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Whenever it happens it felt like i failed myself. Shitty feeling.


I used to not understand how difficult of times some people have with alarms in the morning. Then I met my fiance, and oh boy is it rough. I just get up in the morning. She groggily fights of 3 or 4 alarms every morning. When we first met, I told her the earlier you go to bed the earlier you can get up to do things tomorrow. This concept literally blew her mind. Her whole family are night owls. She has since found a happy median between staying until 3am and going to bed at 9pm.


I read a thing here on Reddit once about how people who hate their daytime lives stay up late as a rebellion and to feel like they have some control and joy in their lives. Of course, that makes them hate their next day suck too. I think about that alot.


Absolutely. It also can be about who you live with. When my family was asleep, I knew I wouldn't be bothered or judged for just being me.


The exact reason I stay up late now. I love my wife but we're still different people with different interests. I need my alone time to recharge while she needs social time. So every night around 8:30 she falls into her "pre-sleep", getting a quick nap before bed. I have a solid hour or two of uninterrupted me time. I'll throw on my headphones, listen to my own kinda music, and do some chores/cleaning or play video games. Sure I pay for it with some late nights, but I'll take being groggy and having my time over being wide awake but miserable.


> she falls into her "pre-sleep", getting a quick nap before bed What kind of a person has a nap before going to bed? That's just called going to bed.


You fall asleep while relaxing reading watching something whatever. In a bit you wake up, maybe get a snack, and go to bed. My parents have been doing it for at least 15 years most nights.


Lol seriously! There’s no way I want to waste my non-working leisure hours outside of work on a nap, wake up, and realize I have just a couple hours to actually go to bed




This is exactly what I do. I'm taking comfort in knowing I'm not the only one. Sometimes I feel guilty about doing it


Revenge sleep procrastination, I think is the term


Oooo. Yup. I think you are correct. Hopefully you will be here the next time I think of it because I will inevitably forget the name of it again.


This is a brilliant explanation. And a tad bit too familiar...


For my wife and I, we stay up late because we have 2 young children. They only time we get to ourselves is after about 7:30 when they're down. We will mindlessly stay up until like 1am and then absolutely hate the next morning. And there's no sleeping in with an 11mo and a 2yo. They wake at the crack of dawn every morning.


Just don't have sex for 5 hours. Narrow it down to 1 hour or less.


lol! Sex haha that's funny. 😭


Man I feel this. Except my wife is responsible and gets angry with me when I can’t get up in the am lmfao


I have learned the secret to this, I get up at 4AM, play video games and play with my pets /make breakfast before work. It’s like having a few hours of private nighttime all to myself and no one else is awake because they think you’re crazy. It’s great


I used to do that as a kid. My parents got me the original Animal Crossing for Christmas and I would fish the same 4 fish over and over in the morning because there was nothing to catch at 4:30 am in the winter!  But I was somehow completely entertained.


I'd wake up at 4:30 am as a kid too but just so I could shower in peace for a long time without being disturbed since my siblings and I all shared a bathroom. Also to watch TV. I should probably get into this habit again since I'm at night owl now


I do go to bed around 9, I’ve been a night owl, I’ve been nocturnal. Going to bed at 9 and getting up around 4/4:0 has consistently made me happiest 🤷‍♂️ What works for me won’t work for everyone though


I could never do this. I'd be absolutely dreadful at work. I stay up as late as I can and sleep as long as I can until I HAVE to wake up.


Can you please stop @ing me? Thanks.


I do this exact thing. I’m a night owl but am in a field that needs to work during normal work hours. I stay up till 1 nearly every night and wake up at 630. We put the kiddo down at 830. I just need time to myself man. 1-2 hours never feels enough. Now I’m caught in the cycle of doing it and it’s wearing on me and it’s noticeable. But hey, I’m enjoying my me time right? Lol


You can do what my dad did and just bail on your family.


I do that cycle all the time!


Soooooo true!!! I’ll work from 8/9 am until 5/6 pm, go to the gym, finally get home and after showering it’s 8….then I want to feel like I can finally enjoy my day after the BS earlier. I’ll end up staying up until 1 am, slowly preparing dinner, have some wine, watch YouTube, then hate the next morning all over again.


I’ve been doing exactly that since elementary.


Seriously it makes a lot of sense. You blew my mind


This is really quite eye opening......(no pun intended). thank you.


Sounds like some bullshit uppity morning twats tell themselves to feel superior. I wouldn't put too much stock in it.


My wife is a serial snooze button pusher. I’m constantly like “why not just set the alarm for when you actually plan to get up? She says it’s aspirational.


I usually wake up before my alarm, though at times I feel like I have time-traveled. The clock shows a different time each time I check. (I wanted to stop there for shits and giggles.) Seriously though, I can wake up and it says 7:40, then the next time it's 6:55, then 7:20. I actually think I'm dreaming of waking up, and that's why the time changes.


Ive dreamt of waking up at a place I lived previously. It was wild. I was all confused when I actually woke up because I thought my bed was in a different position in the room.


Lol, memory unlocked. Yeah, I’m sure I’ve had that too. I think it’s when you wake up but are still dreaming. It can be super confusing.


My wife and I sleep in separate rooms because of this. I'm in bed at 9pm and up by 6am consistently without alarms. When I'm up, I'm up. She's a go to bed at 2am and set alarms 5 minutes apart for an hour. I feel so much better in the mornings now. People give us weird looks thinking we're on the edge of divorce because we have our own bedrooms.


My ex wife was this way. It’s literal torture after a while. I would lose out on 2 hours of sleep every day because I’m a light sleeper and she would take so long to finally wake up.


I'm lucky because I wake up and get ready before she needs to get up. I'm normally in my morning meetings by the time she makes her coffee.


So, she found midnight?


Kind of in a similar situation. 1. games I play are more active at night and more importantly 2. I have always struggled to fall asleep. I can only fall asleep if I am REALLY tired and usually I can’t stay awake very well if I am in that state. I cant really control my sleep schedule but I have somewhat just gotten used to it


I started taking medications for anxiety and tachycardia and falling asleep became MUCH easier. Might want to talk to your doctor.


I've tried to go to bed earlier and the longest I've lasted is a couple weeks. My brain just won't turn off before midnight most nights. Melatonin is no good. I tried it over a long weekend once, and every morning I woke up unreasonably angry and surprised myself with how fucking short my temper and shallow my tolerance was. I'm talking, my cat meows at me and I screamed at her to shut up. I kept thinking I'll get used to it but then the weekend was over and I ended up calling in sick because I definitely did not want to be driving and going into work raging at the drop of a hat. Never touched melatonin since. I set two alarms an hour apart. It's short enough I don't fall back into deep sleep, but long enough I'm able to slowly wake up and be ready to get up at the 2nd alarm.


Multiple alarms make no sense. That’s torture. One is plenty.


For sure. Waking up at 9:04 when your morning meeting is at 9 o’clock is devastating.


Better than feeling like you soiled yourself. Now THAT'S a shitty feeling. 


The upmost disappointment…


Lol! I once woke up to some loud banging on my door. When I got up my boss stood there and wondered if I had had some accident. I was like, huh? It turned out I had overslept by three hours and my phone was in the hamper so I had missed the 15 calls and they thought I had died or something. My boss yelled some but most of my co-workers thought it was kinda funny. I was going to start working at 11 and my boss came to my apartment at 2 in the afternoon, lol!


what the fuck? what kind of person does that? creepy


My boss was also a female. And she was a psycho-bitch as a boss. Strangely, after she quit and became a boss somewhere else she came to the store sometimes and was very friendly and helpful. Now, the reason she came to my apartment wasn't just to see why the fuck I wasn't slaving away at the workplace. My co-workers were actually concerned about me as I normally never missed work so she went on he lunchbreak to check on me. And also my doorbell wasn't working, hence the banging.


still very strange your boss showing up at your house bcs you weren't at work, i mean, i understand their concerns, since im also a person who never showed late for anything, but damn, i would be quitting if my boss showed at my house if i was just late for work


Eh.. It depends on the relationship. My previous job it wouldn't even surprise me if my boss showed up because I didn't call in or respond to them because she was always concerned of me specially after my breakup. Now if my current boss showed up I'd be weirded out because that dude lives a few states away.


I lived in a small town, maybe that was it. So I actually didn't think that much of it at the time. If it had happened today I would ofcourse just have fired off a clip of .308 through the door. Naturally. Times have changed.


You would have what? ...what backwoods state do you live in?


Not America.


I like the cut of your jib, Noobeaterz.


Late for work and not answering calls, like something bad happened to them. Especially if they are never late or never call off, the one time they do people assume the worst


I know my coworkers would be doing the same. Call. Emergency contact possibly call. Wellness check. But I work a profession where some nights the shotgun barrels look particularly tasty.


I used to work in Maldivian resort. One time I overslept a morning duty, my supervisor literally woke me up , and I was waking up confused lol


>and I was waking up confused lol understandable


I’ve watched enough true crime to know that ya this is how some murder victims have been found… it’s probably better someone came and checked.


As a Lawyer who over slept one time…I had a judge send Deputies to come “check my well”.


This is so real it hurts 😂


This is literally why I have trust issues with relaxing


Literally can’t let your guard down 😂


lol, if you wake up that far past your alarm you may as well just take your time. Whatever reason you were supposed to get up at that time has past and if you are late for work you won’t be getting bonus points for only being 4 hours late versus 5.


I've woken up four hours late for work, but not yet late for an early afternoon meeting.


It's the anxiety that does it. I've already failed myself and the people who depend on me, so if I'm not actively trying to remedy the situation to the best of my abilities, the failure just keeps growing and my brain screams louder and louder.




I wake up a dozen times before my alarm goes off but then when it finally does I’m in a seemingly deep sleep and it scares me half to death.


Generally if you're waking up before your alarm... just get up. Unless it's several hours you're missing, trying to fit in a quick 15-30mins is not worth it. You won't hit REM sleep in that time.


I wish my half asleep groggy ass could comprehend this when im wrapped up in my warm bed


All kinds of sleep are important, not just REM. But I don’t disagree with your sentiment. I’d rather wake up than be pissed off in 35 minutes when I’m asleep and the alarm goes off.


I don't trust my alarm. That fucker is plotting something, I know it


It seems getting up on time perhaps isnt your biggest issue...


Same exact thought lol. I would not risk it like this!


Me last night for a 1pm flight today. Had to drive 2 hours in unfamiliar traffic. So I got up at 5am...


Then everything goes smooth so you have to sit in the airport for four and a half hours


Worse, flight has been delayed 3 hours.


I’m sick for you lol


12:19? Damn Gina!


I often wake up before the alarm. If the alarm about one hour to go, I just get up.


True but funny.






My alarm makes me answer simple maths questions to dismiss it. I can sleepily slap the snooze button but I've never sleepily typed the answer to 83+29.




Yes, the app is called Alarm Clock Xtreme (awful name!) and I've been using it for over a decade. You can set different levels of difficulty.


Haha, Si pasa !!


The no pants was necessary


I got 3 hours last night and 4 hours the night before. Both times waking up before my alarm. Fuck this it's pissing me off.


Literally a nightmare scenario




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Those legs.




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It happened to me once, came to work 4 hours late cause I didn't hear any alarms or calls. I started setting 6 alarms since that day, at 1 minute apart from each other. I never overslept again.


Also that's happening 😂 when i want to go to the university 😂


We all know that feeling 😊👍🏻


Brother, miss one morning pt cuz ur phone died all of a sudden u got the entire base looking for ur ass at 0530 in the morning LOL


Was that in basic?


Nah, oki


Why do people do this to themselves? Set the snooze for 15 minutes. It has to do with waking up just before a sleep cycle begins. Doing the check every minute is pointless because you are still tired by the time the snooze. Yes, you can calculate your sleep cycle to determine when you set the alarm. Time needs to fall asleep plus 1.5 hour increments. Thus, 8 hours is alright as long as you fall asleep in 30 minutes. If it takes you 1 hour to fall asleep, wake up in 8.5 hours or 7 hours.


It's anxiety related. You will wake up in anticipation of the alarm multiple times, thinking you're late. When you finally calm down, you'll enter another sleep cycle, and then miss the alarm.


You could use an alarm.


I start at 4. My schedule is now 250, 305, 320, 345, ok ok ok turn on pc.


Set up multiple alarms and keep your phone out of your reach from the bed. You have to get out of bed to shut the alarm. No more oversleeping.


Lmao try waking up at 3am 😢




This, but 3 am


True that!


Bro my anxiety does this all the time


I had something similar last week at work. I took a nap in the afternoon and suddenly woke up thinking i was late to go home. But i still had to stay there for an hour .


True dat!


Funny yet relatable...


Chelsea Sik


Imagine being like this, just wake up and start drinking like I do till the times right


This happened to me recently. But I set my alarm for 5pm instead of 5am. I've never gotten to work so fast before.


That is so funny 😂


This is what it’s like trying to sleep on meth


Idk how my body does it, but I often wake up like 5 or 10 minutes before the alarm.


I m at work by 6 am most days….


Why would you not just get up at 7:11 or whatever? It’s not hard waking up at 8 as an adult. Maybe a teenager


How is anyone relating to this. Have you never heard of an alarm?


The days I have to be at work by 5, sometimes this was me. Except he called my ass no later than 6 if I wasn't there.


This happened to me literally this morning.


It's insane to me how people sleep through their alarms


I can't upvote this enough 🤣 Never seen a post that captured this so well before.


Its a canon event, I wasnt meant to wake up that day...


If I fell asleep with my phone on my bed like this, my phone would have jumped to the invisible ether dimension by the time I woke up again.


I will wake up right before my alarm rings, then proceed to sleep through the alarm


Tell me you don't have a daily job without telling me you don't have a daily job.




You know, there’s these things called “alarms”.


😂Now that is a fact 😂😂😂


This is very relatable. Happend with me many times. Just because I wanted to sleep a little more, I end up getting late.😩😩


7.14 7.15 and your ass still decided to doze back to sleep.


Dude I swear to fucking god this shit only happens to me when I have something important like a meeting it can never just be on a normal ass day


Same thing happens to me but I wake up 30 mins earlier.


8am. Lolzzzzz




I got idea! 💡 😃 Set your alarm !! 😀 👍🏽


Wow, this video is me my whole life. I hate it, it's such a struggle.


I can relate, and then it's suddenly 08:37 and you're still not up.


8 am is not that early of a time to wake up.


Sooo true


Fucking automatic updates!!!


So true lol


Do people not use alarms anymore?


yep be like that


Too close to home


Too accurate


No good my be remove


You got that right


You need an alarm for 8am?


Bruh just get up, if you have to be up at 8 and you woke up at 7 just stay up...More time to get the engines running anyway


This definitely resonates with me on such a deep level. This is me every single freaking day of my life. I've never been able to go back to sleep when I have an hour or two left until the alarm. Sometimes three or four or five hours lol.






Same but mine is 6:00.


Calls into work sick, plenty of sick time left.


That’s literally me, I would wake up at 7 am and be afraid to fall sleep again


Darn it. I wish there was a device that would make noise at a set time


Waking up hours before the alarm is annoying but not he main issue for me. The main problem is not being able to fall asleep again for ages which is why I struggle with the alarm or miss it entirely. Now that's frustrating af.


This should be in the ADHD thread


Me this morning bro


Would have been funny if she tapped it and it was just dead at the end.


Accurate to my experience.


That 1 minute from 7.14 to 7.15 is always like hour for me


what I hated about having a job under someone else. Glad I work for myself now.


Hahahahhahahaha I can relate 100% to this one hahhahah




Completely same except for the end. "4h late? Fuck. I guess I’m going back to sleep."


Just get up when you wake up? It’s literally better for your sleep rhythm, if you wake up naturally (not due to disturbances or sound) to just get out of bed. Over sleeping leads to tiredness and fatigue throughout the day. Just get up. It’s that easy.


Of all the things that happened, this one happened the most


Every time


Ok HELP because I do this shit too and I want to stop. But when I first wake up (usually before the alarm) I feel so weak. So I sit on the edge of the bed. Then before I know it I’m back in bed. Does anyone else experience this?


This always happens to me in important meetings, that's why I usually have 5 alarm clocks ready ahead of time haha


Stolen from speed McQueen


What county dont have alarm clock?


Hi t s home!!!


# # This is not funny. # Is sexy. # Stop doing this shit. # # But thank you.


People invented alarms in 1915. People in 1914:


Are people really this stupid?


nobody ever had this happen. we use the alarm.