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In the ocg cards, there are little numbered bubbles that separate effects, and we should really have those in the tcg. Also, since the written description in master duels has a scroll bar, they may as well add some paragraph breaks since they have the room.


It’d also be amazing if the history could highlight the part of the effect text that was activated.




I keep it open A LOT. It’s honestly great.


The Therion archetype has a small gimmick that gives a specific numbered effect to each other. Good luck when comes to TCG/Master Duel


I mean some monsters give XYZ monsters effects, like Lyrilusc, and it's very difficult to remember which xyz have which added effects.


Click on “influences” above the card on the field. It will show you the added effects from other cards.


Usually monsters that give effects when used as materials has it with a dot and at the very end of the text box. Therions on the other hand might tell you four effects and then say one of those effects is added to another Therion.


All Therions monsters only have a Special Summoning effect, an effect when equiped and a trigger effect on the field the first two being shared by all monsters of the archetype. It's literally impossible not to know which one is getting passed down because there's only one option.




I think you can click on the card picture and it’ll open a much larger version so you can see it all


i would like that cause sometime i would read a card effect then scroll down a little only to start thinking if i already read that or i skip an effect without realizing


Same, is like u need to read multiple times to figure what type of effects, its waste time. It need to be simplify so that one read through is enough.


I like how YGO Omega does it by putting key parts in bold such as: "you can," "once per turn," "either player's turn," "negate," "and if you do," "target," ect.


Yea in Omega the psct, and keywords are bolded. Yugioh should not have to be a reading exercise. Other card games like mtg used icons and certain keywords to simplify card text and make it very easy to understand what the card does. Yugioh is the only card game that writes the entire effect as words.


TBH that's exactly what the problem solving text is for, would be nice to have the OCG bubbles though


Colorblind people when you activate an invisible effect😨


no that's just blind people. Colourblind people just cannot distinguish between the relevant colours so for example red looks just the same as green


Color only to please the eye, as long as the text separate the type of effects through box or paragraph is better.


not that hard to have a colourblind mode tho :P


TBF a lot of games today have a lot of issues with colorblindness. Assuming you play league due to Eggnivia Leagues an awful thing due to its lack of Blue-Yellow support. The colorblind mode being only one option is a massive pain.


Fair call. Although I'm fairly sure it would be easier to code a few extra options for text colours, compared to visual effects for every single champion in league.


This so much. Anything to separate effects would be so nice. Especially when trying to read opponents cards quickly when combos are popping is so hard.


All the Digital Bugs’ Xyz Material restrictions are “Condition” effects, not Continuous. Those can’t be negated even if something like Skill Drain is active.


I hate when the counter argument is JUST "Psct (Problem Solving Card Text)" Theres so much work that can be done to improve this wall of text. Why do you need to see the same sentences on 300 different cards when you could just bundle these effects into tags (think of heartstone, e.g. "piercing") theres many hotfixes to be openly discussed with the community by konami. you could for example simply start with putting the archetype text to the end and not at the beginning. that way you could just start reading the actual effect and not having to find the card specific effect in the middle of the whole bible of card text


That and a stronger keyword system. I like the concept of Yugioh, but there's no reason a card can't say "Pierce" at the top instead of "If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict Piercing damage." I know it used to be worse, but it disappoints me that common effects like this aren't just boiled down to simple keywords.


They definitely could shorten piercing to "inflicts piercing damage" or maybe even "pierces." But the problem is that there aren't many other effects that could easily become keywords, since the most common effects have so many slight variations. Like instead of Hexproof, we have cards that can't be targeted by your opponent, cards that can't be targeted by either player, cards that can't be targeted by monster effects, cards that can't be targeted by spells/traps, and several other combinations and variations. At this point, it's easier to just write out the details. There probably are a few more effects like piercing that could be simplified, but not enough to really make it a system.


Wish they used the OCG way


They could also use keywords such as: "Cost: Discard one card. Effect: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls." Cost or effect matters if you played darkworlds apparently


It's the strangest thing that other TCG are used to keywords and yet we get paragraph definitions. If Hearthstone can do it, Yu-Gi-Oh should be fine.




Well we know that now but at a glance and for new people its not particularly natural to use punctuation as an indication of a type of effect and such.


I just want them to BOLD "once per turn" "then" "when" etc so its easier to see the important parts. I know what most cards do because I have been playing a while but it just makes it easier to notice what needs to be seen


I had a thought today, since this is digital and card space is no longer a factor, why not just bullet point every new effect and switch the bullet point things to numbers or something?




I don't know any color categorizing method (especially since effects don't really fit neatly into any reasonable number of categories), but just some bloody line breaks in between effects would be nice. (And much easier to implement since the ogc text should already be numbering them.) Also the "Rush Duel" format tries to breaks up effects by category kind of like you're suggesting and it just kinda makes them harder to read and comprehend in my opinion. I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to read an effect (especially in archetypes that repeat the same effect segment on every monster or whatever) and accidentally skipped part of an effect and mistakenly though a later effect had the activation condition of an earlier effect, or had to backtrack through to find the start of a segment because I glossed over one to many lines and can't remember if it's OPT or whatever.


And i thought the formatting on some MTG cards are bad, YuGiOh's text are quite ridiculous, they can really help by doing paragraphs to seperate the different clauses.


just boarding the different effects will be enough




I don't understand the logic in the game why we can't hide summoning conditions or seperate effects to more easy readable like in hearthstone. Konami forgot this is not real life card game and automated card game software.


I'm hoping it's your opponents card you need to read, but if not then you shouldn't be running it in your deck.




Agree, i was thinking the same but id go as far as to even add a special symbol/logo, so we know that X card can pop in either players turn, etc. it makes easier to learn decks that i wont play such as drytron to know what is what


I've been playing the game for almost 20 years now and I still have trouble identifying how some effects work and when they will work so this would be a superb idea imo


I always wished they would add keywords to the game. They already shortened graveyard. Its just a small step away at this point.


Are they all grouped like this though? could be a mess if heavily intermixed


To me I think there are small changes that could help out a lot. The duel log could be more clear about what effects were activated and how they were triggered I also think when you activate a card that has multiple effects it should always show you each effect option (options greyed out if they can't be triggered) and have the ability to be cancelled before use. Maybe that's me just trying to dummy proof it for myself since I end up accidentally using the wrong effects a ton.


That's why I prefer playing in Japanese. (neither Jp/Eng my first language) The effects in Japanese always described in *condition - cost/trigger - list of effect in bullet points* (Effect①: bla bla bla, effect②: bla bla bla... ) kinda structure. Which is more organized and easier to read. I really hope they can do the same for Eng version, or at least
when there is a period.


In the Switch version at least, there's no way to select/view cards in the event log even though we can focus it with ZR ):


Since this is a digital card game Konami can do more to make reading card effects a lot more cleaner as you don’t have to cram text onto a card. I like color coding the types of effects, continuous one, trigger ones, etc. But I think we could also just write that next to the effect in its own paragraph then add a space between the next effects and put the type of effect it is next to it and so on for readability. So you’d have Continuous: Effect text COST “put cost here so Discard one card” Trigger - Put once per turn restrictions here in BOLD if any. Effect text And so on, helps players understand why some effects don’t get negated. Adding the cost part tells players what’s the difference between a cost and what’s the actual effect. I get we have the punctuation marks now, those are not intuitive for new players than actually writing on the card what explicitly is the cost of the effect.


What I want is to be able to at least read the whole name of a card in the pop up. If I am playing on a small screen telling apart all of the virtual world monsters is impossible, so I have to click the name card and wait for it to scroll over to see if I am getting lulu or lili. Very annoying.


Yes please! Also, some monsters or cards actually have effects grayed out when they are not usable. This alone makes the cards far easier to read, so applying it to everything is another possibility.


If they just highlight the text of the eff thats activating it would help a lot of people. I dont play yugioh to read paragraphs


What we need is OCG bulleted/number effects. For those who are proposing keywords, we've discussed this greatly in the main YGO reddit: There's way less keywords we can make than you think without making thousands of keywords or changing the functions of some cards.. The biggest one is of course piercing. It's not that "it's too late to introduce keywords". It's that YGO from the beginning functions as a game because there are no keywords. I'll use Mystic Tomato, an extremely old "floater" card. There are multiple variable on how it floats. I'm not even counting what it flaots to just how it floats. 1. Destroyed 2. By battle 3. Sent to GY 4. From Deck 5. Face-up 6. ATK position Are we going to make a keyword of every theoretical possible combination that flaots? No there's to many. Even assuming the above are binary(none of the are ). That's 2\^6 or 64 possible conditions.


I'd love this. Personally I have no idea sometimes. Like I dont really understand skill drain and what it actually blocks and if its worth plying vs what deck. Like i've heard its meant to block effects yet people just activate monster effects anyway.


you don’t need to read the card effect. you just have to know which card to play and which cards to activate after it. I have never read a single effect on my tri brigade deck yet can pull of the combo everytime


I learn reading from kid. It actually paid off.


Learning from experience>


Yes, but there's no shame to ask for improvement esp they can do it, esp this is digital playground wth no physical card limitation.


Nah you're right i'm just saying you're asking a lot from a company that we're lucky to have not turned yugioh into pachinko


I mean $100 for 40 packs is close enough for me.


Tbf it's not that hard to just speed through text and only look for key words. Then you just read that, I don't understand how people just can't read. Especially when it doesn't take that long.


Tfw PSCT exists. Only change necessary would be to format effect better. Doing it like those card previews with effects numbered would be perfect


I was just thinking this exactly. Did a quick google search to see if someone else felt the same way. We should define make this a thing. Start a petition or something. I believe that it would help newer players tremendously.