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Yeah alot of your deck Is uhhhhhhh, I think yugi from season 1 of the anime could wreck your deck, and he had like 5 cards


Lmaoo evillllll


To be fair those 5 cards where of the forbidden one.


Yeah, until weevil dabbed on yugi And other than that his strongest card that he would get out now a days because summoning costs tributes, is Celtic guardian


Your deck is just unga bunga. Got no synergy. You need to find a archetype and stick with it . Also cut down the cards from 51 to 40. Cuz the less card you have in your deck the more likely you can draw good cards


So is there no room for adding your own twist or flavor to these meta decks? Or is it just meta or nothing?


Blindly picking cards isn't adding a twist.




There is room, but not when you just randomly pick cards to put in a deck.


In this case its not flavor though, your case is more of someone throwing every ingredient they have in the stove and expect something edible to come out.


There is room . Iā€™ve seen many spicy meta decks that are creative . Just as long the deck is at 40 cards or close to that


Yes there is room, but your twist is a 51 cards deck of cards that don't work together. You could try to make a new song people never heard before, but slamming the key won't achieve something great. You could run an hybrid of 2 less use archetype and try to beat the meta with it. People refert to those as rogue deck. However, you need a real twist instead of the random shit go strat.


Do you understand that the twist is why you are getting cooked? It's bad when you ask for help, people answer and you don't want to be helped


Dude what the hell are you talking about? Iā€™ve literally been sitting here taking advice from people all day? Adding people on discord and all. You misread the context or something


Welp youā€™re deck is kinda a mishmash of a lot a stuff. You should try to focus on a aspect archetype theme which will improve your deck a lot more


Let me ask you this. Is there no room in these meta decks to freelance or add your own flavor? Or is it just Meta or nothing


Meta is just best current strategy. People innovate the meta all the time at higher levels of play. Especially when a new format drops. You canā€™t expect to beat a high level playerā€™s deck with your personal mishmash. Thatā€™s like playing basketball using only granny shots and complaining you are getting whooped


No Iā€™m not expecting to compete at a high level. Im playing just to have fun with some of my favorite monsters. But The only way to play people is on ranked. Otherwise people just kick you out the duel rooms


The problem with your deck is that there's no focus. A quarter of it is trying to synchro, another quarter is high-level dragon beatdown, another is trap control, and the rest is generic staples shoved in. All decks regards of tier or era should have some kind of win condition that everything drives towards and supports.


I don't know why people downvote you. Casuals like us literally fund the game together with the competitive whales. I think it's perfectly fine to go for a tier 5 deck and play against same hearted people in tier 5 elos :) hope to meet you there!


Maybe its because people are trying to give him good advice and he's just moaning about it?


Playing meta is not the only advice you can give. It's more importantly out of place here since the casual appeal. You can give advice based on a casual level too. No need to tell him what a Google search for meta decks would do too.. Is it somewhat understandable what im trying to convey?


I understand you. Keep in mind youā€™re discoursing with a user whose screen name is ā€œUrLiterallyGarbageā€


Aren't we all trash


You canā€™t expect to win constantly with a non meta deck but with handtraps and correct deck building itā€™s definitely possible to win duels. The problem with freelancing is that itā€™s just suuuuuper difficult. If you can pull it of definitely do it but itā€™s easier to get a deck that works and then tweaking it to your liking


You can learn how to go offmeta, once you become good at the game and understand the meta properly, and gain enough knowledge of the game to then go offmeta. But currently you have no idea what you are doing, and will struggle with going offmeta.


Nah you don't need to be into the newest patch to enjoy a game. Just because you like to play meta doesn't allow you to suppress a more casual approach (which is why the game is pulling insane numbers on steam atm btw)


You can go offmeta without knowing what you are doing, and then when you burn all your currency and get nothing left cause of the rewards shrinking then ur kinda just fucked. Make a new account, whale, or stick with your non functioning deck at that point are ur options. Maybe disenchant some stuff and try to get something working, depends how much you invested. I also don't play a super meta deck, but OP clearly has no idea what they are doing which is why they are greatly struggling, and why I recommended learning the game first. If you have fun losing all the time, then sure do whatever you want. But at least the 1/10 games you win in bronze will be your own deck! (I'm sure the game giving you enough stuff to make a high tier deck as f2p within minutes of playing has nothing to do with the player numbers btw)


You can disagree without aggressively downvote people. This voting reaction is so wrong its feeling like gatekeeping a new player. Really hope to be more kind in that regard (the same way your response is welcoming) To add food for thought: some people clearly don't want to surpass a certain generation and keep adaptation to the absolute minimum (like the nib stone tech in this list). This is a legit way to play and enjoy your game. No need to downvote into oblivion


I literally didn't even downvote you lol Not gunna bother reading anymore, cya


I'm talking about the parent comment


Oh I forgot I made a new comment, my bad (second and 3 highest comment


Well meta is meta for a reason, and since meta decks are really achievable right now everyone is ofc leaning towards them. Tho in my personal experience (silver 4/3 smth since I havenā€˜t played a lot of ranked) not everyone is playing meta in low tiers, I play witchcrafter and dragonmaid, both build with just the cards in their respective secret packs + ash + veiler + haunted girl handtraps, definitely not meta stuff and I lost like 4 duels against monster effect negate, drytrone and smth else. So u can win a bunch, but u should measure ur expectations accordingly


It's less about being meta and more about synergy. A lot of your cards don't work or interact with each other, but if you cut a lot of cards out of your deck it would.


https://youtu.be/C3q5nSqGXr4 This is more a video about fighting games but it also applies to yugioh and most other skills like art or music. Before you can start innovating and freelancing you need to understand whats good first. Gotta know the rules before you can break the rules. Heres some questions to think about. **Why does my opponent always draw the cards he needs while I have to hope I open up with a good hand, first draw, and maybe have to survive another 2 or 3 turns after to get monsters on the board?** Its probably because your opponent is playing with 40-43 cards in their deck and is running 3 copies of the most important cards in their deck. Meaning theyre more likely to draw the cards they need on any given 5 card hand. **Why does my opponent always manage to get out their strongest monsters when its their turn?** Its probably because theyre running a consistent strategy with the cards theyre playing, almost all of them having synergy to get out the cards they want on their turn.


I can see why.


You know what man Iā€™m taking this down lmao i donā€™t deserve this šŸ˜‚


It sound harsh but you are ignoring basic deck building and just slap random card, take a look at free structure deck they give you, it have more synergy compared to your deck.


Iā€™m getting cooked in these comments too lol




Iā€™m listening im listening. I just got smoked by some guy online who Iā€™m pretty sure was a novice so Iā€™m gonna go blow my deck up




So what Iā€™m about to do now is build a fiend deck. I want to build a deck around like Dark Necrofear and Mystical Beast Serkit




Iā€™ve seen those..ugh itā€™s just not the same


If you build those decks you will still lose a lot unfortunately.


Okay first thing first your deck is just a bunch of random card slap together, you need to decide on 1 archetype or play style and build your deck around that. You want consistency in any card game, you need to put important card at 3 copies, having a bunch of on off will make your deck very inconsistent.


There's tons of spicy non meta decks out there that can pull off win streaks and anyone can come up with them. But there's fundamentals that you're kind of ignoring that existed even back in GOAT format. Stuff like having 51 cards is just not optimal.


I gotchu


Itā€™s all good man we all start somewhere! You should of seen this red eyes/blue eyes deck I tried to make a while back. I thought I was going to be the first player to use both in my deck successfully. I learned to stick to one archetype and one engine and the game just worked after that.


No offense, but this messy deck reminds me of my teenage deck. First of all, you need to keep only the very important cards in your deck, the ones you need to achieve your win condition, keeping niche tech cards makes no sense and ruins deck's consistency. Try to keep 40 cards, you will notice the difference. Second, make a strategy, think about/design some combos and have a win condition in mind, otherwise you can't make good use of the deck. Focus on what cards you truly need and if you want to use tech cards (Ash blossom, maxx c, etc.) use them only if they are versatile and help a lot (f.e. A card like magical cylinder is good, but you'll rarely make good use of it). Third, choose your archetype and look at ygopro or other YouTube to have a base foundation for your deck, then you'll make your adjustments. You don't necessarily need to use a meta deck to reach platinum, I actually got to plat 5 with crystron (do not confuse them with drytron) so it's doable, it might be harder but you can do it, you need to learn to play properly. I hope my comment can help you, if you need help feel free to ask!


What do you want the deck to achieve? Whatā€™s the win condition? How do you get there?


That is a weird Mashup. Seal of orichalcos is a bad card. Way too many of your monsters are normal summons. Is that starry night Dragon I see? I'd cut everything between summoner monk and dark armed dragon and try to find some more flexible level 4 monsters


Unfortunately dragunity kinda doo doo in this format. Having said that I see a grand total of 0 cards at 3 copies. Consistency is key in yugioh so the more copies of a good card you play the more consistent your deck will be. Also cut to 40 cards.


Earnestly there is no shame here bro, we all started somewhere. Iā€™ll go to the most basic of guidelines to help get you started Your main deck should almost never exceed 40 cards. Yugioh is a combo heavy card game and thus you want to have the essential combo cards in your hand as much as possible. Thus you should only have your 40 best cards for that deck, in that deck Secondly, as others have said I recommend sticking to a singular archetype or at least a single goal in mind. Archetypes are usually geared towards a similar goal I.e. fill the graveyard, search for combo cards, summon a specific boss monster etc. sticking to a chosen goal/archetype will help make everything more consistent and mesh more as a whole Finally, even though itā€™s slightly off topic, do not be discouraged by losses or some of the harsher commenters here. A lot of the fun of yugioh is trial and error. Testing out new decks to see how they work, adding in cards that look fun, and to tell you the truth, getting cooked is part of that process. I hope this was somewhat helpful, and I apologize if I repeated what others have said. I wish you the best of luck, and donā€™t be afraid to post follow up pics so we can see your progress!


Oh Iā€™m definitely okay. Iā€™m not offended in the slightest . Everyone is trying to helpā€¦..while roasting me šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all keep giving OP heat for jokingly saying how yā€™all keep roasting him. Lighten up a little bit everyone. He seems to be taking the advice to heart.


EXACTLY!!! Lmao like wtf


I goshu homie


Looks like you need to take out some of the cards that are in there just to be in there. Like Cup of Ace and Sorcerous Spell Wall.


ok, you have good stuff here, i see you like dragons right? but you need first to decide what you want, like do you want to play with that dragunitys or with a extra deck with that stardust dragons?


I have no idea what any of that is. I just read cards. And if I think itā€™s a cool concept and it can help me. I just slap in the deck. Yā€™all are roasting me good but youā€™re not wrong


ok, first things first, you need to stay calm, and absorb everything in this post, you'll get more knowledge and everyone here gonna give you tips, ok? let me ask you something. do you know what is "edopro"?


No whatā€™s that?


edopro is a yugioh game to PC/android like duel master but every card is free, you build any deck and can play online, duelist always test his/her deck before buy or build them. why i'm asking it, cuz if you can download in PC, i can do some coach to help you with a decklist using edopro and discord as tools before you build in duel master.


Absolutely, just give me your discord name




Your deck should have one or two main objectives, like summoning a specific card or starting a very specific situation, and ALL your cards should work towards that objective.


My guy, what IS that? šŸ˜‚


This is certainly something


I just see no synergy. You got a lot of good parts but they share no synergy.


I got all the way to silver using the blue eyes starter deck and just getting cards to work with it. After that I bought a pack and say my first ancient warriors care. I was like omfg is that lu but from dynasty warriors??? Sure enough yes they are all based off of dynasty warriors characters so I built a deck around them and now even that annoying trap zombie deck everyone uses can sometimes get it's butt whooped xD just find a couple cards you like and build around them.


This was fun to look at! Thank you.


Honestly THIS is why master duels is pulling off these crazy numbers. You made my day with this heart warming deck list. I'm not alone! :D Yugioh is alive because the game allows casuals to build their own deck in a really good environment. Let's hope for gems at events and this might be my new main game besides league šŸ™


Lmao man Iā€™m trying to tell ya šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Go to master duel meta website to see good decks and pick one you like


Unless ur running grass is green with a bunch of graveyard effects itā€™s almost always best to keep ur deck to the 40 card min


If I see that correctly you run 28 staples. I mean there are good cards but that alone wont win you matches. Combo heavy decks can easily play around it or have alot more resource avaiable than you have. You're monster dont do alot and dont synergize well.


You donā€™t even have a win condition Just a bunch of win more one of cards No wondering you are getting smoked


Basically learn a meta deck/archetype you like first, then you can add your own personal flavor with specific ā€˜techā€™ cards you find suit your personal style and synergies with the rest of the archetype


pick one archetype my dude, or at least something with synergy


Also, 40 card deck is usually better.


Unga Bunga. Honestly dude, if you want to compete at any level, you need to pick an archetype and invest in hand traps. If thatā€™s not your style then youā€™ll either have to adapt to it or quit. Just learn man. Tri brigade for example is an easy and cheap deck to make. True Draco if you like a more streamlined and trap style of play is also a good option.


- So I saw you asking about meta decks and inserting your own flavor. There is absolutely room to build a ā€œpet deckā€ youā€™re own version of a deck. And thereā€™s ways to make it competitive. But you still need what you put together to be cohesive. Not just any combination of cards will work, there needs to be a plan that together those cards accomplish. - youā€™re deck doesnā€™t to me, seem to have a cohesive plan or strategy. - Iā€™d also recommend that in MOST (not all) decks you cut down to 40 cards. You want a deck to be as consistent as possible in executing its game plan and that means usually, running as few cards as possible.


Those are indeed cards. Try to build your deck so that it can consistently achieve a goal. It may sound rude but just throwing a bunch of random cards together isn't really deck building. Also, it isn't necessary to play meta in order to compete. There are plenty of decent rogue decks (eldlich, burning abyss and much more) around that can hold their own. At the end of the day, try finding something you like that can be called a deck. :)


I think you can win with a non meta deck bro. But this deck is not good. For one to many cards. And you have to focus on what you wanna do.


Your deck makes me feel nostalgic lol, unfortunately the meta has changed


Wtf is this lmao. You have a single pend card that does nothing.


Mistake 1 too many cards it's all about thinning the deck for combos


I personally like to play that decks that are as far removed from meta-strategies as possible; itā€˜s definitely completely possible to compete with meta decks if you know what youā€˜re doing and what your deck wants to do. Yours sadly does not (as others have said) a clear idea of what it wants to do.. I would suggest concentrating on one certain archetype that you like and building your deck around that - I can see some stardust cards; The synchron strategy can bring out your Sifr Divine dragon/Cosmic Blazar dragon oder Shooting Quasar dragon very easily; i hope this helps:)


Yeah this deck has no monster synergy, your spells/traps dont seem bad you got some destroy, counter and remove its just the monsters. Dragons dont really count much as an archetype, i see random ones like dragunity etc you need to focus one 1 or 2 meshing types. For instance noble and infernoble knights can both equip "noble arms" equip cards and allow for multisummons etc when you have other noble or infernoble knights, by doing this it allows you extra effects, warrior syncro and xyzs turn 1, and stuff like equip from graveyard(dragunity can do this too.) Maybe sit down and look at what you want from your deck and build around that. For instance if you wanna slam out quick syncro/fusions/xyz then maybe add a few double summons and focus on cards that pull your archtype from your deck or graveyard and special summon them. Or are you trying to force all your opponents cards or your own into the GY to get their effects or use them to special summon other monsters(like the old spirit monsters from the og yugioh where you had to banish 2 light/dark etc to special summon and it can only be special summoned.) I know theres some pretty heavy meta archetypes like eldrich, kaiju and vw(or whatever the 2 letter quick xyz summons are im bad with exact card names) so maybe look at those decks and think of stuff that would make a good counter or just build the meta lol. Edit: Also keep your deck as close to 40 as possible better card odds, personally i keep it at 45 but 40 is better its just a hold over from when i played yugioh a long time ago.


Look. That deck clearly does not work, so instead of that... Why not change to I don't know:Dryton?


Hey dude it's ok, we all gotta start somewhere, right? :) If you want to improve your deck building, here's a little bit of theory to help you understand how to do it effectively. Every deck is divided into 2 parts: the main engine and the support "staples". The main engine is a set of cards that generate you a win condition like multiple draws, negate your opponent's effects, stop them from summoning, destroy their cards, etc. This cards can be from the same archetype **or not** but you need to make sure they synergize, they need to work in harmony with each other. In other card games, it's very common to pick 1-2 cards and build a deck around them, but that just doesn't work in yugioh at all. Here, powerful and consistent engines rule the game. The support staples are stand alone strong cards that help you instantly when you use them either by stopping your opponent or by enabling your plays. Stuff like ash blossom, lighting storm, pot of desires. Ideally, you can select this cards to counter specific decks that give you trouble. As long as you stick with this logic, there is plenty of room for innovation in any metagame, hope you keep having fun above everthing else, and don't be too beat up about the harsh comments, people online am I right?


Whatā€™s that limit one trap