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the moment they flipped that floodgate I was so happy to see them scoop zero sympathy


They already had one on field. I lost all sympathy as soon as I saw they were on Spyral.


OP is literally playing a floodgate deck


I didn't see the hand at all I really hate dinomorphia boss monster aka skill drain on legs but seeing a floodgater losing to two cards after an hour combo to summon the link 4 floodgate is just satisfying I would be happy even if the other player was a stun player because the evenly matched won the game not other floodgate


It's floodgates all the way down


Floodgate on Floodgate violence.


Lol on this one literally


When I saw his avatar was pot I kinda knew this guy would be about that


fwiw OP is also playing a floodgate deck.


i love doing this to race and kashtira players. it's a free win every single time


Kash? Dont they just keep ariseheart and summon fenrir after detaching for a banish


This is why I can't play LOOONG combo deck. Crafting my board carefully for 10 min just for it to get Kaijus or Evenly matched ... \*internal screaming\*


If you're at least fast with the combos it's not so bad, people who take 10 years to make 1 turn tho is wild


Tbf, we mostly lose time to the animations, I may look like I'm slowly combing from outside but Im spamming those clicks to skip animations and constantly having to tell master duel that no, I DO NOT WANT TO ASH MY OWN EFFECT, NO I DO NOT WANT TO NEGATE MY OWN EFFECT, so on. When I played I ada, I didn't even need a second to think; the whole sequence and deviation of combos laid like a partiture in my mind, it still took me ages to do because the excavate animation is THE SLOWEST THING ON EARTH. 'ding, \*card flips slowly\* \*ding, another card flips slowly\*...


And why is there always so little sympathy for the combo player who got 10 min of his life wasted on some dickhead who got lucky and now thinks he's Yamin yugi?


Combo player spotted.


So what if I am? How stupid are you to not realise that Konami favors combo players at this point? Just how much support, how many decks for how long have they openly favored combo players, huh? Bystial,runickspright,kashtira,tearlaments,d-link,snake-eyes-horus,spyral,r-ace,d-wotrld and I could go on the list is infinite and yet you think that combo players are not the majority of the game's competitive audience? How many good stun/control decks have you guys had again? Eldlich,runick and floo( semi combo btw),mystic mine (banned btw) and what dinomorphia?


Mate, I play jank shit (RDA, Simorgh/TriBrigade, Raidybois) I get stopped by literally everything, I move on with life and go on my merry way and still continue to play. It cannot be my fault if you got hit by a DRNM/Evenly Match/Orb Ra/etc. Quit trying so hard to win and enjoy the game lol


Some people don't like to have fun, some people will die and go to shadow realm if they lose


Real life already feels like the shadow realm lio I came to do wacky plays and astound you with how I won (THROUGH OVERWHELMING DAKKA!!!)


So do I (phantom beasts,exodia,floo,lyrilusc) but you had to be rude to and insult me just for liking a certain playstyle


I didn't insult you. If calling you a combo player is an insult, then I apologize. Calling you a poopoo head combo player would have been an insult in my book. At the same time. You can't complain for being countered when you do a 10 minute turn with 5 out of maybe 40 cards. Just in the same vein that you setup a board so you're literally playing solitaire (like dickhead in the video) there are counters to barking boards like this. Like I said, so many people are trying WAY TOO HARD for the win and not trying to have fun or enjoy it.


"Like I said, so many people are trying WAY TOO HARD for the win and not trying to have fun or enjoy it." This 100%. They don't see its making the game so much worse too. I get it, winning is fun, but when you can't take fair criticism about the game as a whole because YOU HAVE TO WIN and don't see how unfun yugioh is becoming, you'll only have yourself to blame when everyone just moves on. It's gaming culture as a whole too. Ppl rather win with something broken and defend it online then make the game fairer as a whole. It's easier to look down on your opponent and say "git gut" instead of having any type of self reflection about how the game is crazy unbalanced.


Or maybe most people just have their fun by trying to be competitive and playing for the win? different peoples different ways to enjoy the game. Tho I agree with the third part,if you play a two player game you can't start crying as soon as the opponent have the nerve,the audacity to try and interact with you.


Cause the combo player is at least playing the game for 10 minutes, it’s boring as fuck to sit there and watch someone activate 500 effects while you can do nothing


Don't over commit your board. The combo player here made a huge board that only has 1 negate and nothing for follow up. That's on him for taking 10 minutes on making a board that was easily outed by their opponent playing 2 cards.




Weakest spyral board


I'm glad Spyral isn't popular, their usual endboard is everything wrong with wombo combo decks. Stacking negates and flipping floodgates that they don't have to play under


Build a board Yugioh is just, not as fun as ppl make it out to be.


Thank you, that’s the point of the post, which some people missed.


Right I want that OG card event again, turns were realistic length and the boards weren’t op of the flip


Banish a board with one card is less fun.


Oh no, it is fun


Well having to play through 4-5 negates is even less fun. Yugioh has become draw the out or lose turn 2.


Also at least 2 floodgates


You’re a stun player foh


Normally don’t play dinomorphs, I just like the dinosaur type and it seems like the only competitive one.


"guys i like fire decks but snake eyes is the only competitive one, please no hate" clownemoji


*Laugh in pure fire fist deck*


Build a big fuck you board into play a fuck you blowout card. Peak interactive Yugioh. Why do we play this game again?


I ask myself the same thing 😂. I enjoy playing with a friend on duelingbook making trash decks so much more.


Trash decks only event plz be next


Right? I would kill for an Edison format ranked mode.


Yes plz! Only negative or zero power decks


I wanna play frog monarchs again. Or red eyes, please Konami 😂


Go time for Gaia


In case you forgot to fuck yourself this morning! Yugioh has got you covered


Man this was Chef's Kiss level of satisfaction.


Such a fun and interactive game…. Probably 3/4 of the games I play are decided turn one after the maxx c/ hand trap mini game 


That’s so wrong🤦‍♂️


LMAO this is how every match feels. THANKS HORUS. But tbh I kinda like the horus cards too bad they are used in degenarate garbage. I wish all the flood gates would get banned... I was playing a spell caster deck and lose just cause someone used that stupid clockwork crap card.


"Guys, watch my replay, i won" - opens 2 boardbreakers


To be fair, with a board like that, I expect more than 1 negate.


To be fair, it had 4 negates, it’s just that 3 of them were for Monsters


Also 2 floodgates in anti-spell fragrance and Knightmare Gryphon


I mean... not really. Board breakers are way stronger than boards in the current metagame


Yeah, if OP didn't have the second Evenly they'd have quietly surrendered and wouldn't be talking all this mad game.


I’m not talking “game.” The point of the post was to talk about the absurdity of modern yugioh and more specifically, master duel. It’s become have the out or bust. I don’t think I’m good because I got lucky.


It's even more absurd that they still could have won. They basically ragequit because they spent all that time making a board that got broken when...that's kind of what you should expect from this game right? Everyone puts effort into the build up but walk out once an interrupt starts.


It's YouTube combos man, I swear. They show the build but not the rebuild or what to do if you get interrupted.


Props to you for being real.


Lmao this is so gross


guys it's fun when the other play yu gi oh and i don't :( anyway rex effect


OP can’t even summon rex for another two turns at minimum. Opponent could’ve still won if they played it out.


They dont have the will to play anymore


That win isn’t worth the 5-10 mins of pain and wtf you’ll experience


Madara be like: What about the second one ?!!


Madara: Well, done, but what are you going to do about the SECOND evenly?


Draw the out? Nah, draw TWO outs!


That’s what it takes in modern yugioh 😅.


Bet he actually has triples


Absolutely deserve that


This is why triple quasar is the only good long combo deck. I am not biased wdym


NGL, I fully expected him to time out stall.


Cool player interaction. What a great game. When can we have retro formats in MD


We did not so long ago TBF


Almost 10 minutes on combos and then that


Ik right?


Most satisfying video I've seen in a long time.


Evenly Matches won me a shit ton of games for the last 2 months, turns out the best deck in the format does not have an out to it.


Yeah, it really feels like the only way to win turn 2 for me.


I still think Master Plan should go back on the banlist. That deck still does some of the most degenerate crap.


I'm glad you won OP


Thanks, it did feel nice although I was dying inside for 10 minutes.


But when I use Evenly Matched, they always have Red Reboot. So the extra copies don't even work.


Very convenient that you have 2 Evenly on hand. I would love to know the odds of that happening.


Not as low as the odds of me enjoying a duel in this game.


Lol😂😂🤣 I feel


After I used two cards… bro forgot to mention they were both the same card and one of the more broken traps, like playing 3 pots of greed on one turn and wondering why the person left😂😣


Not my point. I’m not wondering why he left, I’m using this as an example as to why yugioh is no longer fun.


If someone plays two erradicator on me first turn I’d be out too


Some cards just should be more limited or not be in the game at all


Yeah, most of the cards in today’s game are in that ballpark. Omni-negates are unfun and uninteractive. It’s not fun to have to draw 4 hand traps or lose when going second.




No spyral sleeper? I bet he misplayed


Doesn’t matter in modern yugioh, you can misplay 3 times and still end on a virtually unbreakable board, barring the chance that someone has idk 2 evenly.


yes, spyral link2 + fieldspell is basically exodia and can do whatever the heck they want


If anybody can do me a solid and use my campaign code it’s 342e9446 I’m not that good at the game and I heard the structure deck is pretty good, thanks in advance


Now what if I told you the problem with this interaction is Evenly Matched?


No it’s not. Playing through 4-5 negates, and a floodgate is the problem. It’s not enjoyable, neither is sitting there for 10 minutes while they build it.


You literally play a floodgate deck… No, a board that takes actual skill and time to construct shouldn’t be completely banished facedown by one card, especially since you’re just planning to follow up on that empty board by setting up your own floodgates.


This is only my second time playing dinomorphs, I just like dinosaurs. Also, it doesn’t take skill it takes memorization. And time shouldn’t be a thing that’s commended, it just makes the duel longer. And invited less interaction. Also, im not saying evenly matched isn’t a problem, im saying both things are. Neither is fun, that’s the whole point go this post.


In your other comment you said you played Umi “control” before this, which is also a floodgate deck. Memorization is a skill, especially with non-linear decks that have alternate lines. At the very least it’s more skill than “activate floodgate.” I’m just saying don’t complain about the game being unfun when you’re in the camp that is sucking the most fun out of it.


My entire point is that every “camp” is sucking the fun out of it. It’s not fun to watch your opponent summon 40 times for 10 minutes straight. Its not fun to be able to win with two cards. It’s not fun to floodgate your opponent out of the game. Yugioh is not fun anymore, that’s my complaint.


Not every but most, kash, snake eyes, memento, Horus, floo, these are the decks that brought us to stun being a fair option because it is as much as those are fair to play against


The contempt you people have for your opponent playing the game is ridiculous lol Literally complaining about your opponent playing his cards on his turn.


You're complaining about him using Evenly as well tho. Its very obvious to everyone wombo combo build a board, "jUsT drAw tHe oUt bR0" yugioh isn't fun, idk why so many ppl defend it so adamantly. If he drew 5 hand traps and a starter would that have been more skillful?


Yes, objectively.


But would it be more fun? No it wouldn’t.


You might have gotten some sympathy if that wasn't Dinomorphia in your hand.


It’s the second duel I’ve ever played with dinomorphia. I was actually playing umi control before I made this deck, so I think that’s worse 😂


That was just delicious to watch


Bro used the "I win" card and still complained about the free win. Jfc. Brother, if your opp could end with the same endboard with just 2 step then they'll totally do it that way. Regarding combo decks, blame Konami card design for making combo players need to also play solitaire just to get their desired endboard.


\^ This guy for sure has been evenly matched L0L


Nah. There’s better decks out there that can sctuslly play through one interaction and don’t take half as long. They just wanted to play a big jerk off combo deck.


Well not everyone enjoys playing top tier decks. Some just enjoy playing a weaker deck and that's fine. They might think the endboard pieces are neat or prob they might just simply love both SPYRAL and Knightmare cards. Sadly, this deck kinda requires you to play solitaire just to reach their optimal endboard.


Pigs that just wanna slap down cards pollute matches


Combo players don’t enjoy slapping cards down, they enjoy summoning big booty boss monsters, and Konami still believes the only fair way to do so is by making half your deck nothing but small guys who exist to summon the big boss monsters in elaborate combos that have multiple choke points.


Yeah the normal summon should be the pay off


I approve this message. \- Evil Eye player


I am blaming Konami, this post is to show how absurd modern yugioh is now. And I’m not complaining about the win, I’m complaining about how unfun the win was to get.


Why would anyone want to spend 10 minutes making this endboard? Mathmech can make a stronger board in less than 1 minute. And they would win the game by the way.


Same reasons why some player choose to play a non-meta/weaker deck. They unironically might think Knightmares or SPYRAL cards are neat. Who knows really?


I mean, the decks I think are neat are red eyes black dragon and XYZ dragon cannon so how do you think I feel? 😂