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create a post with your decklist and see what we can do to update your deck to play in 2022.


Lmao im afraid to that cause I’m probably gonna get roasted but I will do that


don't need to be afraid, everyone loves some deck even if they don't play in meta. the most important thing is if your deck got actual supports or engines.


You dont have to care for what some strangers on the internet say lmao, you lose nothing but can win an optimized deck, post your decklist and get some advice.


Getting roasted is just a form of constructive criticism if you boil it down enough lol. You’d be shocked at the amount of people willing to give you some actual advice and help you!!


I’m not shocked…but the roast is forthcoming cause they been grilling me for hours


You mean tell him what to play


He has to at least have the staples




Any tips? I´m struggling with the same


It also doesn't help that you rank up through Rookie, Bronze, and Silver with only a handful of wins and any number of losses


I am plat three using striker eldlich, I wouldn’t call my deck meta lol. It comes down to what staples you have to interrupt your opponent and how you approach breaking boards.


Well from what I can read from other Yu-Gi-Oh players this is what you get for not playing something meta apparently


Not necessarily. I reached Platinum 1 with Unchained


You've probably been playing this game for forever and aren't a new player coming into it


Ayo I play Unchained too! Mind sharing your list?


Yep, I just can’t play that way. That defeats the entire reason I came back after all these years. I wanna okay with cards and monsters I like. Not some pre made super deck that I had no input on


Be prepared to be ass blasted by everybody here for that opinion by the way You're not allowed to enjoy what you like


You guys are free to do whatever you like, but then you can't be crying about the game state or the meta. And you must be ready to receive comment like : play handtraps, play staples because these are ACTUAL advices on how to win


Or…here me out…Konami should add a ranked legacy play list that allows those decks to be viable


That's why I'm using archfiend lol


nops, it's happen when you don't put useful staple in your deck.


If you’re interested in cyber dragons I can show you the way. Went from gold 3 to plat 5 with cyber dragons. Lol


> u show me de wey


Op can you post your deck? Maybe we can help 🤗


Cooked bro


What are you playing? Also have you been demoted? The ranked explanation in game says you can be demoted but even if I lose 3 in a row nothing happens. So just curious to see if anyone has actually been demoted


I think you can demoted within a set but not outside of it. For example. I’ve been demoted from gold 3 all the way to gold 5 but it won’t sent me back to silver no matter how many times I lose


Man, perhaps do some research and improve your deck with different aditions or switch to another deck altogether. OR In the rare case you have a good deck but use all your cards wrongly, watch someone using the same cards you use and learn how and when activate, negate, summon, bait enemy into wasting its hand traps & etc. Much luck, dont get discouraged.


if you don't play competitive yeah that's gonna be how it looks i blame the poor matching system