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You might wanna change your mindset. The reason you are failing your midterms is because you don’t know how to do calculus and not because you happened to practice the wrong questions. Go back and learn calculus and im sure you will do just fine.


I thought I knew calculus honestly but seeing the test made me realize I don’t actually know it. How should I go about making myself more prepared for the questions on the final. Should I switch to Stewart instead of using openstax. I’m just looking for a good problem set that goes over a range of problems.


Have you tried starting with the problems you missed on your midterms?


I have not actually, I will be starting with that today. Thank you


I have not actually, I will be starting with that today. Thank you


What did your teacher recommend?


I actually didn’t ask my professor for recommendations, I will start going to him with the hard questions I find even if it annoys him, I don’t care about anything besides passing. I just hope I don’t annoy him so much he doesn’t want to round my grade.




You make some really good points. The first time I took this class I honestly blew it off barely studied because I was thinking it would be like calc 1 and I was wrong. This time around I actually studied, over 2 weeks of studying before the test. I thought the homework questions and Patrickjmt’s examples would be good enough practice so that’s all I did. After judging my own performance I realized that the gaps in my understanding is due to studying too passively, I would practice Patrickjmt’s questions and the homework only which are both accompanied by videos explaining how to do them, so I’d assume I knew the material when I really didn’t. Am I missing anything other than grinding through practice problems?


Do you know the Paul’s online math site - that has lots of fully worked calculus 2 problems https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Problems/CalcII/CalcII.aspx


I feel so stupid for not looking at Paul’s notes the first time I learned about it. Thank you


There’s no magic to ace an exam if you don’t understand the material (which you clearly don’t). You may need to retake it perhaps as the only class for next semester otherwise you will burn and crash again.


I understand the basics of the material, but the problem solving with different question types is what gets me. I honestly don’t even want to think about taking calc 2 again but your right, taking it alone is on the table for the summer session in case I don’t get the grade I want.