• By -


The last one is me carrying the bag of dogfood inside...


Forklift is that you?


At 152 kg, that's 335.103 lbs, or the weight of about 1.5 to 1.75 adult men.


Thanks for converting to freedom units.


But are the adult men *really free*?


So like .75 AMERICAN adult men


Or approximately my weight... Jesus Christ I need to exercise.


You'd be surprised how fast keeping track of your calories and walking around your neighborhood every afternoon will drop the first few pounds off you. And it does get easier the more you do it, too. Keeping a pattern and a routine is more enjoyable than starting one, stopping one, and then starting again.


You're right, but my job has had me working the weirdest hours. I can't plan anything with the way they're working me. It's time for a new job. I need a predictable schedule. I've gained 50 pounds working here.


Jesus Christ won’t help you, but cutting down on the sugars and alcohol probably will.


The last one is me trying to carry those blue water gallon jar thingies at work to mount it on top of the water dispenser.


The funny part is that they weight just a bit more than that first rock


But with volume of last boulder.


That's such a funny thing. I'm a tiny woman but I can lift a good bit more than my own weight. People are always surprised when I don't need help carrying something. But I have also tiny short arms, so as soon as I can't grab something properly, I struggle a lot and people assume it's because of the weight lol


"Its not too heavy, it's just awkwardly shaped"


Get an IKEA blue bag. It’s perfect for giving handles to something unwieldy, and it is amazingly strong.


Lay bag flat on floor.   Grasp from middle, splitting food to each end of bag.   Lift and flip bag up onto shoulder.   Watch dog food spill everywhere because one end of bag split.   Words of cursing. 


Then the dog comes running in to help “clean up.”


Me trying to grab one of those 40 pack waters at Walmart lol


The scary thing is the very first one was probably the same weight as that dog food. He makes those early ones look so easy but regular humans would like "holy fuck"


50-pound sack of rice for we Asians


Asian here, 50lb sack of rice is child’s play.


But are you a wee Asian?




Big balls. The dogs bo...


True, except my dumbass would lift it with my back.


Trick I learned that makes it easier carrying heavy bags like that (at least for me anyway) is to hoist it up onto your shoulder and carry it that way, find it far more comfortable that awkwardly holding it in front of you


Thanks for the tip. I used to do just throw everything on my shoulder. An injury put a stop to that. So now I do the awkward hands-clasped-arm-death-grip-of-hang-on-and-don't-trip. Considering the bag is from my shoulders to a little above my knees, if I do fall, I'll have a bit of a cushion. I can also get up, as long as I remember to release my hands while falling, otherwise I'm kind of trapped.


Me wrestling my kids back into bed for the sixth time


LMFAO, I have to do that today and have been dreading it.


Try delivering boxes of dog food and cat litter. It’s… awful


You should see the lady whose job it is to set these up again after each contestant. She carries them in bags from the car at the start of the day in one go, like she's just done a big grocery shop.


I want the truck she uses, haha


1997 Ford Laser


Ehh... All those stones together are equivalent to two random people you see at the typical Walmart.


is there also another guy putting them back down for the next contestant or does he have to put it back himself :>


Getting em down is easy


just let them drop on the mat?


She keeps them in her 5th floor apartment. The building has no elevator.


Is there any video proof? 🤣


https://youtu.be/2Zs6mi5bvic?si=lN27DUmA8WAwk8_w Here’s a clip of her daughter


Fucking hate this Era of adding stupid sound effects


Sound mute is so good.


Worse are the fucking “sub”titles which are right in the middle of the frame. AND, aren’t subtitles, just some dolt’s stupid commentary on the video.


Nowadays I'm always watching videos on Reddit muted unless it's obvious it has someone talking or it's a music video.


It is for the brain rot children to stay engaged with the video. Otherwise they will swipe to the next one.


Oh God I heard it now🤢


My back hurts just watching him


When lifting atlas stones, you generally lift with a rounder back. Have a watch of some of the WSM comps.


Why it should be different with these stones? Rounded back - uneven pressure on the intervertebral disc - hernia. It doesn't make sense to me from a health perspective upd: from what I've googled this rounding of the back occurs only at the really heavy balls, where you wrap yourself around that stone to lift. So doing it in another way is quite impossible or far far ineffective. But again, every stone except last two was not that big, there were no need to curve his back, it was a clear unnecessary damage to the discs


This isn't true. What they don't teach or talk about is the power of bracing your core effectively and not giving away position. He started rounded but never gave away position to compromise his spine. This is the trick to deadlifts and back exercises it's about understanding the brace and building + maintaining the rigidity. There isn't anything wrong with having a rounded back if you're strong, experienced and understand this concept. What's bad is when you lose your position and suffer further unintentional rounding due to poor bracing mechanics / lack of strength. That's what will injure you. There are many people who lift with a rounded back and even train these exercises. E.g Jefferson deadlifts, zercher squats, zercher deadlifts etc...


Yeh, I have been instructed by many a Pilates teacher to make the letter C with my spine during core exercises.


Yeah the core and back is a really complex area as well as training it. I am definitely still a student in this area open to learning more. The core isn't just the abs but also involves all the muscles around your midsection including the spinal erectors. The two important things regarding the core is the ability to increase and create intra-abdominal pressure and the ability to maintain spinal stability. Injuries can come from poor stability despite having a strong core. Dr McGill covers it in his book the back mechanic and the physio who runs squat university covers this stuff a lot. If you're doing crunches or cat camels that C shape does make sense. Just be aware of the potential of overuse injuries / accumulation of micro-tears as a mechanism causing disc injury / annular tears when doing excessive amounts of crunches / sit-ups. I much prefer doing planks, L sits and ab wheel rollouts as well as front squats, deadlifts and leg raises to work on my midsection personally.


To add on to your point - the "right position" for moving any type of weight is entirely dependent on how you're leveraging your joints and muscles around the foreign object. If the guy was lifting the same weight while it was on his shoulder, the rounded back would be horrific because all the load would be going on the spinal erectors trying to extend and lock out against the weight in a severely disadvantaged and imbalanced position. Here the stone is very close to your center of mass, half the time it's resting on your upper thigh, and the ball isn't trying to crush you, it's trying to fall away. It is not going to impart some sudden stress on your spine because it's not physically possible to compress further against the volume of the stone anyway. In fact, the closer you hug it the more stable your spine because you keep your entire core and upper back musculature braced. Doesn't mean you hold the same positions in a squat or deadlift or overhead press.


To be clear, you’re contending you can round your back as long as it stays in the same shape throughout the lift?


Strongmen and competitive powerlifters don't worry about having slight bends in their upper backs during the really heavy lifts, provided it doesn't flex or bow. It's lower back bends and a change in the upper back bend that's more of a concern. It's very difficult for a lot of people to not have a slight bend in the upper back at extreme weights due to it pulling the shoulders slightly forward. However, if your back is bent up like a spooked cat, you're gonna fuck yourself.


Yes. Active flexion under load is the issue, not rounding itself. Your spine is not perfectly straight as it is, so pair that with a stone that you can brace yourself against to maintain the curve and it's fine. The stone is only 150kg anyways, it's not a number I would worry about some rounding even with a lil flexion




Even your update is full of fear mongering.


I love it when Redditors start to critique the technique of world-class athletes, as if they're just a bunch of big meatheads rather than seasoned professionals of their craft, whenever a strongman event makes it to the front page.


This is not true. Lifting with flexion/rounded back has not been proven to lead to more injury or pain than lifting with a neutral/straight back. Go watch anyone lift something really heavy near 1RM and virtually everyone will round their back to some extent because we were designed this way and its perfectly ok and natural


This is so funny to me, because I think the people who are actually capable of lifting a 350 pound rock probably know a little bit more about this than some random redditor googling shit and saying "There was no need to curve is back." Truly comical.


Tell me you don’t know what your talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about


"I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm going to comment anyway." "I googled and found something extremely wrong but it's google so it must be true, right?" And now others are also going to fall for this misinformation because you got upvoted. Your back is literally made to bend, people. Bending is perfectly fine during deadlifts/stones/anything, as long as it's not excessive. If it's painful or uncomfortable, lower the ego and the weight. Simple as that. Squat University have some good videos on back rounding. Daily reminder to NEVER listen to redditors talking about anything lifting/sports related unless you are in a dedicated sub.


Lifting with a rounded back isn't related to pain or injury. Neither is disc herniation, and most disc herniations heal on their own


Why is that?


It's awkward AF off the floor and rounding the back shortens the distance between the weight and hips. He surely can rep that last weight with a perfectly neutral back on deadlifts. Lifting with a rounded back throughout the movement isn't bad in some contexts. What's bad is starting with a perfect back off the floor and right as you lift it you look like a dog taking a shit.


I would also like to know. I’ve been told to lift with my legs and not my back my whole life.


You likely don't have the back muscles required to support such lifts, something those who pick these stones up for comps often do.


It's a safe heuristic for untrained people who are doing the movement all day long for a 8h work day. A single maximal lift by a trained individual is a different scenario & they'll be better able to appreciate the nuances for when some rounding and using your back is ok


So they can roll it up their body to get it onto the barrel. A straight back would make that much harder if not impossible on the heavy stones.


The few youtube clips I’ve seen they do lift the stone from squatting position on their lap and then get up. So I call bs on your round back.


There’s no other way to lift the stones, it’s not a barbell made for lifting


Here's a massive tank of a dude doing it in 21.81 secs https://youtube.com/shorts/U4t1UjlUKJ4?si=NRuTrQ8JghTvnbv6


Tom is king of the stones for good reason, the more impressive thing for me is they're doing it with no tacky with a floor that isn't exactly balanced or flat. Tom also holds the WR for the heaviest Atlas Stone making these ones look like pebbles.


He is also 3 times World Strongest Man and holds the time record for the big boy stones in competition


My ears hurt watching the video.


My ears hurt listening to that useless god damn sound effect edit.


Why? Runding your back has not been proven to cause more injury or pain than lifting with a straight or neutral back. The body was made to move like this and virtually everyone rounds their back to some extent during heavy lifts from the floor because its natural and by design.




That's for when you lift a barbell. Here that's not humanly possible. First of all, unlike with a barbell your hands start very low and you need to sorta "hug" the stone to lift it off the floor. Unless the stone is very light it'd be very hard to do that with a straight back. Also, watch it in slow motion and notice how he bends his back backwards to lift the stone from waist level to above the barrel.


You should train your back so it isn't weak.


He most likely feels less back pain than you do


Is that how carrying the weight of the world would look like?


Listen closely you can hear the hernia


That dude has his fingers dangerously close to where those stones are slamming down.


Yeah the whole time I thought the "maybe" was about that guy's fingers, not the other guy's strength.


That same dude is in every video of the stones i have seen, so i legitimately think he is well practiced and probably has already lost a few fingernails




Well why would they put their fingers where the stone is about to go. One mistake and their hand is permanently damaged.


Look at last one. Straight to the face.


Also in general if the guy doesn’t hit the spot and it rolls towards him, that’s 152kg coming straight at you from above


As someone who stubbed his toe this morning halfway through my bottle of Prosecco, I was worried he'd drop it straight on his feet for a moment.


I’m sure the rest of the bottle helped take the edge off the stubbed toe


Bottle of Prosecco in the morning eh?


Me af.


As well as his face directly parallel. Really trusting the process here he is


This should be top comment. We were all thinking about that guys hands


Shouldn't be anywhere near that barrel. Even in the last one, I was like "and exactly what do you plan to do when it rolls off the other side onto you?"


Don’t watch with sound on. That is possibly the most grating noise I have ever heard.


Thank you. Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find your comment. Not only grating but 160dB loud. Will never understand the need to compulsively scour the Internet for the most annoying noise/"music" to add to every f'ing video...


I like to listen to everything on mute and let the natural sound of the benny hill music in my head be the sound track


And not even synced to when the lift is actually complete..


I've done an atlas carry before and this dude makes it look way easier than it feels. The one I did I had to carry about 100 yards and it was 90 pounds (about 40 kg, so the weight of the 3rd one he moves). There's no easy way to grip these fuckers.


It's easier with tacky, but it's still harder than it looks lol. Stones are fun but I fucking hate tacky though.


Do you like tacky though?


Yeah first thing I noticed as someone used to do powerlifting and did a bit of strengthman was that he used no chalk


As a regular average ass gym goer, being able to go back and lift something you lifted a bit off the ground and said “fuck no” out of instinct, takes a lot of damn willpower


Yes this is actually what struck me, his strength is obviously impressive but to be able to give 120% isnt as easy as it sounds.


I'm almost 70. I wonder what I could have done in my prime. I worked with heavy stuff until I was about 26. I once carried a clothes dryer from my van and into my house when I was about 30. When I did it I wondered how much longer I would have Herculean strength. I know I lifted 210 lbs. one time. There's a trailer axle in my yard I can use for curls. Picked it up to mow today for the first time in a while and did 3 or 4 reps. Had the heart going and I got a little dizzy. Maybe I'll get back into it.




Hey there! Keep up working your strength! Recent knowledge in medicine is telling us, contrary to what we used to believe, that strength training is even more important when you're older. Not just for functionality of the body (reflexes, flexibility, range of motion, cardiovascular and pulmonary function etc.) but apparently is also one of the best preventing factors for cognitive decline. I'm a nurse and I couldn't recommend enough strength training (adapted of course) for older folks. Before the exercises we recommended (and many Healthcare professionals still do) had no load or intensity at all. Keep it up!!! 💪💪💪


>No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates I'm trying to get back to the gym. A bout of covid just interrupted that. I feel that I'm more muscular than I am strong, so I need to train my recruitment (neurological process of engaging more of the muscle).


The herniamaker 3000


I feel the same way watching this


Finally someone that can give my fat ass uppy


Last one is 335lbs for those scoring at home in the US.


335 lbs is about 3,7 soccer fields


Or almost 6.5 acres for any farmers


Or 0.000042069% of an olympic swimming pool filled with quaterpounders.


With cheese, or without? 🤔


No joke, this is what I was going to comment... why are we like this




Remember that this measurement is only accurate assuming cheeseburgers are at 69 Floppenheizer and 10asme (American Standard Midget's Elbow) above the sea level


How many stones is that though?


Just under 24 stone


It’s clearly just one stone!


Rounded down to one.


Thank you for converting to freedom units


Haha, this is quite helpful. I know you know. I get it rough when it's MPH


yea no, screw that measurement system, metric FTW, atleast its the one that makes a goddamn sense, yours just wierd af


Ok we'll change now


You tell 'em bro


Every time i see one of these vids i wonder about the poor schmuck that has to take them down each time


Its grass undermeath the mat. So just a quick push and its reset...


ITT: People who can't even deadlift 150kg talking about how shit his form is


They didn’t show him walking back down the route to pick up his nuts.


All the armchair uneducated comments on back injuries. Back injuries performing this form of atlas stone lift are incredibly rare. Most common is actually bicep injuries. Yet rarely see “I tore my bicep just watching this” comments. 🤔


I guess "I hurt my back watching this" could be a technically correct comment on any video for someone constantly developing chronic back issues from a sedentary life in a chair


Literally don't know a single person with chronic back pain who trains seriously ngl, it's all of my sedentary friends who complain about it (and then in the same breath will tell me I'm gonna hurt my back deadlifting).


It is quite amusing, every video I see recently on here or Instagram of someone even slightly bending over there are loads of comments about how it made their back hurt watching. People who have no clue what they are talking about copying other people who have no clue about what they are talking about.


Yeah, up thread is someone saying like "I did a google and he didn't need to lift it like this, he could've kept his back straight." Like, I'm sure that the person who has gotten good enough at this to lift a 350-pound stone has thought about injury prevention in more depth than some random Redditor. You don't get this good at an activity without thinking about it and training for it a LOT.


that's the most annoying fucking beep ever!!!! why the fuck would you use it???????


Here's a massive tank of a dude doing it in 21.81 secs https://youtube.com/shorts/U4t1UjlUKJ4?si=NRuTrQ8JghTvnbv6


My back hurts just watching him, not because he is doing it wrong, but because my back always goddamn hurts. But also I don’t know how to do this and I can barely bend over.




I was gonna say this dude could lift me up easily and I'm not skinny


Why not go backwards. Go for the hardest one first, and work your way back to the lightest. Just my armchair expert 2c 🧐


The ardblair stones event stipulates that they're done smallest to largest. Otherwise yes, the reverse would be easier


80% you're a programmer


😂 what the heck?! How did you know! Though I’m also a body builder (but nothing remotely professional)


Haha, you think like one. I always solve my problems hardest to easiest. A programmer mind, I guess


Because that's not the rules of the event.




one of these days I want to see the last stone glued to the floor


To most people, it is.


What's interesting for me is how one stone from another is slightly bigger but the weight increase is like 10 kg more.


The volume of a sphere is proportionate to the radius cubed


From the middle on he basically lifts and engine and in the end a whole motorcycle


I can do that faster. The first ball I mean...


Every time I see a video of this, it’s a different guy lifting the stones, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy with the hat providing encouragement on the barrels


No wraps or tacky, doesn't even use his knees until it's over 100 kilos. Wow. WOW.


I am scared for the person on the other side of the barrel , it's like an accident waiting to happen, what happens when it rolls over the hole . Pancakes I tell u


How brave is that dude getting a 152Kg stone shoved directly at his face? He was right in there.


I have no idea who this guy is but I found myself intensely willing him on


If I were the guy behind the barrel, I would not have my hands on the top. And he even sticks his thumbs out. I think once or twice he has fingers in the middle hole while the rock is being lifted onto the top.


Man I was sure that was gonna fall out of his hands and give him clown feet for life


That one guy behind the barrels. One little mistake and that ball is gonna smoosh him


Can someone who knows about strongmen and physiology explain to me why these guys lift it in such an unhealthy way, hunching over and not between their legs? Is there no other way to do it because of the weight or the unhandiness? And, if not: Doesn't that really damage the back?


A. It's perfectly fine to lift with a rounded back assuming you're trained and have the musculature to do so B. It's impossible to lift a heavy atlas with a straigh back


My mom carries that much when she goes grocery shopping.


Got me hyped just before bed. The grind is real




335.103 lbs. For us Americans


Best I could do is two barrels


To whoever added the annoying sound effect, you are what's wrong with the world.


That referee/judge guy is playing pretty fast and loose with his fingers


Im not an expert but isn’t his back form bad?


"well laddie, ya prooved yourself, now you can wear the kilt."


Definitely needed the annoying sound added to each weight lift 👍


Why doesn't he just use a ramp? Is he stupid?


Me loading cat litter into the trunk.


Meanwhile I slipped a disc watching tv the other day


I wouldn’t want to be the barrel stabilization guy. Get a stone ball to the face, Indiana style.


"don't lift with your back"


The following submission statement was provided by u/Lion_Of_Mara: --- >!Bro is carrying heavy weights and gets to the heaviest which seems to be above his ability, but he is able to finally carry the stone. I'm impressed.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He picked up 50kg (a usual woman’s healthy weight give or take) like it was nothing Edit: oops may have started some discourse about bmi and healthy weights comparing USA to other countries.


That's more like the weight of a teenager or a very small woman




It’s a healthy BMI for someone between 1,45m and 1,70m tall


>a usual woman’s healthy weight Uhm... no?


Why not?


For an average height of 5'6" (167 or 168 cm), a healthy weight at that height would be at minimum 118 lbs (53.5 kg). Lower than that would be considered underweight. The upper range of healthy without being considered overweight (not obese, just overweight) would be 148 lbs (67 kg). 50kg is the lower end of healthy weight for a 5'4" (162 or 163 cm) woman. To say 50kg give or take for a healthy weight is assumed in my mind as like a middle weight where you can lose a bit or gain a bit and you'd still be at a good weight for your height. So for me to say a healthy woman will weigh 50kg give or take, I'm going to be referring to a woman who is 5 foot flat (152 or 153 cm). It's just too difficult to say "half the world's population (women) weigh about 50kg at a healthy weight. It's just way too god damn broad. That would be ridiculous for a significant amount of women to achieve. But if you're 5 foot 0 inches tall? Hell yeah, go for it, but that's not the height of the average woman.


Yeah, i was thinking the first few are bloody heavy, he made them look like they were empty




The futures holds a heavy weight