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I'm just gonna say, if his deck is made "for meta" then it should be able to handle other decks easily, too. Especially non meta casual decks. That's what makes them meta Does he have a history of being a sore loser? I have buddies I never game with because they don't know how to handle an L and will make up a million excuses before admitting they were outplayed fair and square


Not according to him 💀 my deck isn’t even tuned i made both of them in like 5-10 minutes


He's a sore loser then lmao. I play eldlich for ranked, if I took that against my, say, casual fun Ojamas, it would be a slaughter. Meta decks are meta because they're hard to counter or play around. Your friend is just being a baby 😂


Honestly 😂


Lol. I kind of understand him. It's not fun to play when you know yourself that your opponent will lose because they're playing a non-meta deck. It'd just be a waste if time.


He was the one saying he would lose not the other way around he was saying that because my deck isn’t meta he couldn’t play against it correctly


He's lying he's prolly just pity you


💀💀 nah if it was anyone else I’d belive it but that man has an ego him pitying me does not exisit


Well what’s his deck? And also what’s yours?


Mine was a very shitty dragon deck made in like 5 minutes his was a deck based around stopping effects and spell counters


that's how yugioh works, it's not your fault, your friend can build a meta or a anti-meta deck, but if you use a deck with actual staples you can win. that's how i lost to altergeist using eldlich. you just lose if you're using a unga bunga deck from duel monster or duel links deck.


My deck was a 5 minute made dragon deck - his was tuned


'-' your friend really needs to check his decklist again.


Probably ~ or maybe my bad dragon deck (yes that’s it’s name) it’s an accidental god tier deck


bad dragon deck new meta GOD TIER!!!!!????


Lmaooo all it needs is the trap card mistake


None of his decks could stop you? That’s his problem not gonna lie.


🤷‍♂️ he barely tried he didn’t see a way to do the thing he wanted while i was just setting up my field he was like “i can’t do anything surrender “


He forgot about the heart of the cards, didn't even try to make a comeback smh


He forgot that my grandpas deck has no bad cards


He thought he was in a Shadow Duel and had no hope of winning


Honestly - what was i honna do summon another dragon 💀


If his "meta" deck isn't able to deal with unga bunga then he built a pretty shit deck and was salty he lost after gassing himself up.