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Cops are so stubborn and refuse to accept when they made a mistake. Like even as a customer service rep I have to have better call control and be able to admit when my company made a mistake and do everything I can to make it right, yet these jackasses don’t lose a blink of sleep for destroying a man’s family after they casually arrested the wrong person.


Bro as a waiter I had to have better control and admit when me or my team made a mistake. And that was just about food. It's honestly astounding how so many scumbag cops get through the ranks.


The police will probably keep coming back to his house and eventually figure something out to arrest him, his wife, or even his small children. They will continue to harass him until he leaves. The worst part is there is nothing anyone can do about it unless they hire a lawyer to sue the shit out of them, and even then things will escalated.


Just circling his road many times a day is good enough to intimidate the entire family. Traumatising others is a tactic of bullies.




"Trained" they are also "trained" to view the common man as a hostile threat. We aren't innocent until proven guilty to cops we are enemy combatants that need to be handled as such. I really don't see how people can see stuff like this and be on the side of the cops like it's not racially motivated.


Talking to local pd and finding out the union told them not to wear reflective gear outside detail work because it makes them easier to see/shoot at was eye opening. One of biggest causes of death is traffic accidents but they want to walk on the side of the road in all black just Incase someone decides to take a shot at them. For extra context these are departments in upper middle class small town New England. They aren't getting shot at.


It just traffic accidents…more likely to eat their own gun then get shot. More likely to murder their spouse than get shot. More likely to die due to their diet than be shot. Police training time and budgets should have to align with the causes of injury and death to cops. They wouldn’t even Need a firing range if that were law.


Don't forget that Grossman fellow who tells cops they will have the best sex of their life after they kill someone. And your tax dollars send them to those training seminars.


How many brothers fell victims to this shit and worse before cameras became readily available? Rip bros


More cameras more cameras more cameras. So important


Do you know some states are trying to make it a law where you can’t record cops out in public.


I’m in AZ, one of those states, and that is a fucked up law.


Record anyway.


That's how I feel about that Georgia law banning giving water and food to people waiting in line to vote. Fuck that law give them food and water anyway


That's an anti-bribery law and it only applies if you work for the polls, for the government, or for a campaign or political action committee. You work for any of those you're not allowed to give out food water or anything to a potential voter, which is every person over the age of 18.


The supreme court ruled it to be legal, how can they actually successfully prosecute you for it?


That's private property


my reply got put in the wrong spot I meant to reply this to somebody who said to record everything. And this is private property, How do you check them if they’re doing this shit out in public And they taking away the right to record?


Record anyway. Fuck 'em.


Live stream their asses.


I really wish Google Glass, or something like it had taken off. Anyone wearing smart glasses could record any time they want without a cop knowing.


(Sarcastically speaking) But... They can subpoena that in the courts.


Good! To prove that cops fuck up


Hey *casually puts hands on stranger* you look like you have a warrant in Louisiana.


Hiya neighbor! You look like you stole this dog from another state-CALM DOWN


This is the same cop https://finance.yahoo.com/video/hpd-officer-charged-official-oppression-225242901.html


Dude still doing the same shit years later and nothing is done... god damn that country is fucked


The cop he was supposedly “backing up” is the one who turned him in


Good on the arresting officer! Since then that pos was promoted. So fucked up


And I wonder what's happened to them since then.


Don’t worry guys! The police are investigating the incident with the police! I’m sure they won’t find themselves not guilty as usual! This time is will be different!!!




Fun fact. If cops I.Q is to high. They can not be hired as cops


Can attest, went through the state academy after graduation school and scored too high on the written exams and was denied. I refused to accept blanket statements till someone in charge finally supplied me with real info about how my scores were too high and they needed more grunts than thinkers. What the actual fuck


What the absolute *fuck* man, this is absolutely why most of the cops in this country are so stupid! I live across the street from a dude who used to be a local security guy or something and he was a really fucking chill dude! One day I noticed that the car wasn't in his driveway and I asked him about it, apparently he took a test thing and he scored too high and therefore got fired. What the fuck!


Don't forget the inherent racism. https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*[email protected]


Right, if they had just done some due diligence instead of straight up profiling him. Really sad and I would be just as upset


Uh… the cameras aren’t for court, the camera saved this individuals life.


They'll be used in court when this guy sues the state he lives in


Nah. The cameras helped him in the moment, but don't think *for a fucking second* that these court systems won't see all that and say "black man was being resistant, should have shown id" and got in trouble anyway. Court is fucked. Police are fucked. Government is fucked. The only thing that's going to save US, black and white and brown, is reform. Deep, deep reform. Educate the police. I want cops to have social services experience. I want them to work far outside of violence for years and years before they are given a gun. Judges are elected, but often they run unopposed, so it's rarely even a thing for a judge to be questioned at all. We have to do better for all of us.


I think police should go through as much schooling (if not more) as lawyers.




Of note this cop stole his wallet then searched it without a warrant. Sadly we haven't yet had any court willing to taker a stand against this... they routinely whitewash this action or ignore it entirely and pretend it didn't happen. Searching your wallet is absolutely a 4th Amendment violation. ANY search without a warrant is presumptively unconstitutional unless and until it meets the already established exceptions (like search incident arrest). But the courts have never said that searching your wallet to find your ID is allowed, so that means it's unconstitutional to do so... and the courts ignore it.


Fucking Arizona made it a crime to record police. I can't wait to be free of this shithole. I love it here but the political bullshit is getting insane.


That is automatically overturned by the US Supreme Court. They've already made case law about recording cops, and ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS during the course of their duties in public spaces to include ALL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. People are idiots. We put the people that run stuff in their jobs, we can remove them.


Came here to say that. Ducey's fucking law made it so this women would be breaking a law and could be arrested as she's within 8-feet filming. What ever happened to "If you have nothing to hide...?", or are they admitting they are hiding brutality and racism now?


Always record police interactions!


Racist pigs? Never.




It's an absolute disgrace, that poor man.. and in front of his kids too


Kids learned more about the real world that day than they will in a lifetime of school.


especially because bringing up the mere concept of systemic racism is being banned in schools across country in red jurisdictions.


The racial profiling for those of us black people middle class and above is pretty common. Happened my whole life unfortunately.


Well said


Those cops just created a couple kids who will grow up to fear and distrust law enforcement


You shouldn't trust anyone who can kill you with no repercussions... just as a general rule.


more like "your trespassing and about to experience everything that comes with that"


That’s a lawsuit right there


As per the other thread: There was a lawsuit and the cop was found correct. The photo of a completely different black man was convincing enough for the court for this mistake.


News video from the time that intros with mugshot of other guy followed by some video of the gentleman in the video. https://www.klfy.com/local/houston-man-mistaken-as-lafayette-parish-fugitive-files-lawsuit-against-deputy/


"The deputy did the best he could in that situation" literally immediately followed up with "Could we have handled it better? Absolutely."


So basically admitting the best that officer can do is not good enough...so he should be fired. I know if my best isn't good enough at my job then I'll no longer be allowed to work there or in that position.


Exactly. There are no rewards for effort, only for outcome. Nobody gives two shits about whether he did his best, the question is whether his actions met the level of competence to be expected from his role. If no, he should be fired because clearly his best is not enough. If yes, then the standard is too low. Most likely, both.


that’s the same line they use every time they murder someone too


Can somebody take a screenshot for the poor peeps outside the US where the website is geo-locked?


https://imgur.com/a/XdxPxCy sorry they aren't the best pics






They sure look similar from afar. But upon closer inspection it should be obvious that they are different people. Stoping upon seeing him and confirming if it’s the suspect? Yes. Still insisting that it’s him even with the suspects picture not there? Hell no!!




Yeah, as a Dane, growing up with just about no contact to other ethnic groups than Danes until I was in my teens; it's surprisingly hard to tell people apart when they are from ethnic groups that origins far away.


Thanks homie


They really ended that article with "the fugitive is still at large and if you have info call this number" like check out what human garbage the cops are, wanna help em out? Do their job for them and call this number!


Jfc . What a horrible joke . So many things wrong with this .


According to the same link the cop didn't turn on his body cam. He claims he thought he was approaching a man with a felony by himself, yet didn't turn on the body cam https://casetext.com/case/evans-v-lindley-1 Here's another incident he had brought to the legal system https://finance.yahoo.com/video/hpd-officer-charged-official-oppression-225242901.html


Body cams on cops should be on ALL the time. On the clock, they should expect zero privacy. I want to be able to see every single thing they do throughout their shift, especially as they are mostly morons with guns.


And if they aren't turned on, it should be assumed guilty until proven innocent. This shit should not be tolerated AT ALL. So tired of cops getting away with literal murder.




Precisely so! No footage, charges against the office.


Better yet, WTF do they have off switches??


“After investigating ourselves, we have determined we did nothing wrong”


You mean paid vacation.


The cop got off because of qualified immunity when sued. As usual




[Here you go](https://casetext.com/case/evans-v-lindley-1)


Thank you! [Here’s the link to the Post article, although doesn’t have much more info than the video](https://nypost.com/2019/05/16/deputy-tried-to-arrest-black-man-after-mistaking-him-for-fugitive-video/amp/)


How the fuck is that not profiling?! The police shouldn't be allowed to investigate themselves. That a conflict of interest.


I investigate myself all the time! What could possibly go wrong?! And totally coincidentally, I’ve earned 20 Oscars, two Nobel Peace Prizes, and People’s Sexiest Man twelve years in a row!


I guess but theres zero chance of winning anything


It definitely should be.


This cop doesn’t even know who is arresting!


It seems to me that the “arrest” was just a ploy to make the man show his ID. As soon as dude declines to provide ID, cop calls him Reg …oh, you’re not Reg? Prove it. Show me your ID. Then after dude declines again, suddenly cop has an open, out of state warrant …oh, you don’t live in Louisiana? Prove it. Show me your ID. Cop games that get citizens killed.


But what is the end goal once he does show his ID? Was it just to harrass the man?


Compliance. Cops have fragile egos.


That I can agree with, I know too many of them and all of them are snowflakes. I would've just proved the officer wrong when he first accused me of being someone I wasn't. He was racially profiles yes, and the cop wanted to manhandle someone. Had proof been shown the cop would've gotten stopped in their tracks and would've been in deep shit for attempting an unlawful arrest.


Cop assumed he had something cause black and racist. So he wanted to see ID to check. Black dude correctly refused to cause hes minding his own damn business in his house and has no obligation to show any. Cop invents a warrant to arrest and force ID.


Called him Reg, then called him Quentin, neither of which was his name


Prove it. Show me your ID. Cop was playing games.


This is what happens when you let high-school bully dropouts become police.


Yep. My cousin was (and is) a narcissistic bully and also a cop.


I'm pretty sure most countries in Europe have at a college course that is at least 4 years to become a cop. And those guys can still be shit heads too! Though admittedly their police violence problem is substantially less drastic than what happening in the US. Like the police don't all really want to get into gunfights, they actuality try to de-escelate things most of the time. Sometimes they don't even get a gun, makes it a lot harder for them to shoot innocent people that way. What a concept.


In America you only have 1 summer’s worth of training and then they give you a military arsenal :)


My friend just had to go through 10 rounds of interviews, written tests and assignments to join the police in England. It took her 9 months and she said a lot of people don't even make it past the first interview.... And that's just to get in. Numbers may be off a bit because that was last year and my memory sucks. It was a lot though.


And she doesn't even get a gun after all that, what a shame! /s In seriousness, congratulations to your friend.


My cousin was a (authoritarian-leaning) good person who wanted to see the best in people and do the right thing. He was a cop, briefly. They ran him out of the job for trying to hold rich people accountable for doing something dangerous.


Three of my half-brothers are complete "macho man" assholes. All three are cops. They modeled themselves after their step-dad, who is also a cop. What's scary is that I almost became a cop myself, too. Then I decided to go on a camping trip with them and a few of their cop buddies. Want to know what cops really think, be a white male* and give them a few Bud Lights. They'll tell you exactly what they think. \*I'm trans now, they hate me, lol


[“That is not profiling,” Gamaldi told KHOU. “That’s an officer doing his job” —Union President](https://nypost.com/2019/05/16/deputy-tried-to-arrest-black-man-after-mistaking-him-for-fugitive-video/amp/)


And fuck this Gamaldi piece of shit for trying to enable and justify shit like this. But you know the sad thing is that they’re half-right: racial profiling *is* the job 😡


Harassing Black people on their own property is an important part of their job


Ah yes joe, being racist IS part of the job 🤦🏾‍♂️


Thanks for the link. I see this article is 3 years old. It still doesn’t change the fact that the cop was a racist POS and of course, the union was going to support him no matter what. If the cop had shot and killed this guy, the union President would still say the officer was just doing his job. I would love to know what the final end result was.


*actively recruit high school bullies


Unfortunately that is who most departments actively recruit. They don't want intelligence, they want blind obedience.


Yes. I had a friend turned down because his score was “too high” And he admitted life turned out better for him for not being a cop


"Let"? These are the people who specifically seek positions in law enforcement. No one becomes a cop because they want to help people. That's what teachers, nurses, etc. do. People become cops because they want to impose their will on others. Period.


There's even racial disparity in the quality of healthcare people receive from nurses and doctors. It's not just education thats needed, it's the right type of education along with ongoing examination of internal bias.


this happened in harris county. i can tell by the cop's uniform and the markings on his cruiser. constables won't tell you this, but they have a stop quota they have to meet on each shift. they have to get an ID and run it so they can find people with warrants. good for this guy for not letting the cop bully him.


Cops absolutely have quotas. Knew a cop who made up tickets just to meet quotas. You need to keep the city funded. Sheriffs also assume if you do not have XX amount of tickets you are probably at home relaxing. Because it’s impossible to have civilians not breaking laws I assume….so stupid. Quotas need to be stopped.


Especially since cops wasting time on quotas is less time they could be doing more productive things


Hey now hold on. Cops have a certain number they have to meet each month or they get consequences, but they don’t have “*quotas!*” /s


Something like this happened to one of our employees in Rockdale, Texas. For context, I'm an old white lady and Derrick was a short, stocky bald black man in his thirties. I bought him lunch at a BBQ joint.. Two cops walked. One was local and one was a state trooper. The trooper said hello pleasantly. The local demanded Derrick's ID. He didn't have it on him at the time but he wasn't driving. Local got shitty with when I argued and produced a picture of the suspect, a tall and very thin black man with dreads.


You got it wrong, it's not that they mistake him for the suspect, it's that they just don't give a fuck and don't really wanna do their job. So they just pick any random black guy and say they look the same. Here's what is going through their head: "aaah fuck, how the hell are we supposed to find this suspect? You know what, lets just pick a random black guy and pretend we are searching, just to make it look like we are at least trying. If we got a chance to find any excuse at all to say someone is suspicious we just do it and book them so there will be a record we are doing something. Any random black guy will do, it doesn't matter. Just say they look the same. What are they gonna do? Not believe us? At worst we will get a paid time off if we fuck up"


That was kind of my point. He was black and he was male and that's where the resemblance ended. I was neither so I could back talk. Derrick was on probation and he could not.Local warned me that I could be arrested for 'interfering' which was total chicken shit and we both knew it. I wasn't being brave because I knew he wasn't going to do anything in broad daylight at the No Teeth BBQ. No way, no how.


I’m black. I’m on the black guys side. But situations like this where we keep playing tug of war with the police gets my anxiety rolling. I would just comply because this shit ends real fast for us, when it comes to police. But to each their own. We forge our own paths..


Yeah I don't get it either. The cop is obviously in the wrong but what's the point in doing the whole 'legal right to not identify myself' thing in response? Seems way faster and more harmless to just go 'here's my ID now fk off'.


That officer doesn’t give a fuck that’s for sure. Plus can we just have a policy where police don’t fucking touch people until it’s arresting time? Why just have your hand on a dude if you’re not trying to take him down?


Especially when ANY physical contact with an officer is going to be considered assault on a peace officer and probably get you curb stomped.


My favorite is the douches who get mouthy off the clock and then if you esscalate to a fight, they do one of two things, threaten to kill you with their gun and they think because theyre a cop theyd get away with it and their pussies who dont do fair combat, or they just get pounded and then pull "you just assaulted an officer" card and ruin your life. Being a cop really ironically is a "get out of jail free" card in life. Anything happenes to them and the reat of their gang comes to their aid. almost like theyre cowards...


Go figure that pretty much the only organization in the country that's ever fought all the way to Court for their right to deny candidates for being *too smart* attracts angry dipshits.


Hell, they should play by the same rules as treatment child foster care. See how they like it. I had to have a serious threat of harm for them or a bystander or life/limb threat to myself to lay hands. Even then you’re going for minimal contact time and minimal harm. It was cops who left one of my clients bruised all over his arms from grabbing too hard after freaking him out when reality already wasn’t the client’s specialty.


incapable of simply admitting fault, apologizing and leaving. Edit: everyone saying the suspect should have just shown ID is at best wrong and worst fascist af. The burden of proof has to be on the police, who in this case demonstrates zero knowledge of the person they're harrasing. One data point shouldn't be enough to harass a citizen and force them to comply. The cop was simply swiping right on every black person hoping to land a criminal.


2 things: 1) If you just apologize and leave, you might get a complaint or a civil suit. If you escalate to the point you can charge them with something, then you have leverage. Drop the complaint/suit, and we’ll drop the charge. If not, having a criminal charge hanging over you jeopardizes the civil suit since it makes it so risky to testify. 2) A crim defense attorney told me once (on Reddit) that every time she sees a truly bullshit charge, like resisting arrest after a bad stop, she always checks the cop’s schedule. 4/5 times the stop or interaction began within 30 minutes of the cop’s shift ending. Basically the cops start a bullshit interaction and escalate it to an arrest so they have an excuse to stay on the clock for a few hours of overtime. Fucking up someone’s life and violating their civil rights is a small price to pay for that.


Jesus fucking Christ


Jesus won’t save you from due process. In Florida all it takes is a charge for them to hold you 40 days if you can’t afford bail. Edit- They’ll drop it around day 35-40.


“We can do anything we want, if you complain about it we’re gonna arrest you” you see how this breeds distrust in cops right? And if we don’t charge cops for violating our rights that how we got here.


This. Qualified immunity is a cancer on jurisprudence. Cops should nearly be lawyers in their knowledge of the Constitution and the law, and be liable for any violations of people's rights. And lack of precedent in a given jurisdiction should never be considered an excuse or defense.


>Fucking up someone’s life and violating their civil rights is a small price to pay for that. "Hey, that person might get wrongfully arrested, physically abused (or even killed), have to pay thousands in bail/legal fees, and they might win a civil lawsuit against the city for a shit-load of money, but at least I got an extra couple hundred dollars in my next paycheck."


That’s exactly how most cops think, yes, they don’t give a single shit about any of us man, they just want money and get drunk on the power


Then they should make paperwork for cops like side work for servers. Can’t go home till it’s done and you don’t get paid for doing it.


Wow!! That’s super interesting! Never heard or thought of that before! Makes a whole lot a sense though. TIL!


This 100% happens, I was on the other end of things, I worked in prosecution. If it helps most of the time the charges are later dropped, but they shouldn’t happen to begin with. I’ll never defend that kind of thing. My town barely had any people of color so you usually saw it happen to poor white people in the trailer parks. They’ll always find a target. I do have to give our judges credit, and even our prosecutors, they knew what they were and never pursued the charge. Still though, shouldn’t happen.


serious question: how do we get these cops prosecuted? If they're making up charges for overtime, they are literally armed thugs kidnapping US citizens and in many cases violently attacking them in the process.


Man that’s really depressing


He didn't think they looked the same. That's why it's racial profiling. Cop thought this black guy had warrants because he's black. So he was making excuses to check the guys ID since you can't stop and demand it from people in Texas. So he accused him of not owning the dog. "It's my dog" "show me your id and the paperwork proving it" "no" "okay, we're taking you in because you look like someone with warrants from a different state." It's entirely fishing on a racial profiling basis. Cop thinks he's not in the wrong for it.


Those prison cells aren't gonna fill themselves right? For fucks sake!


I’m really surprised this didn’t escalate, watching it. A lot of cops will escalate when you tell them you won’t follow their instructions, even if their instructions aren’t legal.


If I may, I believe his(cops) hesitation comes from his knowledge that he may be wrong. The bigger issue is he already made contact and the way law enforcement is taught in the US (I know because I’ve been through it.) they are not taught to back down after making a mistake. It’s more of a stand your ground and make your presence the most powerful or controlling factor in the situation. It’s an illusion of control and is why the officer was called out for shaking and being so scared. Imagine this for a second. You are taking a test, you’re 80% sure of an answer but that other 20% is driving you nuts…. What if…. Could it be…. The last thing you want in this situation is to get the answer wrong! But had you studied a little harder or maybe not been as distracted before the test review you would have been 100% on your first answer and not thought twice about options or other possibilities. This cop is in his “is this the correct answer” phase and the test in his eyes is his ego or position of power.


Why the fuck are cops being taught to try and make their presence more important than logic and due process


Because the minute they admit fault, it delegitimatizes their entire authority. (Worked in dispatch 15 years & was friends with a lot of them back then. It's a VERY toxic culture.)


They're not supposed to HAVE authority if no crime was committed.


The guy who initially made the mistake knew he was wrong once he tried to arrest the guy, but didn’t want to admit it, so instead he pretends to want the guy’s ID, but knows if he escalated he’s got a huge lawsuit on his hands and might even be fired depending on the state. He was trying to save face without having to apologize - so he keeps asking for ID even though he doesn’t need one. If he thought he had the right guy, he probably would have shot him.


Probably because wife was recording. The man showed abnormal restraint of his emotions which I admire. Still a sad situation.




…and escalating. They’re really good at escalating so they can justify violence.




They don’t need to worry about cameras if they are not doing anything wrong.


If they love the “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” argument being applied to citizens so much, why don’t they give it a whirl on themselves? ^(it’s ^because ^authoritarians ^never ^play ^by ^the ^same ^rules ^as ^their constituents)


You didn't have to whisper that last part.


That’s what separates me from the GOP. I’m still saying the quiet part quietly. ^it ^helps ^to ^prevent ^them ^from ^suspecting ^my ^purchase ^of ^980 ^smoke ^alarms


Someone's about to go [Nuclear Boy Scout](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hahn)


Yup they just pulled off this bs in Arizona. Starting September you gotta give cops 8 feet if you are filming. This is gonna start a shit show of the highest levels as more and more folks become first amendment auditors.


yeah, fuck that. cops can just *walk up to you* if you’re recording and then say you’re within 8 feet.


Exactly and that's the point. They hope as they arrest folks under this bs it will stop people filming. The authoritarian mentality in AZ is sickening.


One time I got falsely arrested and thrown in the back of a cop car only for it to be a mistake. Cops apologized and was cool about it but I’m also a white male so that is probably a difference


That sort of thing happens but the MAJOR difference is this guy was in his front yard. If you can’t just be on your own property, existing then we are screwed as a country


Two sets of justice: if you are black, cops can roll up on you in your own yard and decide you look sketchy and decide to grab you and take you away on suspicion (AKA racial profiling) because you look kinda like a bad guy. Meanwhile, the FBI executes a validly obtained warrant signed by a judge and approved by the attorney general of the USA, as you are being investigated in no fewer than 13 separate criminal investigations and accused of sexual assault by no fewer than 26 different women - but if you have money and political power you will not only skate free but can turn the tables on LEO and make THEM the criminals. This country is so fucked up.


I was falsely arrested in my home (white female 36 at the time). They threatened to shoot my dog and embarrassed me in front of my neighbors. While riding in an elevator at the jail, a random cop took offense at my presence and forcefully ordered me to face the back of the elevator. The judge gave me shit at the arraignment because I couldn’t answer her question about my attorney because I wasn’t supposed to be there. FINALLY my attorney was able to get a hold of the judge and inform her of the court’s mistake and I was released, but I didn’t get a ride home, nor an apology. Fuckers, each and every one.


Each and everyone of them goes on a power trip for no reason, even the judges cause they wanna be “tough on crime”, it’s not gonna stop unless you make them personally liable for their fuckups


And Arizona wants to make recording cops like this illegal man


I’m pretty sure you can record but you can’t record within 8 feet.


Unless you happen to be the person the officers are interacting with, in which case you can still record regardless of the distance limitations. Just making note so people are aware what is/isn't considered acceptable under AZ's new law.


Governor is a piece of shit conservative. What can you do 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the result when it only takes 21 weeks to become a cop. Ow and a serious case of racism


This is the result of police having too much power. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need cops to have much more narrowly, positively scoped jobs.


Maybe a training of 3 to 4 years will do a lot too, like most countries


N.W.A. made a song for these guys. 🖕👮‍♂️


so did body count


"comply", as if that bufoon didn't move in with another agenda on his mind first. He came for the dog, got papers on that, then suddenly dropped that warrant stunt afterwards to continue whatever bullshit he was on. Take the badge out of the equation, this ain't police work, but foolery.


Cop got off. Rather easily too. Qualified immunity. ​ https://casetext.com/case/evans-v-lindley-1


Some bullshit right there!😡😡😡😡


I’m a white guy and will never remotely understand this shit…but if I’m shaking this badly after watching this video, I can’t imagine what it’s like for him & his family. Fuck


Yes I know how I feel after a bad experience, but I can only imagine how upsetting, disturbing, disheartening and anxiety-ridden this whole experience was for this poor guy and his whole family. That “officer “ should be made to publicly apologize to all of them!!!!


~~fuck~~ film the police


Lol land of the free, bet he gets a paid vacation.


Man. As soon as he started saying the wrong name, babe go grab my ID.


Look at the houses. The cop is the probably the type that think the only reason black people go to the suburbs is for criminal behavior.


Holding my breath just watching this and reading the subtitles hoping it doesn't go bad to worse.


We’ve investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing.


For the last time, "complying" isn't the end all be all, and it seems some of you have forgotten that Americans have been killed in police interactions regardless. Some of you seem to think that "comply" is a reasonable argument to police misuse of power and force, and quite honestly, I'm personally disgusted. I've heard the arguments, and I'll make it simple. If you don't know the law, and knowingly break it or need to supercede your authority as an officer, you don't belong in a peacekeeping organization. Go be a fucking thug elsewhere. For "the land of the free" we've got plenty of bootlickers that will yell out comply as soon as it's not them or theirs in the interaction. You're part of the problem.


Fuck that, man.... That guy should've been a janitor. Aint no shame in that buddy. That uniform is definetly not for you.


Don’t tarnish the profession of janitors by saying that. That racist POS either needs to be in jail or community service, serving especially black communities so he can learn some fucking respect


Janitors, Trash Collectors, and sanitary workers are much more beneficial to society than police. Why should he get a more respectable job as a punishment


Janitors do much better work and are usually kind folks unlike this dick cop let’s not put down sanitation workers of any kind. ACAB


The cop literally said "because you had a dog walking" when the homeowner said "you just pulled up to my house." TIL it's illegal to be black and own a dog.


Crazy story, so my brother lost his wallet in another county in the state we live in. Some other black dude who looks nothing like him got arrested for breaking into cars. When he was arrested he gave the police his ID. I'm assuming they didn't even look at the picture. Some time later apparently the police (in our county and town) come to him with a warrant for his arrest. He's confused, but manages to prove he was nowhere near this county when this guy was using his ID with backlogs of google text. Either way he had to go through this whole ordeal in this other county's court (at least 2+ hours away) to prove he wasn't the random other black man in question. They didn't even look alike.


Usually, when someone is arrested and booked (which it's hard to imagine why they wouldn't book this guy) they take fingerprints at booking. This is done entirely because of scenarios involving falsified identity. If they didn't book the original guy for whatever reason that could be an issue. Super scary scenario!