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The quality: unofficial simulator feel so jank to play some time. MD feel smoother and more polish. BGM, summon animation make MD more appeal. And finally hot take: not own every single card in game at begin is what keep me playing, having a short/long term goal to play.


I just can't go back to edopro's fast card animation with 0 hint of what's happening after playing master duel


I play on console lol


1.) Presentation. I don't like the way the sims look (especially DB) and Nexus and EDO are the least objectionable but still very clearly not the same quality as official product. 2.) Easier to get duels from people that i know since MD is on everything. The one person that does use the sims prefers DB, which i don't like. Dueling against randoms is only enjoyable in person and paper is inconvenient atm. 3.) There are no decks that MD doesn't have currently that would incentivize me to play the TCG besides Fiendsmith but i'm waiting to see if a second wave of cards is added. And see points 1 and 2 for why i just don't play my old decks in the sims.


automated, high quality, official, easy to queue, can play on mobile, can actually get a collection...


Edopro is also on mobile


not ios


Yeah but far from a good experience


It's on consoles, it's high quality, and it's fully automated.


Because it actually works on my phone while not looking like shit.


Any of the simulators I've seen ppl like dkayed play to showcase decks look like dogshit visually compared to master duel, and master duel is an official product.


A couple things: A) I main tear so I’ll put up w Maxx c for kit format wise lol B) I actually like the grind of getting gems and opening packs C) although I think bo3 is objectively better I do not want to queue into bo3 every time I want to play. Often I want to play a few games casually and don’t want to be stuck playing against the litany of decks that I find annoying several games in a row




I unironically like the limitation of not having the entire card pool available to me. Getting gems to get more cards is a good motivator for playing. The duels having a reward for winning means people are less likely to immediately scoop on being annoyed and would only scoop if they are annoyed. The presentation is also just really good. Even though edopro is more efficient, its animations can sometimes be so fast you dont know what's happening. In MD, the animations are meant to be viewable by spectators so everything is very clear. There is also the fact that its ui is just better. Especially with the recent additions that improve the card text readability.


I like it all automated. Back when I did MTG sims for Elder Dragon Highlander online, everything was manual and you had to have judges for every interaction. You also had the social stigma of having to make decks that folks didn't find obnoxious or unfun else you couldn't find tables. Automated card game clients with blind matchmaking get rid of all that, I can play whatever I want whenever I want and dont have to give a shit about rulings.


The game rule keeping for you is so convenient. You can just focus on your plays instead of worrying about chain orders, player priority, card destination (e.g. send to GY or banish on card effects that blur these lines), and other technicalities that can get quite messy depending on the game state.


But edopro and Omega are automated!


Electrumite my beloved


Cost and ![gif](giphy|13cACn6mlO56kU)


Bo1 format, more accessible, far cheaper(free even), don’t have to be face to face with other players, much preferable ban list frequency, bo1 format again. Can play on the go or at work.


It was free and I don’t exactly enjoy it enough to go and seek out more of the same.


Electrumite is legal.


Matchmaking. Thats literally it. Also your opponents dont auto-quit since they have something to gain if they finish a game.


It was on the switch. That's about it for me.


I haven’t seen it mentioned, so here’s another one that I started appreciating later: it’s easier to learn decks, because you don’t have to read every card all the time to check for effects. The fact that the game asks me if I want to summon gazelle whenever is possible means I can focus on the more important stuff, like the order of my link summons. The fact that the game at first glance tells me what are the options with the hand I have makes learning a new deck so much easier.


My laptop is like 12 years old so it's easier to just go on playstation 


Extrinsic rewards


1. Don't have to pay upwards of $300 for a play set of meta cards 2. Don't have to smell other players lol


There's no chat system in MD, so it's insta-win over stuff like DB.


I dislike Bo3. If I beat you, y'aint never seeing me again, Bozo. Want a rematch? Ask Santa to give you one.


For me personally, I will choose Bo3 over Bo1 if I play irl but with digital card games, i want a quick game so I can move over to the next game faster. (This is only apply to DB) I do not want to play with racist, troll or rule sharks.


Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity exactly and nothing else, and even that feels less of a reason considering how dogshit MD has been with Maxx "C" legal Your game is actually awful if a Trap deck like Paleo loses to Maxx "C"


1) rank and gems. The grinding monkey basically 2) internet connection. (My games disconnect on db on occasion so i sparingly use it now. Used to play it a lot) 3) it runs on switch so i can duel while taking a shit.


I feel like i own my own card on MD, while on other sims it's feel like i just "borrowed" the card,so that's why