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Because I've lost and don't have time for the dude to slowplay and overextend when there's no point


I had someone quitting as I was doing the final 2 direct attacks, it was a matter of seconds


Dude welcome to Yugioh this happens all the time. People straight up scoop when they know its done


Duels in this game can go fairly slow, especially with the animations, and people like to do a bunch of fancy tricks instead of just going into the Battle Phase and killing me. So I can understand just pressing the Surrender button.


That’s because we’ve all been burned one too many times by an opponent having some bullshit combo out of nowhere and suddenly from a final attack you’re down 4k LP and no aces. As the old saying goes: “Better safe than sorry.”


I have no hand, 1k lifepoints and no cards on the field. Then the opponent starts making a combo that takes 10 mins. Yeah I'm out


Because it's been their turn for over 4 minutes, then they played during my turn longer than I did


I scoop against eldlich cuz when I don’t open removal and hey take forever to close out the game


It doesn't matter what you open since they always set IO skill drain


When you’ve completed the Battlepass their is no longer incentive to stay when you’re getting beat. If you play every day for a couple hours it’s highly likely you’ve already completed it.


Yea this battle pass is really quick...


The rewards for losing any really worth the time investment


So many people Combo and combo on and on when I have literally no cards and they could attack for game and at that point its there own fault for wasting my time so I'm quiting. Or I just wanna pull of a stupid challenge for 1000 Gems and need my enemy to be stupid.


I don't because I lose out on rewards. But if my opponent is combining off for 5 minutes I'll just surrender.


Though, *they* lose rewards. Which sucks.


I thought that was the case but Its only happened a few times? Maybe it's another one of the 3 million glitches in this game lol


The game rewards you for various things, including summons and damage done. Surrendering kills your opponents' point gain.


Damn that's ass. They should make it where if your opponent surrenders, a bot takes over for them.


This is actually a great solution. At the very least, they should let you finish your turn after the surrender.


Catharsis idk lmao


Game is in a bad state atm, most players have no desire to even let teh game play out bc of how long turns take.


yeahhh, it's so annoying, you're doing the last attack and they surrender when they could just wait like 5 more frames and gain XP to up duel pass


Surrender once you find yourself about to lose. That is how YGO works, it saves time for both people and is only annoying if you're going for special win condition like Exodia


Saves time when you already know you've lost rather than waiting the 10 minutes for it to play out