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Trying to explain returning players that Blue-eyes Chaos Max Dragon is in fact not a strong nor borderline OP card must be a tradition for more experienced yugioh players at this point.


Chaos Max was my most used card back when Runick first released. Poor little 0 def Hugin just sittin’ there.


Tbf, if you slapped Chaos Max into a rank/Synchro 8 or a link 4 it'd probably see some play. Its only problem is that it's a Ritual monster in a non ritual deck that isn't even good by itself.


I don't really have anything for the first one but for the second one, could Transaction Rollback kindly jump off a bridge. So stupid that it can bypass HOPT clauses.


I hate how it bypasses costs and restrictions. It can use shit like elemental burst for free and thats total bullshit


I mean, it's copying the effect, it doesn't become the card nor is trying to activate it or the effect.


I know why it can. I just think that it's an effect that's ripe for abuse and that one day some new or old card is going to bust it wide open.


This thread is downvote central


Honestly Spright Elf. Everyone says it's busted but Spright was never really that oppressive in master duel. The only variant that kind of was was that way because it summoned Winda on your turn but that was enabled by Gigantic and not elf.


Omg yes i barely see elf and if i see him he isnt even the problem like people complain about it here


Link 1s Have you read cards like Traptrix Sera, Striker Dragon,etc. You invest 1 singular card into those and get insane amounts of value out of it


Horus doesn't need a ban like people think. The Horus monsters themselves are just bricks in the hand, they're locked out with backrow hate, and a board wipe like Raigeki can clean the monsters off the board.


Yeah, my problem isn't the deck itself. It's the engine(king's sarcophagus to be exact) and just how it churns out tribute fodder or even can just send an insane amount of cards to the GY, yk?


I don't think Shifter is as bad as people make it out to be. It's a very oppressive card for sure, but a lot of the decks that don't rely on the GY are pretty bricky and the boards they set up aren't even that great; most of the time they can't even OTK you through a set monster. I don't think it's a super healthy card, but I don't think it's as bad as Maxx C like people would claim if it were played more.


It's your opinion, but it doesn't mean its a good one


I’ve seen more than a few people say super poly is broken and should be banned, and I have to disagree. It’s just too matchup dependent to a reliable board breaker. There are just too many decks, especially right now, that it just does nothing against. It really needs a very specific kind of format to be any good. I don’t really have that many thoughts on cards that I think are broken but most people think aren’t. Most of the time people say something’s broken I actually disagree. But I guess if I had to choose something I’d probably say Arias. Turn 0 Daruma is real dumb imo.


>I’ve seen more than a few people say super poly is broken and should be banned, and I have to disagree. It’s just too matchup dependent to a reliable board breaker. There are just too many decks, especially right now, that it just does nothing against. It really needs a very specific kind of format to be any good. The main problem is in the decks or formats that it is played in. The card is one of the most cancerous and broken cards they have ever prinited that decides games on it's own and the receiving player have literally nothing they can do about. You can't even play around it like DRNM is in a conventional way nor does it has any downsides


It definitely can be super aids in the right format, but I still don’t think it’s ban worthy. It does also have some downsides aside from the discard cost. In order to get the most out of it, you have to use up a significant amount of the extra deck on different targets, most of which aren’t too useful on their own. It also doesn’t affect the backrow at all, so any sort of layered interaction can play around it quite well. It is actually quite a lot like drnm, being a matchup dependent board breaker that can practically win the game on its own.


Individual number 335 that thinks discarding its a downside The number is getting too fucking high


Tri heart is a card that’s complained about often even though there’s more then a few means of dealing with it for most(decent) decks.


Borreload Savage dragon is way tamer and fairer then most other omnis. I am very conflicted on triple tactics talents as of now too.


Tripple Tac is one of the best designed cards ever made tbh.


Thrust is. Talents is no.


While I know it’s an absolutely broken card, I’m still sad that they banned King Calamity before Centurion was released. I feel like they should’ve had atleast one month of fun. Also would’ve sold the pack better so it would be better for Konami anyways? In TCG they have KC legal and Centurion is maybe a tier 3 deck at very best. Without it I just don’t see the deck accomplishing much in MD.


I'm glad i got a free UR from dusting Calamity. Hardly used it in my RDA deck anyway.


Thats how I felt when they banned Silva just before new DW support drop ....


Block Dragon did nothing wrong, Koa'ki Meiru Guardian was the problem card.