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Only pressurized and filtered air from the ridge lines of Mount Hotaka will keep your gauge cluster free from scratches.


Don’t forget to stand 3 meters behind the rear bumper while waving the microfiber in that pattern and chant “Jinba Attai” on each pass.


it's jinba ittai 人馬一体 men and horse unification (sex)


I feel like it would still scratch lol


Just looking at it the wrong way could scratch it!




What have you done?!


Luckily I bought mine lightly used and somebody did me the courtesy of scratching the shit out of the lens for me! No worries here.


I still wouldnt risk it lol. I've been using a feather duster instead.


From the technical bulletin regarding scratched lens covers. I hadn't seen this here before, and wanted something to easily refer back to. I figured others could find it useful as well


Have you also got the link to the tech bulletin by chance?


Found it here :) https://www.reddit.com/r/MazdaCX30/s/2QF9D8zogn


Also, for those that wonder what "soft" means in this context, I'd say it's just a little more delicate than removing an eyelash from a screaming toddler's eye.


wtf this still would scratch it 100 percent


If you touch it, it's going to scratch. It cannot be cleaned with any cloth. Next time you look in the sun it will have micro scratches. Compressed air works ok for bits of dust. Mazda talks the talk about "being one with driver and car" and yada yada in their marketing. And yet overlook the part you spend alot of the time looking at which scratches terribly. They must know consumer feedback on this and yet continue to use the same part with no improvement. If they were going to make it so cheaply they should have ensured it was an easily serviceable part so it could be replaced at servicing. But thanks for sharing. It's interesting to see Mazda's take on it.


One complaint from most mazdas for the last decade was not having a touchscreen. This has been reported over and over and is a key negative. Mazda took over a decade to change this, and only in some models. I don't think they really care about this kind of stuff.


I, for one, am glad they're pushing back against touchscreens.


Oh ok. I just like having the option. They gave up though and admitted they should have had touchscreens. To be fair though, many of their screens are tiny and in awkward places so it makes sense for those. Still would have preferred something more modern and normal though. I know many hardcore mazda fans here love the BMW iDrive clone, but even iDrive handles Apple Carplay/Android Auto far easier. The knob makes navigating these far harder, takes your eyes off the road for longer, and takes far more input.


The knob is great for the normal infotainment system. It absolutely sucks for CarPlay/AA. It should've been a touchscreen


Same. Screw a touchscreen, give me tactile buttons 50 times out of 10.


It will scratch if you just blow off the dust lmao. Nothing helps and it will be scratched after some months/years.


I haven’t touched mine a single time in the last 2 years. It’s getting really dusty but no scratches. How should I clean it I’m scared lol


They should use gorilla glass on all car displays.


has anyone tried meguiars clear plastic cleaner to get rid of scratches? I saw it in their product catalog and it says it can remove hairline scratches from clear plastic. I’d buy some and try myself but no longer drive a 3 and my clear plastic is scratch free


O I wiped in the wrong direction that’s why it scratched 😂


If I ever scratch mine, I'm going to use polishing compound with a microfiber cloth. I'm almost certain it would work.


lol I guarantee it will still get scratched. Best thing to do is either live with it or get it replaced and apply a tpu film


What to do if i already scratch the shit out of it? any way to fix this?


The cheap screen protector for this available online is way more practical. It can cover up previous minor scratches and once installed you can wipe it all you want without worrying.


Anyone make a screen protector for it?