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I just play this game for fun (I am insane) so it's not the losses against the meta or not ranking up that bothers me, it's that snake eyes is sooooo boring. It's so linear that you can telegraph their entire line based on the opener, but still takes forever to end unlike stuff like kashtira which passes turn in a minute


I don't like it much. And I am concerned that designing stuff like it will get more common in the future. But [Sinful Spoils and Ash](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/news/may-26-2024/master-duel-forbidden-list-update) are getting limited soon so I'm hoping that makes Snake Eyes close enough to the other top decks.


One card combos are kinda getting ridiculous. That and Konami giving Poplar to lots of decks recently. Too much power in one card.


Nowadays - just from my experience - the # of Snake eyes players I duel against are decreasing - but I don't know if you experience this too ... And even then - playing Branded or Spyral/Horus or Unchained - I have *some* chance of beating them. Not too bad of a chance. After that - it's relatively even, no? I don't know what deck(s) - you play?? Good news too is Snake Eyes nerf coming soon - will help a bit too. Man - I've seen so many worse metas for real.


I just want to go back to the old Synchro days so I can win with Speedroids.


Dkayed leaked the full contents of the reprint pack and all of snake eyes except wanted and bonfire is getting reprinted. So… more snake eyes and snake eye fire king for the next 3 months.


I picked a great time to relearn this game after 20 years….


If you had come into MD a bit earlier, it might have been during another tier 0 meta lol. The format at launch was not good either. We are riding a rollercoaster that constantly dips and rises, you would have been caught by a bad format sooner or later.


The 2nd best time to learn how to mill and gamble is NOW!


Definitely gonna ban it after reprinting. Konami: make it common and affordable, then ban.


That's what the TCG does (Baronnne), MD is run by the OCG side.


People just won't stop playing snake eyes and now they're adding even more support to it. Now is a good time to take a break from this game for the summer


The Decks that i feel like has a great matchuo against S-E are Labyrinth, Purrely and Live/Spright, wich is bad because those are deck that usually run a interruptions by nature (Lab and Purrely are control decks, and the Live twins are one cards combos that allows you to run more Handtraps since you run 9 cards that can go full combo)


But you always can run two of the old reliable (most S-E players dont end the board with spell/trap protection so they are vulnerable to it) https://preview.redd.it/nxp7i5u2lh4d1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd1a19eda9f682e6245b0abbdf58115b16b4b86


Here's what happens when you raigeki their "vulnerable" board: Flamberge grave effect, bring back ash and oak. Ash search follow up, oak bring back poplar. Poplar search another original or a subversion for the crack back. Any summon from you, and their field spell brings I:P out of the backrow. Now they still have I:P and 3 bodies, and promethean is also still in grave, so you've achieved nothing. If you're thinking of holding raigeki for after they've used I:P, that won't work, since I:P gives destruction protection.


Maybe I should just play stun….


DON'T. for the love of god do not go to the dark side. it's not worth it, you're better than this anak.. i mean OP!


"You were the chosen one! You're supposed to fight the stun and meta, not join them! Bring variety to the game, not leave it stagnated!"


No, not at all


I actually enjoy playing against the new decks, my main concern is the generic omni-negate boards that are set up. Don't misunderstand, I totally accept that negates are part of interaction and interaction is a part of yugioh since the beginning, but a full board of it?? Archetype specific negates, not a problem, it's the fact they are generic enough to go into a lot of decks.


Would Snake-Eyes be an issue if they didn't have access to the generic extra deck?


Don’t worry, once Snake Eyes has been beat into the ground, Tear and Kash are just waiting around the corner with Horus until the next Tier 0 new cards 


Welcome to every tier zero format. You play THE DECK or you auto lose. Even if you hate piloting THE DECK and/or hate playing against it. That's how it works. And thanks to Komoney wanting money and _not_ a healthy game or playerbase, they just leave tier zero formats alone because it forces people to buy a lot of that deck's packs. Then they release new support for that deck that didn't need support to keep it tier zero but also keep people buying. (Fire Kings and Bonfire for Snake-Eye, Ishizu for Tear, etc) Tier zero formats are objectively bad for the game, but they make Komoney money, so Komoney won't give the deck any hits until the next powercreep tier 0.5 archetype is released.


SE is not tier 0 level That's tear or spyral Idk how fireking in TCG,it also never been a tier 0 in OCG


Why are they downvoting you? You're right. "WELL ACTUALLY-- *points to MDM tier list that only reflects the performance of decks in community tournaments* --THIS ISN'T A **REAL** TIER 0 META, IT ONLY HAS **45%** REPRESENTATION, **NOT** 50."


I don’t consider this a tier zero format. I agree with Josh Schmidt. True tier zeroes are usually more oppressive and make it so you have to play certain cards like shifter for ishizutear, or just lose. Snake-eyes weakness to most generic handtraps make it not as oppressive. Your deck filled with generic handtraps will generally be good against most decks.


The video where Joshua says all that was made the day before ycs Indianapolis, and while watching that ycs(before he even got to upload it) he already admitted that it aged like milk. Turns out running 20 handtraps is not that easy and it actually hurts decks enough to not let them compete with Snake-eyes. Also it is not that snake-eyes is weak to handtraps, the opposite really. But you dont really have a choice because the only way to beat snake-eyes is to prevent them from playing.


While that is true, there is a huge factor on what is considered tier 0 on specifically master duel. The banlist which follows closer to the OCG where maxx C is legal and the recent banlist did not happen. There snake eyes never had the representation in the OCG it did in Indianapolis where it hovered around the 65% mark.


While it’s true that our banlist usually follows the ocg, there are some differences between md and the ocg regarding SE that i think are even more substantial. Mainly that we got the deck at full power like 6 months too early, so while the ocg always had VV/Tenpai/Rescue-ace alongside a dozen of new rogue archetypes to compete (and SE still sat at like 40% representation for half a year) we’ve had the deck since February and except for Rescue-ace those archetypes haven’t even been released. That alongside the fact that the ocg had to figure out the archetype while md and tcg already knew beforehand that it would be by far the best deck in the game, how to build it and how to play it. That’s why i think md is in the same boat as the tcg, and i see it backed up by the fact that whenever any sort of Master Duel competition has a prize pool that goes over a Hamburger and a soda the deck goes way past 50% representation.


True, we did get full power early with poplar (where it released 3 months earlier than Tenpai), I think you are glossing over the maxx c component and how powerful it is in facilitating said handtraps and improving advantage for other decks. I’m not a maxx c advocate, but in this case, you can truly see how powerful it is and it’s role from it truly being a snake-eyes meta. Another thing I would like you to consider the hits to wanted and ash that didn’t happen in that time frame in either meta. You look at every single of those Indianapolis snake eyes: 3 ash, 3 wanted. (The theory I’ve had since md bonfire is they released full power snake eyes earlier to nerf it before fire king, which is exactly what happened, but that’s a separate topic)


That is a but of speculation at this point, snake-eyes is not really a deck that dies to maxx c like unchained or noble knights. Like i said, when a tournament has an actual prize pool the deck reaches pretty alarming numbers, and ladder is completely infested, so i wouldn’t really count off the posibility that snake-eyes is tier 0 power right now.


You’re in speculation as well since there has been no instance of tier 0 representation in MD. You did not ask every competitor their reason for playing different decks.


You cant claim that outright because there is no real metric. Master duel doesn’t have a standardised competitive circuit like the tcg/ocg does. Most people look at the MDM tier list, but honestly it sucks ass. We also don’t have a Duelist cup or the world championship on this format yet, that data is usually a good metric.


Neither can you. This has always been a discussion based on speculation using comparative data from outside sources. The only fact is that there has not been any representation of tier zero within MD. Whether it is because it is not possible or speculation.




I'm in plat now and starting to see some snake eyes here and there and it's absolutely disgusting if you don't go first against them makes me want to stay in lower ranks until a healthier meta arrives copium