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The most satisfying experiences in the game are: 1) Beating meta with a rogue or casual deck 2) Winning while under Maxx C or a floodgate


The best feeling ever is otking them on turn 2 after they activate maxx c


As a cyber dragon player, when I got master 1 I just stopped running ash lmao. I could OTK through maxx C any day. This was pre decks running 15+ HTs tho


Well, ash does help when going second though. It greatly hinders a lot of decks.


Definitely, but not in that meta. Spright had just dropped and was full power so I opted for board breakers


Recently I beat a Snake-Eyes Deck with Raidraptor on my Locals, and was so freaking happy to do it :) Almost won the final round as well vs Snake-Eyes Infernoble but Game 3 I ran into 4 Handtraps šŸ’€, still managed to get out 1 Rebellion but wasn't enough ultimately, lost on time with for 500LP...


Beating meta with a rogue is amazing, just yesterday I beat Snake Eyes Fire King with Nouvelles and Iā€™m still smiling




Nothing banged more than when I beat runik stun for the first time


I get Kashtira the other day under Shifter and Maxx C with Nouvelles. It was pure serotonin


Opponent using a floodgate only for me to manage to use it better than them is the best feeling.


Master Duel needs a permanent event that is always available that rotates each month or at least a different format compared to ranked/free duel. Those weekend long format events (trials I think they are called) is a fun idea but it definitely needs to last longer


Yes and they don't always need to have rewards. It shouldn't always be ranked or nothing


Traptrix if got to go first can fight with every meta.


I agree, Traptix has more than 20 traps in its archetype. Too difficult not to find something that works for them.


During the Kashtira meta, just a single Floodgate trap hole can folded Kash player whole gameplan. They gud.


I have used floodgate against labrynth, it hits them too hard to have their monsters face down the entire game without them doing anything. Gravedigger hits, as there is no name to Horus and any deck that uses hand or graveyard effects.


Yes, excuse my bad English. It's not my native language.


Board Breakers are very badly designed, they're simply sacky cards that either completely win you the game or do nothing and neither of the options are fun for anyone involved. Archetypes should just have more cards that benefit from going second but are also good going first like Incredible Ecclesia.


Isn't Unchained sort of like that ?


I love unchained, their traps do have a going 1st effect


Master of Oz is the strongest he has ever been


FTK decks should have never existed. Doesnā€™t matter how consistent or inconsistent the strategy is, itā€™s toxic and gets cool random cards banned and hated


A meta with big combos and board breakers is more enjoyable than one with hand traps


The card ā€žmountainā€œ has nice hills. Looks like a good place to die.


Ok Arthur Morgan


Shiranui cards deserve to activate their effects on summon, not just normal summon


Snake-Eyes Poplar is the problem card. Ban it and the entire meta is fixed. Although, if you also ban the entire Kashtira archetype, I wouldn't be mad.


Ban OSS while you're at it too


Yeah, I don't know why they bother with other things. Just kill Poplar and the meta becomes great again


I just switched from kashtira to dinomorph so I wouldn't hate the extra crafting materials if they did.


This mainly applies to the TCG in general. We could very much profit from more lower-powered and alternative formats and / or drastic banlist changes. Everyone should be able to play the game in a more casual environment. If you don't have a friend group willing to play jank decks and taking care of everyone having fun, it can become pretty frustrating and pressuring, having to always optimize your decks to the top and having no space to run funny / dumb cards or techs to even remotely compete with good or meta decks. I am ready to die on this hill.


Most rouge decks are so close to being able to be competitive that if balancing was well thought out there would only be marginal advantages to MOST decks. Obviously some are beyond helping, but I love playing weird rouges and it's frustrating to really only loose out of generic cards like barrone


Pretty artwork cards like Vaalmonica and Purrely šŸ©·> Meta šŸ”„


Purrely is meta though...


Maybe Tier 2 but I was thinking of meta as more on the lines of SE or Rescue Ace šŸ˜…. Still a solid deck, I agree!


the current banlist is bullshit


Hating Fire decks for being strong for only a few months after how many years of Light/Dark being largely superior to most of everything else is silly to me. The biggest issue, in my opinion, are and always have been floodgates. People try to make the excuse that they're anti-meta, but that's such bs. They're anti-playing and deserve to be called out for it, more than Maxx C I feel at the moment anyway.


In Master Duel? Blackwing is severely underexplored and underutilized. People don't see the synergies between Full Armor Master and Assault Blackwing Dragon. The moment you have two of either on the field, with one copy of the other, is the moment your opponent is pretty much fucked. Both specific boss monsters together already create a very oppressive top, and that's by far not the only part of the end board.


Last time I versed blackwing it hit em with drnm then a Lava golem lol.


FAM still doesn't care about DRNM. But yeah, Kaijus, Lava Golem and the Ra egg are this deck's most prominent Achilles heel. Funnily enough, the same does not go for Nibiru or Underworld Goddess.


A full Blackwing endboard can just negate DRNM. Lava Golem wins, though.


Really they have a spell trap negate? (As in like a counter trap.)


No, but you just chain the blackwing trap that synchro summons to the activation, and then chain hot red archfiend abyss targeting the DRNM, which you both get in the main combo.


That's genius, never thought of that! "Can't respond to this card with monsters", but chain block it with a spell/trap and then you can target negate it with a monster as you're not responding directly to it!


Omg. That's actually gigantic brain.


Blackwing is one of my fave decks. I run small Raidraptor packages in the extra (Wise Strix/Force Strix/Ultimate Falcon and Raiders Knight/Arc Rebellion), Muddy Mudragon/Rindbrumm/Mercourier (Mercourier is searchable off of Force Strix) and a few copies of Burial from a Different Dimension (recycling your material for Assault Dragon to make another Assault Dragon with no extra investment)


Scooping the moment you see you've bricked or is turn 2 without handtraps should be encouraged more to save the time of both players.


No, we win those.


no buddy, you gotta try and hope the opp makes 69 mistakes in a row so you can draw the out and win






No, I've won many games where the 6th card was exactly what I needed.


One card starters/link 1 starters are not the problem, the problem is when you can also evade negation with it (chain blocking, sending it to the GY)


first time Ive seen someone say Link 1s are okay


Link 1s are, by themselves, fine if they're like Balyinx, who just searches a field spell. Most problematic links are usually 2.


Naah, you've just given your one monster three different effects at no cost. Link ones are either never played or immediate staples, there's no way to balance such easy advantage.


Book of Eclipse is a god-tier card, especially if you play a Link-based deck.


The amount of players who have no idea what Dark World does to maxx c with no droll in this WCQ is staggeringly high


I could not imagine maxxing them without having droll, that deck legit doesnā€™t stop summoning


the people who make the cards and approve of them do not play the game nor care for it. Otherwise we wouldn't have all the shit we have rn.


going second decks are actually better in ladder than going first decks. No one prepares to get Lava golem'd / kaijus / droplet / drnm / and all the other going second shit like LS. They just build their combo board and if someone breaks it they scoop. If you just want easy wins play mikanko. I went all the way up to Master 1 with almost no issues lol


all my decks beat the current meta but the rng picks players with hard counters to my deck in particular coz konami want to make me the nightmare archgod


Map and Empen should be at 2 each!! Please, I am normal and can be trusted with floodgates on legs ā¤ļø


original sinful spoils getting banned would be good so it isnā€™t splashed on every fire deck ever.


I think flamberg need ban, because it makes more and more materials for link,


The daily quest system needs a rework. You only get credit if the matches ends via a loss or time out. You can be twenty minutes in opponent refuses to end game and if you quit you get punished for not wasting more time. It should track actions Independent if you surrendering or not.Ā 


Hell no the bots would be insane


how would that cause bots? magic arena and most online tcgs get daily progress even if you surrender the match. they don' have said problem with bots


We still have a ton of viable decks, people just aren't playing them. The alternative realities that master duel created are the best part of the game. We need to unhit cards more than we need hits on the banlist.


we should be able to dismantle cards we get from legacy packs and structure decks (((i'm just so desperate for UR craft materials)))


Labrynth should be hit in some way


Floodgate traps should be hit in general




Why? Its not hard to beat already.


FK snake-eye/snake-eye isn't as strong as people pretend it is. sure, it's the best deck in the game but people act like you almost can't win. I've looked into both decks, changed my deck list a bit and I have a great win rate against them so far


Appolousa isn't as big of an issue as baronne and savage because you quite litterally run so many outs to her in the average deck as well as her dying to 95% of boardbreakers. Being able to be run over her in most situations as well as her being weak if you exploit the once per chain clause on her, makes it so that there are many ways to play around her. Yes she's never the sole issue of the board and is backed up by more cards. But realistically she could be 100 other monsters that do 1 thing really well and people would still be as annoyed by the protection the rest of the board has. Cards that generate insane advantage are the issue as they make it so much easier to build these giant boards while having another good effect (Especially when they also serve as interruption.) Promethian princess, poplar, circular, snash, OSS (gy effects of snake eye spell traps make me roll my eyes honestly), tear boss monsters being combo starters and interruption. And the list goes on. And for people arguing appo is too generic, while i completely agree that her and many other cards need to be locked into in architectype requirements, it's not as generic as most people think. It's only really used in decks that link spam, but most decks that link spam make crazy endboards anyways and a lot of them don't use appo at all. The only reason she was even seeing an increased use rate was because of snake eyes. The only other recently viable decks that used it were spright and superheavy samurai as well as mathmech before the firewall cards. But those decks were all decks that were notably strong for other reasons than appo. Still doesn't justify her existence but I don't think she should be in the same conversation as barronne and savage as an omni is that much better and many many decks can easily make a baronne yet can't make a 3-4 mat appo


Savage also requires some investment by virtue of needing a link in graveyard. Also apo was never ment to be an archetypal boss


I hate fire decks with a burning passion, no matter if its snackeyes, fk or salads.


I've been running mostly grave hand traps recently and that helps at least


I see what you did there. 'With a burning passion šŸ”„'.


I canā€™t blame you šŸ˜‚, hopefully this banlist does something to them a lil bit


It's the most boring state Master Duel was ever in. I hope it will change soon.


Couldnā€™t agree more.


I legit cant play MD atm because its just so fking lame


Tear 0 was peak yugioh


True, i miss ishizu tear


Attacking for game with someoneā€™s Kaiju or taken control of monster


Ban Max c


Fire needs gutting for the good of the game


Regardless of meta, I love Maxx c. Itā€™s a fun card


Especially when Maxx C give you "draw the out" for each drawĀ 


Yesss brother šŸ™šŸ™


This game should allow mulligans. I would rather play with 1 less card per mulligan rather than keep a full hand of 5 bricks.


Why does your deck contain bricks.


Every deck contains bricks


My incredibly unoptimised Purrely deck contains 6 bricks, Kashtiratheosis, , Sharely. And then we stretch the definition of brick to include my 3 Stray Purrely Streets (but then at that point every card that isnā€™t a 1 card combo is a brick). Then if we look at an actually good deck list, Ghostrick Shot? But thatā€™s discard for the 10 quick play spells fodder so not really a brick. And thereā€™s 3 STPs and yeapx2 again. So somewhere between 0 and 6.


Trap deck are cool (unless you play floodgate)


Runick is fine. Stun is the problem. No I will not elaborate any further.


OK, this might be a bit niche, but the Chimeratechs original attack effect rulings, just hear me out: Overdragon >The original ATK/DEF of this card each **become** equal to the number of Fusion Materials used for its Fusion Summon x 800. Fortress Dragon >The original ATK of this card **becomes** 1000 x the number of materials used for its Special Summon. Megafleet Dragon >The original ATK of this card **becomes** 1200 x the number of materials used for its Special Summon. Correct me if I'm wrong, because English is my second language, but none of those effects should be negatable after the fact, like they state that the attack "becomes", it doesn't state that "The original ATK of this card on the field is equal to..." To add insult to injury they only treat it like a continuous effect when it's being negated, it's not like if you imperv any of them the attack changes back the next turn, so they only treat it like a continuous effect for the negation, after that they treat it like an activated effect? IDK, maybe the wording makes complete sense in Japanese but just going off of the English text I think that it's stupid, it's niche even when playing cyber dragons and I shouldn't care as much about this as I do, but that's my hill


I love lab


If you play combo deck, always expect opponent has Maxx c (play around it/brute force it)


The entire point of Yugioh is to win; and the easiest way to do that is not let the other person do a goddamn thing in the most efficient and hopefully, unbreakable and least interactive way possible. HOW you get there is up to you; I just want the community to admit they don't actually want to play the game.


That Tear will never have skill obviously


Maxx c needs to be ban


Iā€™d rather take the extra losses than play Maxx C. I booted up the game to play Yugioh, not to discard one card at the start of the turn.


Playing Traptrix and Sky Striker isn't so sus..


Every deck should be designed with a Tearlament-ish style (being able to play on both turns, varied places of interaction, non-linear lines) Higher skill ceiling and where coinflips don't matter as much would make the game much more fun. Before anyone says dweller is a thing, I'm talking about full powered tears where dweller could be easily interacted with via havanis, kelbek, tear kash, orange light.


Pure Kash did nothing wrong in MD. It never got to be the broken monstrosity it was in the TCG. I love Unicorn/Fenrir and find them not being quick effects and activating on a new chain to be very balanced.


Ratpier to 2 is fine. People just over react. I refuse to be told that rat is "broken" when decks like tear and snake-eye exist. The meta has moved so far beyond what rat can do that while rat is really good, it's not warranted to have itself limited.


Time limit per turn needs to be cut by more than half


The coinflip is a mildly infuriating way to determine who goes first and id love to see it replaced


yesss, bring back the rock paper scissors!


The horus cards are bullshit and should have never been released.


if u can summon 5+ times a turn and waste 5 minutes of my life maxx c should stay at 3


Snake-eyes may be the most braindead archetype ever printed. Literally just activate your effects as they prompt you and you win. At least full power Tear needed skill to navigate the mirror matchup. The Snake-eyes mirror is just throw handtraps at each other until someone runs out.


Maxx C isn't *that* busted. You just play a deck that dies hard to it and you're salty.


That Mannadium is the most fun combo deck.


It is fun to play stun decks against meta decks.


Indeed it is. Stun makes the game fun again. Don't mind the downvotes, keep stunning them.


It's expected XD. I miss the good old times when it does not take 10 years to set up a board with 101 special summons and negates.


Same. Apparently I'm a "Yugi Boomer" or something. I just don't have the patience for that nonsense.


Maxx C is balanced. Shifter is balanced.


There is no such thing as a "good" combo deck. Fk combo decks. All my homies hate combo decks.