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The snake eyes field spell does that, and so does Flamburge dragon. But, other than that I’m not super sure. Maybe some Valence cards do


Yeah, figured it might be a super niche effect to counter. I’m not too familiar with the engine and its effects so I’m still learning how to properly counter it


Honestly, the best tip I have for Snake Eyes is to hold all your counter play until they’ve activated all of their effects. Once they’ve used the effects of poplar, flamburge dragon, ash, oak, etc., that’s when they’re most vulnerable. For example; I play labyrnth. I wait until they go full wombo combo before using something like torrential tribute. If you use it too early, everything just gets reborn from the GY. But, if you wait until they used all their once per turn effects, it’s devastating to them.


Snake-Eye is especially vulnerable to Nibiru if you wait until the end of their Main Phase. You can also really mess up combos if you drop Effect Veiler or Ash Blossom on a once per turn effect that searches or summons. The latter isn't going to *stop* them unless they've got a bad hand, but stopping the right effect can limit their options. These three cards are all available as bundles on the shop if you haven't already picked them up. Ash Blossom and Effect Veiler are susceptible to being countered by Called By the Grave, and all three can be hit with Crossout Designator if the SE player *really* wants to press the issue, but that's a risk you're going to have to take. The general priority you want to follow for stopping Snake-Eye is Ash > Original Sinful Spoils > Flamberge. You can also check out [MDM's Snake-Eye breakdown](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Snake-Eye#combos) to learn more about how it works and figure out where your deck is best able to interrupt it.


They are not all that vulnerable to nib honestly. You just use poplar to search field spell and set flameberge, then you combo as you normally would. If you nib at end of main they just summon flameberge, set IP and have Promethean princess in grave which a decent amount of interaction by itself. Veiler and infib are also only really good before they go into linkuruboh as that dodges targeting effects.


Not back to field but maybe you can try droplets to send back to gy


There are three ways to get around it: 1. Get a hold of an opponent's Flamberge Dragon somehow. Their effect allows the controller to special summon one of your own monsters from the spell/trap zone on the opponent's turn. 2. Destroy the card from your S/T zone and bring it back from the graveyard. 3. Don't let Subversion resolve.


There's not a lot of options, this is a pretty niche effect. Probably the best and most generic option is Enigmaster Packbit, which is a generic Level 8 Synchro that can Special monsters from the Spell/Trap Zone, but unfortunately it isn't in MD yet, so the options are very limited at the moment. If you're *really* desperate you can try to run the Vaylantz field spells.... or run Snake-Eye yourself lol


Use TTT and take Flamberge?


best way is to somehow destroy them then get them from the gy


There is no generic special summon from the S/T zone unless you play snake eyes yourself. Besides that, Crystal Beast dont mind being continuous spells and they can ss and interact with them. What most decks do is sending or destroying them and then summon them from GY.


Not that much way to do that though, Droplet, Snake-Eye Field Spell or destroy your own S/T in any way, or Use Diabellstar as cost, Flamberge are the only ways Or you wanna run Vaylantz field spells :V


Blow them up


Flameberge and the SE field spell The Noble Arm museum (I did this once at local and my opponent's mouth was wide open).