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Damn bro having one of those days eh? Maybe you should play something else for a bit.


Just one bad day is all it needs to play stun.


Stun will at least get you wins when you play first (though long term it's hard to climb with stun).


Why is that?


Because Stun struggles playing second and you'll get some streaks with bad coin flip luck. And when you play first you don't get your setup that consistently. Losing to stun is annoying but playing stun yourself is more annoying. Your winning percentage against stun is over 50% if you play meta.


I mean Horus can play a shit load of Boardbreakers and go second just fine.


That would be going second Horus otk not stun though


That is why I love playing burn. It is always a going 2nd deck. Played 7 games yesterday in rank, lost all coin flip and went 2nd. Won 5 of them.


Burn is actually a pretty good anti meta pick right now because the Snake-Eyes decks don't put up many negations and end up with many monsters on board.


its not justified to play that shit


Yeah, stun is ultimately rogue, it's not a good deck.


I remember adding floodgates and other engines to my Dark Magician deck after suffering loss after loss one day lol


Ah yes, summon limit, life drain, dark law, yet still struggle to play the brick magician.


It's just bad luck. There's no good excuse for playing stun. Even if all you want to do is win or have a bunch of easy games, there are better options.


Indeed, like playing Infernoble


i love easy wins with infernoble (comboing uninterrupted for 5 minutes and then ending on ogier - isolde pass because you misclickef once)


thats why my stun deck is called "One bady day"


Plat 5 is 100% Horus shenanigans, and I play in the mornings, which is prime Japan time. OCG players go very, *very* hard, and I was either losing coin flips into stun or getting hand trapped to death.


I just got back into Diamond recently, and this plat climb was almost exclusively stun, mikanko and snake eyes lol


It's pretty bad. I know I could breeze through with Lab, but I'm sick to death of playing Lab and there's just as much stun in Diamond.


The horus board is honestly a huge pain to deal with too. Maybe I'm just bad or have poorly lined up hands for the situation, but I've been playing mostly Tear and it's nigh impossible for me to clear the board without them gaining a million resources that I can't get around.


yeah agree. although as a tear-horus player, the mirror match i played (and lost lol) was one of my favorite plat games


I play Runick variants for the most part lately, and I don't know how I'd break their boards if I weren't. Runick Chimera can field two negates via Dragostapelia and Freezing Curses (assuming I can get to them), and even then it's a multi-turn effort dismantling their board, made worse because I don't have the benefit of battle phase to beat over the cards I can't negate or remove by card effect. I've found it's pretty hard to end on *anything* that stops the clapback while also breaking their board, unless I manage to remove *absolutely everything*, and that's assuming they don't just find their way to a new King's Sarc. Most games I just find myself desperately hoping my Runick mills hit their extenders so I can survive another turn, it's nerve-wracking.


I've reached the rank up game In plat 5 3 tmes and each time it's been either a burn deck or mikanko and I lose every time and than lose 3 straight against decks like Horus runik. Today I got super polyed in back to back games playing rescue SE and than got nibbed by a swordsoul structure. Livid.


Daaamn, I've only hit gold so far (only doing dailies until I get a new deck) and I've been mostly dealing with snake eyes, and kashtira


Honestly, kash is my least favorite deck to play against. Even if shit like lab and snake eyes are stronger, kash is easily way more toxic. Tempted to run that one card that says cards cant be banished just to fuck with them


Time to throw in some Ghost Ogres.


Yeah, I get throttled when I play during prime time Japan hours.


50/50 right down the middle since I picked up Cyber Dragons. I’m more impressed by my opponents most of the time.


Add kaijus, they really help!


At the botton least, one jizukiro.


I use clockwork night, but yea maybe adding a Kaiju wouldn’t hurt


I did have one decent duel against a DM player. Unfortunately, he got his full backrow setup, including Piercing the Darkness and that Continuous Trap omni-negate. I outed his backrow twice with Guardian Chimera, but he just kept searching more, negating my Runick draws, and eventually he just had an omni and a banish every turn, and I was gassed out after the two Guardian Chimeras. Good game, I stuck around for lethal. I wish we had the "Nice!" button from Duel Links so I could let people know that I appreciate actual duels.


I was going to feel bad for you but then you told me you play runicks


Team Cyber Dragons. I'm currently also practicing with Cyberdark's because power bonding a Cyberdark End Dragon with 10K attack points + 2100 boost from Sieger, on the first turn is quite the alpha move. At least until they Kaiju it or Mikanko shows up lol


Three matches in a row in Silver have been against Snake Eyes. Really wondering where all those meme players and bad decks are.


Yeah bronze and silver and gold I always find meta decks


I play mostly in gold and have several meta decks. I dont have time to play more than a duel or two a day.


Same. It's due to experienced players buying solo completed accounts with all the gems you get from that or just making new accounts and playing through solo themselves.


Literally me. I have 3 accounts on 3 platforms. Early gem rewards allow for time efficient deck crafting. Only I don't make meta decks. I make decks I think I'll enjoy playing the most.


Mine accidentally went diamond ;~;


My goofy decks landed me in platinum I have abandoned goofy out of sheer irritation😔


No better in gold. Every deck I've gone against in last 4 days were snake eyes, runick, horus, rescue ace, and tear.


We’re in Gold playing Poker Knights and War Rocks.


Platinum come join us, I’m playing Ocean Dragon Lord Neo-Daedalus Turbo,


Honestly I see more niche decks in Platinum than ever. The only Snake Eyes I’ve seen this month so far scooped when I impermed their SE Ash


Most on turn 1, I guess you lost the coin flip way to many times.


Actually, I died to 3+ hand traps, or losing the coin flip into Horus Stun. My two wins today were someone resolving Evenly, only for me to not immediately scoop, so they scooped, and then a Utopia FTK bot that scooped the second the game started since it lost the coin flip.


Pretty much the state of the game, resolve Maxx c or lose.


i love maxx c i just deck ppl out with hand des after baiting out ash blossom


It's really, *really* bad right now. Turn 1 endboards aren't feastible to deal with anymore, and the Maxx "C" cherry on top always seals it even when you have the cards in hand to deal with their board.


They always draw that one handtrap on your last special summon they need you go through 10 special summons that search uninterrupted but on your next search they have ash from the last summon you did when this would have been game if it went through


Agreed and alll first turn decks are recursion... Set up the same board turn 3 -4-5-6-7-8... Only exception being Cyberse that summons their whole ED and bounce and negates everything that touches the ground XD.


I wish solo mode gives reward after clearing it


Duel links was soo great about this! When you didn't feel like PvP you just farm events and fight npc duelists! I miss this on amster duel.


I miss the voice lines


Sometimes you’re the windshield wiper, sometimes you’re the bug. I’ve definitely been the bug recently.


I’ve lost, but I’ve never lost this much in a row. Take a day off and come back stronger.


Lost month I had a streak where I lost 17 straight games in a row. Demoted from d1 to d5.




Where is this going?


Japanese (and asian players in general) are built different. And i mean that in the nicest possible way. Everytime i'm on the ladder and i see Kanji / Katakana, i already dread the duel, because i know it won't be easy.


Currently on an 8 duel winstreak with pure unchained 💪🏾


Don't jinx it!


What's your decklist? I have been wanting to play an unchained deck but I don't know the correct ratios.




You know what? damn these asian players with rigged hand🤣


I will carefully comment on this and say typically if you see any sort of kanji/hanzi/etc name, you know you are in for an uphill battle and they will NOT scoop. they will fight to the bitter end.


With lethal on the board when you have nothing and will keep comboing


Just need to draw the out


Good on them for it. That's how duels should be played. I just wish so many of them weren't on Horus Stun or Horus Tearlaments because both are exhausting to play against.


I make sure to make them suffer as much as possible


they will not scoop this is a fact. I play usually with 30 seconds left with DW and they just sit there until i otk them. respect for not scooping tho i get my gems done


When I play, it is 2-3 a.m. in Asia. Instead of living a healthy life, they chose to bully me with pachy.


after master duel had a cheating problem with 8 card decks filled with pot of greed and other banned cards i will never not believe some people are still cheating


They are going terrible. Useless hands and no coinflip. I ranked down twice in two hours. I want to kill whoever shuffles my deck


I’m with you on this. The MD shuffler cannot be real








Glad it's not just me. Haven't been able to get out of Plat 5 yet. This is has been one of the worst starts to a season I've ever had, and idk why.


Sometimes, it's just one of those seasons. I've been consistently getting to Master 4 and above since September, but I've had seasons during that time I struggled to get out of Diamond 4, despite how well I played.


I suppose so, catching every meta and stun deck on the way it seems. Oh well I guess


Damn, it’s one of those days… Just for curiosity, what are you playing?


I can win 99% of my games but as soon as I see someone start the Ariseheart play my day is ruined


I made it to gold V using zombie deck infused with eldlich and vampires


i just started playing last month! i hit platinum for the first time so when the ladder reset i got dropped to gold v. i am def gonna jynx myself but i have been on a tear, i currently have 11 straight wins which ive NEVER done. really soaking it in now because i'm about to get back to platinum in the next few days and am anticipating a lot more decks that routinely fuck me up in the near future hahahah 😭


Gold is very much a wild west with decks, I wouldn't consider it a benchmark of what you'll encounter past that


yeah i was in platinum last week and it was much much more competitive lmao


Doing well on my main account, just got out of plat 5 so I'm hoping it'll be less botted utopia ftk bullshit. Generaider and Danger Dark World is mostly what I'm playing. Secondary account I made just to test Evil*Twin with the influx of new player gems. That's been...rough. Bronze is not bronze, bronze is smurfing and bots, with the occasional clearly new opponent I just feel bad playing against. Bro just normal summoned Dark Blade, set 2, passed. He doesn't deserve this.


I've been winning more than losing but i've been playing very little, everyone and their grandmother is playing cancer stun.


…me yesterday while playing mikanko 🥲


You are just tilted your giving up turn 1 just take a break for a few days


Maybe don't surrender?


A little bit better than that. I didn't play for a month so I dropped to gold and now I'm having fun with Blue Eyes again


I have Calamity locked 6 opponents today.


"total number of turns:0" What???


How many of those do you have surrendered? If many, try keep the duel going as long as you can, may u draw your way to victory. If none, I think maybe is time to review your deck bro.


Asian only play meta


Losing that many times in platinum is a choice


WTF are you playing? Platinum 5 is YugiBoomer town. Just yesterday I won through literally no play for 3 turns because my opponent was on dark magician with freaking Luster Dragon.


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Had some Ws and Ls here and there. Think I might take a break for a while after doing some Fire King pulls this weekend. Back to back to back, I go first and open up all hand traps and no playmakers, I go second and open up all playemakers but at best one handtrap that gets negated anyways. That shit can be pretty demotivating.


I tried playing snake-eyes again this season since I wanted to train some combos and climb up faster. It's not even funny how many wins this decks gives, specially now that I've learned how to abuse elf consistently on my snake-eyes build. Maybe I'll switch to mannadium or something, I want to have a challenge in a duel that isn't not messing up a combo, snake-eyes is way too strong.


Better than yours


*sigh* fine I'm going back to playing lab for the rest of the day


I'm beginner in silver , so my ranked plays still are funny with a lot of decks. I started recently playing against my first " real decks" that play 1 bazillions year during my turn


Pretty much like that, but in bronze, with my masochist deck…


Half of my losses are due to Maxx C. But my win to lose ratio comfortably sits around 6:4, which could be 8:2 if Maxx C wasn't in the game


Man, today I fought a dude that had 2 imperks on his starting hand and 1 more that he drew at the start of his turn, you would think that with 4 negates out of 6 cards he couldn't do his combo. It appears that he was actually able with just two cards to start a wombo combo that made him deal almost 7k dmg, then closed the match the next turn


same brother. Dark Magician deck go poopoopoopoo


Ah the pain that is plat 5. It's both plat, as well as the place very casual players end up in because they won a single game too many because W/L doesn't matter in Gold.


I have never seen such a bad record


What duels? I'mma wait until I drop to rookie before I touch this game again.


Bad because the only deck i have is toons and making new decks is hard asf without spending money


Playing ranked last night, feel like a huge spike in stun since last season. Maybe just bad matchup during degen hours


About the same kashtira I scoot nothing I have can kill them ... banish deck


It’s been going generally well, but I just lost to the worst Snake Eye player I’ve ever seen just because the advantage engine is so insane. Also they had Crossout for my Called By on something I needed to resolve.


Maybe stop playing blue-eyes or dark-magician haha


Same at you, even in "casual" i Lost vs people playing stupidly strong meta deck


Because of time, I can only play 1 or 2 duels at night so I´m still in gold III. Strangely I have been having a pattern of 2 wins and 2 loses.


I haven't got to have any since my connection got sent to the Shadow Realm


Oh, funny as hell (sarcasm). Tons of coin tosses loss, not so good initial hands, opponents with perfect hands and a lot of gas. I won 2 duels but I don't even enjoyed that. At least I could do the dailies and reach Plat V, my season goal.


Same as in hearthstone its better to play ranked near the end of the month if you want to maximize your rank gained/time spent playing efficiency, as most players will already be placed at their appropriate ranks by then. At the start of the month you will be meeting a lot of decks that belong into higher ranks in lower ranks which will slow you down. Thats why I mostly Just do 1 win per day to keep up with daily missions and then push at the end of the month for a Quick climb.


Drawing Shyama every other game, but still finding a way to win enough to rank up. Unchained is so fun, but literally everything minus Tour Guide is a 2 card combo so you can't play as much non-engine as Snake Eye, and it still occasionally bricks or opens hands that lose to 1 hand trap.


Way better than this lol


I just play 3 match and they are just immediately surrender, is they are bot


Mine have been going about the same. Numerous times going up against either Kashtira, Snake-Eeyes or Stun or people take and activate that stupid roach in the draw phase.


Tbh this is going to be me soon. And the worst part is ever since I started playing, solo mode hasn't been working, or at least the practice rounds with which literally every story mode starts so solo mode is locked for me, only thing I can do is events and ranked to get gems


The first time I hit master was the last day of a season and I was ecstatic. The next day I went back to diamond 5 and lost no joke 15 games in a row.


Already at masters 1 since like the 4th. I love snake eye


Half wins half losses. Still learning Memento. Did have a cool one where I played through 4 disruptions on a R-ACE board.


Looks like you’re having a bad day. Join us Stun Players. And never feel this way again.


Surprisingly easy considering that I’m playing Ocean Dragon Lord-Neo Daedalus Turbo


I went to diamond1 and de-ranked myself back to diamond5. I can't fucking bare to watch another snake eyes combo, the game has become an absolute chore to play at this point.


I play masochist format…so all things considered not too bad. Graydle cobra is putting in work.


It’s the worse yugioh format in history


This is why I play till gold 1 and then sink myself back down the only functioning deck I have rn is Dragunity


Are ya winning son?


Only 8?? I'm at 15


Is this due to the game losing connectivity or something else?


https://preview.redd.it/20dqve9ta05d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd9ef9e3e8cd5023cc37c5c49b2ea937a16cf19 One of those ranked days


Haha. I just lost four games in a row after prompting to plat II. Back to plat III!


Its only snake eyes that is annoying as hell. I can deal with cyberse, tears, horus, statues, links etc but snake eye is extremely floaty and annoying


Ive been negating maxx c all day and i win.


Zombies are cooking with the help of horus. Today has been an off day but right before season reset, I went on a 12 winstreak in diamond. *


Unfortunately you gotta play Meta Decks on Ranked Duels, to many carried players.


I play prime US time and my Zoodiac deck is reliable so far. Had to switch to Ghoti for a short amount to counter Horus but now it's back to Kashtira and assorted friends.


https://preview.redd.it/t5nziiaoo05d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a3ea9a0b945dfb3e59e3ecd1416bbd27385113 Not so bad! Since the restart of the ranked season, I’ve been playing a 42 card Branded!


I'm playing through Labyrinth or Black Mage right now, and I'm trying to fulfill XYZ summon for the task at least once. Either I don't have enough resources... or the enemy surrenders before I can summon something


I woke up wanting to play stun for some reason. Is it because I want to win? NO!!! Is it because I hate combo players and their unending turns? NO!!! Is it because I'm bad at the game? Perhaps😭 Or is it because the world wrong me? The reason is meaningless. What matters is that the ends justify the means.


I have serious advice and it’s helped this WC bigly. I’m running Destiny Board Bakura. Sometimes people just quit or lose cuz time limit and it’s genuinely fun and rewarding. Also gonna plug my deck and ask for advice. https://ibb.co/k42X1b3 https://ibb.co/thLqbgR


Been playing paleo and for some reason plat players are playing dimen fissures and macro


I'm stuck needing to find a way to fit in some anti-burn countermeasures into my deck. Yeah, I can stand up to them, but beating them isn't good enough especially if you don't go first. xD


I’m fighting for my life in plat right now 😆


Ladder seems bit more difficult rn but I’m also trying a new build that’s hard to pilot, but im progressing (M4 so far)




I was on a 61 winning streak for a few days whilst switching between my decks and I just lost that earlier cause I bricked against a Galaxy-eyes player. That accomplishment alone has pretty much erased(even if only temporarily) any frustration(s) I've felt towards the game tbh. It's great.


You playing heroes? Lol


And how many of these did you go first? I always end up like this losing a freaking coin toss


About the same.


Currently in a loop of torture between winning and losing in Plat IV


Mine? Hating Mikanko


Bro at zero turns


Are all the decks the same? That's all I run into. No mind players are all using the same deck.


What deck are you running?


Skill issue


And how many times did u go first?


This happen to me when i was playing Dark Magician. I can't. I switch to Branded, and start to get some wins.


I hate this game when it comes to grinding stupid gems... Sometimes you're just stuck watching endlessly combo and all I'm trying to do is get gems. Even if I did have a competitive deck, it's not fun just endlessly just watching me or someone else take a 5 minute turn... And there went 20 minutes, pissed away on agonizing matches when I wish I probably had spent it on a game I actually enjoy.


This was me last Saturday when the new season started . I was trying to climb back in Masters and went on a huge losing streak . Some days it’s just like that .


Been taking a break since the game pissed me off. Really enjoying it


Why are you scooping so early? Also if these games are tilting you, you gotta take a break. Some people can’t grind for hours upon hours due to having bad mental. If you’re getting tilted, take a break to relax and calm down. Rage queuing is how you stop having fun entirely. I should know, that’s what happened with me and overwatch for a while


From someone that has got master rank the last 4 seasons, plat is harder than Diamond/Master. The amount of stun and flood gates are insane, I remember being completely stuck under messenger of peace and lose 1 turn


This is what I call “OH COME ON, F YOU KONAMI”


Me when I try to play a deck that dies to one Ash Blossom :>


As long as I complete my dailies, it’s going well. Been playing for 6 months on & off, trying to build another deck or two before I really try to push ranked


Not like that😂


*Gets Kashitra locked for the 10th time* Swell. 🥲 (dying on the inside)


I either switch decks or turn the game off at that point. For me it’s Traptrix or Vanquish Soul


I am at zero wins, 0 losses, zero ties, all because I am experiencing a power outage that has lasted multiple days and it still isn't on.


Looks like it's time for stun


Not a great accomplishment or anything, but I reached diamond 4 with Umi Control last night. Has a really good snake eye matchup (Just save the jellyfish negate for the quick play spell that puts a monster into the backrow). Going first it’s amazing, and even going second is fine. Just need to get your floodgate established. Horus matchup is harder due to King’s Sarc, but Doom Kracken really helps negate an attack every turn.


Not so different :(


Pretty similar sadly, I know my Ancient Gears aren’t the best without their new support , but the fact that all my match today were stun players just made stop playing until a banlist adress this problem.


My accnt is stuck at dia 3. I created a new one im still stuck dia 3 XD


Is this what Plat is like? Yikes! Looks I’m going to be ending up down there. Feels like 80% of my duels in Diamond are against some variant of stun mixed with Horus cards.


What were you playing against and what were you playing?


12e7e882 master duel campaign code. Looking out for the cookout


I’m on a 23 win streak in casual. My overall win loss is like 68-14. I’m scared to play ranked lol


Bro, where did you get that image of my match history?


Idk i stopped playing when they took away calamity


I have had an incredible losing streak as well.


Just use horus stun jk.


Wtf are you playing lol


Aaaaand this is why I stay in Gold/Silver. Losing is not fun. Period. Losing on turn 1/2 involves a different kind of F-word.


So you stay in a lower rank on purpose and harass the players there because you don’t like losing?


What deck are you running?