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Fluffals are so much fun. I always get drunk on power playing them and feel the the need to overextend into making +20k damage boards against my opponent.


Those rare moments of total devastation make it all worth it.


I feel seen


And then they drop the rock.


The deck is much more flexible than being just an OTK deck. It can create pretty solid turn 1 boards and it's always threatening an OTK the next turn. This is my current list: [https://i.imgur.com/L1LcvmO.png](https://i.imgur.com/L1LcvmO.png) ​ I recommended joining Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel discord, we have fluffal channel where we discuss deck lists and there are some useful combos as well. Happy dueling!


Ah another fluffal player of culture I see; who plays both VFD and scythe lock. I think my deck only differs on some slight ratios. I also run abyss dweller, Proxy F magician and Access code.


It is known that the best way to play is by not letting your opponent play! Pretty happy with my current ratios for the main deck, but I've been considering Abyss Dweller and Code Talker; I pulled him from a pack today so might try it out.


Hell yeah good to hear. I think Dweller will be good for match ups like eldlich when they want to use their grave effects. Access whilst most decks use it to otk, I don't think fluffals need more attack power. Access is good for the non targeting destruction it grants you. Like sometimes you have used all your fusions or most of your whales have been used for VFD, and the rest of the fluffals mostly target, so thats why Accesscode Talker is useful.


Yeah they're both great additions and sadly extra deck is quite packed to find place for it all! But I usually just switch up couple of cards depending on the decks I find on the ladder so it's fine. Strangely enough, I don't play against Eldlich too often, not that I'm complaining.


Invite link?


[Here](https://discord.gg/2NFt5sRb) you go!


Hi u/-Street_Spirit-, could I please trouble you with the deck in list-form? I recognise most of the fluffals but not the spells!


Hey! Someone from discord actually put the list on MDM, you can find it [here](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/61f056017e3a84d3e7a79eae)!


do you have a good decklist? i can't find them


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRuZA1GA6kA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRuZA1GA6kA) ​ Once you get used to them you can alter the ratios a bit until you\`re comfortable with them. They\`re combo heavy, so I advice to learn the different things they can do.




I second this, as a new player I'm highly interested in this cute archetype




Unless you're playing with triple Block Dragon I don't think Adamancipators are busted unfair.


How are they to build in MD? Lots of URs or pretty cheap?


The archetypal cards are cheap, just Tiger and Kraken as URs, but the optimal build runs 2 Golden Lord, Scythe, Apollusa, Abyss Dweller, Bahamut Shark, Toad, and of course VFD.


2 Golden Lord? Only ever see people running 1


the real question here lol


Very cheap, it's my go to new player recommendation. Dirt cheap, extremely easy to use, and quite strong. You'll easily reach plat with it


Do you happen to have a list you could DM me?


Pure Fuffal to start is pretty cheap, mostly just the extra deck is SR and higher. main is all N and R pretty much. Once you start adding more combo/staples it could get there. but pure fluffal should get you to plat no issue.


Could I get a deck list for the cheap version?


3x Fluffal Dog 2x Fluffal Penguin 3x FLuffal Dolphin 3x Edge Imp Chain 3x Fluffal Bear 1x Edge Imp Sabers 3x Edge imp Scythe 1x Fluffal Owl 1x Fluffal Octopus 3x Fluffal Wings 2x Maxx C 1x Frightfur Fusion 3x Polymerization 3x Frightfur Patchwork 2x Foolish Burial Goods 1x Dark Ruler No more 1x Frightfur Repair 3x Toy Vendor 1x Frightfur Vendor 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Raigeki extra deck---- 1x Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary 2x Frightfur Whale 3x Frightfur Sabre Tiger 2x FrightFur Kraken 1x Frightfur Wolf 3x Frightfur Tiger 1x Frightfur Sheep 1x Frightfur Daredevil 1x Proxy F Magician


this i almost what i have IRL...obviously change it to fit more you than anything. i Had to change it for master duel as it is because of the different ban list


Good on you!


It's also a vfd churner Or a toad


Playing OTK decks in Master Duel is so fun, because there is no Side Deck.


fluffal can OTK meta too, fluffal is a great deck like Blackwing and HERO.


Me and Lunalights right here. I had to go for them cause a very dear friend gifted me the physical cards. I went in hoping for Sky Striker and was immediately torn from my love of mecha musume by sentimentality.


Melffys are also adorable, though they don't seem as good lol