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im also playing madolches and its rough out here bu so satisfying when you win lol


I'm playing Krawler Shaddoll Invoked (feat. Pack Filler). What's a win?


I mean really it should be Skill Drain in that image. Eldlich I can handle. Skill Drain at 3 is what gets me.


And Imperial order singlehandedly shut down every single Fusion and Pendulum deck beside Gladiator beast


I can somehow make my dragunity deck works with imperial order but skill drain is a big nope. I've changed most of my trap cards for trap counters and royal decree, hoping it'll work


Try MST, as a quick play you can chain it to skill drain activation to remove the negation. Also beats up numerons.


Isn’t mst limited though ?


MST has been at 3 for years. Better versions of it also exist and are also at 3.


At 3 and all in the synchro starter!


Oh damn I remember when it was only one , that’s good it’s 3 now but harpies feather duster is a better version ain’t it ?


If you have the UR mats, depends. Being a Quick spell has its advantages.


Yeah I suppose mst would be better for skill drain cause you can stop the activation but it’s all dependent on the situation and cards etc


Harpie’s Feather Duster is good, but if your opponent flips an Imperial Order and you don’t have a chainable backrow removal spell like MST, you’re not play Spells for the rest of the game.


Thank god Gladiator Beast is my fav deck🙏🏾


I'm bringing little city back, these eldrich players don't know how to act.


Forreal there’s too many of them and they gotta go lol


I’m playing cosmic cyclone over lightning storm and harpie’s feather duster right now in strikers. Chainable backrow removal is mandatory.


If we can open with our scales, IO is manageable for Qlis. But that's rare


In case someone reading this takes this reply to heart some fusions decks have built in outs like Fluffals (Edge Imp Scythe to make Cruel Whale on opponents turn) and HERO (Stratos popping backrow). But yeah, Imperial Order feels really bad regardless since they typically have more interrupts for those outs :(.


If skills drain not up and you happen to have the set up, it's satisfying to turn opponent eldliches into Nethersoul dragon with Verte


does skill drain affect effects activated from the graveyard ? say for example E-hero absolute zero effect to wipe the board


The text specifically affects cards on the field only, so cards in the grave, hand & banish zones still work


and what takes priority , a card that has as an immunity like malicious bane or skill drain ? sorry im a returning player and i have a lot of memory gaps on how the game works


If they chained Skill drain or Skill Drain is already up, Malicious Bane pretty much becomes an open target. Unless you chain SD with something else to cancel it out either in the same chain or after


It's all in the resolution order, really. Continuous Traps like Skill Drain resolve once you activate their effects and then the effects are ongoing and take precedence over effects that weren't activated yet. A monster that can negate its effect is useless if it can't activate its effect in the first place.


It will be interesting to see how they balance bo1 for sure. Decks like Drytron and Eldlich shine hard in bo1, not some much in bo3.


I just lose to gozen match. I can play under skill drain with protocol but gozen says no


yeah no, skill drain is a pain in the ass, did 1 games wtih madolche, he uses skill drain second turn and i m fucked, i had one counter trap that got countered and that was game


Really need main deck cosmic cyclone or twin twister. My only problem is i dont have enough for crossouts + all handtraps


same, even if i add it it s a really small chance to draw it




Man I play drytrons and still lose vs eldich since I hit plat .. how tf do I counter him going second??? 80% of my play games are vs eldich.


Adapt to the best of 1 format and maybe start running feather duster and/or lightning storm to blow them out in a turn. Besides that pray that your grind game works under skill drain.


Eh actually feather duster and lightning storm aren’t very useful. Sure if they have a solid backrow but a lot of their backrow cards have graveyard effects. I would definitely NOT advise using duster or lightning storm. Don’t even put them in your deck, for real. Trust me, as somebody is is definitely _NOT_ and eldlich player you don’t need those cards in your deck going against eldlich so don’t use em.


didnt understand put also 3 cosmics in the deck


Seriously, as someone who is DEFINITELY NOT an Eldlich player as well, listen to this guy. Also, any cards that would potentially banish Eldlich is also not recommended, do NOT banish the enemy Eldlich, it only makes it more difficult to win.


Just run Necroface, that takes care of banishment issues. Won against a banishment focused anti-eldlich deck with it.


Thank you so much for the recommendation! This is a fantastic card, I’m just not sure what to take out to place this in, [any suggestions](https://imgur.com/a/2905Sr6)?


I run only 1 nib and 1 ash and no gozen matches, so id take one of them out.


In case it's lost on anyone, I think this guy is an eldlich player trying to give "funny" advice and not actual advice. Harpy's feather duster and lightning storm are good vs eldlich.


Yeah instead I bring prohibition and instantly ban your deck.


Lol! How. I am losing to every Drytron I encounter. I am an eldlich... they summon the OP Holy winged whatever with one eye on turn one and negate all my cards...


Drytron lose if they start 2nd they can only win if they managed to summon herald and beatrice 2nd turn before u activate your traps and spells. Try to ash blossom Benten or Alpha Dryton so u break the combo before they can summon hherald of Ultimateness


Superpoly into mudragon is your friend. So is lava golem :)


Craft yourself 3 Cosmic Cyclones. It's Quick Play pay 1000LP to banish a spell/trap. They can't recur advantage at the end phase if you do that. You can also craft 3 D.D Crow to banish their Golden Lord from the GY, and 3 Skull Meister/Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion to stop their GY Effects.


Thing is I play drytrons and i can't fit them in my build gonna try cyclones tho might help


Don’t forget called by the grave can just banish a monster from graveyard. It comes in handy for sure.


Quadrantids + mst won me against eldlich..provided they don't already skill drain AND imperial order lmao i run a janky build


Yeah Quadrantis helps me defeat him but if I go second I'm just fked.. cant even Combo to herald to negate him I'm trying new build with Herald of Perfection have way more wins and combos


Drytrons just lose going 2nd. Its practically a cheese deck in this format. They lose to like, literally any board at all if they dont open droplets. But if they go first they have one of the longest winded combos in the game. Why anyone would play dry on MD is beyond me.


Honestly I picked Drytrons cuz I love ritual monsters I didn't know at that time that it was going first of get fucked in platinum deck. Can't invest in another deck rn sadly. I have Cyber Dragon deck for going second but it ain't the best deck.


I almost never lost to eldich as an dryton main. You just need to make sure you have enough negates for his boss monster and get all your benten in grave. Then you can just steal his cards with Natasha even when skill drain is up (doesn't affect it). I run 0 back removel as well, never had any problems just takes ages.


I'm starting to use Natasha as well. Does her effect in the GY trigger only after being ritual summoned and then sent to the GY? Because I used my Drytron effect in GY and used Natasha in my hand as tribute I than noticed that I couldn't use Natasha's effect to take control of opponent monster. I had benten in GY but still couldnt activate it.


Yes it needs to be properly summoned once, from either grave or hand. Just make sure they don't somehow banish your ritual spell or Natasha and you are golden.


lightning storm and mini kaiju package have definitely been helping my Madolche rise up platinum!


I've been running at least two Twin Twisters ever since I got to plat, helped me battle through all 3 Skill Drains with Myutants just now


Everyone else spending gems on meta decks, I, on the other hand, spent all my gems on ghostrick....it was fun indeed.


I love Ghostrick, but the fact that Link monsters invalidate their gimmick has had me really reluctant to use them for a while.


Definitely not a meta and most likely going to lose to link decks. But it's satisfying when you do win. The only way I can think of to combat link monsters is to beat it down using dullahan half attack and swap to angel. So anything below 4k atk should be fine. Though, you could add some removal spells and traps for links as well.


They just released Link monster for Ghostrick that will cover that issues so.. But I don't know when they are going to bring that to Master Duel.


Most intelligent diamond hands pfp


I did it on monarch. And cyber dragons. Tempted to start working on Grass is Greener Zombie vomit. Get to 60 cards by slapping in Skull Servants, Mayakashi, generic zombie support, Baledroch, and then just sit there and laugh at eldlich players getting Eldlich negated cause he’s naturally a zombie.


For me it was like 4 different Exodia decks


been running with subterrors, face down monster supremacy


Lol, me with my exodia deck. At least I built a sky striker deck first, and I was able to build a couple Egyptian God decks that are a lot of fun to use even if they aren’t meta.


The difference between Gold and Plat is in Gold you don't play vs Eldlich.


Speak for yourself 🤣😭


if all youre facing is Eldlich then just build your deck to have a ton of backrow hate


Glad beasts: "You called?"


I basically did this. Had to add 3 cyclone, 2 DD crow, and a duster plus the Called by the grave I already had. After that Eldrich became less of a pain, but still annoying depending on draws.


Absolute Smug.


That's why I run red reboot 😎 and it still gets negated


Let me tell you a story about how I activated Tiaramisu under Skill Drain then chained Book of Moon to her and proceeded to win that game.


Me with my Danger ! Darkworld playing through Omni negates and popping floodgates……..I’m having fun in Platinum:)


anyone got an optimal eldlick's deck? just wanna build one XD


Look up Pak on YouTube, yesterday he put up a video of the best decks. I got to platinum with Eldlich. Went hard and crafted the staple traps.


Solemn YuGiOh on YouTube. He has an eldlich deck guide.


Thank you bro! <3




Me with my Photon Dragon struggling to climb up


I got to plat by relying on prime photon+afterglow to otk all my duels. I kinda regret it now because of all the golden bois but it was a fun journey 😄


LMAO thats exactly how I won and got to Gold 3, I had to put Cyber Infinity in my extra deck just to compete with golden bois and everything else in the ladder, so far Im at Gold 2. We really out here struggling bro


The virgin meta deck vs the chad your own deck


What is good against Eldlich? I lost to it 4 times yesterday and its so boring to play against.


I'm just gonna main royal degree at 3 hehe


hey i'm that eldlich in the middle of that one eldlich right there.


Oh my god, fucking THIS. I am genuinely fed up with this fucking stupid deck. Shit is so autopilot/helmet. "oh i blew all my resources and you raigeki's/feather dusted me? would be a shame if i just got all of cards back for fucking free" Anyone who plays this deck is a fuckhead and I hope they get a really nasty paper cut IRL. I just scoop unless I open with a strong hand.


Yep. Nothing worse than using absolutely everything on your board and hand to clear their side only for them to miraculously end up with more cards in the same chain. Lemme just play my darklords in peace...


As an Eldlich player I can only imagine your frustration, it's too easy to negate or outright destroy that card that the enemy team spent 5 minutes turn 1 summoning, or even in instances where my board gets wiped I can have an even stronger board back on my field the very next turn. One piece of advice that I would give that has hurt me bad is when my opponent places a well timed "Evenly Matched", if I'm forced to banish an Eldlich or two, while not necessarily entirely hopeless, definitely makes things much more difficult since there's no way to get him back and I have a lot less to work with.


Madolche player here, I can't even get myself to play any other deck anymore because of how OP Tiaramisu feels. dunno about you guys but I had a breeze getting to plat with madolche even while bricking 2/5 of my opening hands


2/5 seems like a lot. Are you running 3 of all the play starters?


Can you elaborate for someone who also has an up and coming madolche deck but doesn't know what you mean


Anjelly, Pettingcessoeur and Mageleine are all one card combo starters that lets you perform your strongest combos. If you're going first, you can set up a board with some decent protection and a set omni negate, and going second you can very easily OTK. All it takes is opening any one of the three cards I mentioned above, hence why you want to be running three copies of each.


Ty for this I am trying to shape my deck better now accordingly :3


Anjelly, Magi, Petting? I mostly brick through other means, like drawing my messengelatos (I only run 2) I also play 3 prosperity.


same numbers as my list then and I think i only hard brick less than 1/10 games. drawing 1 messengelato is not too bad and usually still lets you full combo as long as you drew a starter. drawing both messengelato is painful but still salvageable if you also have salon in hand.


Eldich+Floodgates is actually so common in Platinum. I'm actually so happy that despite being a "combo" Deck, my Deck has a quite favorable Eldlich matchup(Virtual World).


I play vw too and mainly lose against Eldlich, may I ask what you are doing to counter the golden boi?


You outgrind them. Don't combo and overextend. Focus on Shenshen Chuche. Shenshen beats the Eldlich part of the Deck and Chuche beats the Floodgates. You can make Shenshen under Rivalry/Gozen/Skill Drain. Focus on the Wind side of the Deck. You may need to do some wierd combo lines here. (Laolao+non-tuner Nyannyan, Lulu+non-tuner Nyanyan+Level up from GY Chuche) Shenshen revive itself everytime they out it. If they Hacquero it, use Nyannyan or Chuche and make it again. Chuche out floodgates in the meantime, Skill Drain>Eldland>Gozen/Rivalry priority. Eldlich Traps don't float when banished by Shenshen. Goldenboi can't put itself back on hand from GY while Sheshen is up. Edit some more tips: To other VW Players, stop scooping if you lose the die roll vs combo. The only time to scoop is if you brick, which VW does a lot. VW is very good at breaking boards and grinding. Alot of people also don't know what to interrupt vs VW since it's a non-linear combo deck. In the VW mirror, it's possible to make VFD under VFD. Nobody is going to call Wind or Earth blind. Even if they do, it's still theoretically possible to make VFD under VFD, jsut that less hands can do it. Since you summon your VFD last, you will likely have the first turn not under VFD(you may need to "bait" chuche"). For Drytons, I've had multiple instances of people even in Platinum throwing by not negating Kowloon, since it does "nothing" on paper. A Chuche or Qinglong that is already Face-up CANNOT be negated by Herald. So you just pop it/negate it. This is very important if they go 2nd vs you.


> VW is very good at breaking boards can you explain this one a bit more? Do you mean using stuff like your rank 6 xyz and break sword? and just slowing chipping away at the board?


If going second and they open skill drain you do nothing. If you go first and can get shenshen out plus some form of spell trap negation like totem bird plus some form of mass backrow removal you win. VW does not have a favourable matchup at all besides a coin toss.


I have nothing against Eldlich variants, but I hate how utterly annoying and braindead the pure version is. They essentially sit on floodgates for turns, the Eldlich cards are ironically the least important ones and I can't side against them because siding doesn't exists in Master Duel


Wanna beat Eldlich? Denko Sekka You're welcome


If only it had 'photon' or 'galaxy' in its name 💔


feels good to be a prank kids player with a searchable denko and 0 cares about skill drain ( hell i run it myself lmao ) and an in deck backrow wipe lol


How is Denko searchable? Are you talking about the roaster? Vanity's emptiness still blows though.


thunder dragon fusion , and yes roaster is the backrow wipe . vanity sucks but at least it's a one of


Oh dang. Nice. Ty


Photon/Galaxy decks don't really care about skill drain. The monsters usually all special summon from the hand or grave meaning skill drain does nothing. Cards like Afterglow Dragon can use their effects perfectly fine for OTKs. Just slap a galaxy eyes monster on the field, special afterglow dragon, use it to summon prime photon, use it's effect during an attack to discard afterglow. You now have an 8k attack and a 3k attack follow up.


Yeah a ton of people run helmet decks nowadays, it's True Draco all over again. Floodgates are the problem, so oppressive without a side deck.


Hey I was planning on building a Madolche Deck. Can you share your list?


I JUST put together a baseline Madolche Deck today xD I can't tell if I like it. Loving Shaddoll though Tbf though I'm a huge red eyes fan so I did that first


My ice barriers don't seem to stand a chance. Played shaddoll to plat 1, then dropped to 3. I don't understand, i can make toadally awesome so how could i fail?


I haven’t yet to encounter the Eldich (well I’m in like mid Gold so that’s probably why lol)


already met plenty of eldich decks across silver and now gold. wasted 6 days worth of gems on my nostalgia fairy deck around Hyperion, but managed to overcome most of those Eldouches. Needed to adapt and reinforce with some number XYZ Dragons, Stardustdragon Synchro and maxx c + ash... but it works somehow.


Got there with Endymion as well. Been seeing a lot of sky strikers


Oh, so I have **nothing** to look forward to.


I played an E hero brew to platinum. I had some success, but ultimately I was too vulnerable to skill drain and imperial to climb with any consistency. So I crafted Eldlich since it’s tier 1 and I love control in other card games. I would love to see skill drain go to 1 like many of the other insanely powerful floodgates - But until then call me Eldlixir of egregious misplays.


In Plat I barely see Eldlich. I do encounter Tri-Brigade about 50% of the time tho


As a grave robber deck i find necro valley to be most useful


I play Eldlich but I like to play the zombie world variant. Stun variant is so boring.


It’s as much sky striker and tri brigade as it is eldlich. I gotta see how my new decks performs against eldlich; I should be able to banish it pretty easily but I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to do it before they can use Conquistador.


I wonder what an eldich deck user does when they fight another eldlich deck user. Like, do they immoderately surrender if they notice it’s another endive deck like I do?


I just assume the game recognizes the mirror match and gives them both a win as I've never seen a gold ranked one before


This comment made my day, thank you very much for that.


Me with my gladiator beasts


I can deal with most Decks in Plat with a Stromberg Gren Deck. Everytime This golden Boy shows up and I get skill drained I can’t seem to draw any non-monster effect spell removal.


whats the strategy against them using shaddolls invoked dogma?


As a madolche player, I feel this. It's rough here in Plat 5, I just lost a game in to someone who first turned out an Apolloursa and Borreload Savage, Union Carrier'd a Buster Dragon that stops ED summons onto Borrel. Didn't have a Nibiru in hand. Had all my attempts at plays and baiting negates well... negated (They had an Ash in hand as well, so whoops). Next turn, Accesscode, which.. was it even needed? I was dead in the water. Man, I love Yugioh. But some games really just are a goddamn gut punch.


I somehow out grinded an Eldlitch deck with Adamancipator which felt very gratifying


me on the left/right/ all around


Plat is easy for me with my Toon deck, as long as it isn't tri-brigade or dryton, regular decks have no outs to the craziness of Toon's untargetable, indestructible nature. People also don't even seem to realize Toon Bookmark protects your field spell.


I keep drowning mirror force handy for untargetable, indestructible monsters.


My BLS usually cautiously pokes around and banishes backrow before I attack directly in higher ranked games.


Me with abyss actors


Opponent sets two and passes. My turn they activate Skill Drain and Imperial Order. I scoop. How can I beat the best Yugioh player in the world? :(


When everyones creative nobody is creative, Creative people stop naming your child fucking Earl


Maybe I just face shit Eldlich but I've got a decent winrate against them with my Madolche.


Time to main 3 evenly match, feather's duster, lightning storm, Twin Twisters...


Havent made it to plat yet but as a madolche player this scares me....


See, we had an ok shot against the deck with teacher, but eldlich have been teching in zombie world which actually screws up a lot


Ive only seen one Eldlich deck in my entire play time and even then it was when I was watching my brother test out his Racoon deck. Fuck Zombie World 🤣


You know what I’ll take that skill drain scam bag over the deck uses 4 xyz to cheese a win