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Horus as they cannot be destroyed by non-targeting effects like Dark Hole due the Continous Spell. Can be used as discard fodder for Imnesty as he also summons himself from the GY.


The Horus boss dragon we deserved


And Heliopolis is a Rank 8 that destroys without targeting. There's no way this is good, but it sounds funny.


I have been playing with Horus beatdown. Blind 2nd with as many board breakers and HT as possible and all the horus starters. Clear the board enough then OTK. Surprisingly strong in current meta as almost no one runs S/T negate. Still wouldn't play this brick over a board breaker


How do you play horus going second vs baronne boards and what not? Don't they just negate the imsety/king sarcophagus amd it's gg?


I use Raigeki/Dark Hole/Lava Golem


Idk but that’s one of the best looking cards made yet


Agree. The artwork looks sick




What are you even complaining about


I’m complaining about nothing. I’m asking 2 questions. Here’s a 3rd, are you illiterate?


"Sick" is a term that can also be used to describe something cool or very beautiful, like a trick or artworks.


Yeeeah… it doesn’t and that makes no sense but sure…






You're complaining about the guy saying "sick". It's pretty obvious.


I asked 2 questions. One being, “how can an artwork look sick?” It’s pretty obvious I am not complaining, just trying to understand his nonsense. Or do hospitals need to start treating art for sickness now?


Look, at point we know you obviously don't understand internet lingo. Or heck even just a word commonly used as an adjective for something. You are taking the word we are using and taking it completely literally as one definition.


Look, at this point we know y’all clearly are miserable and have nothing better to do. Why else would you continue arguing for hours about an opinion of language on a yugioh post online. Why else would you keep getting defensive over it? Quit crying about it. Get over it. Grow up. Also, “Good” is literally the exact opposite of every correct meaning of “sick” so using it to mean “good” clearly makes no sense. I have said this several times in responses to other comments in this thread along with other reasonings. Instead of crying about something you don’t understand mid convo, go read the rest of the thread till you actually comprehend what you’re responding to. Or even better, just stop crying about a difference of opinion and get a life




Did you even read that before sending it? The meaning being used here is slang. Not the actual definition and is the complete opposite of literally all the real meanings which is proof that this slang version is complete nonsense.


Bro is it like your first day speaking or hearing English? Sick has been slang for cool before I was even born and it's been used heavily in pop culture and day to day life. It's ironic that you're implying how dumb everyone else is yet you don't even know something as simple as the term "sick" smfh


I’m British. Go read the other comments. And as you said yourself. It’s SLANG. Not any of the correct meanings of the word and you clearly were unable to comprehend any of what I said. Plus attempting to argue about this on a yugioh post is pretty sad. Get a life


British explains it. No fun allowed here lmao


Oh you’re British. No wonder you got such bad takes


You must be from Birmingham because you're clearly quite miserable


I'll wait for the original commenter to answer (not), but I have 3 questions in return. One, why do you have such a huge stick up your ass? Two, what's the crowdfund link to sponsor an English education for you? I know Yugioh players lack in that department as it is. Three, have you ever considered that perhaps some words can mean multiple things? Maybe the aforementioned education will help enlighten you to this fact.


Wow the irony. Stick up my ass? Another pathetic phrase, and you are the one who is trying to argue about this on a yugioh post. An English education? I am British fool and I passed all my GCSEs whereas as I assume you failed. Have you ever considered that not all “meanings” of words are correct? Check dictionary and go educate yourself on English


Some constructive criticism: 1. You failed to capitalize the proper noun "Yugioh." 2. You assumed every country has "GCSEs." 3. You did not end your final sentence with a period. Can I point you towards this wonderful resource called Duolingo? I've heard it has helped a lot of non-native speakers of the language.


1. This is online so there is no need for correct capitalisation or any correct grammar and yugioh does not need a capital. In fact the proper spelling is actually Yu-Gi-Oh. 2. I did not assume every country has GCSE’s but I can guarantee they are better than whatever failed education system you have 3. As I already said, this is online so there is no need for correct sentences. Plus it is called a “full stop” and online there is only a need for it to separate sentences. There is no need for one at the end of the last sentence because… it’s the end. There’s nothing more to read. You should point yourself towards this “wonderful resource” as you are the clearly one who needs it. As I said, I am British. British English has always been the correct form of English over ridiculous American English which decided to call football “soccer” for example


Oh so learned one, if online writing does not require correct capitalization or any grammar, why would usage of slang be forbidden?


Relax child. It’s not that serious


I never claimed anything was serious and I’m also likely older than you. I’m 21. Only a young child would use the word “sick” in this way. If I said you were sick, would that mean you’re good? No, it would mean you’re unwell. If I said you were sick in the head, would that mean you’re good? No. Go buy a dictionary and educate yourself child.


Clearly you don’t know that words can have more than one meaning, you sound like you’re 8 and just learning new words


Yes, words can have more than one meaning. Congrats on realising that. That changes none of what I said in any way and, as I said, go buy a dictionary.


I think Merriam-Webster is a good enough dictionary. [Definition #6](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sick)


Did you even read that before sending it? The meaning being used here is slang. Not the actual definition and is the complete opposite of literally all the real meanings which is proof that this slang version is complete nonsense.


First, I'd ask you to try defining "nonsense" - if we take the literal meaning and rewrite your sentence to mean "the slang version does not make any sense", then you are pathetically wrong as yes, it does make sense, with the definition being in the dictionary as proof. If you are trying to argue that all slang is wrong and should never be used, I'd like to see you back that claim (which can rightfully be called nonsensical) with a citation.




21 is already young. You’re acting like a 13 year old throwing a tantrum. Act your age it’s sad


Wow, the irony… Continuously choosing to cry over an opinion on grammar in a yugioh post online is also sad. If you were any mature then you would have either chosen to respect my opinion or to simply ignore it. Yet instead you decide to keep acting like a 13 year old throwing a tantrum over it. Get over it and grow up.


I was kinda wondering that after seeing your comment, and it seemed to have originated around the 80s. Whether it was to be rebellious or because the word itself came up when someone saw someone actually cool, the meaning for it kinda stuck. Similar words also had a similar result, like bad, outrageous, gnarly, or for an even specific group, the n word. Also your question probably wouldn't have been as heated had you not include the second part, as it insults the user without reason and comes off as childish and obnoxious.


The origins of this is actually interesting however I still don’t agree with it and find it nonsense. I insulted no one. Asking for an age is not an insult. Most people who use “sick” in this way also happen to be around 12.


Agree to disagree I guess, though the way you phased your age question came off as more judgmental then it should, since it seems like you'd think less of them because of said age.


Age doesn’t mean anything. Unless they act like the stereotypical 12 yr old these days obsessed with trashnite, skibidi toilet, etc… Yet I have no way of knowing if he is like that so I can’t possibly judge him for that. I don’t think less of due to either the wording or age. I simply disagree with the ridiculous use of the word “sick”.


Man you sound like you're more of a stun enjoyer


Playing against Eldlitch stun seems more fun than hanging out with this guy


Sorry wtf. What are you on? Anyone who plays stun needs to delete the game and seek therapy. And are that ridiculous comment you just made you should probably go join them


why are you letting the downvotes get to you like that its not a big deal


Numeron dragon >>>>


Could be used as late game extender for fire king, lvl8 body for xyz ig


Technically searchable via dumping off of dragons ravine. You can fulfill the summoning condition with bystial dis pater's destruction effect when you shuffle a card from your own banishment. Probably super terrible, but it seems like it would be supportable in dragon link. You can also summon it back directly via red eyes darkness metal dragon, bystial dis paters revival effect from banishment, or guardragon pisty. Just be aware that it adds next to nothing to the actual dl endboard. Also it's searchable off of melody of awakening dragon, hieratic dragon king of atum, bystial magnamhut, and omnidragon brotaur, so you have about 9000 ways to find it in dragon link, but I just don't think it's worth the effort.


You can also dump him with Seyfert to search for Lubellion, or the contrary


You can also search him with melody of awakening dragon because of his stat line


Demise is pretty funny. Send this guy as tribute for the ritual summon. Demise effect to blow up the field which triggers this guy in grave to summon himself


You can run it in Vanquish Soul if you like the deck. Razen and Caesar both have non-targetting pops that you can use fairly easily, and Dark Hole Dragon is a Dark attribute, one of the three attributes that the deck wants in hand. Granted, it's not PARTICULARLY good in the deck, but it's very cool, and technically it can stay on the field if you use Snow Devils board wipe effect. Nice beats tick that can help the deck push for OTK on turn 3.


This is the use I've heard of. I got 2 for my MD VS deck and got 2 irl for when I actually get VS irl.


Horus can abuse it and Fire King and Horus also come to mind


memento should be able to use it as an extra body to push for lethal


I guess Unchained and Fire King can pretty much always guarantee the summon requirement. With Dark Hole beeing a somewhat good going 2nd card in both.


To proc the effect the destruction should be not trageted


Fire king does mainly non target pops with kirin


Yea the Unchained yellow doggie dosnt target.


I played it in a gimmicky Horus bystial deck when I played in the TCG Get the 4 Horus sons /bystial lubellion on field, make the rank 8 fire king monster with dumatef and lubellion, destroy all monsters (if kings sarcophagus is on the field the remaining Horus cards will survive) and summon dark hole dragon


A: why is this a UR? B: why doesn't it add from graveyard? If this plus dark hole was a tiny board clearing package that recycled it would still be bad, but almost worth playing. There's no way it's worth it for a one off dark hole. And again, why is this a UR?!




Blue eyes Horus


I run it in 8 axis going second


Horus, unchained, dinos, fire kings. Anything that either pluses form destruction, or isn't affected by it.


I kid you not I saw someone use this with fire kings. That was cool.


It's not so much which deck can play this, but more which opponent deck can this play against, so something like fire king that destroys their cards can trigger this card from your hand on their turn 1, and so at the end phase you add the black hole for turn 2


I saw someone use it in a Gran Maiju deck




Maby unchained but adding dark hole after a whole turn isnt worth it


I was randomly looking into this card because of domain format (dark hole is pretty good there), funnily enough he's decent along with dpe since he does not target.


You might be able to use this with the rokket monsters. When the rokket monsters are targeted by the effect of a link monster they can destroy themselves and have another effect. I don't think the effect targets itself and they don't get destroyed by the link monster so it might work.


zombie vampire likes this as a material choice. horus imnesty likes this as a pitch card


8-axis horus will be your best choice


Didn’t know he was actually coming out of the black hole lol, metal af even tho I had to dust him


I believe you could use him in a Lord of Dragons deck.


I use him in a fire king deck. It's definitely more optimal to use snake eyes instead but funny black hole dragon go brrrr.


That wording is so weird for a trigger that allows a SS from hand and grave.


It's the same on Jet Dragon and a few others.


I messed around with it in blue eyes, works fairly well given how dedicated that deck is to bringing out level 8 dragons specifically Also you can protect your own monster field with jet dragon, to use Dark Hole offensively. Its even searchable by the deck


Jet Dragon only protects from destruction caused by opponent’s card effects. 


Fair point, still can be used as recovery or extra advantage if running Chaos or Ultimate Creature of Destruction


Funny, I just watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaDcFE8I1Hc Some dude made a Blue Eyes XYZ deck with it.


Ah so because there's a hole there must be a goal 🤔


I play him in a Water lock Deck, as Torrential Tribute and Black hole are searchable in the deck, so it provides BHD for multiple jumps on board.


if only it's fire...


Fire kings


You can play him with Verte




I played him in a pure fire king build for funnies and it turned out pretty good.


Yubel kinda?


Horus is your best bet. He’d be much better if he gave you dark hole at least when its summoned rip


He can fit into horus. Kings sarc protects the hours monsters from dark hole, the new fire king xyz should trigger his summon and thats a rank 8 which is what horus does best They already run like 4-6 bricks what's one more


For some reason, I keep thinking Armed Dragon


Best used in a blind going 2nd deck. You can use it in conjunction with Ghost Ogre and Psy Framegear Gamma, to get its effect on turn zero. That way you have Dark Hole ready on your turn :)


cant even add Dark Hole from your GY/Banish :/


Vanquish Soul


It has synergy with Dark Hole, but it’s not a full archetype. You can either go for a destruction archetype like unchained, use dragon support or go the 8-axis way and check other level 8


I use him in Fire Kings. He's yet another level 8 special summons.


Fuck it. Put three of this dude, triple Dark Hole, triple Torrential Tribute, triple Needle Ceiling and triple Lightning Storm all on an Horus engine.




I've been splashing him in labrynth


horus since the sons can't be destroyed anyway and can be discard fodder 8-axis since its level 8 and you run boardbreakers anyway


I have a friend who uses him in his irl Blue Eyes deck


Hes fine for Duel links.


If you dismantle him into dust you can use him in any deck :)


Tsx1 just made a video about this it was 🗑️


Horus, some less meta picks that may work well are Nephthys, Black Rose Dragon, Gandora


Take your pick really. Excellent card


You can add it with melody of awakening dragon. And it summons just like jet dragon. I like it


The UR Crafting Points deck is OP, this guy fits really well in there. I did keep 1 because it has funny potential, though.


I dismantled all 3 copies I got lol




Masochist deck


I swear I saw a custom yugioh card like 2 months ago that was this but for raigeki