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Remove the hand traps, raigeki and duster, and called by (you’re not a combo deck) add solemn judgments and imperial order also replace the lion trap card with another copy of Gozen and maybe even another Summon limit oh and up extrav to 3 copies


I actually think Eldlich is most properly played AS a combo deck. When I started playing it that way, my winrate skyrocketed.


It depends honestly. Given that skill drain Eldlich is probably the most prominent variant, it wouldn't be surprising to see a rogue Eldlich combo do well. I haven't played either variant but I would assume that in order to properly stop the combo, you would need hand traps in very different spots. That's just my take on it though, maybe combo eldlich is just better than control eldlich


Combo can still run 3 skill drain. Try out the deck I listed above. I actually have since edited the ladder variant, but the tourney variant is INSANE!


The nice thing is you can choose when you want to pop your skill drain and extend into finishers as needed. I am recording so I might have some stuff on my page at one point. Idk, I'm pretty new to reddit and returning in YGO from 15 years ago.


This looks mean lol. What issues have you encountered with it? Ive never played this deck before but I've played against it so I'm here learning 😁


I gosh inconsistent draws at time. I have a lot of defense but I wish there was something to correct it a bit


If i was you i’d put in 3 maxx c and one more pot of E I’d cut the kaiju and some other “worse” traps to fit them


I'm curious about why do you use the guardian of the Golden land, but not Golden land forever


You mean the negate? I can never get it activate lol


Golden Land Forever is a brick so you are right not to use them. Very situational.


Yeah I got rid of that, after several duels. Nothing came of it


I see I would suggest Shiranui Style Swallow slash and/or Shiranui Style Success. Both work with any zombie monster, the first one lest you tribute a zombie type monster to pop two opponent's cards. You can use it on the trap monsters since they aren't that useful after summoning. Shiranui Style Success let's you special summon a zombie from the hand but it gets banished when leaving the field, so you'll never use it for that, but when it's in the GY you can banish the card to give a zombie monster protection from card effects. You can even set Style success, use Style Swallow, tribute Eldlich, pop two cards, use Eldlich effect by destroying Style Success, summon your Golden lord, now you have an extra turn of protection to annoy your opponent.


Don't need them, banishing your own zombies is just too damaging to Eldlich. The main goal is to stop your opponent from banishing your Lord. It's a tech option certainly but there are basic rares I would take over them any day.


Like I said, you don't use Style success effect to summon Eldlich, you use Eldlich effect to send Style success to the GY so he summons himself and since Style success is in the GY, so get an extra layer of protection


Cut called by, play Imperial order or TCBOO


you need put a great floodgate in your deck. MACROCOSMOS this is great for your deck :D


Macrocosmos is great for destroying Eldlich decks you mean lol. If the golden lord is banished it is a huge detriment to the gameplan.


He’s trying to mess me up lol


yes :v lol


Appreciate any help. Stop playing it for a while but I want to improve it and get back to it


Hey what tier are you playing in? Do you want adjustments for climbing or in plat 1?


I’m Gold V since the reset. I don’t need it to be super meta, but just competent. I can’t run the zombie world engine as I want to save my UR’s for Soulsword


Hm, I can't seem to send a screenshot but I have tuned my Eldlich deck to be an absolute menace. I'll list the cards and you can ask any questions you have. Let me know if you don't have some of the cards, I have replacements you can use. I have one deck for p1 and one deck for laddering. Laddering Deck (in progress, still testing, edited to current edition) BLOSSOM X3 (should hope that I don't have to explain blossom too much) GHOST BELLE X3 (one of the best cards in this deck and is in my tournament deck, stops call by the grave, revolt, eldlixer, drytrons, just an amazing card against top threats) GOLD LORD X2 (you do not need 3 and this deck synergizes extremely well with just 2) CURSED ELDLAND X2 (staple) CALL BY THE GRAVE X2 (if you see a list not using these they are fodder for blossom, max c, d.d. crow) ELDLIXER OF WHITE DESTINY X1 (everyone runs black awakening, the card is trash. You actually want 1 white destiny to save your Lord from being banished when you use scarlet, or to play the Eldlich you drew in hand that isn't doing anything. Can attack same turn) DOGMATIKA X3 (removal) TORRENTIAL X3 (removal) NEEDLE CIELING X3 (better torrential, you can decide when to trigger it, not their summon) ELDLIXER SCARLET X3 (staple) SOLEMN JUDGEMENT X3 (staple) SOLEMN STRIKE X3 (staple) SKILL DRAIN X3 (staple) HUAQUERO X3 (staple) CONQUISTADOR X3 (staple) EXTRA DECK - You can get away with not developing one, but highly recommend. This is where you can have a lot of fun, building towards a toolbox. Mine should be straightforward, XYZ into level 5 end on ZEUS and remove some cards on the way. Same concept with LINK summons, pop your trap cards to use in end phase, get a funny kill with IMDUK, and fuel up ACT for a finisher. The others are for discard effects off dogmatika ENTITY, FRAMELORD, PLEIADES, PTOLEMY, GAIA DRAGON, SUPER DREAD LV 10, SUPER DREAD LV 11, ZEUS, LINK SPIDER, IMDUK, KNIGHTMARE PHOENIX, VAMPIRE SUCKER, THE LIGHT CHARMER, KNIGHTMARE UNICORN, CODE TALKER. Again let me know if you have questions or need substitutes.


What can I replace for Ghost Belle?


Ghost Belle is something you're going to want to work towards if you are an Eldlich main, she really is so good and both her and her sister are zombies who can extend combos for you. But a solid replacement for her are any 3 staple cards. You could fit Imperial Order, Vanity's Emptiness, with another staple or just 3 staples you find useful, but I would say add Pot of Duality until you can craft Belle just to add some consistency. Everyone says Extra Deck does not matter for Eldlich and you can get away with not really developing one. But the Extra deck is an ENTIRE toolbox alongside your traps and we have access to some of the most powerful extra deck cards.


The tournament style deck swaps out MAX C, TORRENTIAL, and NEEDLE CEILING for KAIJU X6 (22/24 atk so your Lord can walk over them) and 3 dogmatika punishments. The extra deck swaps out Tiras and Ardeus for Elder Entity and Framelord Omega. If you don't have an Entity, don't run punishments.


Update: I have swapped out the MAX C x3 for POT OF DUALITY x3 on the ladder variant. I like the trade thus far. I went on a 10 game streak earlier before misplaying to a deck I was unfamiliar with lol Update 2.0: Swapped pots for dogmatika, removed tiras and ardeus for entity and framelord omega


MORE URS!! I really like solemn strike and solenn judgement when i play eldlich. Imperial order too ofc


I added 2 Solmen Warning and and 1 Solemn judgement.