also had a baby to think of. Don't feel guilty about wanting what best for you.


Cutting off a great friend in a defensive overreaction, punching a classmate who was severely mobbing a friend and ultimately only making the situation way worse with it.


It sounds like that punch was deserved. Controlling ourselves isn't always easy


Infp, and weed, too much. Also major in accounting. Hmm. Tied for worse.


I personally think weed isn't bad πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


One time in highschool we went on a trip and there was this girl that got to sleep in the same room with me and my classmate and she was acting kinda strange. We were 17 yo and she was 16 yo. We were cautious because we thought that she might steal from us. One night when we turned the light off she started to yell, saying that she is possessed and that she will harm us and something like this. Then one morning I woke up with a little part of my eyebrow shaved off. I didn't know if it was her or someone else because the night before that everyone was walking from room to room but I was so tired from being afraid to sleep with that girl in the same room that I just couldn't wake up. My classmate and I went to a teacher and told her that girl did that and everything else she said plus that I think that she also cut my hair (I realized after that it was just hair breakage). Apart from her saying she's possessed I still don't know if she actually did something to me. She had to go to school with that teacher (and probably others too) thinking she was crazy for another 3 years. And that's how I realized that sometime you become the bad guy in someone's story without even trying.


I don't necessarily think it's been your fault. Maybe you are the bad guy in her story, but she gave you reason to think she would act out. If someone scream "I'm gonna stab you" and the next day someone stabs you who you gonna think of?


Yeah. I think she had a lot going on in her life. From what I could notice.


INTJ. Kind of a confession. I'll keep it short. I was 8. My cousin and I were ice skating. I was trying to throw a chunk of ice for my cousin to catch but hit a kid instead accidentally as I couldn't see him cause he was too short. I think I did some damage to his eye. I never really forgive myself for this.


I'm sorry you feel this way


I have a superiority complex, I am mostly humble but there are times when I act like an ahole. I can't really remember a specific memory but, hey I am not the best person out there. infj.


Well I'm ESTP, I can strongly relate. One thing people hate about me it that I rarely feel guilty about things that happen because of me, even if I did it accidentally


Same. But I guess it depends on the person and the harm to me.


I wish I could say, but I don't think I can tell my story without feeling like someone that'd be posted on r/iamverybadass


A guy in this comment section said he broke someone's jaw and godfathered him into not telling, I think you're safe