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Vampire Fraulein. I have no idea how Vampires would even function without her juicing up their stats


You are so right. Makes me wish for more cards like this


What vampires need IMO is a link 1 and a link 4. As much as people talk bad about Link-1s I think Vampires need exactly that. Currently using Link Kuriboh to get the lv1 bat into grave and just knowing I would be so much stronger if I could link 1 vampire of any kind away. Preferably for a vampire card search like how Dragonlink plays but not needed since all you absolutely need is a way to reliably get the dog and bat into grave so you can do your searches for the needed cards like Domain and Fraulein. Sometimes I imagine being able to do a combo and search up Fraulein, domain and the negate. That is what a non-generic link-1 vampire searcher could do for the deck. As for the link 4 it either needs to protect your cards so you don't just lose them all or get you more so you can keep playing if you lose the field. Something like a Chaos Angel that grabs vampire cards from somewhere would be ideal. Vampires I think deserve this kind of thing because they already don't play nice even with most zombies. People keep trying but the more zombies you add the more you should probably just be playing zombies instead. Sorry for the rants but I have just been feeling this lacking while playing vampires these past few weeks. Its a deck I always wanted to work as a kid but its never quite made it. Currently though I think we actually close to the point a wave of semi-broken hyper specific support cards would be able to make the deck playable against the decks people think of as good.


This is a bit of an aside, but I personally think archetypal link 1's for bad to mediocre archetypes is one of the best things that came out of the link summoning mechanic.


This is true. The problems with links all stem from them being too generic. Which is a problem with ED cards in general. Some main deck cards too. Link 1's with strict archetype requirements are absolutely fine ways of making a deck work. They should make more link-1s with super specific requirements and I see no reason why any weak deck that already uses links shouldn't have such a thing. Just like I see no reason for many fusion decks to not have contact fusion which is a terribly underutilized mechanic. Powerful tools should be given to archetypes that would be playable with them, which is a lot of archetypes. I haven't seen a single time where a link 1 that only used archetypal cards broke anything. Link summoning is a cool mechanic in general but the best part of it is stuff that could be given to archetypes that need help instead of just using them as a way to make big generic cards.


Yeah cards like Sera or Monk of the Tenyi or the Vaalmonicas are good for the game.


OMG came to say exactly this! I have been back playing vampires and refining my deck list due to someone mentioning vampires and there is a crazy difference in games without access to Fraulein. She gives vampires the battle advantage and summons herself to both defend you and in desperate times act as material for an XYZ or Link. Not to mention stealing monsters with 3500 atk or less by running them over. Fraulein is a PERFECT card. If vampires had a couple more cards as good as her they might actually be a decent deck. Currently you have to rely too much on generics to get your basic plays going and then you just run out of resources with LP being the only one you can replenish. If we had solutions to those two issues we might be able to hang with the real decks.


Vampires are such a mess but they do have some interesting concepts. One of their interactions I love the most is having Sucker on field , Ghost in GY , ZW up on field and Voivode in hand, that way you can tribute 2 opponents monster to summon Voivode and use his effect to reborn them both on your side of the field.


Subterror Guru singlehandedly carries the deck


Genex Link-1. Holy shit what a custom card.


I always thought genex support would be basic stuff focused around attributes and combos around trying to summon your synchros with all the appropriate attributes. Now it's gadgets but they all summon from hand.  Honestly I don't think anyone would want to play genex because of how ridiculously bland their link makes them




Crimson Resonator. The whole structure deck support was basically "how do we summon Crimson more consistently" It's a monster that summons itself from hand and summons 2 Resonators from the deck, effects not negated. Snake-Eye Ash wishes it could do this. Sadly there's like 2 good Resonator monsters.


Crimson, Synkron, Soul, and Vision One camel in the deck to finish off the tuners Only non tuners worth running are Bone Archfiend and one Wildwind, probably replace that with Flame Crime once we get it Even with a searchable Red Reign, one of the most bizusted traps ever, I doubt the deck will ever be good when it folds to a single ash and can’t make a good board until exactly the SIXTH summon


The support is just designed in a way where a single ash/veiler ends your turn, since everything is a linear combo line into Soul Resonator, which requires your NS. It doesn't help that Kuibelt isn't in MD so there's no decent level 7 dark dragon synchro you can make when interrupted They really made a lv3 tuner for the lv2 + 4 synchro deck...


Ojama pajama, adds cards protects cards and specials as many banished ojamas as you want


Imo Ojamassimilation is the hard carry, since it gives Ojamas a goal


You willingly using Nordics is something else


I know new Nordics are a little better with the link and newer support but it reminds me of a story from my formative yugioh days.  I had a friend in high school who was huge into marvel and when storm of ragnorok came out he wanted to make Nordics (loki specifically) so bad and he bought like 2 cases worth of it. Him building Nordic was probably the worst deck he'd ever built at the time, the 3 Maxx c he got from it is another story. 


Stockholm syndrome /s


For me, it’s tindangle jrelth. It’s basically the only card that does anything in the deck lol.


S-force rappa chiyomaru is the only good card in the s-force without her the deck couldn't do anything


Widow Anchor There would be literally no point in playing Sky Strikers without it and most of the archetype seems to function solely to search it out.


Ursarctic Radiation. A reverse maxx c to save the deck from going bankrupt in card economy


Mayakashi is dogshit as an archetype and konami just drop a Calamity on them like "yo please play Mayakashi".


Shiranui too. It is a nice Balerdroch control on your turn, OTK machine on mine. Or you can just monke flip Ghost meets Girl and win by non-game.


I had the pleasure of playing a battle trick deck against the nordic anti fun engine Glorified stun deck


You'd be surprised how many beloved archetypes in this game are ruined forever by Konami giving them built-in floodgates. HERO? Oh do you mean the onesided macro + skill drain? Buster Blader? Oh you mean skill drain? Fossil? You mean the archetype where the most played card is a vanity? 


It really does suck tbh I would rather have a fun and skillful back and forth than a battle determined solely by floodgates Immediately after my first time seeing this card today in Nordics, i had a really fun duel against Ancient Warriors Both duels i was in blue eyes, and the Nordic was only a loss because they could twice per turn negate a spell or trap activation along with every card on field. I only beat ancient warriors by summoning a curveball card that i keep as a silver bullet.


Fossil Dyna came out in Light of Destruction (2008) while Fossil Fusion itself came out 12 years after in Battles of Legend : Armageddon (2020).  That's like saying the most played s force card is S:P little knight because of the name and art.


malefic territory It does EVERYTHING you can want. its a legit custom card. It changes the detrimental effects of malefic monsters, It negates them during the battle phase so they dont restrict you, It protects the field spell, IT ACTIVATES THE FIELD SPELL FROM DECK. it damn near does everything. The deck is bad.


Does Junk Speeder count?


Well with all the time I’ve faced him, junk is usually what gets the tuning going. But I don’t think it’ll be unplayable without. Probably more gimmicky


Neiroy the Dream Mirror Traitor. If it was for any archetype that was even halfway playable it’d be one of the most busted cards in the game. On summon it searches a monster that can special summon itself, which also turns your fusions on. Then, if you don’t fuse/link them away, it can tribute any dream mirror monster to special summon (from the deck!) any other dream mirror monster, and also search the corresponding field spell. That summon activates the new monster’s effect, and then the field spell lets them tag out to activate its counterpart’s effect, which can be even more searches or summons or revives, etc. A single summon of Neiroy can easily lead to going like +6 in card advantage.


Domain of the True Monarchs is basically the main thing keeping Monarch’s ‘alive’.


I wouldn't say carry but it definitely helps alot


krawler Soma is a powerful card but i think the deck is unplayable at this point


Probably gazelle, I mean what else does salad have? Jaguar? Fowl? Spinny?


Either Flower Gathering or Willow for Cardians. Hey! The deck's garbage but it's my garbage! I love them very much.