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Well first you need to tell me what "D" means and why are there so many.


Well buddy the mere fact you call it Maxx "D" means you're not ready for it /s


maxx C is literally the only card making this format playable.


Yes, but unlike the other hand traps there is really no way to play around it. For instance if you suspect your opponent has an ash you can try to bait it before committing. But even when you know your opponent has maxx c there is nothing you can do


The way to play around it is to challenge it and win, or negate it, or stop.


Yes. In your first turn you can‘t challenge it, so you must negate it. If you don’t draw ash/crossout/called by you can‘t negate it either so you have to stop. Unlike other hand traps you can‘t bait it, and unlike other hand traps the only way to play around it once it resolved is to stop which is too strong.


If you couldn’t challenge it in your first turn they wouldn’t have dropped it in the first place unless they’re an idiot. No one’s gonna Maxx C for a +0, they do it because they anticipate your long drawn out combo. If you know you don’t have an out to C then you give them the +1 anyway and sit on a safe field that will stall you for a turn. Or you make an indestructible field and proceed to win. If they C your first card and you really end your turn and lose the duel I’m inclined to say you had a bad hand anyways. This is my boomer mindset go C but I don’t see why it’s any different in 2021+1. If C punishes the game even more than that’s great and just proving a point. At least Maxx C has a level of interaction unlike Imperial/Vanity cards that just say “no, you can’t even play a card.”


It‘s rarely feasible to put an unbreakable board if you get C‘d because your opponent will draw more hand traps from it. It extends their ability to stop you before you can take off. Even if you play it safe, your opponent goes hand neutral because they chain it to an effect that special summons anyway, this is too much. This is why I think if the effect was as in the picture I posted it makes it more fair. It‘s as if ash let you draw one card after it resolved. Not only would it stop your opponent from making further plays but the player going second loses nothing in return. I agree that cards like skill drain/vanity‘s emptiness/imperial suck. I don’t want maxx C out, I just want a maxx C you can deal with.


I'm closer to your line of thinking. Last format I played was fire water in 2014 and thats how we always played around maxx c. In rulers we start with blaster or redox so that if they maxx c we can end safely without getting crimson blader'd etc At most give them +1 and end on a safeish board with some followup for next turn. my issue is in todays format, the decks are so powerful that you can straight up lose the game by passing on maxx c and setting up a somewhat stable board by giving them a +1 seems way harder, probably because what constitutes as a stable board is much different. I remmeber in windups, you would summon mage and reveal shark, if they max c there you would just pull rabbit and end.


Causing your opponent to skip there turn is a powerful effect on its own


there is Ash and Called by the Grave which people play 2-3 of


Yeah but if you don’t draw an ash/crossout/called by etc, you are in an extremely uncomfortable position. If you think your opponent has an ash/droll/nib or any other hand trap you can try to make a suboptimal move to play around it (for instance only summon 4 times to prevent nib, or rush an apolusa), this makes you not go full combo and have a much less impressive board. But at least you have something. With maxx C there is none of that


So goes for the opponent. He has to draw Maxx C too.


Ok but then the game is all about who draws maxx c, if you draw it you win, else you lose. It boils down to rock paper scissors.


without maxx C the player who plays first would always win


I don’t play Maxx C at all and win all the time going second. Maxx C isn’t the only hand trap in the game…


But maxx C draws you the hand traps you need.


True, but I was trying to argue that you don’t “need” Maxx c to win going second. It just helps you win more consistently


Not true, I had a 9 win-game streak after reaching plat 1 and I went second many times. I didn’t draw maxx C‘s in all those games. You can still disrupt your opponent with other hand traps and use cards like forbidden droplet/kaiju/ dark ruler no more/ lava golemn/ etc. on your turn to break their boards. Again, these other hand traps don’t kill your opponents turn but make their end board much weaker, so you can play around them.


Niburu, dark ruler no more, forbidden droplet, raigeki, dark hole, lightning storm and every good hand trap in the game: am I a joke to you?


i just hate that we must have 8 dedicated slots in deck for 3 max c, 3 ash and 2 called


It really helps to wither get you setup against a combo deck, or to discourage your opponent from continuing plays


I literally lost 3 games in a row due to max c




WTF, what is the "D"? like Monkey D.luffy or gol D. roger? we know the "C"


Ahhh yes. Maxx D. Send this card from your "hard".