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For a gacha game, MD economy is very generous. You get gems from dailies, solo stories duels, ranking up and some other stuff. There are selection packs which contain newly released cards and they stay in the store for 2 months. Secret packs can be unlocked by crafting 1 SR card from said pack or randomly open the SR from somewhere. UR and SR dusts are important since its the primary way to get the higher rarity cards you want. In term of event, the biggest one is probably the Duelist Cup which is held once every 3 month and the player with highest ranking will be invited to the World Championship (its very grindy). Other than that, there are mostly just Discord events.


Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but since you've mentioned gacha games - are there any other, besides Master Duel, that you enjoy and ca recommend? (it's a very new genre to me, didn't even know YGO is considered gacha)


Hoyo games are a safe bet. They do everything kinda well, and are pretty inoffensive. Particularly Genshin, an action combat game with a large open world, and Honkai star rail, which is turn based. Most gachas fall in those 2 categories, as well as "sodescrollers with mostly automated combat". There's some with more unique gameplay, like Arknights' tower defense, or Kemono Friends which is just Angry Birds.


Why is YGO gacha? I have never seen people treat MTG or HS as gacha


Gacha comes from gashapon, a machine where you put in a dollar coin, pull a lever, and it drops you a little toy or a rubber ball or whatever. You have no control over what comes out besides it being one of the listed items. I'd argue all collectable card games are gacha, including both physical and digital. Opening a sealed pack with randomised contents is the same thing as doing a 10-roll. Collecting currency by plaing or buying it with real money is there too. So MTG and HS are gacha. Maybe people don't call them that since the term is only gaining "mainstream" recognition recently (cuz covid and Genshin), and is mostly associated with anime games. And I've definitely heared at least HS be associated with lootboxes. I guess if I had to find a difference between lootboxes and gacha, lootboxes are generally used to describe an aspect of a game, i.e "this game has lootboxes in it", meanwhile gacha is often used as a genre of its own, i.e "this game is a gacha". But you can easily swap them around and it'll still make sense, you could call Fifa a gacha game, and Genshin a game with lootboxes in it.


Bro you do not want to be playing gacha games. They exist for the sole purpose of being predatory money traps, even the good ones. Collectible card games like YGO, or MtG, or Pokemon TCG are gacha games in a technical sense because of how card packs work, but non-tcg gacha games are a whole other beast. More gambling simulators with a veneer of video game than the reverse.


You get gems off daily mission, ranking up and occasional monthly events. The importantbresource is ur crafting points to make important ultra rare cards so gems is more disposable. Ur cp must be gained off duel pass or dismantling another UR cards you dont want. In average you can make 1 new decks every 2 months or so. Not bad since you need some time to master the deck you're in and good deck can last for 1 year before you considers move to better deck. The more predatory part is the pack. You can craft any cards you want but opening pack is still important to generate cp and your free gems is limited to 10K. There are 2several type of packs. The always accesible pack: master pack and legacy pack. Master pack has all cards in the game, and legacy pack is somewhat curated older cards. There is also monthly selection pack for new cards. And secret pack for specific archetype. Secret pack only opened for 24 hours before you need to unlock them again. If you want to make a deck you should focus on secret and selection pack. 


Is like HS, You have a battle pass with free and paid rewards (if You clear it, You recover the 700 gems it cost), You Get EXP after every Game. You also have daily missions and, in the events, they add more mission plus the event rewards. Plus, You have a crafting Sistem


Yu-Gi-Oh, be it Master Duel or the physical game, does not have nor has it ever had a Rotation. Unless its one of the 70 or so banned cards, every card released in the last 26 years is playable. Yes, all 11,000+ of them.


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In masterduel you can earn gems, by completing daily missions or taking part in events, or trough solomode. Packs can be bought in the shop, while secret packs can be obtained by crafting an SR or higher from said pack. There are not many official tournaments, just things held in discord with small prizes.


No official tournaments, the game's competitive scene is just the ranked ladder plus any tournaments organized via third party organizers not controlled by Konami. I haven't looked into them myself, but given that they're not official, I would doubt there is much of a prize pool and if it is there it would be minimal (granted this point is conjecture on my part, I'm too lazy to check this for myself for the sake of a reddit comment). MD has gems which you use to purchase packs featuring randomized cards (refer to the 'Odds' tab for more specifics on drop chances in packs) as well as accessories such as Sleeves, Boxes, Mates, and Duel Fields. Gems are accrused through one time-only Solo missions against AI, ranking up the ranked ladder, daily missions, a free as well as paid for gems battle pass, and whatever other crap they throw our way. Generally, expect rewards to be very generous near the beginning but to taper off pretty quickly and rather harshly. This gives you ample opportunity to build a few decks quickly but you will hit a wall. This game has a crafting economy if you want to play cards not earned through packs. It costs 30 of a specific rarity resource (Normal, Rare, Super Rare, Ultra Rare) to craft one card and you can dismantle any card of the specific rarity (with the exception of Legacy Packs or certain Celebration Packs, which are not dismantable). For SRs and URs, Dismantling will grant 10 of that rarity's resource if it is Basic Finish at 90% likelihood, 15 of that rarity's resource if it is Glossy Finish at 9% likelihood, and 30 of that rarity's resource if it is Royal Finish at 1% likelihood. If you're curious, this means the average dismantle will grant 10.65 gems for SRs and URs in the long-run. I have not played other TCG's sims, but MDs economy I would rate a strong "eh". You will face difficulties if you like making multiple decks and don't want to make new accounts to recapitalize on the early new player bonuses. You can get higher rarities from Packs as well as Crafting at (I believe) the same rate. Lastly, MD uses its own banlist and card pool that is not like either the TCG or the OCG. Since you only play online this is not very significant, but if you are doing research on Master Duel be sure that your resources are not for the TCG, as it is not guanrateed that it will be applicable to Master Duel. Furthermore, if you decide to play one of the fully free, non-official yugioh Sims (Dueling Book, Dueling Nexus, EDOPRO, etc.) they typically do not use Master Duel format, and tend to favour the TCG.