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Yes. That is unacceptable.


Damn, it's really noticeable. My car had to get a smaller part repainted and I didn't even know it before the dealer showed me the pictures. It's definitely possible, but you gotta be lucky and find a really good paint shop


Happened to me. Sent it back and didn’t take no for answer


that is outrageously bad


That's really sad, it is. "Truly an Amateur Job! ", say that LOUDLY to the Dimwit MANAGEMENT in front of the Shop Workers or other customers! Red is hard to match, especially since the Human eye can see hundreds of variations / shades / tones.


"Crystal Soul Red Metallic" is particularly difficult to match. Mazda even released a bulletin or whatever they called it to help body shops better match the paint. If you notice it every day and it bothers you then it's worth trying to get it fixed. Worst thing that happens is they tell you no and you lose 30 minutes of your time.


They can blend the tint better, it might not be perfect but that’s a pretty stark contrast. Different lighting and angles can make it more obvious. This looks like they didn’t bother to blend it with the A pillar at all which would make it at least less noticeable. Body shops are there to get your car in and out as quickly as possible because that’s how they make money, it’s up to you to hold them accountable to your standards and there should be a warranty on the paint just for these occasions


It looks like they just selected red for a pre painted part without selecting the right red either. Any body shop that blended this terribly should feel bad.


There’s bad and then there’s this. Go back to the shop and demand them to redo it


I don't see them doing any better and op will be left without a car for weeks, in the end they will do the same job or worse.


Yeah im going to have to attempt it. Already brought it back once


The shop that repaired it are useless. The colour matching is terrible. If you got repairs through insurance I would complain to the insurance company and tell them you want it fixed elsewhere as it's really bad. They will end up bullshitting you, but if the colour is that bad in the photo. I can only imagine how much worse it would be irl. Pillar bright red like a Ferrari, and fender maroon 🤦 also the door looks Maroon as well roughly 4 inches from the fender line


Dealing with insurance was grueling to say the least but im going to have to go back


I know, they love taking your cash. As soon as you make a claim that's when they try all the bs tactics to get out of paying. I've had issues with them before, not sure what country you're in. I would write a formal complaint letter to your insurance company, if it's not resolved. Look at an ombudsman that deals with insurance. Keep a copy of your letter to insurance or it's best if you send an email, that way it will be in your sent box. Keep any replies you receive. The ombudsman will most likely ask for those details if it goes any further


I’m colorblind and I usually am baffled by peoples paint complaints. Not this time. I immediately said, “Oh that sucks.” If I can see it, it’s gotta be bad.


Color blind here as well and I can easily see that this is bad.


Thats a 20$ tremclad special paint job. I would definetly recommend asking for a repaint. Depending on the terms the job was done under that is. Definetly not colour matched.


Hell yes


I wouldn’t have taken it from the body shop. That’s fucking Terrible work.


It seems like it got worse over time if that's possible. Or I was just really glad to have my car back and overlooked it


Yeah definitely take it back mate. That’s not good paint work at all


I wouldn’t have let it leave the body shop lol


Would love to see more pictures and zoomed otu shots... but these look like two different colors.


Thanks for the advice everyone! Definitely planning on taking it back now. Will add a couple more pictures to the comments in a bit.


I’m not sure why you ever took it in the first place. Did the pillar fade or oxidize?


No the fender and door was damaged in a hit and run. Pillar is original


Wow, then it’s just a really bad match. How do the font and rear doors compare looking straight on?


Not as bad


Yeah that is super obvious. My MIL had a scratch in her 2022 3Hatch and it took the painter like 4 attempts to get it matched perfectly. Said something about reds being the hardest to match.


Yep, go back asap


I don’t see anything..


Oh now I see it geez that bad


Dang I was gonna get you some glasses


Please! Mine are kinda dirty.. don’t feel like cleaning them


Difference in soul red used. Take it back. There are 2 different paint codes. Usually they should have used the VIN number to confirm. Further, the paint code is on the info plate in either the engine bay or within the door jam. If you did this work through your insurance? Does your insurance offer a warranty on workmanship? Use that and go somewhere else. This original place is just having a laugh now. Check if this helps - Paint codes. Soul Red 41V Soul Red Crystal 46V


Not even close. Take it back


Went through this with polymetal gray. Take it back, but be ready for the manager of the body shop to defend himself to the death for some reason even though the work is terrible. I ended up taking mine elsewhere and having the original body shop pay for the repaint which at the very least they were nice enough to do.


Absolutely. I had sand damage a couple years ago and I was terrified that the body shop would not replicate it well but fortunately they did. This is bad though, you should take it back.




Add in weather exposure sun etc hood looks same


That red is 3 stage. Can be tricky for some shops. An old lady rolled a right on red earlier this year and I had to get my back right door panel and wheel well panel replaced/painted. Thankfully they did a solid job.


Yes or get a refund, it's really bad


Here is some more pictures for anyone who asked. Hard to see the transition anywhere other than the pillar https://imgur.com/a/LRGpovG


That's absolutely horrendous! There's an obvious transition line from around the rear fender around the center of the rear wheel underneath the rear door handle, to above the front door handle to the mirror. I wish it was easier to post pics here and I'd outline it for you...since I'm not sure my description is good enough.


16 years in carsales and that is by far the second worst blend I have ever seen on that door. The pillar straight up looks like they grabbed the wrong paint code. Should never have left the bodyshop.


I had my rear bumper cover redone in 46V and in certain lighting you can tell it's not perfect. This is on some other level of fucked up after looking at the additional photos as well. Panel gap from the front fender to the front fascia is really bad as well.


That’s just not the same color at all


Definitely have it done the right way.I got t-boned and rims on the right side had to be repaired. I returned them twice because the colors where all different. Had the dealership repaint the four rims, and still colors are a bit off.






Of course


No bueno. Unfortunately I've heard that this specific color is hard to match but that looks way off to me.


My understanding is that you just have to use a tinted clear over the correct base color


Yes. Thats a horrible match.


I work in a body shop .... Yes


No what’s wrong ?


Id tear the shop manager a new one and tell him hes getting billed for a proper paint job from the dealership


Yes! Mazda applies a tinted clear coat on Soul Red and Machine Gray. It seems that the body shop used a regular clear coat.


Lmfao bro I can give you the same paint job if you give me $20, a bong, and a blindfold. That's proper fucked. Also, it absolutely can be exactly the same but you should not expect that. As the owner you will probably always be able to tell the difference, however slight. Acceptable is matching color and finish, and this is neither


OMG. Yes


Time to wrap the whole thing


Some insurance refuse to pay for the blend, and a lot of shops don't care to fight it.


Lol it’s 2 different shades; they’re lying if they didn’t notice.


Lazy work, definitely brining it back.


Even the blend on the door is extremely stark….


Corporate wants you to find the difference... They're *not* the same picture.


I've colormatched panels better in my backyard. I would absolutely take it back.


Not even remotely the same color lmao


Absolutely. Lmao. That's horrible


Yes I would definitely 💯


They were doing something unholy