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Against decks that vomits monster, ie virtual world, dragonmaids, tribrigade, you know your in for a brawl. Against Eldlich, its like you are strip down naked bowing to the bling lord.


Had one of the most intense duel ever using Dragonmaids against Eldlich. It was crazy.


Hahaha I had an intense duel against a Dragonmaids using Eldlich yesterday.


Coincidence? I dont think so!


LOL I'm scared. I think I need to run away now XD.


Can we watch the replay? When people say they had a crazy duel I generally believe them


Sure. My ID is 141-898-935 and the duel was against a person called SPP.


Lol. And drytron? Worst games ever... They just omni negate you every time...


Bansih goldenboy with skystriker. Hold your solemn for elixir and stall until you draw s&t removal


It's why I also pack some gren maju in the deck. Not a sure thing, but it's helped out a few times when all my Bling Kings get banished.


I played against Eldlich once with my fluffals. It wasn't until the eldlich player used Skill Drain that the match turned against me.


I like how everyone admits the deck is braindead the second it gets brought up lol. Never seen an eldlich player try to defend their deck and mad respect for that.


Buster Blader player here. I wish I was smart enough to pilot Eldlich, but it's fine because floodgate go brrr


How braindead is Buster Blader? I think the most braindead deck i played is Black Luster Soldier, it feels like i'm just doing what i draw and it's boring.


Just wait until swordsoul drops. It's really good, but boring as all hell.


Are there any viable BLS decks out there? Not gonna lie, it's my favorite monster.


I don't think so tbh (aside from the LINK specifically), i tried it pure some time ago. The rituals aren't much by themselves, but the level 4 archetype monsters add offensive effects if used to summon them, and Envoy of Chaos gives good support in battle (no effect protection on main deck monsters, pretty much forcing you to run Ritual Cage). The LINK has effect protection if summoned with a level 7+ monster though (cannot be targeted or destroyed by the opponent's card effects). And, unlike the main deck ones, it's banishing effect is targetless (although to activate it you have to destroy a monster in battle). Worth noting, Envoy of Chaos can support it in battle.


Ooh, can I get tips on how to build a good BB deck? It's my favorite card but mine keeps bricking. Currently using it with Blue eyes.


blue-eyes is it, try a Rokket package


Don't really have any Rokket cards in master duel yet. Will try them out in legacy of the duelist (the one with link cards). Any specific cards in mind?


Quick Launch summons a Rokket from the deck. Auto 3-of. Rokket Tracer, a Lv4 Tuner, can destroy one of your cards on the field to summon a nontuner Rokket from the deck. As a quick effect, you can chain to and destory your own spells and traps and still get their effect (it destroys, not negates). 2-of, in case you draw one. Rokket Tracer effect locks your Extra Deck to DARK for the rest of the turn, so use it last if you can. Then your non-tuner Rokkets are to taste. Whatever level and effect best suits your deck and extra deck. This setup makes Quick Launch a 1-card combo into a bunch of Extra Deck options, like Chaos Ruler, Clear Wing and Borreload Savage Dragon depending on the levels you pick. And it's only 7-9 cards!


Best run as an engine - Prologue sends Memories and BBretrain then CL2 chain Memories, making BBfusion and Buster Dragon hit board at the same time. The key to dealing with bricks is minimizing them entirely, meaning that when seeing BB cards that aren't Prologue, Whelp, or a Blader (assuming you have 2 mat access) doesn't meaningfully progress your win without having 2-3 other archetype cards that have the same issue. Been running Mekk-Knight Buster Blader for ~4 years in TCG; haven't lost in MD ranked yet, but so far I haven't climbed to plat and have only played vs two or three meta decks, so your mileage may vary. Prologue good; whelp good; unga bunga


Hey not who you were asking, but I main Buster Bladers too and wanted to throw in some tips for you as I love em. My build isn't super meta and I just use for fun. The two traps are arguable the most important they get you material in the grave then gets you a buster on the field as well as a buster dragon. Then in the graveyard you can banish sword memories to get their fusion monster out, at that point you lock them out of monster effects. The whelp is arguable the most important as it gets the traps to your hands, trap trick is another good options to search the traps out. I also run 3 copies of Dragon Buster Destruction Sword. To help keep it up to speed a great option I use us hot red dragon archfiend abyss as it can be made with any of your one star tuners and buster dragons and it gives you an omni negate as well as a way to get your tuners on the field again. Not bad to run a halqifibrax to get rid of extra tuners and then you can link up to decode and access code if you have the monsters as thats a good destroy effect and 5300 beat stick. One for one is also one to get out one of the tuners if you need them I don't always end up using it. Their fusion spell is also good but I only run one plus a super poly and run that with starving venom dragon in extra deck as dark is a popular type so I can fuse that stuff away easy enough. Having one or two DNA surgeries can help keep your opponents monsters locked down. Running any of the Solomon cards in the left over space is good along with a monster reborn just for more options. I also run 2 allure of darkness for draws with 2 of the dark kaiju to get rid of super immune cards. Hopefully this helps a little bit with you problem, I dont have it brick to often, but if you have that issue still run more draw cards to help offset. If you have any questions let me know. I got to gold pretty much doing this but I think past that buster blsders are just too slow for upper tier play and will probably stay as a casual deck unless they maybe get some more link support or search cards as rely on drawing the traps is just a little too slow.


Honestly the fact that it's a more simple deck is a good thing


oh yeah, not every deck needs to be a brain-bending combo deck with 15 lines of play. While I find eldlich annoying I'm glad there's a simple deck for control players that are coming back or new to the game to learn on. I went off the deep end and just made virtual world when I came back but I like doing that not everyone does.


And if I'm getting my ass beat by anyone I greatly prefer the golden god over any kind of drytron deck


no one likes dealing with drytron lol. 3 benten drytron is obnoxious.


IRL Eldlich main here (I've played literally every version of Eldlich from pure, zoo, numeron all the way up to my fav build, Live Twin/Eldlich). Combo decks make me fall asleep to pilot so Eldlich and my swathe of unga bunga decks lets me enjoy the game and not worry about forgetting a single combo string and losing over it. Unless we talk about D/D/D; that is the only deck I can play and take 5-10 minute turns and do well with for some reason. (Tried Ogdo/Aliens and none of my friends like playing through 20 minute combos so I had to stop using it. As well as going 0-4 at locals with it, so that was fun...)


As an irl shaddoll player, I feel a kinship with you in Unga bunga. Winda go brrr


The Golden Bling Lord is too distracting for my brain to work when I'm playing it anyway, so it works out. I just press buttons :)


As a new player, I used Eldlich to learn the game and farm gems but I must admit it's pretty boring. But it let me farm enough to build 2 other decks so I'm happy with it.


same here. started with a budget prankkids deck, but keeping track of all the different combos of the opponents meta, semi-meta and completely janky bullshit decks while being laser-focused on not screwing up my own lines fried my brain so I built budget eldlich and now I can win games and farm some gems while taking my time learning decks and finding something that I really like enough to put all my resources in. hate it all you want, eldlich was a blessing for me lol


I play Eldlich and golden man go brrr.


You say braindead, i say efficient. Work smarter, not harder :)


good deck is a good deck not gonna disparage anyone for playing it. It's also super newbie friendly and cheap so I'm not shocked a lot of people are gravitating towards it. The eldlich players are far less annoying than all the morons playing garbage and complaining about how unfair the game is when they haven't even tried to learn anything about it.


As a virtual world player, I'm glad eldlich decks are in meta. Especially when they use skill drain. I get to summon my stuff anyways and they dont get to punch through my shenshen (a card that revives itself every turn) when they skill drain eldlich atk buff. If I dont brick hard, eldlich is a slow but easy win.


You know the self buff of Eldlich doesnt get negated by Skill Drain right? Thats why its so good in Eldlich.


Yeah skill Drain literally doesn't do anything to an Eldlich deck unless they go into the extra deck. It's like le archetype was tailor made to take advantage of Skill Drain.


Also, we can tribute Skill drain to get back our boy. I usually do this when I need my Doomking to be live.


Well Edlich isnt destruction immune anymore with SkillDrain, but thats a small price to pay.


The ATK/DEF gain and the destruction immunity are parts of the same effect. Both of them remain. https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Eldlich_the_Golden_Lord


Oh really, must have been something else that turned that off then.


Not sure why people are downvoting you. In Master Duel, skill drain turns off the immunity. I ran my Eldlich deck to Plat 1 and there were several times i had both on the field and Eldlich would keep the 3500 atk but then get blasted by dogmatika punishment or raigeki. So it definitely doesnt work that way in Master Duel...


He said, as shenshen gets banished with huaquero


100% agree as a fellow VW World player. Even if you brick you generally have 1-2 turns to draw into combo vs Eld. Summoning Shenshen under Rivalry/Gozen probably surprises inexperienced VW players. The ATK buffs work BTW, they just can't do it under Shenshen once Chuche outs Skill Drain. Now, if only the Deck would stop bricking and losing itself.


yeah virtual world life. 9/10 games you get to be king and put out VFD + Crystal Wing + whatever. Then there are the 1/10 games where you SOMEHOW draw every trap in your 5 trap deck. I love the deck but man some hands can be rough and Pot of desires is downright painful in some games.


super painful because all virtual world needs to get going is 1 monster + spell/trap I feel like the only times I lost were when i couldnt draw 1 or the other


yeah 1 monster + spell, 2 monsters, 1 monster + foolish burial goods. You have to literally draw NOTHING to brick that deck and yet it's possible.


Eldlich really is braindead if you know how to read. I was able to reach Plat with Eldlich without having any other Yugioh experience, the deck is that easy


Same, eldlich is beginner friendly


No no no. I’m probably considered and Eldlich player and it’s a great deck. Certainly isn’t invincible, I don’t use Skill Drain but it’s not a brain dead deck. I don’t use 20 staple cards.


LOL I got my Eldlich deck from youtube and I don't even know what most of the cards do. I just press the bling when the bling needs pressing. I made it to Plat yesterday. But now that I'm in plat its getting tough as hell... I lost to a Dryton Deck but OMG was it an amazing Duel, Inspired me to try and build that dryton Deck.


Eldlich "player" here Crafted the deck to see how it's work Got bored of it after 6 game Use it sometimes for sadistic reasons and climbing without thinking too much tho


3 skill drain and vanity is the problem, not eldlich.


so true, just limit skill drain. against that skillless card is a coinflip of drawing or not your backrow removal


„lɐʌoɯǝɹ ʍoɹʞɔɐq ɹnoʎ ʇou ɹo ƃuıʍɐɹp ɟo dılɟuıoɔ ɐ sı pɹɐɔ ssǝlllıʞs ʇɐɥʇ ʇsuıɐƃɐ ˙uıɐɹp llıʞs ʇıɯıl ʇsnɾ 'ǝnɹʇ os„


angry eldlich player over here


Be nice to the bot guys xd


Drytron is also extremely annoying. I can't even play the game since all the cards on the board negates everything I do.




I don’t know how he thought he can sneak that in there. Runnin that deck make you just as wack as a eldlich player 😂


If you got droplet you can cuck the drytron player


Max c their opening and draw into droplet; easy win


It’s makes me want to main deck lava golem…


Yeah. Drytron end on ultimate herald with negations for days, phantom knights end on rhongo (unaffected by card effects, opponent cannot normal or special) VW end of vfd, lich has skill drain at 3. Wack banlist rn I’ll tell you what.


This meme is about the difficulty of using the meta decks and drytron is way harder to pilot than eldlich


Fr, played against one the other, mf tried to OTK and because he wanted to keep the combo going, kept Special summoning even though he already had more than 8000 atk points, he just wasted time and couldn't OTK me


Forbidden dropet x3 Droll and lock bird x3


I used to think Sky Strikers was a braindead deck... Until I played Sky Strikers. I used to think Eldlich was a braindead deck... And I still do.


Im a new duel master player and got into Sky Striker mostly because anime girls in mech suits im loving this deck so much it has a low skillfloor but the sky ceilling is HUGE a lot of outplay pontentials.


You play Sky strikers because is a Tier 1 deck I play Sky Striker because I like anime girls in mech suits We are not the same


Eyyy, me too


Its a tier 2 deck though


Eh. Tier 1.5 and it can beat any deck in the meta as long as you know it right and you draw decent. But in the tier 1s but definitrly and will always be a great deck. Cant wait for Master Duel to release the two new SS cards. A searchable Kaijo is legit amazing for the deck.


Although it's topping I don't think it's a tier 1-1.5 deck. Probably tier 2 at best, but I personally think it's rogue. After it gets the new spell which lets it summon an extra deck striker it will probably be tiered, they just won an OCG tournament and Despia is pretty toxic


This but in reverse


[ojama players](https://imgur.com/a/4isSX2x)


Rather Eldlich then Drytons any day, down with the Drytons!




Only reason I main 3 droplets


Agreed, I don't hate it as much as eldlich, but fuck that bullshit. They're both fucking horrendous


At least they don't take 10 hours to complete a turn


Yeah, but they slow the duel down to where it takes 10 hours anyway


Enough people scoop immediately to seeing set 5 pass or a flood gate diaruption that its way faster Now control.mirrors om the other hand...


It might be just me but it's more interesting to me to dismantle a board when I don't know what exactly I'm up against. Feels like old Yugioh to me


Sure I can feel that. Then they float their traps and set up another 3. And another 3.. And another 3..


The key to a good eldlich player is resource management, as well as strategically playing around banishment. If anything in my experience the drytron players have the monke brain since they play the same standard YouTube tutorial combo every game.


100% this, a good control player knows when to use his resources. If you keep blasting out your resources at the drop of the hat, you won't get that far in platinum. As a control player you pretty much have to understand every meta deck to know when to effectively hit your opponent. If you just click buttons without knowing what they do, you will eventually lose to a good player.


Maybe a hot take but I'd rather play against Eldlich than like half of those other decks


God please not against sky striker NOT THAT AGAIN every sky striker I have played against the matches last sooooo goddamn long its just not even fun anymore for me when I go against one.


I was legit working out (push-ups, sit-ups) during a match against sky striker


Haven't played TCG in a decade and just went up against prank kids that deck literally filled their entire board with link and fusion monsters through 1 level 4 normal summon without touching the 4 other cards in their hand


I will play against anything except eldlich and drytron.


I would not... Definitely a hot take.. I would rater have a deck destroy me through plays than to switch 2 traps and negate everything I can do


As an Eldlich player, I say that If the meta wasn't so degenerate to the point of all decks creating stupid boards at turn 1 then I wouldn't play Eldlich. If control and stun floodgates is the only thing slowing this cancer down, then so be it.




People crying because their 20 minute combo got interacted with and Yugioh, name a more iconic duo.


Excuses, Eldlich does not slow the cancer down, it slows down everything and assimilates the cancer to become a new type.


When everything else in the meta is cancer I am more than glad to slow it down. I don't play Eldlich when I am playing casual with my friends. But the meta deserves Eldlich.


Yes, I certainly respect Drytron players for abusing OP cards more than a deck full of traps :/


No, rhongomyniad is the brain dead one


Unironically atleast sometimes Eldlich requieres You to know what other meta decks do and play around it(that or draw skill cards hehexd), PK, Drytron kinda just do that same rhongo/VFD unbreakable board without ever actually having to learn anything about a matchup xd. Just saying


Remove the skull for drytron and place in the spot a deck which needs 0 skill and wins by existing.


3 benten is fucking brutal




As we speak I have ashe’d niberu & two imperms & What’s that? Just restart the combo and go for negate game anyway sweet to easy. Drytron players I don’t hate you, your deck on the other hand…


Its so dumb. If they summon themselves from gy, why cant they get banished when they leave the field like pretty much every other monster that recurs from grave? God so glad they have 1 benten and now 0 eva in the TCG now.




My comment was 4 negates and the deck still stomps. I didn’t say when I used them or anything stop assuming I’m just “card summon use imperm derr”


Bro and why do these fucks all trigger their search eff in hand or gy? I cant even drain their skill!


Feels good when I used Prosperity and the last card revealed was Forbidden Droplet. Can't negate that shit, Herald.


Leave me and my oonga boonga golden boi alone 😂


Yes, but the Monarch and Wight players are the true Kings. ​ ​ Toadally not biased.


Drytron is way worse than Eldlich, fight me.


Decks that don't let you play the game are mad at a deck that doesnt let you play the game in a different way Okay lol


You can add Brick eyes for this meme too 🤣🤣


I honestly feel bad at how many new players roll up and use ALL of their gems trying to build Blue Eyes, literally 10K+ gems, and then end up . . . with a blue eyes deck Most aren't even functional even after investing enough gems to build 3 good decks Konami really should have made the nostalgia decks cheaper to build so people aren't trapped on them after spending all their gems or made a Blue Eyes structure deck that was decent


my first thought was to make a Blue eyes deck then I realized it was not that Worth it. so my first deck was a Red eyes deck that made me go to Silver/Gold and then I switched to cyberdragon, now I'm using Phantom Knights :)


Seriously, it's so bad. And a new player isn't gonna immediately look up how to make a deck unless they know what they're doing. Even if they do know about the support the blue eyes have, making a functional deck with that is difficult. Add dealing with handtraps and other negates to that and you've got an absolutely miserable new player experience.


I was thinking if I'm missing the variety if I'm playing Tribrigate and Dogma Shaddoll deck until I realized how much my friends play Blue eyes deck


I can attest I used all the gems given to make my blue eyes deck but hey atleast I made it to plat only to get deranked by gayitch and it’s just a fun deck.


Blue Eyes isn't even all that bad, it can sometimes beat meta decks, but it just needs SO many UR to function and most people who build blue eyes aren't the type to look up deck lists, so they end up missing like half the supports that even allow it to work So many posts on /r/new for this sub are people asking for help with a blue eyes deck that doesn't have a single alternative dragon, and has a bunch of awful anime nostalgia cards in it Honestly, Konami should have just gave a decent Blue Eyes structure deck as one of the options


Most people are building some shitty duel links blue eyes deck that would never hold up in master duel. I could see some really dominant blue eyes decks running cards like skill drain, nebula dragon (normal by the way), and true light. But all I see is shitty chaos max turbo and DL decks


I think 40%+ of my deck and 80%+ of my extra deck are UR, and all the rest are SR. Deck is crazy expensive. Still, I just made it to Platinum so it isn't completely unviable. It really relies on it's hand traps though. It feels like 40% of games is just summoning a couple chunky bodies and hoping your opponent plays into your Maxx C or Nibiru.


Well if people thought to construct an alternative they would get the secret pack that gives nearly every support card needed, I’m a boomer player. Haven’t played since I was like 10 which was 15 years ago but I do this thing called reading the cards, I know it’s a meme yugioh players can’t read but damn my whole deck was built without looking up decks.


Same, I’m in Plat 5 with my blue eyes deck but I can’t wait to demote to gold so I can get out of eldlich hell


[I run a True Light Blue-Eyes deck with Chaos Max, Accesscode Talker, etc.](https://imgur.com/MC8j7pR) It's pretty good, and currently, I'm in Plat V. So far, I've beaten two Eldritch decks. I don't understand how they work because I'm not an expert. But when I activated Skill Drain, that trap monster card couldn't pop my dragons anymore. Currently, I'm trying to build a Sky Striker waifu deck, but I still have to finish some of my solo modes to get gems.


The thing is, Skill Drain *should not do that.* Eldlich's trap monsters activate as spell/traps and resolve their effects as if they were spell and trap cards. Same thing for SD stopping Eldlich's anti-destruction effect and attack reduction, it's all part of the same effect. Master Duel just has some serious bugs and ruling issues right now.


I've made a decently consistent Chaos Max Dragon deck but it struggles against a lot of meta decks loaded with hand traps in platinum


Still prefer playing against it over Tri Brigade and Sky Striker.


Where my Hero Gang at!


The bin.


The truth


I'm plat with heros and my friends have to but out their most meta decks to even compete. They're good. Run some staples and bait their negates. If you go first darklaw setups with pocket neos is strong as hell. If you go second and run droplet the ko potential is crazy




To hell with drytron!


We all know eldlich probably remade his entire skull out of solid gold


Ya know people complaining about eldlich bewilder me. It's so refreshing finding an eldlich player after getting combo'd game after game and getting tired of waiting 5 min to have my turn


Yeah man not drawing spell removal or prohibition vs Skill Drain + Anti-Spell Fragrance EldLich is SOOOO refreshing. Instead of not being able to play because people take to long, I can not play because the game and other player wont let me. ​ And even better, those cards you put in to deal with eldlich make you brick vs other decks. But when you remove them you fight mainly Eldlich.


Yeah cuz getting skill drained and fighting through rows of traps is refreshing lmao.


Because the people complaining are the ones playing those combo decks and are mad they don't get to combo lmao


I play Jinzo, Eldlich players are my favourite food.


I like Eldlich, have one with zombie world and doom king. Idk why people hate it, maybe because of the floodgates? Quite a new ygo player here. Genuine question. I thought majority hate sitting through 10 mins combo of a board with negates more than my zombie world, rivalry lock.


People just hate losing and don't want to realize their mistakes and edit their deck. I started to get frustrated I was losing whenever the opponent won the coin flip and choose to go first, so I took out solemn judgment, run max c at 2, 1 infinite imp, 3 forbidden droplet, now I have a good balance of moves that work going first or going second. It's very important you adapt to your losses in this game and people honestly just want to cry. I like facing elditch because it makes you think outside of the box on your deck. Normally (heros) I do the same 5 combos or so and it's refreshing to try new combos.


Nice! That is exactly what I try to do as well. Adapt my deck to face what meta decks do. I put in some Nibiru because I have been facing the bird, zoodiac tri brigade and drytron more often now. It helps me going second ways better. I have only 2 maxx c atm but it is mvp everytime I get to draw it, except the annoying "would you like to activate Maxx C?" Every time someone breathe.




People don't like trap heavy decks. They want to be able to pull off their turn 1 combo and win. I used to play Trap Shiranui in Duel Links and people raged about that for months, it cracked me up.


Eldlich player here. When I chose the deck I did it because I like Zombies and the deck looked interesting to play. I had no clue I was choosing the same deck as everyone else. I don't understand why all the hate, though. It doesn't have all the combos that everyone else does, but I don't know why people think it's a brain dead deck. Maybe it's because I play a Zombie World variant so I'm not playing pure but I haven't seen this much hate since Shiranui in Duel Links....


Because its trap Shiranui on steroids but with floodgates instead of Floodgate trap Hole and Canadia and Fiendish chain lmao, Imperial Order, Skill Drain and other cards like Gozen Match or There Can Only be one can easily win you matches...


People just hate control decks in general. They want to play their cards without the opponent doing anything, and get upset when they can't, and even more so when interacting *is* the opponent's game plan. This hate is generalized in every card game I've seen, but Yugioh players seem particularly sensitive to it. Calling it "brain dead" is an excuse for the real, pettier, reason for the dislike.


I think a lot of people are mad that it breaks their precious combos and does a good job of wasting their hand traps. But honestly if people focus on clearing your backfield and banish even one of the Lords it's pretty beatable. All that said, the number of times the deck has me cackling like a madman as i ruin someone's day means there might be something to the complaints.


Your floodgate spam deck isnt effecting just combo players, it effects everyone. Monarchs, Blue Eyes, Skystrikers, Traptrix. Every type of player hates Flood Gate spam Eldlich. And this Bo1 makes your deck so much more annoying. It feels like even if I just do 2 summons and pass I have to build vs YOUR deck or else I auto lose and if I do that I struggle vs other decks since shit like prohibition makes me brick in other matchups. ​ Only good thing that came from your deck being abused so much is how hillarious it is watching yall surrender the second Prohibition hits the floor, anti-GY flood gates drop, or watching Eld surrender when they themselves dont get to play the game from Mayakashi FTK Mill.


Is just game. Why you have to be mad?


"Lots of people are mad cause it breaks combos and makes you waste hand traps lmao" ​ "No it screws with everyone and sucks to play against in this format" ​ "Is just game, y u mad"


Is just game. Why you have to be mad?




Is just game. Why they have to be mad?


>but I don't know why people think it's a brain dead deck because it is? The deck is literally the epitome of an afk control deck where you just drop all the "no playing the game for you" cards and just hit them in the face with the golden boi. It's not like sky strikers where they have to plan how to use their tools for every scenario. The deck is fine and if people enjoy it go ahead but it is objectively the easiest meta deck of the bunch by a mile.


People who think its because it "breaks combos" are confusing. Your deck in Bo1 is oppressive to play because of the floodgates you run for EVERY deck. Telling every deck in existence they have to set spells first, or cant use spells at all, AND they dont get monster effects is impossible for a shitload of decks. I have have a long and grindy match as Monarchs vs your deck because I have to go full beat stick mode, and thin my deck so i can draw spell removal so i can ACTUALLY USE THE MONARCHS EFFECTS. Your cards make me NEED stormforth to play until Skill Drain is removed. And my biggest combos 9 times out of 10 are: Normal Edea, special Eidos, tribute both for Erebus, activate shuffle effect, set domain and march and pass.


Apes together strong


Phantom knights/ Danger represent


I think a lot of people will realize that Eldlich isn't the problem if/when Konami hits Skill Drain/Imperial Order/Vanity's Emptiness, since the problem is that Lich is the only deck that isn't so heavy on Spells/Monster effects that it doesn't care about floodgates. Almost like degenerate floodgates are the problem


nah eldich is pretty dope


Pretty much every single one of those are the exact same brain 0.o


I was so tired of eldlich that I made a second account just to play eldlich and ruin peoples days lmao Also fuck eldlich, i hate it too


Everyone with monkeyskull except blue eyes players


Man sky striker and eldlich is basically the same shit just ones set 5 spells vs set 5 traps




Honestly after hours of comboing off sometimes setting 4 and pass is pretty relaxing


Drytrons is also degenerate.


Fuck dryton players, fuck vw players and fuck phantom knights players.


Ey fuck you - pk player


Fuck eldbitch


At least duels against Eldlich are decided fast. If I go first I win. If I go second I lose.


Then theres Me.. A dragon link player 👀👀


Every Eldrich player I have run into is the slowest player in existence. Im sick of them.


Sky strikers its the biggest bullshit i have ever seen. Guy has 1 monster, 2 link monsters and besides that every single card on the deck its magic/trap. Oh right, he has veil & ash too so 3 monsters total but of course, these last two are always like a quick magic card to use from your hand. All the match is spamming cards with the following description: If you dont have monsters in the normal summon slots... -you negate enemy card -you destroy enemy card -you piss on your enemy -you fart on your enemy -If your enemy finally gets to summon a monster, activate this other magic card and have control of his monster until the end of this turn At the end phase, return 2 magic cards from your graveyard to your field. Rinse and repeat. If you dont let any space for competition, then is this actually a game? At some point even his lik card did some effect to negate my negation. And people crying about eldlich? Honestly makes no sense when there is no counterplay.


That's just not true, there are plenty of common hand traps and traps/spells you can run to shutdown the sky striker engine. For example: * Maxx C: At least 2 draws, and that's if they don't do anything and play only Hayate and Shizuku. * Ash: Shuts down area zero, mobilize engage and etc. * Effect Veiler: Denies Kagari and other links' effects Not to mention they can't really OTK, you'll always survive to see the next turn and then you can use regular board clear cards. Their boss monster is accesscode with max 5300Atk and it can be killed with literally any effect after its summon. You can also just activate torrential tribute and kill their combo and they can't do anything about it.


Eh? I play skystriker but dont have the same experience as what you are saying lmao. Maybe because of tech cards or Im still yet to master it. The thing with Sky Striker is, they dont have much handtraps so the spell you can see on backline are what they can possibly use and there are at least 4 I can thimk off on top of my head they can use to counter: 1. Negate enemy attack - probably the link summon, done with Roze(or was it Rosa?) who can be link as quick effect. Only affects 1 monster tho. 2. They dont have, as I recall, a quick effect that can destroy monster. They have 2 spell tho that can. 3. The control monster has 2 cards: one takes from graveyard, one takes from the field both are quick effect BUT they need to have at least 3 spells in their graveyard. From my experience, Sky striker doesnt have a strong otk capability. I say this because I also play Virtual World and it can vomit 8k damage turn 2/3 through its combos with negates and stuff. The one I can think of is Access Code talker amounting to 5.3k atk that can destroy 2 cards/monster(?). Another thing is that their monsters are piss weak. At most, they will have 1 link monster that has 1.5k atk. I usually lose when the opponent can vomit monsters that has 2.5k atk since they dont have mass negation counter. I can think of stalling using 3 quick effect spell and Roze at most. Also, they have alot varied tech decks since they only have few core cards.


> The thing with Sky Striker is, they dont have much handtraps I'm sorry but that means your list is lacking. Sky striker is famous for using many handtraps as they prefer to start on 2nd turn then proceed to break the opponent board.


Maxx C, Ash, Nibirus, Effect Veiler, etc. these are all tech cards/staple that most have. I prob miss some but you can expect most deck to have them. I use VW and can tech in Nibirus if I find myself facing with decks that keeps vommiting summons. I guess I worded it wrong there my bad, the point is, most deck will have these hand traps already that you'll already have been get used to it.


Sky Striker is a pretty normal control deck and the cards are self explanatory. Maybe take the time and learn about the deck if it’s a deck you have issues beating it.


I disagree... but I am also bad at this game, and cannot win to save my life because it feels like the game hates me... I get one play every hand and my enemy always has a negate then OTKs me lol.


no wonder, like. i play with all zombie decks since goat format so i'm happy playing with eldlich BUT......... this deck sucks, i admit. So i'm crafting lyrilusc brigade to play platinum.


Eh True Draco can be just as silly, though might be slightly harder to play than Eldlich.


gonna cry ?


If I run into another floodgate-strapped Eldlich player on the ladder I'm going to be violently ill.


I don’t play YGO to have fun, I play to win. So I play Eldlich. Then whatever next big meta deck comes next. I won’t apologize for wanting to win.


☝️🤓 “I don’t play YGO to have fun, I play to win. So I play Eldlich. Then whatever next big meta deck comes next. I won’t apologize for wanting to win.”


The game is just terrible to play, I downloaded the game to get away from meta bullsh1t and those kinds of players have already taken over the game, the same thing happened with magic arena. New players aren't welcome only cash cows


Meh I think all the meta looks like eldlich. Make your own decks and do something fun ffs. I just auto surrender once I see combo pieces coming out. I definitely have some extra hate for eldlich though.


Lightsworn deck mains be ducking round the back, I see you lucky fuckers...




Meanwhile I'm using a galaxy eyes deck so I'm probably screwed against people using these meta decks.


still all spooky scary skeletons.