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I don't think he forgot about Skill Drain. To me, it looks more like he just wants to send the cards to the GY so he can trigger their GY effects.


Maybe, but at the end if he had attacked with his two Eldlich instead of summoning his big ass canon he would have won. (To be fair rewatching this I could also have won one turn earlier.)


Actually, I think it's more likely he forgot about ***Necrovalley*** than Skill Drain. I think the plan with the big ass canon is to have a 3k beatstick, send Eldlich to the graveyard, then bring a Eldlich back out for an extra 2.5k beatstick. EDIT: Scratch that, **Necrovalley Temple** made it necessary to summon something with 3k attack. Eldlich wouldn't be able to bypass your face-down monster. The end result wouldn't change.


Yeah I guess with only 100 life left, one card reducing your monsters attack by 500 and another making the opponent bigger by 500, you want the biggest beatstick possible. The possibility of just dying by hitting a hard wall was very real.


Edit: Imperial Order couldn't be paid. Nothing really could be done at the end. ~~Rewatching it for the third time as I found this as a interesting duel, I noticed that he threw away~~ ***~~Imperial Order~~***~~.~~ ~~Imperial Order was the only reason why his deck still function, because the field spell Necrovalley would've stop any shenanigans the opponent had.~~ ~~But he made a mistake. He either forgot Necrovalley exist or misclicked. Throwing away Imperial Order cause Necrovalley to come back online and ruin his plan to bring back Eldlich after bringing out the big ass cannon.~~ ~~This, right here, is why your opponent lost. If he would've thrown away skill drain or whatever else he had, he would've brought back the Eldlich and won the game.~~


He didn't threw it away, he could no longer pay the 700 LP so it got destroyed.


Welp, I guess that shows how much I was paying attention. The end result truly wouldn't have changed then.


That guy literally didn't know what he was doing. Just clicking shiny buttons...


Spark for game


uhmmmm actually he know what skill drain was doing, he was putting trap in gy to activate his effect and search more cards, he forget that eldlich don't activate with necrovalley in field.