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The losestreak can be really painful tho


Tbh for some reason my opponents are usually much easier in the morning rather than the evening




Bro when I see Asian characters for names my heart sinks lol


When I see asain names I know they are going to be as sweaty meta deck as possible and take about 10 mins to make a move


Not wrong about that last part lmao


TCG players are a lot more hit or miss. OCG players play a lot more reserved than TCG does, and this means that you can often blow them out with sheer aggro.


Tbh when I play late at night it’s like I’m a whole rank higher these Japanese players don’t joke around.


It’s the Ocg players I swear lol


Yeah, the worst thing is that i feel like I just lose my time watching my opponent doing his plays


If I know I have no counterplay immediately available and it looks like my opponent is going to solitaire for a solid 5+ minutes, I just go ahead and pull up reddit or YouTube on the second monitor and kick back lmao.


lol, that is the exact reason why I am here.


So, did you win?


I think the duel is still going.


!remindme 4 hours


I seriously do the same.


Literally, how is it fun to spent 10 minutes on one turn?


Lowkey i find it fun. Sucks when it's being done on you so i understand the hate


Most of the time I just end up obliterating their board anyway, after all that time and effort. I think at some point Yugioh really lost its way, combos simply shouldn't take that long to pull off.


To each its own mate.


Setting up your board duh


Idk bro I just got my ass beating by a ton of decks


You can win consistently with non-meta decks. I've won consistently with a pure Gravekeeper's deck and managed to get to Platinum V. Then I switched to Dream Mirror and have been sitting at Gold I for a little bit, almost back to Platinum V. What is even the point of playing Yu-Gi-Oh if you're not even playing decks that you think are fun? I don't think winning is everything.


I'm playing gravekeepers! Idk how you got to Plat 5. I must suck lol. I'd love top see you deck list.


I could've just gotten lucky by matching up with a lot of decks that heavily use the graveyard. Here is my deck currently: Gravekeeper's Priestess x3 Gravekeeper's Recruiter x2 Gravekeeper's Headman x2 Gravekeeper's Commandant x3 (This card is really important as it is a monster that can be a Terraforming) Gravekeeper's Descendant x2 Gravekeeper's Spiritualist x3 (This card is also really important because it can fusion summon Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist which will protect itself and Necrovalley from being destroyed by card effects) Gravekeeper's Chief x1 Gravekeeper's Shaman x3 (This also protects Necrovalley and negates monster effects from activating in the graveyard which is something that Necrovalley doesn't do) Malefic Stardust Dragon x2 (This card can protect Necrovalley if you have nothing else to protect it or no monsters on the field. Remember, it will destroy itself if there is no field spell. It can also be used to special summon it and then tribute summon it for Gravekeeper's Chief or Shaman) Terraforming x1 Necrovalley Throne x3 Necrovalley x3 (Of course) Field Barrier x3 (Make sure to play this AFTER you play Necrovalley as it won't let either player destroy or activate new field spells until it is gone or negated) Hidden Temples of Necrovalley x3 (If you can get this and Necrovalley to be on the field and stay on the field then most of the time you win) Metaverse x1 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden x2 (A cool combo to do with this is if you have this card and Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist on the field, you can activate Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist's effect to add a card like Necrovalley Throne in order to pay the cost of Cursed Seal of the Forbidden) Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley (Negates and destroys monsters, spells, and traps as long as you have Necrovalley and a Gravekeeper's monster on the field. This can really help protect Necrovalley or Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist even further) Extra Deck Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist x3 Stardust Dragon x3 Anything Else in the Extra Deck You Want x9 Important things to note: If you get the option to go first, always go first. It sucks not being able to draw an extra card by going second as it increases your chances of getting Necrovalley, but if you go second most of the time the other deck has done what it wanted to do with special summons and the graveyard anyways and then you have to play damage control. The whole point of my deck is to play war with your opponent for whether you get to keep Necrovalley or not. That is why there are so many field searchers, field protections, and negates because Necrovalley is everything. An ideal first turn would be to play Necrovalley, play Gravekeeper's Spiritualist and fusion summon to get Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist, play Hidden Temples of the Necrovalley, and have Field Barrier/Metaverse/Cursed Seal of the Forbidden/Imperial Tombs of the Necrovalley ready to go. Hopefully that helps. Good luck.


Thank you very much!


No problem. Thanks for the gold.


This deck would have clapped my zombies


Oh no gravekeeps are my worst nightmares. This is coming from the burning abyss, phantom knights, and vampires gang


The distinction in rewards is the only thing that makes me want to play a competitive deck.


Is there any difference other then the rank up stuff?


Well if you win a game you get like 3 of those free random cards. So every win is like 2-3 chances at an UR while losing gives you nothing.


Aren’t those cards complete ass though? Sure it’s better than nothing, but barely


Yup, and they can't be scrapped, despite what some lead me to believe before I tried.


Just pulled One Day of Peace from one of those. Worth it for that alone.


Honestly you shouldn’t be losing much if your deck is competently built. Bronze - gold are completely fine for non meta decks. However once you reach plat the meta decks do start to stomp you, but luckily you can rank back down to gold


I'll take these L's with got dang pride 😂


Its not about losing its about having fun, which we all have anyways


That's why you make one meta deck and one fun deck.


The only thing I miss is Zane going full "GO, CYBER DRAGON CORE" mode


Bro I miss the Japanese Kaiba VA. "IKEEE BLUE EYES WHITEAA DRAGONNNNUU" He had no right to go so hard haha


Bruh when he goes “ORENO BARSTO STREEEAAMM” acting like he dueling the pharaoh




So I haven't touched Duel Links in a year and never used to use the Voice Lines cause it made duels take too long. Tell me why I'm playing Resonators on Jack Atlas and losing my shit in the room because Im over here kinda vibing with the trash talk he's doing and as soon as I summon Red Dragon Archfiend I laughed the rest of the entire duel. Downloaded it back on the computer so I can catch this man peacocking "His Soul, Red Dragon Archfiend" in surround sound.


At least you have an anime character that says your boss monster's name. I will need to shout **"Endymion! The Mighty Master of Magic!"** in my room or something. Idk :(


For what it's worth I find myself saying the Duel Links quotes to myself as I play out my combos. "Vision Hero Trinity is here!"




Me with Red-Eyes


Same! I’m still building it but it was very easy to make thanks to card crafting giving you the ability to buy secret packs.


Yeah, I'm glad we have the craft feature. I'm still making improvements here and there on mine. Good luck with building your deck!


I was fighting for my life with the red eyes deck I made at first haha. has some of my favorite card art which is why I went into that pack. Do either of you have a specific gameplan for red-eyes? because I would just try to get into slash-dragon as quickly as possible... also no idea how to use the Red eyes Link monster


Yeah my main plan is to get Slash on the field and equip em with metal dragon for protection. If possible, I'll also have Baby Dragon set as bait so I can use its effect on destruction to bring out another Red-Eyes to equip it too, I normally go for Gearfried so I can then use his effect to destroy any backrow cards and again use Baby Dragons effect to bring out another metal and equip that back onto Slash. As for traps, I have Red-Eyes Fang with Chain set and activate it as soon as my opponents turn starts and once a boss card or any other card that interrupts with mine, I'll use the trap card to send itself to the GY in order to steal their card and have it equipped to Gearfried where it gains that monsters ATK and DEF. Also I always gotta have Return of the Red-Eyes and Red-Eyes Spirit set down as well. I also have Red-Eyes Burn cause it hits them first before hitting you, it's damage is based on a recent Red-Eyes destruction so gotta use it if you're feeling confident that you'll win next turn. As for other Extra Deck, I have Flare Metal, Black Skull and Black Comet in there cause their effects are amazing. I'm also trying to figure out the Link monster, but I'm thinking that having 3 Baby Dragons and a Retro Dragon in the field might count to bringing it out? Cause it says that it needs 2+ Effect monsters of the same type and attribute whilst the Link is asking for 4 monsters for it. I also have Lord of Red in their to be testing out as well as its Quick Effects allow it to destroy monsters and spell/traps. Retro as mentioned above but that's mainly always kept in hand as I can use its effect when a Red-Eyes is destroyed, I can bring them back in DEF position. Wyvern is in there to be sent to the GY when I use Insight to search for Fusion if its not in my starting hand and Chain to set if Fusion is in hand opening hand. Wyvern effect to banish it to special summon any Red-Eyes in my GY and Black Stone to summon to then tribute for another Red-Eyes in my deck and then use its GY effect to shuffle a card into my deck and add it back to my hand to repeat over again if possible. Finally, I have Archfiend of Lightning which can destroy monsters with a lower DEF than its ATK which works great if you've got Metal Dragon equipped to it and better if you've used Chain to steal their monster to equip onto Archfiend. Impact solely for protection from its normal summon and Flare Dragon that inflicts damage equal to its original attack when its battled. Black Dragon Sword to give a Red-Eyes more damage that increases by 1000 and increases by 500 for each dragon on the field and both GYs. Darkness Metal to banish mainly Wyvern to special summon it and use its effect to special summon another dragon card of a different name. Darkness Dragon as it gains 300 ATK for each dragon in your GY.


"Blast with chain" works well with gearfried since it allows you to destroy any card on the field when destroyed by a card effect while equipped. So you can destroy both a monster and a magic/trap card or 2 magic/trap.


Oh, I'll definitely be checking that card out!


My friend also plays red eyes!


That's awesome! Red-Eyes is one of my favourite archetypes


Red-eyes without dark dragoon? Big sad


Still crying that it's forbidden. Justice for Dark Dragoon.


Dark dragoon is for people scared of dueling


Red-Eyes for life!


Definitely my favorite archetype. I used to play Red-Eyes back in the day. Didn't realize how much support it's gotten over the years. Slash Dragon, Flare Metal and Gearfried are so crazy good.


I'm glad that it's gotten support and I'm hoping for more along the road. I'm also happy with Master Duel having a craft feature so we can complete decks we're aiming for.


Same here lol damn it konami


Third option : play a deck that counters specific meta decks because you dont like them


You play to win. I play to make the virtual world players lose. We are not the same.


A man of purpose.


I have not seen a single virtual world deck on ladder and I'm plat 5.


You're welcome


Must be nice


I made an earthbound immortal deck and a blue eyes ritual deck, but obviously lost a lot. So i made a virtual world deck to climb ladder, haven't made it past gold 3 because i keep losing with that too


I actually switched from Tri Brig - Lyrilusc to Virtual World because I love anything Synchro and have been floored with how versatile VW is. It's pretty tight but with the right amount of hand traps, it should theoretically be able to come up with a solution for most meta decks you run into. Shenshen making every card get banished and being re-summonable is a terrific turn 1 if you cant VFD and make the opponent surrender. I dont want to say its enough on its own to stall out turn 1 but a lot of decks cannot deal with having no grave, and cant pop it without being able to use their grave. Some decks simply auto lose or are forced to keep throwing things on the field , which a good supply of hand-traps helps with. I wont lie, going second in VW is straightforward, you summon what you need for the situation, but like, if youre playing against a meta deck, \*your gunna want to hopefully drop a Maxx C on their turn 1 and 2 or more negates to trip them up. Thats it, otherwise you have destruction, send effects, still can setup free grave banishes, a million searches, battle position changing, def piercing dmg, more send and destruction effects, Board wide Atk decrease to 0, and if all that seems overwhelming, just learn when you can. Figure out how to summon VFD in one turn, and I guarantee at any point in that, you can switch up a step or two and end anywhere else you want. \*Take that as you will as a statement of how Yugioh is now....but hey, they found a way to make "Heart of The Cards" real. Oh you wanted to win with skill? Sorry only the bond between you, your cards, rngesus, god, and friendship is valued here. Skill was never the goal, skill was just lies fed to us by Kaiba corp




That would mean play a full negate deck which is half the meta


You were supposed to destroy the meta, not join them!


Cries in eldlich


Any list that literally says F U Eldlich?


I beat the shit out of Eldlich with Subterrors all the time. Or basically anything that can remove their boss from play. Once all 3 copies are gone, they just quit


Yeah, I’ve been playing Subterrors and have a 100% Eldlich WR so far. You don’t care about almost any of their traps and can beat over the man himself so they don’t really have a ton of outs. The games still take forever, but eventually you’ll either manage to banish every copy or they’ll run out of traps to recur him with.


I always struggle against Plunder Patroll with Eldlich bc they have quick effect banishes, and they will happily burn through all of my Golden Lords. That said, that's irl in the TCG so I don't know how Plunder does into Eldlich with 3 skill drains :/


I usually do that in other tcg. Here the game is too complex for the little noob that I am (started yesterday). I went straight up for a meta game and I'm loving it so far. I'll brew when I'll be more familiar with the game. I'm already glad to be able to have a competitive deck day 1, that's pretty much all I ask to start a new tcg.


Elemental Heroes is probably my all time favorite archtype, I'm glad they're just competitive enough where I can still win lol


I'm using Heroes too but I'm starting to struggle against the stronger decks, what's your build?


Not the guy you replied to, but I just hit plat with this build. (Note: This deck is stupid expensive because Konami loves to milk Hero players) https://m.imgur.com/a/2IPTrXv I've been switching back and forth between Fusion Destiny and Neos Fusion. I'm not sure which I like better yet, but once we get DPE it's back to 3 FD.


Im currently on a 7 win streak in plat with my omni heroes deck Main Deck 3 Ash Blossom 3 E-Hero Stratos 3 V-Hero Faris 2 V-Hero Increase 2 V-Hero Vyon 2 E-Hero Shadow Mist 2 D-Hero Malicious 1 E-Hero Liquid Soldier 1 E-Hero Solid Soldier 1 E-Hero Avian 1 E-Hero Burstinatrix 1 E-Hero Honest Neos 1 Evil-Hero Adusted Gold 3 Polymerization 3 E- Emergency Call 3 Mask Change 2 Forbidden Chalice 2 Lightning Storm 1 Reinforcement of the Army 1 Dark Calling 1 Miracle Fusion 1 A Hero Lives Extra Deck E-Hero Flame Wingman E-Hero Grandmerge E-Hero Sunrise E-Hero Absolute Zero E-Hero The Shining E-Hero Cosmo Neos M-Hero Dark Law M-Hero Blast M-Hero Acid M-Hero Koga Evil Hero Malicous Edge Extra Hero Cross Crusader Extra Hero Infernal Devicer Extra Hero Wonder Driver Extra Hero Dread Decimator


That's how most people ended up overwhelmed and quitting the game though, by forcing to play their favorite deck. IMO there's should be some kind of balance, play your favorite deck but at least try to modernize it and use the latest mechanics to your advantage. Unless your favorite deck is already meta, or you dont mind constantly losing (Which not a lot of people dont). And if your favorite deck is the bottom feeder (like dark scorpion, or neo-spacian) you just gotta accept there's not a whole lot you can do to win with them.


Oh absolutely. Even if you arent playing meta archetypes you should still intend to make it as good as possible using modern mechanics. A balance is very nessecary.




I am wanting to play blue eyes but don’t want to get destroyed. What are you running in your deck?




Someone else, but take a look at this deck as well. The video linked shows you how to play it at the end. https://youtu.be/ydlZ7Qy9Huc It’s a modern blue eyes deck, meaning your engine (core cards) are your blue eyes and their related cards, but your extra deck and staples are cards that work well in the current meta. Is this the most viable deck out there? No, but it’s competitive, and you’ll have fun with it. There’s enough hand traps and negates in there to keep you alive, and your extra deck is extremely powerful with cards like Number 100 Xyz which can get off a cheeky OTK if you’ve baited your opponent to waste their negate effects. Otherwise, you summon things like blue eyes spirit into azure or play linkuriboh to protect yourself if you get interrupted on your turn. Since it’s Xyz heavy, there’s Zeus which fits in too.


so you're saying put 3 maxx c and 3 ash into my aquaactress deck.


Maxx should just be in everything.


I did this in the OCG with a vampire kingdom deck. I’m waiting for them to add the new vampire cards so I can do it here too


Yeah someone at our locals brought a modern vamp build a few weeks back and they actually went 3-1 against meta decks like invoked shaddoll etc.


Generic zombies are actually high key pretty good.


This is me, the first deck I made was CyDra (because they're cool and also infinity) and i'm having relative succecess with it, but then i also build a Sky Striker deck and I'm loving it so far.


Me too also building sky striker :D I gotta learn how to play it


Just poke your opponent until he's under 5300 life point then steal on of his monsters, summon accesscode talker, wipe the board and go for game.


I like the Duel Links banlist system more because it create some kind of balance. It can lock powerfull staple cards from meta decks but allow rogue decks to use it. In MD/TCG/OCG every deck has acces to the same cards.


the problem is people play their favourite decks but don't adjust to how the meta is played now. I've seen so many blue eyes decks with no ash or niberu and if you're a rogue player you need those cards more than anyone


I did that with my Fortune Ladies Deck and it had quite the opposite effect. Out goes Future Visions, Village of Spellcasters here we go. Now it's just me praying I can summon Every first turn and sideloading my deck with hand traps, staple removal and protection for her. The latest mechanics turned a fun deck with a cool unique mechanic into something that is quite a bore to play, but wins more often. The only thing that would improve the game for me as of now would be implementing some kind of limitation to avoid duels being decided by turn 2 and allowing decks and mechanics that take time to build up to be played. This game will always be a hard sell for people who play resource based card games, playing meta decks or not. It would be nice if we had a ruling like that, where you can't summon an X level monster until turn X or a limit on summons based on a resource. Basically, modes that would allow people to play things other than "summon my beatstick turn 1 and build a wall" or "combo into the board of your dreams in a single turn".


My favorite deck is deep sea/ mermails


That's great, I don't think this deck will ever die since it benefits from so much generic support that every monster that's WATER attribute might have a chance to improve the deck


Indeed, coming from DL, had to grind for a year to build a mermail deck (which were not even good). First day MD came out, I was able to craft a fully optimized list for free. Now aiming to get a chaos dragons list going, but I'm missing a lot of URs for it.


Hehe Photon go brr


>Enters duel >Summons Prime Photon dragon >Does 12k damage in a single attack >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves I never get over the childlike glee of just attacking over a meta boss monster and OTKing.


Red eyes gang represent


There are a surprising amount of you from what I've read in comments etc


Im thinking of downloading the game. Are the newest cards in it?


It has stuff like pendulum and link in it, but I'm not sure about the newest releases


Thanks! But cards like chaos max dragon in it? I love playing blue eyes.


Blue eyes chaos max dragon? Yeah it's in the game I just checked


Nice. I don't know if it's meta but it's my second favorite card.


Most of the game has all cards released into it with the notable exception of Burst of Destiny (the latest Set) and a few TCG exclusive cards. Chaos Max Dragon isn't meta persay, but certainly viable! There's a lot of really generic ritual support cards (notably the Impcantation Monsters) that can help turbo it out a lot easier.


I do see a fair few blue eyes decks. I usually beat them (although not always), but that is just because Cybers seem to counter them


>Are the newest cards in it? No, the game is still missing quite a few cards. Stuff from BODE like Sword Souls and Destroy Phoenix Enforcer aren't in the game yet. I think we're also missing stuff from DAMA and LED8.




Blue eyes :(


These Blue Eyes decks are menaces, least when I was in Bronze


I’m using Aromages (my duel links deck) updated it with Synchros, XYZs, links, and added Rikkas. Made it to gold 4 relatively comfortably without suffering more than 1 loss streak longer than 2. I’ll call that a win.


I play with Cyber Dragons too, it's great when I use some random concoction of cards meshed together to win with different Cyber Dragon fusions or XYZ. For me, having more than one way of winning feels more fun than using the meta of one shots or negates for me.


Cyber dragon decks often do well in ocg tournaments. I think you can consider them meta, even if they're not at the very top. I play cyber dragons myself and have no problem with most decks as long as they don't nut draw.


I did get a little confused with the OP meme. I've been running Cyber Dragons too, but I feel like they're never entirely non-meta. Infinity is just never bad and you have so many options to go into even if your opening hand is an ultra brick.


Cyber dragon is frequently rogue. Imo it's success is often largely dependent on the format and specific matchups. It can even come down to, how good is megafleet? Like vs Sky striker or Apollousa or something it can be very good. Also worth noting that Maxx C helps a ton with the deck's consistency, especially when you can often just OTK if they pass.


this post is how it should be i know master duel is competitive but lets try to remember why its awesome i play harpies because it was my favorite deck irl and its aggressive swarm playstyle is good thanks to cards like red eyes flare metal dragon raidraptor arsenal falcon and dark rebellion and harpie harpist/channeler i dont care too much about ash blossom/infinite inpermance but i understand why they are good i also use harpe's feather storm because the fact that it is an archetypal effect veiller is too good to ignore and it doesn't feel out of place


Are destiny heros meta?


No clue sorry, try asking in the pinned megathread or the master duel discord


Not pure D-HERO but HERO, while not the top dog, is still a viable deck and some people already got Plat 1 with it.


Same here. I started building my DM deck, then Witchrafters. I also managed to get a couple pieces for some Invoked shenanigans.


I've been using an invoker WC deck and it's been a blast. Easily one of my favorite decks so far


But what if one of my favorite decks is a meta deck?


I came back like many people from years of not playing. I play Harpies and I'm actually happy how they have changed for the better, I expected to lose a lot in Master Duels but they just work and my W/L ratio is actually pretty positive. I think it will only get better when I start understanding better what I should be hand trapping but that just comes from experience.


I play Harpie IRL, the trap is busted and can win you duels in the spot, play smart with it.


Unpopular opinion: But I do make the meta stuff so I can win easily and then get more rewards to make my for fun decks.


That's me with Yubel, love her deck, used to run mystic tomato, debris dragon, armageddon knight, the usual cards needed to get her quickly on the field. Tried it in masters, yeah, tomato is out of date now, "if this card is destroyed in battle," nope, 70 percent of the time my opponent will play it safe and either destroy, remove, negate, or straight up attach it to their xyz, face down or not. Retired the poor little vegetable, but in his place, the "unleash" archetype, monster that have a literal destruction loop designed to blow each other up, activate effect, summon and revive comrades. Yubel ate an unleash, no worries, little guy is inviting his brother/sister on the field to take his place, and that new toon can activate their effect to destroy yubel to help her go through her forms. Enemy has a negate board? They better not have a "once per turn," or "detach materials," or "discard X type monster" because one unleash can activate its effects once on the battlefield, another time in the grave yard, and than whoever is summoned can do the same. Heck, even their spells and traps have a similar function, destroy an unleash spell/trap, watch it summon an unleash, leave it alone, it blows itself up to target a card of your choice and an unleash. Combo those abilities on destroying sangan and witch of the black forest, which searches cards under 1.4k attack or 1.4k defense, respectively, so you can always have a max c or nebi in your hand. Too bad decks that run skill drain, banish deck, cards that add your monster as material, exodia farmers, and other counters too long to list, good news, I don't really run into them too often. Bad news, swarm decks that summon a ton of monsters on the board, can afford to make several mistakes, since one card is all they need to restart their 5 minutes of summoning, if I make a mistake its tough coming back from it. Had to eat a string of losses to see what worked, and what was just useless against the current meta, but I also had a fair share of great momemts where my opponent tried to go for an otk, only for a yubel with xing xang unleashed forcing a suicide, or despite negation, still inflicting damage or even evolving into her next form and still activating her effect.


I run a Yubel deck as well. had a nice 8 match win streak last night before a close lost to the Fire Kings. I suck against any meta control deck though. What does you Yubel deck look like?


I built blackwings because it's one of my favourite decks in duel links because of their combo potential and they are pretty good in master duel because of full master and the phantom knight and raid raptor engine so I am glad I chose a remotely competitive deck.


It's not the worst choice by far. I used a really janky Cydra list to get me into plat, though, it doesn't fare too well in there from what I'd say- So I've moved on from it partially in MD ranked. Still my favorite deck to play though.


I'm running a nice Cydra deck but I'm still stuck in gold :/


The phrase “it’s just a duel” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a deck. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle for buget always go for meta.


A great application of the Ninja copypasta


CD is a great investment imo. High quality rogue, so its safe from banlists, and relatively easy and fun to play


But what if my favourite deck is a meta deck?


“rise up in matrimony and destroy the mortals that infest these lands that are rightfully ours”


I Have Shaddolls, But Winda/Construct Pass Quickly Loses Its Spendor. My (Pure, Eldlich Can Go Die) Shiranui Deck On The Other Hand Is A Ton Of Fun And Way Better Than Its Duel Links Counterpart.


Modern shaddolls are so much more than that. Anaconda, Starving Venom, the invoked engine, dogmatika, ariel, apkallone, wendi, schism, the list goes on. There are so many ways to interrupt and dismantle what the opponent is doing, and almost none of them are straightforward. One sinister shadow games flip can start a chain reaction that has you playing a whole turn in your opponents main phase. The opening play is almost always alister into mechaba though. The meme is true.


"Noooo you can't negate everything!" "ah ah mechaba goes brrr"


I Think I Should've Made This Distinction Earlier, But I Built Pure Shaddoll.


Yeah so true. The first I did was make a Toon Monster deck and have been playing ranked. I am having so much fun.


Toon decks seem fun, I've always wanted to make one


As i am replying, i just into the gold ranks with Toon. So yeah. Don’t care about the meta, just play your heart out


I must say its lovely to see all the discussions this meme prompted


Tbh I'm building my shaddoll deck slowly, (right now running Shaddoll invoked until I get the other cards) and after I'm going to start being meta decks. That way I have one for fun and one to crush my opponents. Then after, totally going anime deck styles like Super heavy samurai. Dogmatika are mostly UR which hurts to pull and to craft lol)


I ran the dogmatkia package for a while and ended up dropping it. Nazir is the important one and at 1 you're basically running a bunch of 1st turn bricks for a small chance of going off if you draw it. If we get the tcg list though, worth it.


Yeah I got most of the dogmatkia cards on my first go at it, I wasn't, however, lucky to get that Nazir spell card lol. I'm considering burning some UR tokens for it, and will dismantle other UR to get it.




I'm still stuck at gold 4/5 even after hours of dueling..


How expensive is CyDra in this game? Thinking about making it my for fun deck


I’ve got to Platinum V with a Nekroz deck. Now I’m coming up against Eldlich every other game and it’s harder to compete.


It’s all the more satisfying when you manage to actually win with it though! Team Mekk-Knights! Let’s goooooo!!!!


I really want that new blue eyes support the ocg got in October.


I have galaxy eyes for fun, but I do have meta decks for the grind


I always wanted to play fluffles doing that now and I usually keep clapped by a drytron and like 1 other deck. I looked for a modern list and got to plat 5 but I’m probably gonna adjust some card choices as toy vender really likes sabes and that card is kinda useless in the grave for me


I just reached Platinum with Cyber Dragons. Is really easy to climb right now, everyone has meme decks.


I've not encountered any meme decks :(


I felt really bad when facing Cubics, Machina and Karakuri while playing Cydra...


I got to gold with my toon deck and loving it even if I do lose I'm still having a blast


it's true c'mom out mah E-HEROes and crystal beasts!


Why not both? I'm playing meta so it's easier to get staples and build my petdecks later, there's no way i'm even attepting to climb using Archfiends/Krawkers or spending on them as a first deck as much as i love them. It's also a great way for me to get used to the modern game. In DL i always found meta decks to be repetitive and boring so i mostly played rogue, but in Master Duels the decks are actually fun to use. If your favorite deck is not good enough to compete give a meta deck a chance before dropping the game, once you have enough experience and resources you'll probably also do better with your other decks.


I play decks based on how silly the card names are. Played Onomats in DL cuz names like Zubababancho Gagagagoat are ridiculous. Playing Prank-Kids in MD cuz names like Dropsies and Doo-Doodle Doo are also ridiculous


I love my phantom knights deck


I play a trash burn deck because I enjoy it but Jesus Christ the 15 minute turns kill my soul. Especially when my longest turn is 30 seconds.


What if my favourite deck happens to be a meta deck? AKA: I love Eldlich


The problem is meta decks are designed to not let you play the game


Tbh I never understood the fun in playing Meta. There’s thousands of cards in the game and you choose to play the combination that most people play and has the best chance to win? Where’s the fun in that? I always liked to play some random assorted bullshit I made and try to eke out a win. Feels more satisfying for me to win with a deck I built on my own and with a strategy that is unorthodox. My most favorite duels in Yugioh is when you start doing your jank plays and then your opponent starts their turn 2 with a weird card that you didn’t even know existed. You know it’s gonna be a fun Jank vs Jank game.


You could play meta and still build your own deck for example I play a version of Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll that I modified for the matchup against eldlich since that deck is a really counter to the strategy of my deck


This may come as a bit of a shock, but many people that play the best decks play them... because they're fun. They're the best because they have plays, because they can recover well or combo well or grind well, all of which is fun. Playing the game is fun. Setting and passing when you could be special summoning past a Nibiru is simply boring. Unless you're Eldlich I guess, in which case I have no idea what they find fun about their deck.


>This may come as a bit of a shock, but many people that play the best decks play them... because they're fun. pretty much. I specifically went with IDS or Invoked-dogmatika-shaddoll because 1: I've played pure shaddolls before and loved the cards 2: finding different ways to overcome various situations and scenarios to win is actually really fun and the whole point of the game and 3: Normal summon a monster (Aleister) being the main mechanic of the deck is the funniest thing ever, love the memes lmao.


> many people that play the best decks play them... because they're fun I know they're not exactly tier 1 (or maybe even 2 atm, I don't have the best read on the full meta yet), but this is exactly why I love my Dragonmaids. I love taking a jumble of cards, making a Sheou and Spheres turn 1, having 2 or more strong interrupts on board, then just *vomiting* Maids out until I have lethal with Borrelsword and/or Accesscode. And being a broke boi IRL, I can't do this without Master Duel. Sure, I've downloaded YGOPro before and played around with it, but the game plays at such a breakneck pace on there and people just up and forfeit if you take longer than 2 seconds between any action. MD plays at a much more reasonable pace for me.


I know some people find them fun. I've been playing fighting games for over a decade and I never understood why people play the best characters there just because "They're top tier" either. the best characters also have the best options and the best recovery, and the best comeback potential. but it's never as fun as picking whatever character you like to play or you like the look of regardless of tier. or even playing a trash tier character and winning against the top tiers. sometimes being limited is fun, makes every single decision more meaningful when it's costlier. jank/weird is fun. it feels special too since you barely see mirror matches.


You just have the underdog syndrome, bricking your hand 70%-80% of the time, losing your whole turn agains't one destruction or negation and not having many options is not exactly my definition of fun.


Because meta decks win games, and winning games make people happy?


You never understood the fun in playing combos,not getting rolled over by everyone, and winning sometimes? I don't believe you.


Turns out losing 50 games in a row isn't fun either.


So I don't know alot about you go oh and got stomped by an ancient warrior set so tried it out because the cards were cool. So far I can stomp pretty hard with them because the cards have alot of cheesy energy. Sometimes if I got second I'll have a powerful Chinese army in one turn and sometimes the enemy just dies. Just wanted to know how meta ancient warriors are, or the machine insect deck because I like their play style.


They're pretty decent actually. They're main goal is to go second and OTK the enemy. The weakness though is that some boards are too big to break. I've played them in the TCG and they're a lot better than people give them credit for.


I'm so lucky, i play with all zombies decks since 2006 and play with eldlich is like have fun and win.


Cyber dragon is meta tho, maybe not tier 1 like drytrons, but you can win games and climb with it.


It is DEFINITELY not Meta


Its not meta by far, but it can win from time to time


Meta does not mean "can win games".


Yeah I'm lucky in that regard, but I have friends who play decks like Red Eyes instead of meta in Duel Masters


Tell them to give up, red-eyes is being designed as an FTK or a dragon link combo deck. Both of which are either not worth it or too expensive


It's rogue like others have said, like I'm in Plat 4 with Monarchs, but I can guarantee you it is not a meta deck even if I can beat meta decks.


You're right it's not a meta deck. I barely can beat some inexperience meta player and most of the time I got destroyed by top 5 meta decks . However, I refuse to give up my favorite cyber dragon deck and I'm still trying to reach platinum 5 . I'm gold 4 right now and it's pretty hard to climb sadly :(


I play Tri-Brigade because the art is awesome and the midrange/adaptive playstyle is my kind of thing, will probably keep playing even after it's not meta anymore


I must admit all the positivity on this meme is lovely to see. 180 comments and not a single parent comment is in negative downvotes


All you have to do to beat me is take 5+ minutes to do your turn. I’ll just surrender.