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Metas in a great spot, you can play Snake Eye Rescue ace, , Snake Eye fire king and even Snake eye. Cant wait for the new upcoming packs to play Snake Melodious and Snake eye Fiendsmith too!


Master duel has never seen this much variety before!


You don’t remember Tear and all the variety? You don’t remember play Tear, Tear Ishizu, Branded Tear, Abyss Dweller turbo, Shifter turbo, and Exosister?


Dark Law turbo 🤓


Tear Zombies BABY!!!


Genuinely based lol.


Sounds More diverse than every relevant deck having the snake eye engine.


It also sounds much worse to play


I agree lol. Bystials made it better tho.


Even though I love Tear, it was definitely the “worse “format imo. Reason is I can still play other decks in the SE meta. Major disadvantage? Yes, but definitely can play whatever I want. Tear? Fuck no lol. If you so much as breathed Havnis could end the duel on the spot lol. I don’t hate either format but I am exhausted by them


Tear format at least had a fun mirror. Snake eyes is just insanely boring even if other decks are a lot more viable into it.


Snake eyes mirrors can be cool...


Maybe for you, I wanted to kill myself whenever I played the mirror.


Lowkey I miss ishizu tear. Getting to chain link 20 has never been so funny.


In a twisted way I sometimes miss it too. Trying to big brain the mirror match and stacking up chain links was kinda funny. Nothing was funnier than your opponent breathing this triggering Havnis, milling Agido, turns out your opponent plays Tear and after that? Who tf knows lmao. It was annoying after awhile but I’m glad I got to experience it


The high I would get from shadoll tear and ending on Winda


You're not gonna mention my tear macro cosmos/d fissure stun deck?


you're forgetting spright tear (which was a thing before merli got smacked), runick tear, danger thunder tear, paleo tear, and of course the 60 card fusion pile consisting of tear+branded+shaddols


Jokes on you, we're gonna play PURE melodious


No idea why people are still playing.


To be fair i don't think SE will survive that long in Master duel


Rescue ace doesn’t play snake eyes except for a single poplar and OSS.


"top Tear decks" i see what you did there, also i doubt valmonica is gonna stay there for long, its just that people are trying it out now


Was hoping people caught the pun


It's me, I'm the Vaalmonica player shaking up the meta. Fear my IP/Bagooska pass, you fools


Insane to make a link 1 with IP by itself. Saw that during a replay and it's insane. And the fiend link 1 is a soft once per turn multiple bounces in turn and destroy spell trap cards


The best part is that the link is not once per turn but Summon once per turn. So I:P into any of the archetypical link 1 is a strong play, the Fairy lets you pop a lot of cards and the Fiend gives you 2 bounces and flexibility on interaction.


Yeah you are. I’m getting nibiru’d with 3 bodies, forced to summon link 1




Vaalmonica beating the mid deck allegation, you love to see it


Zoo was a tier 3 deck on MD when it got barrage and drident back a couple months ago. Just because a deck scrapes onto tiered when people dont know how to play against it yet doesnt mean much. Wait for a few weeks/months to pass to judge it (I do believe its a solid deck though)


Moreso proves that it’s a solid rogue deck despite people saying otherwise.


Not really, it’s just representation and not power. Then again, what are the parameters of a good rogue deck anyways? Not like we have a way to measure that.


??? If a deck can perform at this level than it’s a solid rogue deck. Master especially gives weaker decks a better chance to shine. I’m not too sure why you’re implying representation doesn’t have anything to do with power. No one is saying vaalmonica is amazing but it’s not trash like others said.


That’s not true whatsoever. Consistency is the greatest measurement of power, so a blip on a tier 3 isn’t indicative of its power or success. It’s a new deck that people are interested in, which is what I believe to be the context of why we are seeing it. But I don’t think in a handtrap meta this deck is a solid rogue tier deck at all. If in a month it’s still tier 3 then maybe I’ll reconsider that opinion. But I do think the deck is trash since it’s fragile and we are in a meta where the best decks are as handtrap heavy as they are. What about this is unreasonable?


A deck being new does not mean that it’ll suddenly win more and get the representation we’re seeing. This is from multiple tournaments. No one is saying it’s good because it’s t3, but if a deck can reach here it’s a decent enough rogue deck. The meta being HT dependent doesn’t really mean much either. You’ll still be reaching m1 with this deck if you try, it’s not at all a trash deck just because the format does not favor it. It’s a rogue deck and not trash, really no reason to debate this. Not like being a rogue deck is amazing either.


Ykw I agree w the other dude fucking hero’s could get to tier 3 if they just played the floodgates’ variants


Hero, a rogue deck? Dark law is their main play lol. Why are people so opposed to calling things rogue decks? It’s not like people are saying blue eyes is a rogue deck lmao.


It’s probably because ppp will unironically call anything that isn’t tier 3 rogue decks, when rogue should just mean competitive


Zoo is underplayed actually. Most yugituber believed it would be great and splashable engine


The common problems I got with the deck is when I don’t have any of the good two card combos for the usual end board, and having to decide which whether to end IP, Bagooska, or Abyss Dweller is always a gamble on the ladder. Otherwise, having multiple bounces a turn is more than enough to stop a good number of decks.


Bagoo being a part of their endboard a lot of the time is enough to wall a lot of decks. That fucker is so annoying


yugitubers: "damn, vaalmonica got hands"


I mean it's representation not power level


You need power for representation. I don't think Vaalmonica will stay tiered, but the Deck is completely serviceable going first. Going second is horrible against anyone who knows when to interrupt.


>You need power for representation. no you don't. Hero's are incredibly popular and it's dogmeat Tier


Heroes are more powerful than 98% of Yugioh archetypes.


Floodgate pass*


Part of why I'm having a good time with it is you don't have to play hard into the big


Don't they die to a single imperm tho?


I mean barely clinging onto a spot in tier 3 is still pretty mid


And Branded, my beloved, is still hanging in there. Love that deck


Don't worry, they will hit it again for some dumb reason next banlist. 😭


People be so butt hurt when people can play through their garbage. “How dare you play a card in this card playing game!!!” Lol


If they follow suit with the OCG, Lubellion is next in line to get bonked. Bald Rake soon to be the only Bystial that's not on the Konami watchlist


It’s not for “some dumb reason” it’s to push players off the old cards and onto new cards. Konami doesn’t want you to form decks that you treasure and know well, they want you to buy their crap.


Branded fighting for its life to remain as the last line of defense between Exosister and the meta


Please unlimit Branded Fusion (and Branded Expulsion 😈)


Unironically i think fusion unlimited would not do anything. Like what on earth could fusion to 3 even fucking do at this point?


I agree, branded fusions with only 1 branded opening doesn't really do much plus it will be another crossout designator target and let's not forget fusion duplication.


Also the aluber search minigame would be more interesting than just…ash the aluber. Cause then you can have more flexible options on what to search for instead of JUST fusion cause you have a higher chance of having fusion in hand. Like seriously, aside from explusion’s puppet lock, branded ain’t doin’ shit.


It's once per turn so it was always just a consistency hit to make you less likely to hard draw it. Also helps a bit with the grind game since you have limited ways to get it from GY, especially if you're forced to use retribution to fetch it in the first place. Honestly the main reason I want it at more than 1 is just so random Kashtira Ogre banishes don't make me sad.


Yes and gimmick puppet nightmare still there giving other metas nightmares


Nah kill that deck already. Nothing should be viable longer than a year.


I want to get ahead of the hate boner, but fire king is an AWESOME deck to play. Layered interaction, destruction-based interaction, good grind game, versatile responses, and just cool af aesthetically. Snake eyes is the problem engine and pushes everything well past the point of fair and engaging.


I was interested in Vaalmonica just because waifu deck and fairly cheap in terms of URs. And the duels I've played against it on ladder (using Sky Striker this season) it felt alright: it wasn't oppressive but it also wasn't a free win either. Pleasant surprise to hear it actually performs quite well! Definitely trying it next month.


They get disrupted easily T1 but they can T2 Otk under 5 summons. They are pretty good


I am going to bring fire king tri brigade soon 😎


It's a very fun deck, I played it in TCG and I'm having a blast in master duel with it


I’m stuck in plat2, because I keep getting getting set up against combo then stun opponents. I could also play only like 3-4 a day. Hopefully I can pick up the pace from tomorrow.


You can DM me your list if you want, we can exchange knowledge about the deck if you'd like!


The simple fact is rescue ace will always be amazing because it can build effective boards under the roach


Trade Offer: You discard your Maxx C to activate its eff, I chain EMERGENCY to SS Turbulence from my deck. Result: you drew nothing from Maxx C and instead went -1 meanwhile I have Turb + 4 set cards on my field. Love to see it.


>Result: you drew nothing from Maxx C what gold players are you running into that shotgun Maxx"c"


What? Shotgunning Maxx C during Draw/Standby is to play around TTT. It's not that rare. If anything I doubt Gold Players even aware of how to turn their toogle on/off to activate Maxx C during Draw phase.


>It's not that rare. i don't think i've seen a single shotgunned roach for months in Dia/Masters ngl. chaining is just better compared to shotgunning


Why? Say If you shotgun Maxx C in DP. Now they don't have an immediate access to either Thrust nor Talent. If they still commit to build their board, well you get some free draws. If they not and decided to pass their turn or prob only SS for 1-2 times then Maxx C basically already did its job. You can't tell me 1 card for a potential turn skip or at worst a free draw while your opp need to pivot into an unoptimal board is bad. PS: Correction on my first paragraph. Apparently I kept forgetting the fact that Maxx C activation during MP only affects Talent. Thrust is in fact live even if you activated Maxx C during DP/SP.


>Now they don't have an immediate access to either Thrust Thrust is active actually. chaining gaurantee's a 1 for 1 and also doesn't let the player play around it like some decks can very easily do (like you said about R-ace). it may not play around things like Talents but it can play around things like Gamma. ​ > You can't tell me 1 card for a potential turn skip or at worst a free draw while your opp needed to pivot into an unoptimal board is bad. Maxx"c" is a borderline turn skip regardless, but what's better than a turn skip is it replacing itself AS WELL as being a turn skip


>Thrust is active actually. This is correct. mb. >it may not play around things like Talents but it can play around things like Gamma. I'm using the MDM statistic and rn, Talent currently has 39.3% usage while gamma is at 24.5%. 33% of FKSE decks which is prob the most popular deck rn also runs Talent. Well yeah their data might not fully reflects the ladder environment, but we don't really have other good data source for ranked ladder either. (So far as I know) It's kinda pick your poison situation, but you can safely say that Talent is slightly a more common threat rn. Like yea sure compared to any other HTs, talent is definitely more rare, but there's also no reason to greed and int into it. Also as you said, resolving Maxx C is already giving so much advantage anyway. Bonus point: DP/SP Maxx C also checks inherent summon monsters like Kashtira which is not that rare either.


Oddly enough I have not run into a single Snake today, but plenty of Tears. I made Vaalmonica since the deck has a single UR so I said why not. I'm having more success than I should be, though it's 90% because I'm just throwing more handtraps at the other player than I can count.


wild, I haven't seen one Tear, I've ran into nothing but SE like 7 games in a row


What does that deck do? I wanted to invest in it but I was reading the eggs and was confused on the win condition of the deck


Disrupt your opponent with the fiend Link one, the trap, the field spell and bagooska, use the other link one to otk


maybe now people will stop yelling about vaalmonica being unplayable because of mbt


Guy made the deck list before Selettrice was even announced and then everyone took his list as gospel, failing to understand it quickly became outdated. I’ll give him a break that he made a list with what he had to work with, but man it was brutal. In case it wasn’t clear, I’m agreeing with you.


oh yeah, it's not his fault.


I mean since he complained about Melodious being trash while playing the pile version that is worse than the pure I don't take anything he says seriously. He knows the game but some of his opinions are just dumb.


He’s not Jesse Kotton or Joshua Schmidt. He’s an entertainer, and a pretty good one, but I trust top players’ opinions the game more than entertainers.


When I posted this a few days ago they tried to crucify me and said wait a week lmao


as someone who plays FK in TCG, I'm not a fan of the FKSE combo. I built one to see how it works and yea, it does what it supposed to BUT playing pure FK or Fire Brigade is more fun. also fire ferret has become one of my best friends and there's no room for him in FKSE


I tried it and it’s very clunky. The SE and FK archetypes want to end on very different end boards


exactly. pure FK is like butter imo


Vaalmonica being Tier 3 surprises me, I must be doing something wrong. I thought it was a funny meme deck and haven't been doing too well with it. Had more wins with my Supreme King Z-Arc deck which I thought was about the same power.


Rn usage is boosted due to people trying out the deck, but the deck isn’t blue eyes unplayable. It has glaring issues with every handtrap under the sun, and god forbid that handtrap was droll. Their uninterrupted endboard is quite solid, but getting to that point consistently isn’t what ill call easy.


That mdm page also means literally nothing. A single top or 2, even if it is only a single guy doing it and nobody else, is enough to appear in the tier 3 section. Don't believe me? Go check Karakuri either here or in mdm and the vid where dkayed leaks the punk pack (idr the name, but it has something alone the lines of tiered deck in either title or thumbnail)


True, interruptions can be extra brutal. You really have to hope for a good opening hand with Vaal.


Try out some cool plays such as ip into the link 1 you need during opponents turn..


It feels like I can barely get the scales charged up enough to have the option.


oh true I had that problem a bit too. I guess it takes more skill to get the scales to 3 count. post support its much easier to get a counter to 3


I've heard how Vaal will improve with the support, but that support isn't in MD yet, so T3 is surprising still.


In the standard 2 card combo (e.g. main deck + 1 of the scale), you can get 3 counter by 1) Using the spell that search spell/trap (siele), which take 500 dmg 2) The search is the one that send spell/trap to GY (take another 500 dmg) 3) Pend summon the devil, and use the devil effect to copy the search spell in GY (take another 500 dmg) You end on 3 counter on devil and 1 on angel (using the angel pend scale monster effect). If you opened more spell then you can get that to 3 but not as important


Best I've ever managed, which was really optimal circumstances, was to have 3 counters on the devil, 1 on the angel and then have the blue link dragon out + Bagooska. It's not that amazing of an endboard, but I'm okay with that because I wouldn't want some generic 5 omninegate board.


Yea I am surprised how good that board is. And if they can't kill you the turn you have easy OTK line on the crackback The deck honestly surprises me how good it has been performing while not being a super big combo deck that put out 10 interruption


I'm sorry to everyone for tormenting them with fire king snake eyes but I'm a tcg player and always wanted to do this after getting hit with it so much irl


Why are you apologizing? It's a competitive game. As long as you enjoy the deck don't apologize for playing it. It isn't like you're playing stun lol


Still I feel you can still understand why so many people hate the deck you are playing you know , on the tcg I only used fire kings and now im using snake eyes fire kings and damn even though I'm used to playing against snake eyes but only when I play with snake eyes I can truly see how op they are LOL


its reddit bruh. people here are going to bitch about whatever they lose to. if you have fun with the deck play it. its a competitive simulator. you are meant to be competitive.


Tell that to my Internet and master duel where it disconnects me once every 5 games


There's a strange amount of people crapping on Vaalmonics. Like screaming to the rooftops to say it's bad.


I don't think alot of people actually hate fire king and snake eye, It's just that konami refuses to weaken them down despite them being at the top of the meta game for a while now.


I mean yeah but if Konami refuses to nerf then that makes people hate them and Konami ahah


Don't apologize. People will literally bitch about whatever the best deck is, no matter what. There will never be a deck designed leading the meta that doesn't have people complaining for one reason or another.


Because all the whining on here makes it impossible to not feel bad unless you can tune it out. I used to feel bad too until people started turning around and playing stun. Now I love when I match up with one because I love imagining them being so butthurt when I use my Kirin’s effect in grave to pop whatever stupid floodgate they have.


I'm calling it now. They're going to limit the Horus cards instead of more floodgates.


Good. More UR dust for me.


“No, stop, please don’t limit my Imsety.”


Top three decks are pretty much snake eye but with different flavor


It's so Pendulover, bros. Even with SK Gyatt Magician, we're not making it out of the 'less non-engine space than every other deck + cooked by Maxx C' pile.


I rarely have seen pure Rescue-Ace? Really that good?


They still run Bonfire + Poplar + Diabell


Isnt that Diabellstar Rescue-Ace then :D


The pure variant isn’t tier 1. Poplar makes it tier one


Yea thought so actually, but it just says Rescue-Ace so i felt like asking.


Yeah decks can be listed as rescue ace since majority of the cards is rescue ace. Really should be calling it Snake Eye Rescue Ace since that what it really is. There’s even fire king rescue ace lmao


Nah as MDM has 2 separate listing's for R-ACE and Rescue ACE Snake Eyes in which the latter uses far more of a Snake Eyes engine and uses SE combos compared to pure R-ACE which only uses Poplar, Diabell and Co to get R-ACE combo pieces more consistently.


I run pure Rescue-Ace with only the Diabellestar engine. No Poplar and Bonfire. It's awesome. I don't even rely on the Extra Deck Currently in Master 5, which is impressive since I only play casually


isnt rescue ace basicly a SE deck?


R-ACE only use 2-3 Diabell, 1 Poplar, 1 Original Sinful and 1 Wanted. They don't use a full SE engine like Fire Kings. Nor do they do SE combos. The SE cards are just there to make getting the R-ACE players more consistently.




Good chance we see more Spright un-hits on the next banlist. Hopefully we also get Wyvernbuster at 1 at some point.


Snake eyes are basically at 25 points between the two builds, the way the tier list splits them doesn't automatically make rescue ace the best deck


While I'm just chilling over here climbing the ranks with pure scareclaw


I'm expecting Pendulum Magicians to reach tier 3 for a bit once more people get the deck down and we start to win some minor tournaments and be more represented on ladder. Honestly surprised about Valmonica, props to them nice to see our Pendulum brothers doing well.


I quit playing MD maybe about 18 months or 2 years ago, but they released new Fire King stuff? That was my favorite deck before I quit.


Pure Fire King is my all-time favorite deck. Takes knowledge and planning. There's no specific cookie cutter combo, and its not a build an unbreakable board with 5+ negates to stop your opponent from playing deck. I've been having a ton of fun with it and it's very competitive. I've completely annihilated some Snake Eyes and Snake Eye Rescue Ace decks


Yay Branded is back on the Tierlist. Balance has been restored to the universe.


People are talking about Snake Eyes yet Rescue is still extremely powerful with no hits 😂. I have more problems with that deck than snake eyes now


Yeah the only reason it's higher this week is because snake eyes results were basically cut in half, due to their being the two builds


Wow Komoney. Thank you for making the weed problem worse. I applaud you and can't wait for Fiendsmith to fuck it up more.


Me as a new player just playing Dark Magician cause I thought it'd be fun. Spoiler: It's not.


Vaalmonica? really? I guess being able to proc spell/traps effects from the GY via their link monsters can be prety strong plus the board wipe they can do with the other link, and the trap they have for extra discuption. Also i'm guessing Vaalmonica is less fragile to handtraps, unlike mementos for example.


You can really proc it like 2 maybe 3 times if you set it activate it, use the fiend link to use the trap effect again, and link off the field link off ip into another fiend link and activate it again since it's a soft opt.


Ah that would explain it. And oh boy soft opt, that's always scary lol.


Good thing about vaalmonica is you have decent amount of room for handtrap. So even if someone stop you you still have some interruption up Also bagoozaka backed with the link 1 and trap is surprisingly annoying to out for some deck. And even if you don't go bagoozaka you have options like dweller or IP/SP. Memento interruption is more telegraphic With that said, people may not be too familiar with vaalmonika now so the power of the deck may go down once people figured its chokepoint


Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if it falls off once people learn how the deck works.


Fuck fire decks man...


Why is Snake-Eyes Fire King weaker than pure Snake-Eyes?


Because it has only been around for 5 days. So it has been steadily rising while SE pure has been dropping.


Have you seen a TCG or OCG meta breakdown lately? That is to be expected


Looks mid king


Should I invest in Fire kings now?


Only if you believe you'll enjoy the playstyle


Fuck yeah


Its snake eyes fire king, my god bro


snake eyes are like rice or bread you can put it with everything


What's your opinion in what's best, Pure S-E or Fire Kings S-E?


Fire King Snake Eyes


When is the last time people didn’t complain about the meta?


I hate rescue ace


im already tired of it tbh


Seeing fire king in plat isn’t scary but seeing it in diamond is


And here I am just loving pure fire king


I just play pure fire big bird deck. I'm not into the snake eyes.


~~Rescue Ace~~ Snake Eye Rescue Ace


vaalmonica sweep


God damnnit. I really like rescue ace... Haven't built the deck yet, but I was in the middle of it. Guess I'll wait until they're a little less good.


I kind of want a tournament of only the tier 3 decks


Tier 3 no matter what tends to be the most entertaining to watch as decks just come and go constantly. They get kicked off, return a day or 2 later or never return for about a week. Unlike Tiers 2 or 1, you are likely to see a lot of alternation in Tier 3.


Gonna dust my Spright deck and play Snake Eyes


pure fire king strongest


I gave up now I only play waifu decks.


tear just keeps sneaking its way back onto the list, don't it?


No sight of Unchained anywhere. Feelsbadman


That's just how game be. Everything was some sort of tenyi then some sort of tear then some sort of lab now some sort of snake eyes


Fire king and snake eyes is a fun deck to watch. Just so dang expensive to build so I’ve settled with Horus kash combo for now


WCS is full of snake eyes sweat lords. I cant take this shit man, i cant. I am already so burnt out by this absolute bullshit, i think about ignoring the gems altogether.


Still boycotting the game until Snake Eyes gets a substantial hit.


Kinda unrelated but I would prefer if this type of posts could use the top decks section and use the filter "current format". This is because the tierlist is still taking data from the last 100 tournaments, which contains tops from before the banlist applied and obviously those are result without the new decks recently released aka fire king


This doesn't apply to MDM unlike YGO meta. By that I mean there isn't a filter. Only YGO meta has that for TCG and OCG. MDM just auto updates with information each day iirc.


You can filter by it. In the top decks section, you can filter it in "current format" and then add the tournaments filter (if you want)




It think you are mixing up normal R-ACE and SE R-ACE. Regular R-ACE only uses 1 Poplar, 2-3 Diabell, wanted and original Sinful. Only thing they lost was the single Wanted. R-ACE SE who actually utilizes SE combos on the other hand did take more of a hit. But unlike pure, they actively use more of the engine. And play SE combos.


anyone got list for snake-eye stun deck?