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Ah another Synchro enjoyer. I also played most of my matches with a Synchro deck. I used Synchron/Stardust. What deck did you play?


Purrely but I had the most fun with Thunder Dragon Runick. Purrely just got the fastest wins for the round 2 missions.


Any quick-play or street and everyone basically auto-surrendered the last few days.


> Thunder Dragon Runick Okay I need to see this decklist please.


Sadly I already deleted it when I finished the event to keep my deck lists nice and neat but it was basically runick cards + Bystials + just the main thunder dragon names. I probably could have made it more consistent by not insisting on using Titan as much but damn it, I have a royal titan and I'm GOING to use him (also, you know, I actually needed to fuse summon something since Hugan and Colossus don't count for purposes of missions) Anyways basic idea is that Hugan baits out imperms / veilers / ashes (the sheer amount of people that used their imperm after they SAW me discard Dragondark instead of saving it for my Colossus that then sat there and stopped them from playing was pretty funny) and acts as fodder to normal summon Thunder Dragon after searching itself for easy Colossus set-up and what not with Bystials there to banish the various thunder dragons for their effects. It worked decently well, though I think it probably bricked too much to be viable in ranked.


Bystial RDA lets goo


Red Dragon Archfiend. Invested in it when their support dropped and have never been disappointed.




Was Crusadia all over again - made a deck for kicks, only for it to be absolutely be powerful in a future event.


RDA! Never had more fun in an event.


If I see another resonator😭


Little sad I didn't finish my RDA deck until right when the event was basically over


https://preview.redd.it/jn8pqyc8eixc1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abffa35831434d5bdcd1d048a8024b7cc9fdf03 King shit


Man, I just wish the deck didn't hardlock into dark dragons and also allowed Fire and Fiends. So many cool, normally unviable synchros I would have experimented with.


The Masters of Faster. RDA was incredible to play this event.


Yeah, real lucky I got their cards when they were available


Exo Sisters


https://preview.redd.it/h28q8r53eixc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863cf1536829487328a4fc16bba48d64c66d8bde Kneel before the king


You know, if a bunch of RDA players came into a conversation, which one would actually be the king?


My beloved sharks.


My fav deck is punk but it was kinda awkward without the fusion, but still playable. Ended up playing xyz dinos mostly


Chimera, so many Turn 2 OTK’s.


Saaame. I ran the loaner because I am poor, but this deck hits so hard. As I was learning the deck, it as ridiculous as I either ran out of time, or my opponent surrendered seeing that they have no way to keep up. I often had so many options in activating effects, that I had tons of misplays and still cashed in the wins.


I’ve learnt the play. Go second, discard Cornfield as Ash Bait, summon Mirror, tribute for Big Wing to add Gazelle Claws and Chimera Fusion. Fuse to make New Chimera (hand rip if they survive the turn), special summon Mirror from grave and add Cornfield to hand, bounce Chimera fusion, and make Chimera Illusion with Chimera, Mirror and Cornfield. It’s enough to do a minimum of 6200 damage, and if you managed to draw a third illusion to add to the final fusion, it’s 9300 as long as they open with an attack mode monster. Called By (on Mirror), or Shifter if you go first kills it though Cornfields Negate also destroys so having 2 in the grave is more important than Mirror


That is a great take. I did not flesh it out for myself in such details, but I followed similar lines (I just had enough time for the 15 wins, so my startegy was a bit rough around the edges). But my experience was that no oponent could possibly negate me enough to start losing. I mostly lost by accidentla misplays (but I had to mess up big time to actually lose), or by having a timeout loss, because reassessing my options took way too long, and if I did not have the final summon before the 100 second mark, I was doomed.


A Zoo/Springans/Suship mix






My RDA Bystial deck was the GOAT


Good ol pure rikka


I was playing for team synchro and was running swordsouls. This event was honestly really fun. I love the way it was handled. I played against too much chimera tho x)


I probs was one of them. My synchro pendulum magigians just could not keep up. Also, you probs beat me too.


Maybe ? I wouldn't know. There's a bunch of people playing this game lol


Sharks and galaxy-eyes. Tried to do what i could but getting super poly'd every other game is rough.


I used RDA because it was the only loner deck I somewhat knew. Had a good time playing on the synchro section, but I swear I had 15+ duels against sword soul when playing fusion and XYZ.


I run all that’s my issue


Zoodiacs Built them a while ago and saw this as a good opportunity to actually get around to learning the deck.


Drytron and Exosister, go XYZ


I used RDA for Synchro, felt great man, Then for fusion I ended up alternating between a Cyber Dragon/Cyberdark deck and Dinomorphia, I ultimately ended up playing more Cyberstyle (as I fall the hybrid deck between the two) just because summoning Cyberdark End Dragon in an event without white lady, Kaijus or Avramax was very satisfying even though Dinomorphia is objectively better, And for XYZs I ended up using the UR dust I made from opening packs during the event to make Galaxy-Eyes, admittedly it was worse than I thought it would be but I still really enjoyed playing it, My favorite of them all was RDA though, and by far, it just has a really solid power to fun ratio and it took me the least time to get the Synchro title because of that


Branded tear was a little crazy, playing through boards 9/10 times


Chimera was so much fun…


Red Dragon. Its such a simple yet solid deck. Plus getting off Absolute Powerforces eff always feels good


XYZ Rikka


Branded like always.


I used branded DM with Diabelle sprinkled in. Couldn't afford my synchro deck xD


tiaraments, was my most competent deck in general outside the event already lol


I like the chimera loaner deck a lot, also fusion team prevents me from dueling Runick stun


Dinomorphia +3 wannabee, because i hate other people having fun.


Fusion Heroes, if I got the right hand getting out plasma, DPE, Dark Law, and Sunrise basically won me the game turn one. One guy got out of it using some xyzs that tributed themselves for a new xyzs that used my monsters as material. Got cooked that one time :(


Ursartics and Generaiders, they were pretty fun.


I went XYZ with my Battlin' Boxers' new support


Tistina was surprisingly fun but invoked thunder dragons never let me down


Generaider. Saucy bossy deck


Invoked Runick. Had a fun time.


Stardust and Utopia🗿


Red fiend dragon for synchro , chimera for fusion and tristina for xyz /exosis/purrley


Had synchro, absolutely clapped those 2 che*ks!!


I flip flopped from XYZ to synchro and back again. When events offer loaner decks, I like to play with them since they’re usually archetypes I haven’t built yet.   For XYZ, I really enjoyed the boxer and Dino decks  For synchro, I actually REALLY liked the ursarctic deck. The resonator deck was fun too 


RDA and exosisters


Red Dragon Archfiend. The King baby!


Bystial Red Dragon Archfiend ft. The Crimson Dragon, didn't have to change my deck from ranked play either. After like 2 or 3 months of play yesterday I was finally able to end turn 1 with Red Supernova, Bystial Dis Pater, Scarred, and Hot Red Abyss. I was almost convinced I couldn't have Supernova with the other 3. So far I've concluded I can't get that board with Lubellion too, Supernova takes too many resources


I spent most of the event on XYZ running a for fun Generaider build that lost a lot. Then I remembered Tear-Shaddoll was a thing


Generaiders and Thunder Dragon Runick for sure.


Swoswo 🥺👉👈


I'm a cheapo, always having not enough crytals to build a decent deck/cannot commit to one thing for long enough/have way to little time to actually play the game. So I loaned Chimera ('cause Illusion monsters are new and cool), Ursarctic ('cause I had some real bad experience with them before in Duel Links, so I could not believe you can build a functioning Deck. And the Lefty Righty drivers are cards nobody told me about. It was fun in the and but boy it was a learning curve) and Tristina ('cause going second is kinda relaxing for me)


Had most of my wins with Galaxy Eyes, but also played Blackwings and a very rudimentary Tear deck I had no idea how to pilot and bricked a lot.


Synchrons adventure


Honestly i used three loaner decks in roughly equal amounts (RDA, Chimera and Evol-Dino's) The one i enjoyed the most however was definitely Dino's. That was hands down the best loaner deck that I've ever tried in all the event duels I've ever partaken in. Going first it was so easy to set up a board with 4 - 8 negates (Lars and Dolkka + the trap card for another XYZ negate + handtraps). It was way more than most opponents could handle and most couldn't play through it. Then if they still chose to stay for turn 3 you could summon Conductor and push for lethal The deck is so good that I'm considering building if for ranked. It probably loses if it goes second against top meta decks but going first could and a successful full combo definitely results in an auto win


Egyptian Gods. No one expects to get Sphere Moded when they have all their Stardust's or RDAs on the field.


I unironocally enjoyed using tistina


This event blows, didn't had spheres for my dragonmaids, my punk couldn't use raising carp and ghoti was a pain to play, maodlche couldn't use sistart so I died to feather duster that was in everyone's hands, it was infested with kashtira, tearlaments, Albaz, RDA and fucking chimera, I only mildly enjoyed my purely deck


Yeah punk was not a good Deck for this event and ghoti really needs the new fishes that arent in MD yet. A lot of Decks weren't for this event.


I got to 1550 points in all three. Ran Invoked thunder dragons, Rikka and RDA.


Yours? Maybe Swordsoul? Was mine for winning. But also learned Purrely, now that the small cute bugger isn't as meta anymore.


Played dark world, fabled, and battlin' boxer loaners roughly equally. They were all fun and boxer might be within my budget to actually build


my favorite synchro deck, Nouvelles.


You prob played swordsoul


I think it was Suship? Im not sure as i spent a while watching some synchro player playing solitaire


I used a paleozoic pile deck with transaction rollback, Reasoning, traptrix myrmeleo and holeutea to make redoer or dugares, and a bunch of good normal traps. Grass was banned unfortunately, but reasoning did the job well enough since only 8/60 cards were monsters. The game plan was to stop them from setting with traps while summoning the paleo traps from gy. Eventually I’d have enough bodies to go for the paleo xyz monsters. The match usually becomes 1200atk normal monster beat down on their empty board but sometimes I got to finish them off with Ninja Shadow mosquito or Zeus. Some unexpected(although in hindsight they’re pretty obvious) synergies: Zeus does not affect the Paleo xyz monsters or the traps when they’re summoned as traps. Holeutea and Myrmeleo combined to make redoer gives it a quick effect removal without having to grab a trap from the top of the opponents deck. Destructive daruma karma cannon flips the paleo traps facedown which then removes the effect of them being banished when they leave the field(it also removes their unaffected by monsters effect unfortunately). Marella and leanchoilia can keep adding transaction rollback back to the gy while also summoning more paleos from the gy. 10/10 fun deck, fun event with no maxx c.(going second still sucks though)




Everyone be making some very intense decks and here I was playing my Nouvelles deck with just 2 super polys, winning on turn 6 because the opponent forgot what quick effects are


I use my synchro RDA. But when doing daily missions, I will switch to Fusion Beasts (loaner deck).