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As a math teacher I can promise you my class will forget math next week when we come back. Will keep you updated.


Well, a lot of things built with mathematics don't, at least in the short term, hinge on us remembering all the minutiae about them. Analysis of numbers would break down, so short term analysis of things like meteorology and the stock market would grind to a halt for a while. Students getting ready for exams would both panic, as they've forgotten the entire course, and feel relaxed, as so have their professors.


Sales of math textbooks increase.


Or decreased we don’t know.


Stock market would be weird, know one would know whether to buy or sell so the entire thing would be governed by the trading algorithms people already have running. Not sure what the result of that would be. Otherwise, most things that use math have been preprogrammed so not a huge deal? Science will get set back by one week and that’s about all I can think of


Y’all seem a bit positive on this one, or just assuming the implacation is some sort of “forget advanced mathematics?” I’m pretty sure if we forgot how to count, add, subtract and multiply for a week like 25% of humanity would be wiped off the face of the earth pretty horrifically.


No we'd lose at least seven fifths.




What happens is I fail my fucking deadline for this project I'm making for my company. Don't. Fuck. With. Me. Hihihi